Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

169. Chapter 166 The Members Of Miaonvfang Turned Out To Be Members Of The Same Group! [4K Please Su

Chapter 166 The members of Miaonvfang turned out to be members of the same group! [4k please subscribe! ]

Miao Nufang?

When Chu Ming heard this name, he immediately looked at Gu Qingshan again, and his previously high evaluation of him suddenly fell to the bottom.

Good guy!

Looking at your gentle appearance, I thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect that you were secretly interested in Miaonvfang!

Who goes to a brothel to talk things over? !

"Sorry, Senior Brother Gu, I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."

"Hey! Don't leave!"

Seeing Chu Ming hurriedly walking towards the library after saying goodbye, Gu Qingshan quickly chased after him, shaking the folding fan in his hand and chuckled.

"Junior Brother Chu, what we are going to talk about may be related to your future status in the inner sect."

"Besides, since you have just entered the Inner Sect, you should be in urgent need of someone to introduce you to the specific situation of the Inner Sect, right?"


Seeing Gu Qingshan being so entangled, Chu Ming stopped and was silent for a moment, and finally sighed softly.

"Senior Brother Gu, it's not impossible to talk about things. Can't we change places? Do we have to go to Miaonvfang?"

"I have a Taoist companion. If Xi'er finds out, I will have to kneel on the washboard when I get home!"

"Even if you become a Taoist couple, a man will remain a boy until he dies."

After Gu Qingshan calmly said a wise saying that made him feel very good about himself, he put away the folding fan in his hand and pointed it at Chu Ming, and asked with a serious face.

"Does Junior Brother Chu think that Miaonvfang is just a romantic place?"

Isn't it?

Don't tell me that you went to a brothel just to watch the beautiful girls dancing and playing the piano. You left a few taels of silver behind and left without touching your body.

Looking at Gu Qingshan's eyes full of determination, Chu Ming finally nodded slightly and said helplessly after some careful consideration.

"Okay, but I need to go to the library first to borrow the two books of Bing Lian Po and Huan Mu Sheng."

"Are you talking about these two books?"

Gu Qingshan smiled slightly, put his right hand on his waist, and immediately two thick bamboo books fell into his palm.

The surface of one volume exuded a gleaming green light, while the other volume was covered with frost. Chu Ming was shocked by the slight fluctuations in spiritual power.

"How do you know it's these two books I want?"

"Junior Brother Chu, you have the twin spiritual roots of ice and wood, and you have also practiced the advanced skills of Tianyan Inner Diameter. I believe that the spell you are looking for should be one of these two books."

Gu Qingshan handed the two bamboo albums to Chu Ming and smiled slightly.

"Because I estimate that there will be many people borrowing these two spells today, I took them out for you in advance."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Gu!"

After Chu Ming was stunned for a moment, his soft face was filled with gratitude, and his heart could not help but feel a touch of warmth.

This Gu Qingshan is quite a nice person!

Although I felt a little uncomfortable having him know what I was thinking, as long as he wasn't hostile to me, it was quite touching to be so considerate.

This kind of person cannot become an enemy, otherwise it will be difficult to sleep and eat well!

"In that case, can we set off?"

Gu Qingshan's tone became obviously excited, which made Chu Ming burst into laughter.

"Senior Brother Gu, I need to go back and report to my Taoist companion, so as not to suffer any disaster in the future."

"Then you won't be able to get out, right?"

Looking at Gu Qingshan's slightly worried look, Chu Ming smiled and said confidently.

"Don't worry, I still have the final say at home. I point east, but my Taoist companion doesn't dare to say west!"

"Xi'er, let me go!"


The main house of the Chu family's mansion.

An Muxi is sitting on the edge of the couch with her legs crossed. Her delicate jade feet wrapped in black silk are swaying on the face of Chu Ming, who is kneeling in front of her. She has her arms folded across her chest and her expression is cold, as if she is unhappy. Sulky look.

"You already have me and Master, but you still want to go to Wonderful Girl's Workshop?"

"Gu Qingshan came to talk to me about something, and he has to set the location there. There's nothing I can do about it."

Chu Ming patted his chest with a look of determination on his face.

"Don't worry, Xi'er, I'm determined to keep myself clean and not contaminated by any remaining flowers!"

"you sure?"

Seeing that An Muxi still looked suspicious, Chu Ming immediately held her delicate and small feet and massaged her to show her loyalty.

"I already have you and Master, how can I still be interested in other girls?"

? ? ?

You're telling lies with your eyes open, right?

