Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 15 A Classic Within A Classic, A Hero Saves A Beauty

Chapter 15: The Classic of Classics, Hero Saves the Beauty

To be honest, Chu Ming has always held a disdainful attitude towards the idea of a hero saving a beauty.

After all, he had just transmigrated into the world of xianxia, and his foundation was not yet solid. How could he think of standing out?

Respecting others' destinies and letting go of the urge to help others is the truth that Chu Ming has always believed in.

Moreover, his purpose for coming to the northern market this time was just to buy an alchemy furnace and some alchemy materials. He definitely wanted to stay as far away as possible from any trouble.

However, when he saw the stubborn little face of the girl sitting among the scattered medicinal herbs, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

I really don't want to meddle in other people's business...


"Do you have no eyes? You've dirtied my clothes!"

Two burly men with fierce expressions slowly surrounded the girl holding a wooden basket, and the people around them quickly distanced themselves.

Obviously, this was not the first time they had proactively caused trouble, and their intentions were clear as they smirked and extended their right hands.

"Considering your young age, if you compensate me with some spirit stones, I'll let you go. Otherwise, don't even think about staying in this northern market in the future!"

Upon hearing this, the girl bit her lip and picked up the scattered herbs while shaking her head. Her determined expression revealed a hint of fear.

Trembling, she timidly handed over a translucent emerald grass, her eyes filled with a pleading look.

However, the two burly men clearly didn't appreciate it. They directly slapped the grass away and shouted in anger.

"Do you think this kind of worthless grass can compensate for the clothes on my body?!"

Seeing the large hand about to strike, the girl quickly hugged the wooden basket and closed her eyes, trembling all over.

However, after waiting for a long time, the expected slap never came. Instead, a slightly playful and indifferent voice made her slowly open her eyes.

"I'm nearly two meters tall. What kind of skill is it to bully such a weak child?"

Chu Ming squinted his eyes, and with a burst of hidden strength in his right hand, he directly grabbed the left arm of the burly man and threw him far away, sliding several meters on the street before finally stopping.


Seeing this scene, many people stopped and watched, their faces filled with astonishment as they looked at Chu Ming.

This young man is so strong?!

The other burly man, seeing his companion defeated, suddenly shouted and his muscles instantly swelled, making his clothes bulge. Then, with the momentum of a descending tiger, he swung his fist towards Chu Ming.

Seeing this, Chu Ming remained calm and unaffected, without any change in his expression. He simply flicked a pill and said softly,

"Don't cause any casualties."


As the pill landed, a dense mist of spiritual energy emanated from it, condensing into a figure. This figure skillfully fought the burly man, using a set of fluid and graceful martial arts.

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as a one-sided beating.

Because Chu Ming's order to not harm anyone, the True Child Pill only defended passively, but each time it managed to beat up the burly man and throw him several meters away, until he stood up with a terrified expression, supported by his companion.

"Who are you?! Let me tell you, I am..."

"Chu Ming."

Chu Ming couldn't help but dig his ear and sigh helplessly.

It's already 2023, and they're still doing this classic scene. If you don't annoy me, I'll still find it annoying!

"I don't want to listen, and I don't care who you are. If you're sensible, get lost quickly. If you want trouble, I'm ready to accompany you anytime."

Seeing Chu Ming's intimidating and icy gaze, the two burly men trembled all over. Even though they were extremely resentful in their hearts, they had no choice.

Both of them were at the Qi Refining Third Layer and were also body cultivators. Yet, they unexpectedly lost in their most proficient close combat skills to a skinny young man who was shorter than them.

The most crucial thing was that strange pill. Damn, it could actually transform into a figure to fight!

This is outrageous!

Seeing two burly men fleeing the scene in embarrassment, the onlookers clapped and cheered with joy.

"Good riddance! They were always so arrogant and domineering. I knew they would face retribution one day!"

"Young man, well done! Truly a hero among the youth!"


Chu Ming blushed from the praise and quickly squatted down to help the young girl pick up the scattered herbs on the ground. Then, he extended his right hand to her with a gentle expression on his face.

"Are you okay? Are you injured?"

The girl didn't say anything, she just shook her head vigorously, her cheeks slightly flushed, and handed him her right hand, which was covered in scars.

After helping her up, Chu Ming carefully examined her.

She had a slender and weak figure, her coarse clothes and grass shoes were covered in dirt. Her short hair was messy, giving her a disheveled appearance.

However, her large eyes were exceptionally bright and watery. Although slightly shy, they seemed as deep as the night sky, captivating anyone who looked into them.

Her round face was also quite beautiful, and she would definitely grow up to be a pretty woman.

"Since you're okay, I'll be on my way."

Seeing that the girl didn't speak, Chu Ming smiled slightly and was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed his sleeve and anxiously pointed to her own mouth.


Chu Ming paused for a moment, then suddenly realized.

He had thought that the girl didn't speak because she was shy, but who would have thought that she was mute?

But he didn't know sign language either.

Seeing Chu Ming's confusion, the girl quickly put down the wooden basket and took out a piece of old rice paper from her pocket. She used an inkstone to write and draw on it.

"My name is Hua Xiaoying. Thank you, big brother, for helping me. Can I invite you to come home with me?"


Seeing Chu Ming's puzzled expression, the girl quickly wrote another sentence and held it up in front of him with both hands.

"I just want to thank you for your kindness."

"It's just a small favor."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, indicating that he didn't mind, but the girl seemed persistent.

"My mother always said to repay kindness. Please come with me so I can repay you!"

The girl stubbornly held onto Chu Ming's sleeve and refused to let go, her lips pursed in a determined manner.

"It's really not necessary, I have other things to do."

Chu Ming helplessly pulled the girl's hand away, then squatted down with a gentle expression, rubbing her head and smiling lightly.

"How about this, if we meet again in the future, I'll go home with you, okay?"

The girl pondered for a long time after hearing this, then nodded. She took out a large bundle of medicinal herbs from the wooden basket and stuffed it into Chu Ming's arms before leaving with small steps. Halfway through, she even turned around and waved, with a smile on her face.

So cute!

Chu Ming responded with a smile, treating this as a small episode and not paying too much attention to it. He casually put the herbs in his arms and arrived at the largest trading market in the northern district - Hundred Treasures Pavilion.

Well, it's called Hundred Treasures Pavilion, but it's actually more like an antique market. Although there is a wide variety of items, they are all "low-quality goods."

Chu Ming's purpose in coming here was not only to sell the two Tranquil Heart Pills he had refined, but also to find "opportunities."

For example, the dilapidated black altar in the inconspicuous corner, which resembled the water jar his family used to pickle vegetables in his previous life.

However, as soon as Chu Ming touched it, a faint blue light curtain appeared again.

[Do you want to simulate the "Qiankun Pill Furnace"?]

(End of this chapter)

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