Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

186. Chapter 183 Then I Will Sleep Here Tonight [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 183 Then I’ll sleep here tonight [4k please subscribe! ]

"Huh, I'm my sister's replacement, right?"

An Muqing snorted, pretending to be dissatisfied with Chu Ming's answer on the surface, but inwardly, he was coaxed into joy by his sweet words.


Chu Ming said he actually likes me!

So happy!

"You and Xi'er each have their own characteristics, and neither one can replace the other."

Chu Ming smiled softly and asked using the response method he had already thought of.

"It's you, Muqing, why do you suddenly like me?"

"I remember that you hated me at first, right? You called me a pervert all day long, and I helped you heal your wounds. I saved you so many times and you still had this attitude. It made me think that I had offended you before. .”

"You just offended me!"

When An Muqing thought about being teased by Chu Ming repeatedly before, An Muqing became so angry that he raised his pink fist to his chest and beat him hard, with an angry look on his face.

"Although I said I like you, I still hate you! Please remember this!"


An Muqing's self-contradictory words made Chu Ming laugh out loud. She gently stroked her waist and hip curve with her right hand and laughed softly.

"Then how can you not hate me?"

"Then it depends on your performance."

Seeing that the initiative in the relationship between the two fell into his own hands, An Muqing couldn't help but feel complacent and started talking with his fingers.

"First of all, when you like me more than your sister, I will try hard not to hate you."

"Also, you must always use the fire seal to contact me, don't always ask me to find you!"

An Muqing said fiercely, but she couldn't hear Chu Ming's reply, which made her look up in confusion.

Feeling guilty?

However, when he saw Chu Ming frowning and falling into coma, An Muqing couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Chu Ming!"

"Why did my consciousness suddenly come here?"

Chu Ming looked at the misty scene surrounded by spiritual mist, and immediately his eyes were fixed on the seven-layer Qi base in front of him that was filled with astonishing fluctuations, and his expression could not help but be a little surprised and stunned.

Seventh floor?

When did you break through the Seventh Layer of Foundation Building?

Chu Ming brought up his personal panel and looked at the information in the light screen in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but praise excitedly.

"Double cultivation with An Muqing has actually improved myself to a whole new level? This is so cool!"

Not only that, the Hehuan Heart Sutra has also been promoted to Rank Seven with the dual cultivation, Tianyan Five Elements Technique has also been promoted to Rank Two, and even Nanming Lihuo has been promoted from an orange entry to a red entry, with the addition of ember-extinguishing properties.

"Nan Ming Li Huo (extinguish the embers)"

"The inherent characteristics of Vermilion Bird's flame are endless and will never die."

"Does it mean to burn forever..."

Chu Ming waved his hand and dismissed the personal panel, then moved his eyes downward, staring at the black needle inserted into his Qi Ji with a puzzled expression.

It was about several feet long, and its entire body was as black as ink, with a shiny and smooth surface. There was also a layer of strange black mist surrounding it, and its tail even swelled with a swollen and ferocious flesh ball, beating like a living heart.

What is this?

Chu Ming was very sure that the black needle was the culprit of his coma, which made him feel an unprecedented sense of crisis and horror.

Because this black needle was inserted directly into the Qi base of his Dantian, and he didn't notice it at all!

"This looks a bit like the sharp claws of that tick..."

Chu Ming suddenly discovered Hua Dian, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Could this be the tick Demonic Beast that pierced my body?

"Damn, how did this thing get in?"

Chu Ming scratched his head and was puzzled. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out how this thing entered his body or even reached his Dantian.

"I was stung in the back, and then suffered severe pain that spread throughout my body. These conditions should have completely disappeared after practicing double cultivation with An Muqing..."

Floating and pacing in his Dantian, Chu Ming combed through the process, scratched his head slightly irritably, and finally gave up and sighed.

"The top priority is how to get this thing out. It's not a problem if it stays in my body like a custom bomb!"

"The most important thing is that this time bomb actually interferes with my spiritual perception and absorbs the spiritual power in my Dantian, just like a parasite!"

When the word "parasite" was mentioned, an idea flashed in Chu Ming's mind, and he quickly came to Qi Ji to carefully observe the black needle, his expression suddenly enlightened.

It turns out that this tick is really a parasite?

Chu Ming was surprised to find that there was a demon crystal hidden in the meat ball at the back of the black needle!

