Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

168. Chapter 165 Dependent Collar [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 165 Dependent Collar [4k please subscribe! ]

After a brief silence in the affairs hall, warm cheers suddenly erupted.

"Okay! Chu Ming is mighty! With his cultivation at the Fifth Layer of the Foundation Building realm, he will definitely be able to defeat at least one inner sect disciple in this challenge!"

"Brother Chu, I love you! Come on in the challenge!"

"Brother Chu? Father Chu!"


Listening to the cheering voices of support around him, although Chu Ming was a little shy, there was still a touch of warmth in his heart.

The Heavenly Evolution Sect fellow disciples seem to be very harmonious!

According to the process, shouldn't some pretentious and arrogant people jump out and ridicule at this time?

It turned out not to be the case. It seemed that his prestige in the first round was still effective.

Chu Ming was thinking silently in his heart. After everyone around him dispersed in small groups, An Muxi on the side pulled his sleeve and asked softly.

"Shall we go back?"

"Don't worry, let's see what treasures can be redeemed in the Affairs Hall."

Chu Ming smiled slightly after borrowing the account book to record the treasures from the steward.

"Now that I'm here, I feel like it wouldn't be good to go back without taking something."

"Then you see, we are going to Bailian Peak first."

After Yu Hongling said hello to An Muxi, she and Xu Shuai went to Bailian Peak. It seemed that for her, the treasures that could be redeemed here were not as tempting as the exclusive Rank Seven Law Weapon.

"Speaking of Xi'er, are there any spells or Divine Abilities you want to learn?"

Chu Ming smiled softly and handed the account book to An Muxi. She was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened with astonishing brilliance, and her beautiful eyes curved into a crescent shape as she smiled.

"Let me choose? If I want to choose, your 20,000 contribution points won't be enough."


Chu Ming blinked his eyes lightly, and then he suddenly remembered that no matter how hard he practiced, An Muxi was still an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl inside!

At this age, it’s probably hard to resist boys saying “buy whatever you want”.

"Don't worry, just make more money if you don't have enough."

"Thank you, husband!"

An Muxi stood on tiptoes, put her white arms around Chu Ming's neck, gave him a "chick" on the cheek, and then turned over the account books in her hand with excitement.

"Sure enough, there is a corresponding spell here!"

After a while, An Muxi excitedly pointed at the account book and showed it to Chu Ming.

[Spell: Ice Lotus Break]

[Class: Foundation Building environment. ]

[Requirement: The practice technique is Tianyan Ice Soul Jue. ]

[Introduction: Ice becomes a lotus. After bursting, it will turn into countless tiny ice needles and pierce the enemy's body. It has a very strong ability to break through the defensive spiritual shield and is suitable for all Taoist monks to practice. ]

[Redeem price: 8,000 contribution points. ]

"Is this the exclusive spell of Tianyan Ice Soul Art?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but look a little stunned, and her inner thoughts suddenly became more active.

In this case, wouldn't he who practices Tianyan Five Elements Technique also be able to practice Ice Lotus Break?


Chu Ming did not hesitate to exchange the training qualification of Bing Lian Po from the steward, and was later told that he needed to go to the Neizong Library to lend it out.

"So complicated."

Chu Ming couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, and then his thoughts changed. Since both spells and Divine Ability need to be borrowed from the inner sect library, he might as well exchange them for another spell.

As a result, Chu Ming spent another 8,000 contribution points to redeem Tianyan Shenmu Jue's exclusive spell - Huan Musheng's training qualification.

Compared with the powerful output ability of Ice Lotus Po, Huan Mu Sheng is more like an auxiliary spell in an online game.

It can restrain the breath of the human body and disguise it as a plant. As long as it is not visible to the naked eye, it will not attract the attention of others even if it is scanned with spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, it will also increase a person's physical skills and agility, and create some false plants around you to interfere with the opponent's perception. It can be said to be an excellent way to escape and save your life.

"That's it."

Although Huan Mu Sheng is an auxiliary spell, Chu Ming is no less interested in it than the Ice Lotus Break he just obtained, and even prefers it.

After all, it’s not about having too many spells. I have the Ice Spear and the Life-producing Stick Technique in one-on-one, and the Long Ox Technique in one-on-one. If I can’t defeat him, I can still use the Ice Dragon Transformation to stimulate my potential. Now I have an extra Huan Mu Sheng to use to escape. .


"Xi'er, is there anything else you want? If not, I'll just give it..."

