Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

18. Chapter 18 How Do You Want Me To Go Back?

Chapter 18: How can I go back like this?


"Chu Ming, you're asking for death!"

Late at night, a furious roar suddenly broke the silence of the back mountain of Floating Jade Peak.

"Sister, calm down!"

Seeing An Muxi waving her fist and charging towards him, Chu Ming quickly circled around her with the tea table as the center, begging for mercy non-stop.

"I have something urgent!"

"Besides, I've already given you three Iceheart Pills, isn't it fair to ask for some interest... Put down the teapot first, let's discuss it!"


Perhaps feeling that Chu Ming's words made sense, or perhaps out of mutual understanding as victims of the Natural Charm Body, An Muxi took a deep breath several times before putting down the empty teapot in her hand. She sat at the table with her arms crossed, her face becoming even more flushed.

What a pervert!

Not only did he ask for my silk stockings before, now he's starting to ask for other things too?!

There's no way I'm agreeing to something like this!

But then again, he diligently helped me refine the Iceheart Pills. Am I being too unreasonable?

But no matter what, I won't let him cross the line and ask me to do something indecent!


Chu Ming didn't dare to speak his mind. He let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and even had a faint sense of being in a dreamlike haze.

Did Sister really agree?

Is this for real?

"Sister, rest assured, I was planning to give you a gift."

Chu Ming chuckled lightly, then magically took out the black silk stockings Wu Zuirao gave him from his pocket and handed them to An Muxi.

"I bought this today at the market. If Sister doesn't mind, you can wear it back."


Did he really go out of his way to buy it for me?

An Muxi instinctively took the stockings and unfolded them on her legs, then furrowed her brows.

She had always only worn white stockings and had an inexplicable prejudice against black ones.

"Sister, actually, these stockings are not ordinary."

Chu Ming took out a pair of scissors and made a deep cut on the stockings. Not only did they not tear, but there was no trace left.


So durable?

Seeing An Muxi's surprised expression, Chu Ming's expression showed a hint of pride.

"Not only are they durable, but they also have good defense against lightning, fire erosion, and other things. They are a rare Law Weapon."

"Law Weapon?"

An Muxi instinctively touched the stockings, feeling the delicate texture lingering on her fingertips. She could faintly sense a trace of spiritual energy flowing within, which brought a hint of joy to her eyes.

Indeed, it's a Law Weapon!

Such a precious item, and Chu Ming actually gave it to me unconditionally. He really is...

"I just thought that it would be a shame if your legs were injured in normal circumstances. I didn't mean anything else, don't misunderstand."

After hearing Chu Ming's explanation, An Muxi's joyful heart suddenly became annoyed. She raised her head and glared at him.

If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!

"What could I possibly misunderstand?"

An Muxi snorted lightly, then gestured towards the door with her mouth, her cheeks slightly blushing, making her intentions clear.

"Sister, there's no need to avoid..."

"Get out!"


After Chu Ming obediently left and waited outside, An Muxi finally approached the bed and pulled up the bed curtain. She lifted her skirt to her waist and slowly took off her soft, pure white undergarments.


After a while, An Muxi carefully folded and put away the undergarments, finally letting out a sigh of relief. She quickly put on the black stockings.

First, she stretched out her beautifully curved, fair feet, then pulled the stockings up her legs, finally securing them around her slender waist with a "snap" sound and letting her skirt fall.

It was comfortable, but it still felt a bit awkward...

Because it was her first time wearing stockings without undergarments, and the stockings themselves were chilly, An Muxi instinctively pressed her legs together tightly and held her skirt, feeling shy in her heart.

"Come in."

After a while, upon hearing the voice from inside the room, Chu Ming pushed the door open and couldn't help but start to assess the beautiful An Muxi standing there, blushing.

Although her legs in the black stockings were mostly covered by the white skirt, one could still see their graceful curves.

"Thank you."

An Muxi lowered her eyelids slightly, her eyes filled with misty water, and she whispered a thank you in a voice only the two of them could hear. Then, she quickly walked towards the door, pulling her skirt.

If she didn't leave soon, she felt like her Natural Charm Body would erupt again!

"I put the undergarments on the bed. If there's nothing else, I'll leave."


Chu Ming grabbed An Muxi's right hand, his face showing a helpless bitter smile.

"Sister, you should know from reading 'The Chronicles of the Nine Provinces' that other methods will only make the next Natural Charm Body eruption even more severe."


An Muxi struggled to break free, clasping her hands in front of her chest, and the coldness in her eyes turned into a soft coquettishness.

I've already given you the undergarments, what else do you want?

Can I really not escape from this?

"Well... what do you suggest then?"

Clearly, this question already had an answer.

If she had initially resisted without any explanation, now, because of Chu Ming's caring actions, An Muxi's conflicted heart suddenly wavered.

To improve her cultivation and strength, it was inevitable that she had to alleviate the increasingly severe Natural Charm Body.

In that case, she would have to do that kind of thing with him...

No, she still couldn't accept it!

An Muxi shook her head, her tone slightly pleading.

"Chu Ming, we can't do that! At least let us get to know each other better, or give me some time to think..."

"In fact, harmonizing yin and yang is not what Sister thinks."

Seeing that An Muxi still had reservations, Chu Ming suddenly developed a mischievous mindset. His lips curled up, and he decided to play a trick.

"I saw in a cultivation manual that besides doing that between a man and a woman, helping each other can also be considered a form of harmonizing yin and yang."

Chu Ming's mind stirred, and An Muxi's pupils contracted. Her thighs trembled suddenly.


Did I misunderstand something?

Why are these stockings...

No way! Could it be because the Natural Charm Body is acting up?

"What do you mean by helping each other?"

An Muxi's voice was panting lightly as she kept retreating, her watery eyes filled with a dazed and absent-minded look. She didn't notice that Chu Ming had gradually cornered her against the wall.

She felt as if her legs were being attached by tens of thousands of octopuses, making them weak and numb. But deep down, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort.

No, this can't go on!

Something bad is going to happen!

Tomorrow is Tuesday, please update! Two chapters will be released in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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