Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 11 Art Is Explosion

Chapter 11: Art is an Explosion


With a loud explosion, the birds and beasts in the densely covered forest scattered, and the once silent Elixir Peak behind the mountain became lively.

"Who the hell threw the Explosive Pill?! It scared me so much that I shook and ruined a batch of materials!"

"No way, this highly flammable and explosive pill is strictly prohibited from being refined within the sect. If it's discovered, there will be severe consequences!"


Numerous disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect gathered in front of a certain alchemy room, whispering to each other. Suddenly, one of them exclaimed in surprise.

"Isn't this Chu Ming's alchemy room?"

"That sixteen-year-old Third Grade alchemist? Truly a genius, refining pills is as dangerous as transcending tribulations!"

At this moment, a supervisor from Elixir Peak rushed over and dispersed the crowd who were spectating, quickly kicking open Chu Ming's alchemy room.

"What happened?"

With a loud roar, thick black smoke billowed out.

The supervisor furrowed his brows and waved his sleeve to disperse the smoke. He then saw Chu Ming, covered in black ash, standing in the center of the room, staring blankly at the pill in his hand.

Upon hearing the question, Chu Ming seemed to snap out of his dazed state and turned his head, smiling shyly.

"Supervisor Chen, you're here? Hehe, it's nothing major. I just didn't control the heat properly while refining the pill, and the furnace exploded..."


Glancing at the debris on the ground, Supervisor Chen surveyed the surroundings and noticed that the walls inside the room were blackened and covered in various scratches, creating a mess.

If it weren't for the special construction materials of this alchemy room, the explosion just now would have already collapsed the entire building.

"As long as you're fine, just be more careful next time."

After giving a few more instructions, Supervisor Chen silently estimated the cost, took out pen and paper, and wrote something before tearing it off and handing it to Chu Ming.

"This is the cost for repairing the alchemy room. Remember to come to the Sacred Alchemy Hall within three days to pay with spirit stones. Someone will help you fix it then."

"I have to pay?"

Seeing Chu Ming's surprised expression, Supervisor Chen remained calm, seemingly unfazed by this situation.

"The alchemy room belongs to the sect's assets, so it naturally needs compensation for damages."

"Of course, you can choose not to pay and continue using this dilapidated alchemy room for pill refining. But let me remind you, once the house collapses, the cost of rebuilding will be much higher than the repair cost."

"No, no, I've already exploded once, how could it possibly explode a second time?"

Chu Ming confidently made a promise, and Supervisor Chen, seeing this, didn't say anything more. He took back the note, lightly patted Chu Ming's shoulder, and said,

"Little Chu, we've known each other for a long time. Let me give you a piece of life advice."

"To do a good job, you must first have good tools. With your talent in alchemy, it's a waste to not have a top-quality furnace!"

"It's quite a coincidence, but my relative happens to be at Hundred Refinements Peak. A Rank Three furnace can be purchased for only 800 Low Grade spirit stones, and I guarantee its authenticity... Hey, hey, why are you pushing me?"

"Thank you for your kind offer, Supervisor Chen. You can go and attend to your duties first. I will consider it."

Chu Ming smiled and ushered Supervisor Chen out of the alchemy room. Then, he took a deep breath, disregarding the mess in the room, and quickly spread out his right palm, gazing at the True Child Pill lying quietly in his hand.

It was transparent and amber-colored, with black lines outlining a continuous martial technique posture on its surface. Four pill patterns resembled the body of a dragon, emitting astonishing spiritual fluctuations.

"Why are there four pill patterns?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel puzzled. He lightly pinched it with his hands and found that it was as hard as a full and round pearl. Moreover, he could sense an inexplicable connection to it.

It seemed that because of the existence of his soul, he could transmit a trace of his own thoughts to it.

Chu Ming released his divine sense and tried to command the True Child Pill, "Show me what you can do."

After all, this pill was an experimental product, and he didn't dare to consume it easily.

Besides, it was so hard that he was afraid it would break if he bit it.

After a while, a faint yellow glow rippled on the surface of the pill, and a loud shout suddenly resounded.

Following that, a strong spiritual power began to diffuse from within, slowly condensing in the air and transforming into a familiar figure.

"This is..."

Chu Ming widened his eyes in astonishment. He saw the figure performing a seamless Wing Chun routine, and finally ended with a standard fist salute.

"So cool!"

Chu Ming couldn't help but applaud.

Perhaps sensing his inner praise, the figure seemed somewhat proud and immediately demonstrated an impressive leg technique, accompanied by powerful bursts of sound.

This skill, this level of spiritual power, is at least comparable to a Qi Refining cultivator at the seventh or eighth level!

It seems that I have gained another life-saving card.

A wide smile appeared on Chu Ming's face, but as the figure excitedly kicked the wall with their final move, his smile gradually froze.



The loud sound of collapse made the previously quiet Elixir Peak behind the mountain lively again.

"Who the hell threw an explosive pill again? I've wasted two... Oh, why did that building collapse?"

"The alchemy room collapsed? Is that true or false? Isn't it supposed to withstand the full force of a Qi Refining Eighth Layer cultivator?"

"They must have cut corners. Do they really think the spiritual stones given to us by the sect for improving the alchemy environment were used for that? They were probably taken by that elder..."


Seeing the Elixir Peak manager rushing over, everyone quickly pretended to be unaware and dispersed.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, and Chu Ming standing in the center, the manager Chen blew his mustache and glared, unable to help but roar.

"Chu Ming! Didn't you just guarantee it? I haven't even warmed up my seat and you've caused trouble again!"

"Uh... it was an accident, purely an accident!"

Chu Ming patted the dust off his body and scratched his head awkwardly.

"Well, Manager Chen, what should we do about this?"

"What should we do? Pay up!"

Manager Chen pointed his index finger, wearing an expression of cold indifference.

"Although I don't know how you, a Qi Refining Realm Third Layer cultivator, managed to collapse the alchemy room, you still have to compensate. Ten thousand pieces of Low Grade spiritual stones, not a single one less."

"Can I pay on credit?"

Thinking of his own destitute situation, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Manager Chen, I don't have that many spiritual stones on me at the moment. How about putting it on my master's account for now?"

"Your master?"

As if realizing something, Manager Chen shivered all over, his eyes filled with intense fear.

"Uh... alright, I'll apply for it with the higher-ups."

"Thank you, Manager Chen!"

Chu Ming expressed his gratitude with a fist salute, sighing as he watched Manager Chen's departing figure.

He hadn't even started making money yet, and he was already burdened with a debt of ten thousand spiritual stones.

"It's all your fault, you know that!?"

After expressing his indignation towards the True Child Pill in his hand, it seemed to sense Chu Ming's complaint and started to roll around in his palm, rubbing against it like a small cat, trying to please him.

This little thing is quite clever.

Feels almost like a Spirit Beast.

Amidst Chu Ming's astonishment, a strange idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

Since pills have combat power, maybe walking the path of pill cultivation is also a good choice in the future?

Thanks to reader with the last four digits of 6950 for the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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