Chu Ming was about to close the account book and return it, but his attention was suddenly attracted by one of the Law Weapon.

[Law Weapon: Tight collar. ]

[Rank: Rank Three. ]

[Introduction: This collar can expand or shrink according to the owner's thoughts, and it is equipped with a keen sense of consciousness that can detect the flow of spiritual power in the wearer's body. ]

[Price: Three thousand contribution points. ]

? ? ?

There is such a thing?

"I want this!"

Chu Ming bought the tight collar without hesitation, and the corner of his mouth even curled up with excitement. This made An Muxi on the side couldn't help but frown slightly. She subconsciously protected her neck with both hands, and her face turned pale with disdain. Take a quick look.

"Chu Ming, did you buy this because you wanted to bring it to me?"

"How can it be."

Chu Ming clutched her chest and looked hurt.

"Xi'er, do you think I am this kind of person?"

Isn't it?

Recalling the silver gourd Wu Zuirao brought, An Muxi blushed, and her delicate cheeks instantly became extremely hot.

Not only did Master allow me to carry such shameful things, but he also asked me to call you Master when doing such things.

You clearly like to use this method to educate Master and me!

You just like the shameful way of looking down at us begging for awards in front of you!

Seeing An Muxi still looking at him with a "scumbag" look, Chu Ming couldn't help but screamed that he was wronged.

"It's useful if I redeem this!"

"What's the use?"


"Bah! Pervert!"

An Muxi cooed shyly, her eyes fixed on the tight collar that Chu Ming took from the steward.

It was made of a black leather belt without any patterns engraved on it. Only two sections were tied with a heart-shaped silver ring, which faintly emitted the tiny fluctuations of spiritual power.

Is this a Law Weapon?

And it’s Rank Three?

An Muxi couldn't help but look a little stunned, while Chu Ming became extremely excited when he saw the light blue light emerging in front of him.

Sure enough, this thing can be simulated!

[Do you want to simulate a "tight collar"? ]


After thinking silently, a series of messages began to appear on the light screen.

[Ever since you were refined by Bailian Peak, you have been pushed to the bottom of the warehouse of the Affairs Hall because of your poor practicality. ]

[So you feel very inferior. When people ask you if you are a Law Weapon, you hesitate to say it for fear of being laughed at. ]

[However, one day, Chu Ming, a disciple of the Heavenly Evolution Sect inner sect, discovered you. He exchanged your contribution points for you and then continued to develop your use. ]

[You are very touched because he is your first master, even if he just wants to use you for revenge. ]

[A few months later, Chu Ming was invited to Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect to study and exchange, and Su Tongyue led him to visit the entire sect. ]

[However, when they went out to collect alchemy materials, due to Su Tongyue's love for the flower of blood contract, the two accidentally fell into the ecstasy of love and fantasy created by the Ai Dao monk. ]

[But because of the existence of Youlan Heart and Yin Yang Chaos Body, Chu Ming was not affected by it at all, but Su Tongyue fell deeper and deeper into it. ]

[In the end, Chu Ming had no choice but to sacrifice herself to save Su Tongyue, and after she woke up, she cried preconceptions. ]

["In order to save you, I suffered such grievances! How do you ask me to explain to Xi'er when I go back? My innocent male body has been taken over by you!" ]

[Su Tongyue looked confused and wanted to refute angrily at first, but in the face of the facts, she had to admit that the reason for this incident was indeed due to her greed and negligence, and Chu Ming also He really saved himself. ]

[In the end, Su Tongyue had no choice but to compromise and put on you at Chu Ming's request. She lifted up her skirt with a face full of embarrassment and asked him to carve a family pattern on her lower abdomen. ]

[You find that your ability and the attachment pattern complement each other. As long as Chu Ming controls you to shrink, the attachment pattern will also emit a sting that goes deep into the bone marrow. ]

[A few months later, with the efforts of you and the family pattern, and Chu Ming's superb educational methods, Su Tongyue successfully fell into his anger and revealed most of the secrets of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, including the essence of the Flower God. The location was told to him without reservation. ]

[Chu Ming is very excited, because all the grievances he suffered in the alchemy competition were revenged at this moment. ]

[In the end, under Chu Ming's order, Su Tong climbed up step by step and successfully became the new master of Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect after the death of Old Sheng Ling Human Immortal. ]

[Looking up at the beautiful girl in mid-air overlooking the sky and the earth, her eyes full of scarlet, everyone in Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect was trembling with fear, and their hearts were shocked. ]

[However, everyone knows that in private, she knelt down and worshiped Chu Ming like a slave, with a soft voice that was extremely humble. ]

["Yue Nu is willing to dedicate the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect to his master to celebrate his birth."]

