Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

13. Chapter 13 Don’T Waste The Bath Water

Chapter 13: Don't Waste the Bathwater


Chu Ming trembled all over upon hearing those words, and the restlessness in his heart dissipated somewhat, replaced by a slight chill.

He had thought that no one could control the word "seductive," but when he saw Wu Zuirao's teasing expression as she lightly licked her plump lips and her eyes gleamed with mischief, Chu Ming knew that he was wrong, terribly wrong.

As the saying goes, a woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty.

His master must be several hundred years old at the very least, and it was likely that even the slightest hint of desire would wither him like an autumn tree.

"Ming'er, your expression is so adorable."

Seeing Chu Ming stunned and speechless for a long time, Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and chuckled lightly. She had no intention of continuing to tease him and slowly walked away, swaying her waist.

"I'll give you that pair of silk stockings. Enjoy them while thinking of your master's face~"

"Oh, by the way, I soaked a packet of 'Hundred Flowers Concentration Powder' in the wooden tub. It's very beneficial for cultivation, so you must cherish it and not waste it."


In the time it took for Chu Ming to be slightly stunned, Wu Zuirao disappeared without a trace.

He looked at the silk stockings in his hand and then glanced into the wooden tub.

The water was clear and transparent, with a few scattered bright red flower petals floating on the surface, emitting a faint fragrance.


Could it be that my master wants me to drink...

No, that's impossible, absolutely impossible!

It must be for soaking!

But mentally, Chu Ming found it difficult to accept the idea of bathing in water that someone else had soaked in. However, upon hearing the name "Hundred Flowers Concentration Powder," his heart wavered slightly.

After all, Seventh Grade Spirit Medicine, which could enhance cultivation, was almost impossible to find in the outer sect of the Heavenly Evolution Sect. It was simply unavailable for purchase.

But for his master, who was a master alchemist, making a packet of it was not difficult.

"Forget it, as long as it can enhance my strength, I can endure this bit of discomfort!"

Chu Ming quickly threw his clothes onto the bed, then turned and plunged into the wooden tub, lying on the edge and taking a deep breath.

The warm bathwater gradually enveloped his body, as if resonating with the spiritual energy within him, automatically activating the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture and increasing in speed.


Chu Ming took a cold breath and wiped away the dirt from his body. Then he quickly sat cross-legged in the wooden tub, closed his eyes, and focused his mind.

After a few sticks of incense, Chu Ming took a deep breath and slowly exhaled black impurities, then opened his bright eyes.

"I've made progress again. I just reached the Qi Refining Fourth Layer yesterday, and today I've already stabilized my realm."

"Could it be that I'm actually a genius?"

Chu Ming smiled proudly. After a brief blank, his mind involuntarily began to wander.

Bathing in the same tub as his master, does that mean they are bathing together?

Wouldn't that cause a storm in the tub...

He picked up the black silk hanging nearby, his mind filled with excitement.

[Do you want to simulate the "silk stockings"?]


[Since your birth, you have always been hidden deep in the wardrobe, until one day, after a dizzying whirl, you fell into Wu Zuirao's hands.]

[Late at night, Wu Zuirao broke into Chu Ming's room and used you to tightly bind his hands to the headboard...]

[The next morning, Wu Zuirao discarded you, and the simulation ends.]

[As the "silk stockings" are your personal item, you can only choose one reward.]

[Currently available entry: "Thousand Transformations Softness (Orange)": Makes the material extremely soft and tough, greatly increasing defense, and can change appearance according to the host's wishes.]


Chu Ming was filled with question marks, not because he was confused about the usefulness of this term, but because he was surprised that this pair of stockings belonged to him.

Wasn't this a gift from his master?

How did it become his own thing?

Could it be that this is a new pair that she hasn't worn before?

After pondering for a moment, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

He thought he could gain some of his master's cultivation and attributes through these stockings, but it turned out to be all for naught.

"But adding terms to stockings is useless! I don't wear them anyway."

Chu Ming rubbed the stockings in his hand and suddenly his eyes lit up.

If he couldn't wear them himself, he could give them to his senior sister!


Chu Ming tried to transmit his thoughts to the stockings using his divine sense, and as the term stated, they really started to tremble and ripple like waves.

It really works?!

After a brief moment of astonishment, strange and evil thoughts involuntarily surfaced in Chu Ming's mind.

If his senior sister wore these stockings normally, he could control her just like earlier, wouldn't that be...

"Tsk, I really am a pervert!"

He quickly shook his head and pinched his own cheek, took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and cursed inwardly.

He was such a pure and kind-hearted young man, but he was being corrupted by this improper simulation system one after another!

"The most important thing now is to find a solution to the Natural Charm Body."

Chu Ming climbed out of the bathtub, dried himself off, threw his dirty clothes into the basket, and then searched for new clothes from the cabinet to put on.

However, while looking for his underwear, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be missing one.

Wait, there were four in total, how come there are only three left?

Because of the desolate walls, Chu Ming had a fresh memory of his belongings, so he looked puzzled and turned the wardrobe upside down, but still couldn't find it.

"This is really strange."

Chu Ming scratched his head, then stopped caring about these trivial matters, changed into a white outfit, and left the room.

The Heavenly Evolution Sect was located among the mountains, and the outer sect's library was located at the foot of the towering main peak, a huge tower built against the mountain.

Its hierarchical structure was clear, the ink-black exterior engraved with the portraits of the past outer sect masters of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, exuding a strong sense of ancient and solemn immortal style. Coupled with the lingering pale white spiritual mist, it added a touch of mystery.


Looking at the magnificent building in front of him that couldn't be seen to the top, Chu Ming couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, feeling a solemn reverence in his heart.

This is the legendary library?

It has a taste of immortal cultivation!

"Hello, steward. This is my token."

Arriving at the entrance of the main hall on the first floor, Chu Ming respectfully handed over his library token to the old man with white beard lying on a rocking chair beside him, feeling extremely nervous.

According to the development in the classics, this mysterious old man who guards the library and is relatively unknown must be a big figure in the sect!

He might even be the never-seen-before elder of the inner sect!


The old man only glanced at the token, a hint of curiosity appearing in his murky yellow eyes, and after sizing up Chu Ming, he waved his hand.

"You can only go to the second floor, go ahead."

"Thank you."

Chu Ming quickly saluted with clasped hands, put away the token, and walked towards the interior of the library, while the old man kept watching his back, his mouth seemingly smiling but not smiling.

"A male half-fox demon? Interesting. Wu Zuirao, now I've repaid the favor I owed you."

(End of this chapter)

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