"That guy actually injected the demon crystal into my body?"

After Chu Ming exclaimed, the corner of his mouth curled up with excitement.

Now that you know what it is, it’s easy to handle!

After saying that, he summoned the "Book of Life and Death of Hundred Demons" with a thought.

As if feeling the aura of the Demonic Beast, the "Book of Life and Death of Hundred Demons" automatically turned without wind, and soon turned to the page with the tick on it.

In an instant, a ball of bright white light suddenly enveloped the black needle, and it shrank and became dented at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, an inexplicable aura filled Chu Ming's limbs, causing him to narrow his eyes and groan in comfort.

"The main attribute of this tick is actually mental power? No wonder it feels so comfortable to absorb."

However, when Chu Ming was enjoying the infusion of spiritual power brought about by absorbing the tick demon crystal in the "Book of Life and Death of Hundred Demons", it suddenly discovered that there was a crack in the original Qi base!

? ? ?

This crack did not shrink with the shrinkage of the black needle?

Chu Ming panicked for a moment. This was the first time that Qi Ji was in such a situation.

It disappears when the spiritual power disappears, but there can be no problems with this thing!

The Qi Ji that he had finally consolidated was ruined by a tiny tick?

After Chu Ming thought for a while, he quickly recalled the "Book of Life and Death of Hundred Demons".

The black needles that have lost their absorption in the "Book of Life and Death of Hundred Demons" are no longer dented, and Qi Ji's cracks no longer leak out rich spiritual power for the time being.


Chu Ming breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the non-existent sweat stains on his forehead, but he still felt a little palpitated and scared.

This thing is like a knife stuck in the body. You must not pull it out. Once you pull it out, you will bleed heavily, and then the situation will be irreversible.

"So we have to absorb the tick's demon soul every once in a while so that Qi Ji can repair itself without collapsing."

Chu Ming held his chin and thought for a while. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his spiritual sea was wrapped in a ball of warmth, and soon his consciousness gradually came to life...

"Chu Ming?"

"Chu Ming!"

Following several slightly anxious calls, Chu Ming slowly opened her heavy eyelids, her dazed pupils gradually focused, and soon her delicate and slightly worried face appeared in front of her eyes.

"woke up?!"

Seeing that Chu Ming was awake, An Muqing threw herself into his arms excitedly, causing him to cough crazily due to the stuffiness, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Where am I?"

Chu Ming sat up and looked around, and was surprised to find that one second before he was conscious, he was still in the woods, and the next second he was in an elegant and luxuriously decorated room.

The mahogany couch with hollow relief carvings was dimly covered by red curtains. A strong scent of sandalwood hit his face, causing Chu Ming to squint his eyes and take a deep breath, then slowly exhaled.

"What a luxurious room. Muqing, did you take me into the city to find an inn?"


An Muqing seemed to be happy because of Chu Ming's awakening. An Muqing smiled coquettishly, jumped to the door of the wing and pushed him open.

In an instant, rich spiritual power mixed with a hint of warmth surged in from outside the wing, blowing An Muqing's fiery red hair to flutter in the wind.

"We are in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect now."


Blazing Fire Immortal Sect?

Chu Ming was slightly stunned. He was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses. He immediately got out of bed and slowly walked to the door of the wing and looked out.

The sun sets in the distance, and the orange-red glow fills the entire sky and earth.

The red maple forest all over the mountains and plains came into view like a tide. Countless monks riding Spirit Beasts and wielding Spirit Swords hurriedly passed through the air, bringing with them a burst of brilliant tail flames.

Seven towering mountains stand among the mountains. A thick spiritual mist surrounds them. From time to time, bright firelights shoot up into the sky, causing waves to spread.

"This is actually the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect?"

Looking at Chu Ming's shocked expression, An Muqing said with a smile.

"I brought you here."

"If I hadn't asked Master to save you, the Qi Ji in your body would have been eroded away by the poisonous stinger of the tick demon."

An Muqing’s master?

That beautiful woman named Yu Zijin?

Chu Ming suddenly recalled that beautiful and graceful face, as gentle as jade, and his mind couldn't help but be swayed by it, and he suddenly realized it.

No wonder I always feel that there is an inexplicable but extremely gentle breath wrapped around my Qi Ji, preventing the poisonous sting from penetrating deeply. It turns out that I have the help of an expert.

