Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 14 Joyous Union Heart Sutra

Chapter 14: Joyous Union Heart Sutra


As Chu Ming arrived at the depths of the first floor of the library, he couldn't remember how many times he had been amazed like this.

Although he had often gone to the library to enjoy the air conditioning in his previous life, this grand and solemn scene was the first time he had seen it.

The dome was filled with thick spiritual mist, and the wooden bookshelves, full of the fragrance of sandalwood, extended to the end of his sight. Many outer disciples shuttled among them, creating a quiet and serene atmosphere. The ancient and elegant charm was overwhelming.

"Lei Qing Sword Technique, Fan Soul Qin Score... Ten Thousand Wood Growth Decision?! Isn't this a farming spell?"

Chu Ming's interest was piqued by the dazzling array of Divine Abilities and martial arts on the wooden shelves. He eagerly picked up a scroll to read, only to find that besides the title, the content inside was blank.

"Is there a restriction?"

Disappointed, Chu Ming put it back.

In order to prevent the leakage of martial arts and Divine Abilities, the sect had set up spatial restrictions on them. They could only be viewed and taken out of the library by using a token to lift the restrictions. And half a month later, these martial arts would automatically tear through space and return, making it extremely convenient.

"Never mind, I didn't come here to learn martial arts."

Following the markings engraved on the wooden shelves, Chu Ming finally found his target in a corner.

"The Chronicles of Strange Beings in the Nine Provinces."

It was an extremely heavy ancient book that briefly recorded countless strange and evil things within the Nine Provinces, which disciples were free to consult.

"Fox demons, fox demons... Found it!"

Chu Ming boldly sat on the ground, placing the book on his lap and carefully studying it.

"Fox demons, one of the monsters that seizes the 'desire' aspect of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, enhances cultivation and lifespan by forcibly plundering the essence of the opposite sex. Those who are sucked dry usually have a shortened lifespan or die from kidney deficiency."

"Due to the stunning appearance of their female members and their excellent Yin-Yang Furnace, they are hated and persecuted by people. Currently, the entire clan has gone into hiding, with only a few members appearing in the northern region."

"Characteristics: Natural Charm Body (a special physique that controls the opposite sex's spirit by absorbing their cultivation through intercourse, usually on the verge of desire when it erupts, generally no effective countermeasure or eradication method, if relieved through self-abuse or forcibly suppressed by external means, it will only lead to a more intense eruption next time, can only be alleviated by harmonizing with the opposite sex who also possesses Natural Charm Body)."


Chu Ming closed the ancient book, his brow furrowed.

There was actually no effective countermeasure for the Natural Charm Body, and relieving it through release would only make it erupt more intensely?

No wonder An Muxi's situation was much more severe than his own. It seemed that she had suppressed it for too long with the Iceheart Pill.

"But should I tell her about this information?"

After some contemplation, Chu Ming's expression suddenly became extremely exciting.

"It can only be alleviated by harmonizing with the opposite sex who also possesses Natural Charm Body..."

Doesn't that mean he has to do that kind of thing with her?!

"I can sacrifice myself, but as for Senior Sister..."

Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh a few times. Holding the ancient book with a serious expression, he went to the second floor of the library.

He thought that the second floor, which only elders could enter, should have a solution to the Natural Charm Body. However, upon entering, he discovered that it didn't resemble a library at all. It was more like a tea-tasting pavilion, with a fresh and elegant atmosphere.

Each wooden sliding door was engraved with the names of the outer sect elders, and the area outside was filled with lush bamboo and flowers. Between the bamboo fences and thatched cottages, there was a certain charm. Occasionally, pale white spiritual mist, wrapped around the martial arts, would slowly drift by.

Curiously, Chu Ming lightly tapped with his finger, but it had no effect. Even if he forcefully grabbed a handful, he could only watch it dissipate into nothingness and then condense in the distance.

Could it be that he couldn't view it because his cultivation was not enough?

After wandering around the entire second floor, even in the freely accessible ancient books, Chu Ming did not find anything related to fox demons or the Natural Charm Body.

"Can I only go to the inner sect's library to consult...?"

Just as Chu Ming was lost in thought, two pink spiritual mists suddenly floated towards him. After a slight tremor in front of his eyes, they burst with a "bang" like bubbles.


Subconsciously, Chu Ming reached out and took the small booklet inside, then widened his eyes suddenly.

These two books have no restrictions?

Does that mean I can take them without a token?

"Lucky me."

Chu Ming smugly opened the small booklet and quickly skimmed through it. Then his pupils contracted, and he abruptly closed it, staring at the title for a long time.

"Joyous Union Heart Sutra (Male)..."


"Isn't this the cultivation method of the Joyous Union Sect?!"

Chu Ming was dumbfounded. Even though he had watched countless films in his previous life, he couldn't help but blush. He looked around and found that there was no one around before he let out a sigh of relief.

This small booklet was divided into male and female versions, detailing the circulation method of the Joyous Union Heart Sutra, as well as the bone-eroding and soul-dissolving postures and methods to please the opposite sex...

"Wow, people in this world really know how to have fun."

Chu Ming casually flipped through a few pages, staring at the accompanying illustrations with an appreciative gaze. Then he closed it and put it in his pocket, and his thoughts suddenly became more active.

Could this be too much of a coincidence?

You see, only those who hold the Elder Token can enter the second floor of the library. How could such a mistake of not setting restrictions on a cultivation method happen?

Therefore, these two Joyous Union Heart Sutras should have been deliberately given to me by someone in secret.

Chu Ming looked around, bowed respectfully towards the empty front, and spoke humbly and solemnly.

"Although I don't know which senior is here, I thank the senior for the gift!"

After saying that, he returned the same way and left the second floor of the library.

At the same time, in a certain teahouse, Old Man Baihu held a cup and drank it, looking at the lush bamboo forest with a kind smile.

"A clever little guy."


After coming out of the library, Chu Ming hurriedly made his way to the market while it was still daylight.

In order to maintain daily operations, besides the disciples of the inner sect and outer sect, the Heavenly Evolution Sect also had disciples responsible for miscellaneous tasks such as cooking and cleaning, known as the menial disciples.

They generally had low aptitude, but cultivation still required pills and Law Treasures.

Therefore, the market was established.

Its existence not only provided a platform for disciples to trade cultivation resources with each other, but also attracted a large number of independent cultivators and prestigious families to settle down. The sect collected a considerable amount of rent from them.

This also saved manpower for mining spiritual mines, killing two birds with one stone.

For example, the northern market that Chu Ming was going to was the largest of the four markets established by the Heavenly Evolution Sect.

Even as the sun set, the city was still crowded with people, and the sounds of hawking and shouting filled the air.

"You little girl, are you looking for trouble?!"

Thanks to reader with the last four digits of 1031 for the voting ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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