Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

187. Chapter 184 Eclipse Candle Dragon [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 184 "Eclipse Candle Dragon" [4k please subscribe! ]


After hearing Chu Ming's words, An Muqing was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

"How did you know this was my room?"


Chu Ming pointed to the dressing table not far away. Not only was the table filled with various rouges and lipsticks, there were even clean white stockings stacked on the stool.

and an article of clothing.

And this piece of clothing was the "special" cheongsam that Chu Ming gave to An Muqing at that time, with a heart-shaped opening on the chest.


Seeing Chu Ming looking at him with a playful smile, An Muqing's cheeks turned red in an instant. He quickly ran to the dressing table, hugged the cheongsam and white silk tightly in his arms, and explained hesitantly.

"You...don't get me wrong! I just want to return these things to you and keep them until now. I don't like to wear them!"

"I see."

Chu Ming smiled knowingly, and also came to the dressing table and stroked the soft fabric of the cheongsam, and couldn't help but joke.

"You even helped me re-sew it without wearing it. You are really a good wife and mother."

"You keep telling me I'm going to ignore you!"

An Muqing angrily stuffed all the clothes into Chu Ming's arms, then hugged his arm and walked out.

"I've found a place for you to stay tonight. It's right next door."

"Can't I live here?"

Chu Ming reached down with her right hand, wandered along An Muqing's smooth and beautiful back to her waist, took her into his arms, leaned down and asked with a chuckle in her ear.

"We are already Taoist couples, why can't we live together?"

"go away!"

As soon as he heard Chu Ming mention what happened during the day, An Muqing blushed and hurriedly pushed him away, clasping his waist with his hands in embarrassment.

"Chu Ming! Although I said I like you, please don't push yourself too far!"

"What happened in the morning, I just saw the pain on your face and wanted to help you heal. I will never do this kind of thing again in the future!"

? ? ?

People say that men are ruthless when it comes to pulling out sex, but you are actually ruthless when it comes to withdrawing?

Chu Ming's expression couldn't help but reveal a hint of helplessness.

"Muqing, what is our relationship?"

"Hmph! Of course it's brother-in-law and sister-in-law!"

An Muqing snorted, came to Chu Ming's side with a proud expression, hugged his arm and said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, please don't let your sister know about our relationship."


After sensing the threat in An Muqing's words, Chu Ming pretended to pull out his right arm from her arms and opened the distance between the two with a serious expression.

"In that case, let's keep a certain distance."


Seeing that Chu Ming was deliberately hiding from him, An Muqing stepped forward and hugged his right arm tightly again and said angrily.

"Now that my sister is not here, we can get closer."


Seeing An Muqing's attitude, Chu Ming felt like his head was spinning.

What is this girl thinking about?

You said you liked me and even gave your virginity to me, but now you want to keep your distance from me?

I can understand this. After all, the matter of sisters serving the same husband is indeed a bit unacceptable from an ethical and moral perspective, and it takes time to buffer.

However, I planned to keep a distance from you, but you took the initiative to stick close to me?

what is this?

You are only allowed to take the initiative to post posts to me, but I am not allowed to take the initiative to post posts to you?

"Muqing, what are you thinking about? Can you talk to me?"

Chu Ming's face showed sincerity, which made An Muqing look away in panic. After some struggle, An Muqing whispered.

"Because I'm not mentally prepared yet! After all, my sister's side..."

"Didn't you tell me that Xi'er is not here, so can we get closer?"

Chu Ming stroked An Muqing's silky hair and chuckled.

"If that's the case, why are you still avoiding me?"

"Who told you to bully me all the time?"

An Muqing murmured quietly, but seemed to enjoy Chu Ming's touch. Then she narrowed her beautiful eyes like a kitten and pressed her delicate face against his palm for a while.

"If Master finds out that we are staying in a wing, I will be punished again."

"Do you really think your master doesn't know about it?"

A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Chu Ming's mouth, which made An Muqing blink his eyes slightly, with confusion on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Chu Ming said with a slight smile.

"I don't think that with your master's strength, I can't see your true inner thoughts."

"Maybe she already knew you liked me."


An Muqing crossed his arms across his chest with confidence.

"I control my emotions so well, Master, she must not know."