"Then I have to thank your master before I can leave."


An Muqing suddenly raised his eyebrows, put his hands on his waist and said seriously.

"Master said that the tick's poisonous stinger in your Dantian penetrates too deep into your Qi base, so all she can do is reduce the degree of corrosion of your Qi base."

"If you want to completely eliminate the stinger of the tick demon, you have to use your spiritual power to continuously infiltrate and digest it."

"So Master said you cannot leave the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect until you have completely eradicated the tick's stinger."

Can't leave?

Isn't this house arrest?

Chu Ming was slightly stunned, but when he saw An Muqing's bright eyes shining with splendor and expectation, he suddenly realized.

Maybe it was not An Muqing's master who kept her in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, but her own wishes?

In this case, just stay here to recuperate.

On the one hand, I have just taken away a girl's virginity, so it is indeed inappropriate to leave at this time. There is always the feeling of a scumbag who always abandons the girl.

On the other hand, both Master and Xi'er are practicing in seclusion. If he wants to use dual cultivation to improve his cultivation and eradicate the sting of the tick demon in his Dantian, he may have to find An Muqing.

After careful consideration, Chu Ming nodded slightly and smiled.

"Okay then, I'll stay in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect for a while."

"Very good!"

As soon as he heard that Chu Ming planned to stay, An Muqing burst into laughter, rushed forward, threw himself into his arms excitedly and said with a smile.

"I'll go and tell Master later that you plan to stay and go back after your injuries recover."

"I'll go with you."

Chu Ming touched An Muqing's head and said softly.

"After all, it was your master who saved me. It would be too rude of me not to thank you in person."

"It's just a little effort."

At this time, a voice as soft and elegant as the spring breeze suddenly sounded in the side room.

Chu Ming shuddered and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and found that Yu Zijin, who was wearing a long blue and white dress and had a gentle and calm temperament, was sitting on a stool, her jade hands folded on her thighs, her expression calm and composed.

"After the tick demon broke through the Core Formation realm, it had the means to insert its venomous sting deeply into a person's Dantian, thereby absorbing the spiritual power in his body and using it for his own use."

"So even if the tick demon has been killed by me, the stinger in your body is still integrated with your Qi base. It cannot be pulled out forcefully and can only be warmed with spiritual power."

"If it is completely digested, the spiritual power contained in it can provide you with a lot of cultivation."

"Thank you, senior, for your advice and rescue. I will never forget this kindness, Chu Ming."

Chu Ming bowed slightly in fear, not daring to look at Xiuzijin.

Because he found that eyes filled with various complex emotions such as indifference, coldness and curiosity were looking at him up and down, and maybe the body and head would be separated at the slightest movement.

This little guy...isn't there anything special?

So why did Muqing like him so much that he fell deeply into it within just half a month, unable to extricate himself, and even gave up his body?

Xuzijin's bright eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze on Chu Ming became even sharper.

Except for his appearance, which is more handsome and delicate than ordinary people, other aspects are only above average.

However, he is very talented in both cultivation and alchemy, which makes him a good match for Muqing.

However, it doesn’t make sense that you have Muqing and her sister at the same time...

"Just call me Sect Master."

When the awkward atmosphere in the wing lasted for about half a while, the silence was broken by Xuzijin's soft words.

"Just stay in my Blazing Fire Immortal Sect while you recover. I will contact Elder Tianyan to explain the situation."

"As for when to go back, it's up to you."

Hu Zijin stood up and walked towards the door. Before leaving, he did not forget to glance back at An Muqing who was looking very excited.

"Muqing, you are a guest, so you can take Chu Ming around, and you can make your own arrangements for the private room at night."

"Okay, Master, walk slowly!"

The moment Xuzijin disappeared, An Muqing hugged Chu Ming's arm tightly and said with a smile.

"Come on, I'll show you around the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect!"

"No, the sun is setting. I'm still injured. You can take me around tomorrow. I'll rest today."


An Muqing was slightly disappointed, but when he realized that Chu Ming didn't follow him out, he couldn't help but look a little confused.

"Don't you want to rest?"

"This wing should be your room, right?"

Chu Ming didn't answer the question, and then a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as if his plan had succeeded.

"Then I'll sleep here tonight."

(End of chapter)

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