So what do you think happened to my sister An Muqing?

There are also Hua Xiaoying and Heilong Lin, there are so many girls, and you actually say that you are not interested in other girls?

Although she kept complaining about Chu Ming's philandering behavior in her heart, An Muxi still believed in his feelings for her. Her eyes immediately turned around, and she suddenly thought of something and a charming smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Okay, I'll let you go."

"Okay, thank you Xi'er."


An Muxi suddenly stopped Chu Ming, who was full of excitement. Then she blushed, put her hands on both sides of her body, put her tight calves wrapped in black stockings on his shoulders, and revealed a little bit as she opened her mouth. The charming words that make the air feel sticky.

"In order for you to withstand the temptation of those charming girls in Miaonvfang, husband, please leave your things with Xi'er before leaving."


Looking at An Muxi's autumn-cut eyes that were full of spring light, and her charming expression that was extremely seductive, Chu Ming was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly. He held her delicate ankles with both hands and was about to take action, but she was He held his neck and fell onto the couch.

"I'll let you taste my power today."

After turning over and becoming the master, An Muxi placed her hands on Chu Ming's chest, licking her soft lips with her fragrant tongue, and her misty beautiful eyes flashed with a gnawing light that made her lower back ache.

"Husband, just wait to die!"

At noon, at the foot of the main peak.

Although Gu Qingshan was the kind of person who could endure loneliness, the fact that Chu Ming had been gone all morning and still hadn't returned really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Could it be that Chu Ming was killed by her angry Taoist companion because she suggested going to Miaonvfang?

Then wouldn't I have missed a close friend?

What a sin!

Gu Qingshan paced back and forth anxiously, finally closed the paper fan and planned to go to Danfeng to ask for details.

However, at this moment, a stream of light suddenly flashed through the air, and Chu Ming jumped out of the chariot without any intention of slowing down.


Seeing this, Gu Qingshan quickly waved his folding fan, and a gust of wind wrapped Chu Ming's body and brought him to the ground slowly.

"Sorry, Senior Brother Gu, I was delayed because of something."

Chu Ming bowed slightly, with a tired smile on his face, and even his steps were a little frivolous.

"Junior Brother Chu, it seems that your condition is not right."

Gu Qingshan looked worried, and then he couldn't help but sigh.

"I can also understand your difficulties. After all, the Taoist monk is An Muxi."

"She has a cold, arrogant and indifferent personality, and treats people and things with a calm and unconcerned look."

"I don't know how you became Taoist companions with her. You can handle this kind of thousand-year-old iceberg. I admire you very much, senior brother!"

Millennium iceberg?

Chu Ming smiled awkwardly, his cheeks twitching unnaturally.

Senior Brother Gu, the thousand-year-old iceberg in your mouth almost squeezed me dry just now!

However, Xi'er's passionate, charming and demon-like state can only be shown in front of herself, let alone it is really different.

"Junior brother, how about I teach you a few tricks?"

Chu Ming chuckled and joked, but Gu Qingshan actually nodded and said seriously.

"Then there's Junior Brother Lao Chu."

"Do you really have someone you like?"

Chu Ming looked slightly surprised.

"Senior Brother Gu, you are so talented and majestic, and your cultivation is so unpredictable, and there is a girl you can't win over?"

"Oh, you'll know when you get there."

"To the place?"

Chu Ming was stunned for a moment, then his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Officer, come in and play."

Beifang City is the most lively exchange market for immortals among the four major cities in Heavenly Evolution Sect. From dawn to sunset, the noise is endless. There are many talented people and strangers, and there are even people carrying Spirit Beast pets wandering around. .

So the Heavenly Evolution Sect established regulations that prohibit spiritual pets taller than one foot from entering major cities. However, there are still some bad guys who ride in on giant centipedes more than ten meters long and cause chaos. They also euphemistically call them "My centipede is here again." It’s not taller than a foot, it’s just long!”.

In desperation, Heavenly Evolution Sect had to ban all spiritual pets from entering and set up a special management department.

Therefore, many black industries in the northern city have suffered a devastating blow, but there is still one industry that not only has not disappeared, but its business is getting more and more prosperous...

"Senior Brother Gu, why do cultivators like to come to Miaonvfang?"

"Junior brother Chu, you don't know something. Daily practice is boring. Only here can soothe the souls of practitioners."