Good control?

Who can hide the joyful expression you showed in front of your master just now?

Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh, and then said in a condensed voice.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep with you?"

"I won't let you sleep!"

An Muqing pouted slightly and glared at Chu Ming with a face full of embarrassment.

"Don't think that I don't know what you want to do. If you sleep with me, I will be appointed by you at night..."


Suddenly, before An Muqing could finish her words, Chu Ming clutched her Dantian and collapsed to the ground in pain, rolling over in pain. She could not suppress the heart-rending screams in her throat.

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

"Just pretend!"

Obviously, Chu Ming's poor acting skills did not resonate with An Muqing's sympathy at all, and there was even a trace of contempt in his slightly narrowed eyes.

"As a leader among the young generation of Heavenly Evolution Sect, you actually want to pretend to be sick?"


However, as time passed, when Chu Ming lay paralyzed on the ground and stopped moving, and even his consciousness fell into a coma, An Muqing suddenly woke up, and his indifferent expression turned into panic.

"Chu Ming?!"

"Why are you pretending to be sick, pretending to be conscious and immersed in the sea of ​​​​spirit?"

Chu Ming looked at the strange and inexplicable twisted space around him, and immediately couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, with a little bit of black light flashing, Lin, a tall figure in a black dress, suddenly appeared in front of Chu Ming.

She put her hands around her chest to support her fullness, and her cold face revealed a hint of seriousness.

"I called you in."

"Chu Ming, where are you now?"


Chu Ming was startled by the sudden appearance of the Black Dragon Sister in front of her. She was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses and asked softly.

"I'm now in the realm of Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, what's wrong?"

"It has a keel here!"

Looking at Lin's solemn expression, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel startled.

Is there a keel?

"Blazing Fire Immortal Sect is one of the five major sects in the Northern Territory. It should be normal for your dragon bones to exist, right?"

"What I said was not mine."

Lin suddenly leaned over Yu Leng's face, stared into Chu Ming's eyes and spoke word by word.

"I feel the breath of "Eclipse Candle Dragon"! "

Eclipse Sun Candle Dragon?

For Chu Ming, who heard this name for the first time, although he didn't know how powerful this dragon was, judging from Lin's solemn expression, maybe it was on the same level as the "Holy Moon Ice Dragon".

Is there such a terrifying dragon skeleton in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect?


"You mean the it still alive?"

"The physical body is dead, but the demon spirit remains."

Lin straightened her back, stared straight at Chu Ming and said in a deep voice.

"Go find the demon soul of "Eclipse Candle Dragon", and I will teach you the Fire Dragon Transformation among the seven Dragon Transformations. "


Just look for it if you say you can!

This is someone else's territory, and maybe they regard the "Eclipse Sun Candle Dragon" monster as a treasure.

Chu Ming's cheeks twitched slightly, but Lin's suggestion still made him a little moved.

Originally, the Ice Dragon Transformation could already increase one's cultivation by two levels in a short period of time.

If he was practicing the Fire Dragon Transformation and the two were superimposed, wouldn't he be able to briefly break through the Third Layer or even the Fourth Layer?

Then with my Seventh Layer strength in the Foundation Building realm, maybe I can fight against the strong ones in the Core Formation!

Chu Ming couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"Can the Fire Dragon Transformation and Ice Dragon Transformation be used together?"

"Generally not."

Rin shook her head.

"Ice and fire are naturally in conflict with each other. If they are used at the same time, it will only bring unbearable load and trauma to the body and soul. It is even better to use only one Dragon Transformation seven changes."

"But that's for others. For you, using both at the same time will only make you stronger!"


Hearing Lin's description, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little confused.


"Because the technique you practice is Tianyan Five Elements Technique."

Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, looking down at Chu Ming's astonished face.

"Don't you understand the capabilities of the Tianyan Five Elements Technique that you practice?"


This question made Chu Ming feel a little at a loss and could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

I don't know this!

It was just a special skill that the system integrated for me. I gave it a brief introduction and gave it to me without saying anything about its effects.


Seeing Chu Ming's confused look, Lin couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, and then started talking.

"Tianyan Five Elements Technique not only allows the spiritual power in your Dantian to transform among the five elements, but can even suppress the mutual restraint between the five elements."