["Get up and get your reward yourself. In addition, you have been very obedient and behaved well recently, so you can take off the collar." ]

["Master, don't you want Yue slave?" ]

[Su Tongyue crawled towards Chu Ming in panic, stretching her hands to his waist, which made Chu Ming sigh softly and gently stroked her head. ]

["Of course I want you, I just don't need it anymore. I'll change it for you to a more beautiful one when I have time."]

["Zizi...thank you, master!"]

[In the end, you will retire gloriously after becoming famous, and quietly wait for the arrival of the next goal. ]

[The simulation ends. Because the "Tight Collar" is your personal item, only reward one (adding an entry to the item) can be selected. ]

[Currently you can choose to add entries: ]

["Familiar Contract (Gold)": After adding this entry, the person wearing the collar will become the host's dependent. The host's consciousness can carve the dependent pattern anywhere on his body. The dependent pattern will be controlled by the host and can inflict pain and itching. Feelings such as , soreness, and numbness can also seal the flow of spiritual power in the body. ]

[Congratulations to the host! The "tight collar" successfully evolved into the "dependent collar"! ]

Sure enough, this kind of entry can be simulated!

Looking at the information in the light screen, Chu Ming excitedly snapped his fingers and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Ever since he saw this tight collar, he had a vague suspicion in his heart that this Law Weapon must be transformed into an entry that can make others become his slaves through simulation.

It turned out to be really effective, and it was the golden entry with the strongest effect!

"Sure enough, I can completely trust this simulation system when it comes to perversion."

Seeing how excited Chu Ming was, An Muxi tilted her head and looked suspicious. Although she had many doubts in her heart, she didn't ask in the end.

Finally, the two returned to the Chu family mansion in a chariot.

Early the next morning, Chu Ming rushed to the inner sect library, intending to borrow the two spell books Bing Lian Po and Huan Mu Sheng to avoid being caught first.

"Isn't the Inner Sect's Library a little too stingy?"

Looking at the thin black stone tower in front of him, which was only a few dozen meters high, Chu Ming scratched his cheek and confirmed it repeatedly, then grabbed the young man in Tsing Yi holding a folding fan and asked.

"Senior brother, let me ask you something. Is this tower the inner sect's library?"


The young man in green smacked the paper fan into his hand, shook his head and chuckled.

"Junior Brother Chu doesn't know something. It just looks ordinary on the outside, but in fact there are many mysteries hidden inside."

"Yes, thank you, senior brother."

Chu Ming thanked him and was about to leave, but suddenly as if he thought of something, he turned around and pointed at his nose and looked at the young man in green in confusion.

"How does senior brother know that my surname is Chu?"

"Chu Ming, the outer sect disciple who shined brilliantly in this inner sect competition, has reached the Fifth Layer of Foundation Building realm."


The young man in green opened the folding fan with a gentle smile on his face.

"My name is Gu Qingshan, Junior Brother Chu. I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

"You knew I was coming here?"

Seeing Chu Ming frown slightly, Gu Qingshan explained with a hearty smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not following you, and I'm judging based on rules."

"After every inner sect competition, the outer disciples who have just entered the inner sect will come to the inner sect library to borrow spells and divine abilities. This makes our senior brothers and sisters can only marvel."

"So I guessed that you would come here, so I have been waiting for a long time."

"What if I don't come?"

"You will come."

Gu Qingshan smiled slightly, showing full confidence in his movements.

"I, Gu Qingshan, have never made a miscalculation."


Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully looked up and down at the young man in front of him.

As his name suggests, he is dressed in a green gown, with black hair tied into a high ponytail, holding a folding fan, with a face like a crown jewel, a smile at the corner of his mouth, and an extremely chic temperament.

He is the most qualified person that Chu Ming has seen since his transmigration.

Including the fact that it is impossible to detect his cultivation with spiritual consciousness, it is mysterious and casual.

This person is not simple!

Chu Ming's inner vigilance increased, and he slightly cupped his fists and bowed.

"I wonder why Senior Brother Gu wants to see me?"

"Well... how about we change places and talk?"

With a "pop" Gu Qingshan put away the folding fan in his hand, slowly came to Chu Ming, leaned down in his ear and said slightly excitedly.

"I wonder if Junior Brother Chu is interested in Miaonvfang?"

(End of chapter)

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