Gu Qingshan shook the folding fan in his hand, and from time to time smiled at the girls in the Wonderful Girl Shop on the second floor. Such a handsome appearance caused the chirping of warblers to be heard endlessly. All kinds of handkerchiefs and headbands flew all over the sky, until the bellyband with a hint of heat was covered with it. After throwing him down, Chu Ming realized something was wrong and hurriedly pulled him in.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Gu? Why did he bring a new official here today? Could it be that he finally couldn't help but want to raise chicks together?"

The moment Chu Ming and Gu Qingshan came in, the Madam was so attracted by their handsome appearance that she came forward with her waist and hips dancing, almost pressing her plump body against hers.

"If you come together, you have to pay extra, otherwise my girl won't be able to bear it."

"We're here for a tea party."

Gu Qingshan chuckled at the bustard mother.

"I wonder if Miss Ke'er will accept guests today?"

"You mean Ke'er..."

The bustard mother couldn't help but look troubled.

"As you come here often, you know that tea parties usually don't start until the number of people has been gathered. It's only noon at this time, so you have to wait until the evening."

"It doesn't matter, we'll book the venue."

After saying that, Gu Qingshan took out several gold ingots from his arms and placed them in the Madam's hand, saying with a smile on her lips.

"If you'd like, please go and let me know."

"Sure enough, Mr. Gu is generous."

The Madam smiled charmingly, put away the gold ingots without leaving any trace, and took Gu Qingshan and Chu Ming to a teahouse to sit down.

Layers of pink gauze curtains were hung on the small stage opposite, and the refreshing fragrance slowly spread, making Chu Ming feel relaxed and happy, and filled with thoughts.

Unexpectedly, I never expected that the girl Gu Qingshan, who was a disciple of Heavenly Evolution Sect, actually liked the most famous oiran of Miao Nvfang!

Of course this is not incomprehensible.

In Chu Ming's previous life, she had a friend who went to have her feet massaged every day, and she gradually fell in love with the technician who served her through their constant greetings. The night she resigned, she cried so hard that her heart was sealed with cement.

So Chu Ming could understand Gu Qingshan's behavior and mood, but what he couldn't understand was that Gu Qingshan did nothing but came to book the venue every once in a while.

"Senior Brother Gu, why don't you spend money to buy her away?"

"Wouldn't that be cliché?"

Gu Qingshan shook the paper fan in his hand and chuckled.

"I want Ke'er to leave Miaonvfang with me voluntarily, not because of gold, silver and other mundane things."

So ambitious!

Chu Ming couldn't help complaining in his heart, and then he sighed and asked again.

"Then why don't you just declare your family status? I believe that no girl from Miaonvfang would refuse the invitation of a disciple of Heavenly Evolution Sect, let alone a disciple of the inner sect!"

"Wouldn't this be a special way to blackmail her?"

Gu Qingshan chuckled at Chu Ming seriously.

"I want her to like me as a person, not the so-called status and money."

so troublesome!

For the first time, Chu Ming felt that Gu Qingshan was a bit stubborn, but he did not ridicule him, but quietly waited for the tea party to begin.

At this time, with the melodious sound of the guqin, the heavy curtain suddenly fell down, leaving only a thin layer of white gauze.

Behind the white gauze, a slender and thin girl is playing the piano with her hands. Even though she is covered by the white gauze, judging from her elegant movements, she must be a stunning beauty who will captivate the whole country.

Is this the oiran of Miaonvfang whom Gu Qingshan likes—Zhao Keer?

Chu Ming's eyes were slightly stern, and with a little exploration using her spiritual sense, she could find that there was no spiritual power fluctuation in her body, and she was just an ordinary person.

Of course, this handicraft skill is not something ordinary people can master.

"How's it going? Does it sound good?"

Gu Qingshan shook the folding fan in his hand, staring at Zhao Keer behind the white gauze, and then suddenly said loudly.

"Miss Ke'er, can Gu please see your true face?"

As soon as these words came out, the sound of the piano slowed down slightly, and an ethereal voice like a lark suddenly sounded.

"Thank you very much Mr. Gu for coming. I apologize that Kerr cannot meet you due to personal reasons."

After that, the sound of the piano suddenly became much more melodious, and the pain and loneliness mixed with it could be heard even by Chu Ming, who had no musical ability.

However, Gu Qingshan sighed like a dazed young man and stood up to leave.

"Senior Brother Gu, wait!"

Chu Ming hurriedly stopped him, and after whispering in his ear, his expression suddenly became extremely exciting.

"you sure?"


Chu Ming patted her chest and said confidently.

"If she doesn't go with you today, then I will go with you!"

(End of chapter)

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