Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 17 No Socks? Then Brag About Your Pants!

Chapter 17: Not Wearing Silk Stockings? Then Wear Revealing Pants!


Upon hearing this, An Muxi's heart suddenly became lively, and she quickly became excited. "Have you found a solution to the Natural Charm Body?" she asked eagerly.

In the past few days, she had felt that the Iceheart Pill's suppression effect on the Natural Charm Body was becoming weaker and weaker. Now that she was on the verge of a breakthrough, she urgently needed a solution.

However, Chu Ming's slight shaking of his head instantly shattered An Muxi's hope, leaving her disappointed and even a little resentful. "Didn't you say you had a solution to the Natural Charm Body? You lied to me!"

"There was a little accident..." Chu Ming chuckled awkwardly, quickly inviting An Muxi to sit down and pouring her tea. At the same time, he flipped to the page about the fox demon in the book "Records of Strange Creatures in the Nine Provinces."

"Sister, take a look for yourself. I won't say much," Chu Ming said as he handed her the ancient book. An Muxi took it and focused on reading it attentively. As time passed, her initially solemn expression gradually turned into astonishment.

"So that's how it is..." she murmured.

No wonder she felt that the Natural Charm Body was becoming more severe. It turned out that suppressing it with the Iceheart Pill was only a temporary solution. There was no permanent method, and the only way to alleviate it was through the harmonization of yin and yang with someone of the opposite sex who also possessed the Natural Charm Body...

An Muxi blinked her innocent eyes dumbfoundedly when she saw this line, taking a moment to react. Her face instantly turned red and rapidly spread to her ears and neck, making her cheeks burn.

She wasn't an ignorant young girl and naturally understood the euphemistic meaning of "harmonization of yin and yang."


An Muxi immediately closed the ancient book, stood up abruptly, and glared at Chu Ming with a face full of embarrassment and anger. "This book is fake!"

"Really? It has the famous name of the Old Immortal Yunyou on it..." Chu Ming said.

"It... is... fake!"

Seeing An Muxi stubbornly insisting, Chu Ming couldn't help but smile helplessly. "Sister, I spent the whole afternoon searching for crucial information. We have to face reality."

"...How can I face this?"

An Muxi sat on the table, burying her face in her arms, feeling wronged.

The opposite sex who also possessed the Natural Charm Body, wasn't that Chu Ming? Apart from him, let alone the opposite sex, she hadn't even seen someone of the same sex with the Natural Charm Body since entering the Heavenly Evolution Sect!

This meant that in order to alleviate the Natural Charm Body, she had to... with him...

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I would never do such a thing!

Sighing softly, Chu Ming placed three Iceheart Pills in front of An Muxi and said softly, "Sister, these are the Iceheart Pills I refined today. You can use them first."

An Muxi slowly raised her head and glanced at the Iceheart Pills, then fixed her gaze on Chu Ming's slightly tired but calm smile.

He had just become a Fourth Grade alchemist, right? Yet he was able to refine three pills in one day?

This kind of high-intensity work not only had a great impact on one's mental state, but in severe cases, it could even lead to the disintegration of one's soul!

Could it be that Chu Ming saw how severe my Natural Charm Body was and knew that I didn't want to harmonize with him, so he worked so hard to refine the Iceheart Pills?

"I can't accept them," An Muxi returned the three Iceheart Pills, her worried eyes filled with a touch of gratitude. "Chu Ming, thank you, but you also need them, and I currently don't have enough spirit stones to buy them."

"Sister, you're being too polite," Chu Ming said, looking at An Muxi's enchanting eyes with a gentle smile. His tone, however, was firm.

"I have my own solution, Senior Sister, don't you have your own solution?"

"Besides, if you can't afford it for now, you can still buy it on credit. We are fellow disciples, and I'm not worried that you will run away."


Seeing Chu Ming's resolute attitude, An Muxi seemed to be at a loss, looking around anxiously, clenching her hands tightly. The calmness in her heart was disrupted by sudden palpitations, causing ripples to appear.

Although we are fellow disciples, he treats me so well.

Could it be...

"Bang bang-"

Stealing a glance at Chu Ming's handsome face, An Muxi felt as if her heart skipped a beat. The blush on her cheeks became even more radiant due to shyness and an inexplicable surge of emotions.

"The Iceheart Pill is useless..."

Muttering as she put away the Iceheart Pill, An Muxi blinked her bright eyes and pouted, playfully complaining to Chu Ming.

"You didn't have to tell me these things yourself, wasting the opportunity to bring out the cultivation method from the library."

"I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me."

Chu Ming scratched his cheek awkwardly, then his expression suddenly became serious.

"Senior Sister, I have a question that I've been wanting to ask. Can you tell me the reason why you have the Natural Charm Body constitution?"


An Muxi looked at the bright moon outside the window with a somewhat desolate expression, as if she had already anticipated what Chu Ming would ask.

"Because my mother is a fox demon, so I inherited the Natural Charm Body from her."


Chu Ming was first stunned, then suddenly his eyes widened as if he had realized something.

When I first simulated An Muxi's silk stockings, I mentioned An Guo. Could she be a princess of An Guo?

"What about you? This kind of constitution shouldn't appear in males, right?"

An Muxi's sudden question brought Chu Ming back to his senses. He was stunned for a moment, then coughed lightly and explained.

"My father is a fox demon, so I am too."


"Don't you believe me? The books say that fox demons cultivate by absorbing the essence of the opposite sex, but they don't mention gender."

Chu Ming helplessly revealed the truth.

"There's nothing I can do. It's really difficult to talk about male fox demons."


An Muxi covered her mouth and chuckled, then she looked at Chu Ming again, half-jokingly saying.

"No wonder you look so handsome, turns out you're also a half-fox demon."

"Can I understand that you're complimenting me for being handsome, Senior Sister?"

Seeing Chu Ming's tone becoming frivolous again, An Muxi just gave him a playful glance, surprisingly not feeling any anger in her heart. Instead, a sense of liveliness and joy arose.

"You talk too much! I didn't say that."

"But that's what you think, Senior Sister."

Seeing that An Muxi didn't seem to mind, Chu Ming's mind stirred slightly. He pretended to look pitiful and said in a soft voice that only the two of them could hear.

"But Senior Sister, my Natural Charm Body seems to be about to erupt again. What should I do?"


An Muxi was clever, and naturally understood his meaning from Chu Ming's intense gaze. Her face blushed, and she tightly held her skirt, stuttering for a long time before saying.

"You still want it? I'm not wearing silk stockings today, and besides, the ancient book says that it's not effective for venting."

"There's nothing I can do. Senior Sister, you're not willing to balance Yin and Yang."

Chu Ming spread his hands helplessly, then leaned closer to An Muxi, whispering in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"But Senior Sister, it's okay if you're not wearing them. This time, you can give me something else."


An Muxi asked instinctively, then realized the three parts of desire, embarrassment, and anticipation in Chu Ming's eyes.

"Um... Senior Sister, can you give me your underpants?"

Thank you to reader with the last four digits of 5074 for the support!

(End of this chapter)

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