"So for other people's conflicting spiritual powers that cannot be incorporated into the body, you can fuse them at will without any side effects."

"So that's it."

With Jing Lin's description, Chu Ming finally understood the secret of Tianyan Five Elements Technique.

Generally, a person can only practice techniques of that type of spiritual root with any type of attribute.

Tianyan Five Elements Technique breaks this rule and allows those who practice this technique to have stronger adaptability to spiritual power.

"So according to what you said, I can use the Ice Dragon Transformation and the Fire Dragon Transformation together?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Then what is this called, the Ice and Fire Double Dragon Transformation?"

"It's up to you. Anyway, you can only practice one of the seven Dragon Transformations, and you should be the only one in the world who can practice many of them, without exception."

Seeing Rin praising him so much, Chu Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, held his chin and thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

"Okay, but I'm not familiar with the place here in Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, and the chance of getting the "Eclipse Candle Dragon" demon soul is very slim. "

"It's okay. Anyway, I'm just here to tell you the news. Can you get it?"

Although Rin looked indifferent, Chu Ming still noticed a hint of loss in her bright eyes as clear as an ancient well.

Perhaps this "Eclipse Candle Dragon" demon spirit will help her regain her strength.

After some thought, Chu Ming smiled slightly and his tone was particularly firm.

"I'll get it for you."


There was a little bit of emotion in Lin's eyes, and with a wave of his right hand, Chu Ming felt a flash of black light in front of his eyes, and his originally confused consciousness gradually returned.


When he woke up for the second time, Chu Ming found that he was still lying on the bed.

At this moment, in the dim wing room, there were only a few red candles swaying slightly with pale yellow flames outside the curtain.

Is it already night?

Chu Ming looked slightly stunned. He sat up and opened the red curtain to look around. He found An Muqing sitting in front of the dressing table, using a wooden comb to comb his long, silky hair over and over again. The conspicuous deep red color was in the It is particularly eye-catching under the candlelight.

At this moment, she was wearing the red and gold cheongsam given by Chu Ming, and her originally smooth and tight legs were also wrapped in thin white silk.

Compared with her delicate appearance in the morning, she revealed a hint of charming femininity at night.

"He also said he didn't like wearing it."

Chu Ming whistled and joked, which made An Muqing suddenly turn around. After blinking a few times with his gleaming eyes, he unexpectedly did not quarrel with Chu Ming, but looked at him overjoyed.

"you're awake?!"

"Well, I may have been a little sleepy recently because of the poisonous stinger of the tick in my dantian."

Chu Ming chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed. Just as he was about to get up, An Muqing rushed towards him and pressed him down on the bed with his soft and delicate body. He beat his chest hard with an annoyed look on his face.

"I thought you were pretending to be sick! You made me so worried!"

"Feel sorry."

Chu Ming tightly wrapped his arms around the pretty person in his arms, his cheeks twitching slightly in embarrassment.

I didn’t know that Rin suddenly came to me while I was pretending to be sick!

What a coincidence!

"sorry that I had you worried."

Chu Ming gently stroked An Muqing's budding waist and hip curves, but against the backdrop of the cheongsam, this green fruit had a unique flavor that made him unable to put it down.

With his superb and skillful skills, An Muqing was soon twisting her hot body, opening and closing her cherry mouth slightly, and her originally worried look gradually became intoxicated by the heat that stirred her whole body.

"It's getting late, so I'll go to my private room to rest."

Looking at An Muqing's moist eyes that were gradually filled with desire and confusion, Chu Ming suddenly stopped what he was doing, and pretending to be a gentleman, he gently placed her on the couch and touched her head.

"Good night"


Leaving now?

Seeing Chu Ming getting up and leaving, An Muqing blinked her beautiful eyes frequently in astonishment, feeling puzzled.

Didn't you say you wanted to stay in my wing tonight?

Just now you were so ambiguously intimate with me, but in the middle of the process, I couldn't get up or down, and you just left like this?

Bad guy!

An Muqing's jade cheeks quickly turned red, biting the corner of her mouth, she seemed to have made up her mind to catch up with Chu Ming, grabbed his sleeve tightly and said fiercely.

"You stay with me tonight!"

(End of chapter)

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