Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

12. Chapter 12 Ming'er, Go Get The Teacher's Clothes.

Chapter 12: Ming'er, go fetch my clothes.

"Now I have to buy more pill formulas and see if I can simulate them to improve and create some unique pills of my own."

"But it's just these spirit stones..."

Just thinking about money, Chu Ming's face immediately became worried.

No money means not being able to buy good Divine Abilities and Law Weapons;

No Divine Abilities and Law Weapons means slow progress in strength and inability to protect oneself in dangerous situations.

So, money equals life!

"It seems like I need to make use of my advantage as a Fourth Grade alchemist and wholesale materials to refine pills for sale."

Chu Ming looked at his dirty appearance helplessly and sighed lightly, leaving Elixir Peak and returning to Floating Jade Peak, planning to take a bath before going to Five Valleys Peak to look at the pill materials.

However, as soon as he was about to push open the door, an inexplicable sense of danger flashed through his mind, making him shudder.


Chu Ming retreated a few steps with a vigilant expression, squinting his eyes, and took out a True Child Pill, throwing it into the gap of the door to investigate the situation inside.

After a while, when he sensed the message of "no one" from the True Child Pill in his mind, Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems like I was being overly suspicious.

"I might as well take a hot bath before going out."

Chu Ming pushed open the door wearily, but the next moment, scalding steam surged out.


Chu Ming quickly covered his mouth and nose, squinting his eyes as he looked ahead.

In the hazy mist, he could vaguely see a huge bathtub in the center of the room, which he didn't know when it appeared.

On the edge of the wooden board, besides a bath towel, there was also a pair of round and taut legs hanging down, and water droplets slid down the delicate jade feet from the reddened and tender skin.

In the bathtub, the pale and smooth half-circles intersected in the water, and the water droplets flowed down the intersecting lines, gathering at the deep and beautiful neck and collarbone, causing one's blood to surge.


Did I enter the wrong room?

Chu Ming quickly suppressed his romantic thoughts and exited the room, looking around in confusion, confirming that this was indeed his own room.

But something is not right!

This is my home, right?

But isn't it strange for someone to be taking a bath here?

Chu Ming subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and just as he was about to ask for the fairy's name, a soft and bone-chilling voice suddenly sounded, making him shudder.

"Ming'er? You're back."


Looking at the flushed face that was stuck to the cheeks due to water stains, Chu Ming suddenly lost all thoughts and quickly averted his gaze, bowing respectfully.

"Master, why are you here?"

"I came to visit you."

Wu Zuirao smiled coquettishly, and a soft breath escaped her slightly parted red lips.

"Who knew I would accidentally find such a big bathtub in the room, so I used it privately. Ming'er, you don't mind, do you?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind!"

I just made a mental note about you, how could I care about such a small matter!

Chu Ming retreated to avoid suspicion.

"Then, Master, please enjoy your bath. I'll leave first."

"Come back~"

Wu Zuirao raised her tender right arm and waved it towards Chu Ming, then pointed lazily to the bed beside her.

"Go and fetch my clothes."


She could easily fetch her clothes with a wave of her hand, so why does she have to send me?

Chu Ming secretly grumbled, but he didn't dare to disobey his master's orders, so he reluctantly suppressed the heat in his heart and approached the bed.

Apart from the Wu Zuirao's frequently worn red butterfly robe, there was also a red hair ribbon, a green bellyband embroidered with lotus leaves and white lotus roots, a soft and silky silk undergarment, and black silk stockings.

Black stockings?

A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Ming's eyes.

In his impression, Wu Zuirao rarely wore stockings, always going bare-legged.

Why did she suddenly decide to wear them this time?

Chu Ming didn't think too much about it, quickly gathered these slightly warm and fragrant clothes in his arms, took a deep breath to calm his mind, and with slightly lowered eyelids, he came to the side of the bathtub.

"Master, here you go."


Suddenly, Wu Zuirao stood up abruptly from the wooden tub, and the scene in front of her seemed to flow down the mountain valley like a river.

She unabashedly took the other clothes, leaving only the stockings behind. Then, from somewhere unknown, she threw a token onto them and smiled seductively.

"This is the token for the library. With it, you can enter the second gate."

"Thank you, Master."

Chu Ming quickly lowered his head and put away the token, keeping his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart. His heart was pounding.

Wu Zuirao's sudden action caught him off guard. Although he lowered his head immediately, he still saw something he shouldn't have seen.

"Ming'er, are you hiding something from me?"

Looking at Chu Ming's nervous appearance, Wu Zuirao, who had put on her clothes, felt playful again. She floated slowly in front of him, lifted his chin with her fingertips, and forced him to meet her gaze. A hint of coquetry could be seen in her enchanting eyes.

"Why do you look so disheveled?"

"Ah, well..."

Chu Ming coughed awkwardly and told Wu Zuirao everything that happened during alchemy in great detail.

After all, with her status, it would be easy for her to find out these things, and there was no need for him to hide them.

"You destroyed the alchemy room?"

A flash of surprise passed through Wu Zuirao's eyes. The smile on her lips widened, and there was even a sense of pride.

"I didn't expect my Ming'er to be so capable!"

"Master, aren't you angry with me?"

Chu Ming suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed by the favor he was receiving.

"I've already recorded a debt of ten thousand low-grade spirit stones on your head. If I can't afford to pay, they will come after you..."

"Only ten thousand?"

Wu Zuirao disdainfully pursed her lips and casually wiped away the dirt on Chu Ming's face with her hand.

"Forget about ten thousand low-grade spirit stones, even if it's ten thousand middle-grade or high-grade spirit stones, I can afford it."

"Didn't I tell you? It's easy for me to support you."

Looking at Wu Zuirao's gentle gaze, Chu Ming felt touched.

Although he was somewhat suspicious of the reason why Wu Zuirao treated him so well because of his wariness towards this world, at least so far, she had never harmed him and had helped him in many ways.

As for the future, that would be left to the future Chu Ming to handle. He couldn't control it anyway.

For now, the most important thing was to tightly hold onto the rich woman's thigh in front of him!

"Master's kindness, disciple will never forget! When I have enough spirit stones, I will definitely repay you!"

Upon hearing Chu Ming's firm words, Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and laughed, and a sweet and fragrant scent filled the entire room.

"That won't be necessary. But when the time comes, can I ask you for a few favors, Ming'er?"

Help? Does she mean something like a massage?

After a moment of confusion, Chu Ming's face turned serious, and he spoke in a low voice.

"Master, rest assured, I will use all my knowledge and skills to serve you well!"


Wu Zuirao's eyes flickered, and she reached out to move down Chu Ming's neck, slowly pulling open his collar. Leaning forward, she whispered seductively in his ear.

"Ming'er, remember what you just said, don't go back on your words~ Your master is quite greedy~"

(End of this chapter)

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