Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

188. Chapter 185 Muqing Takes The Initiative [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 185 Muqing takes the initiative [4k please subscribe! ]


Chu Ming looked back and lowered his gaze. When he saw An Muqing clutching his sleeve tightly and not letting go, he couldn't help but look a little confused.

"Don't you want me to spend the night at your place?"

"Aren't you injured?"

Under the candlelight, An Muqing's delicate face was slightly rosy, her eyes were wandering and evasive, and her mouth was hesitating, as if she was embarrassed and shy.

"You...don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid that you will suddenly pass out like before. If something happens in my Blazing Fire Immortal Sect realm, Master will not be able to explain to you Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"Is it."

The corner of Chu Ming's lips curled up into a smirk, as if his plan had succeeded, and then he pretended to cough lightly.

"Since Muqing you are keeping me like this, then I will reluctantly stay here tonight."

"Bah! No matter who keeps you, I'm just worried about you!"

An Muqing coquettishly said, but her pounding heart and the heat gradually rising in her slightly narrowed beautiful eyes clearly exposed the true thoughts in her mind.

Woo woo woo...

Are you going to do that thing with Chu Ming again?

What a shame!

It was clear that we hadn’t even made the oath of eternal love or the gift of marriage, so we jumped directly to the wedding night?

This is too fast!

Although I had already done that earlier, it was me who took the initiative to keep him tonight!

But I am really shameless. It is clear that Chu Ming is my sister’s Taoist monk and my brother-in-law, but yet I am still like this...

But you can’t blame me entirely, who got him injured!

Of course, this guy Chu Ming is really serious and actually asked me to take the initiative to beg for him.

But why don’t I hate it, and even kind of like this feeling?

An Muqing lowered her gaze and glanced at the remaining red marks on her shoulders. The intoxication in her beautiful eyes became more intense. She subconsciously raised her hand to touch her soft and plump red lips, as if she was feeling something.

Could this be related to my physique as a half-fox demon?

Although the negative impact of the naturally charming body almost disappeared under the internal heat of Nanming Lihuo, as his cultivation level increased, this suppression became more and more sensational.

But after doing what I did with Chu Ming, this burning feeling that stirred my whole body from time to time magically disappeared!

"Perhaps I should have snatched my brother-in-law away long ago..."

An Muqing muttered, glanced at the couch in the red curtain tent, and found that Chu Ming had already laid down to rest. This made her tangle her delicate hands in front of her body. She pursed her thin lips again and again, thinking for a long time with her crimson face lowered. Finally, Taking a deep breath, he slowly came to the bedside as if he had made up his mind.


However, when An Muqing opened the curtain, closed her misty beautiful eyes, and prepared to face the coming storm with a shy face, she heard a slight snore coming slowly.


An Muqing opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Chu Ming's sleeping face, who was in a sweet dream, and couldn't help but look a little stunned.

Fell asleep?

Taken together, you are really here to sleep at my place at night, not to sleep with me?


An Muqing couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and the tense nerves in his body gradually relaxed.

It turns out that Chu Ming doesn’t plan to continue doing that kind of thing with me tonight.

Very good!

An Muqing was a little excited in his heart, and he immediately bent his knees, quietly climbed over Chu Ming and climbed into the couch, found a thin blanket to cover himself, and slept on his side with his back to him.

However, when he felt the warm breath coming from the back of his neck and the vague fragrance of hay, An Muqing's calm heart suddenly became active again, with a hint of displeasure and resentment.

Why do I feel a little angry?

How can you sleep on the same couch with a stunningly beautiful girl like me?

Even if you don't do that kind of thing, you can still do something to me!

If the person sleeping next to me was my sister, I'm afraid she would turn into a hungry wolf and pounce on her...

An Muqing glanced back at Chu Ming, who was sleeping soundly. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. With constant jealousy, a bold idea suddenly came to her mind.

Doesn't Chu Ming's sleeping soundly mean that I'm not as charming as my sister?


We can't let him fall asleep like this!

I have to do something small to wake him up and prove that I am more attractive than my sister!

After some thought, An Muqing turned over to face Chu Ming, and then carefully stretched out her jade hand to interlock with his fingers.

However, after waiting for a while, he found that Chu Ming was still sleeping soundly, which made An Muqing pouted in anger.

Dead pig!

Will sleep!

Seeing that the first trick didn't work, An Muqing planned to take a strong dose. He directly hugged Chu Ming's entire left arm in his arms, raised his head and printed the mark of his moist lips on his cheek. .

However, in the face of such an "attack", Chu Ming just frowned slightly, rubbed his face impatiently, and mumbled indistinctly.

"Where did the mosquitoes come from? They are so annoying."


You actually called me annoying?

An Muqing was so angry that her teeth itched, but she had no intention of giving up and was ready to use her trump card.

"Brother-in-law, how does your sister-in-law taste?"

After lying down next to Chu Ming's ear and humming in a charming voice, Chu Ming slowly woke up with a sigh, which made An Muqing overjoyed.

woke up!

Sure enough, the knowledge I read in books is useful!

Men really have a special obsession with sisters!

"Who did you learn this trick from?"

Chu Ming suddenly turned over, placed his hands on both sides of An Muqing's cheeks, stared straight into her panicked eyes, and chuckled.

"You tried to wake me up again and again. What did you want to do?"

"What are you not doing..."

An Muqing glanced at the red cheeks with some guilt, then suddenly seemed to realize something, and looked at Chu Ming's face with a playful smile in astonishment.

"No! Why did you wake up so quickly? Were you not asleep?"

"How can I sleep with a beautiful girl like you beside me?"

Chu Ming leaned down and savored An Muqing's exquisite collarbone and white jade neck that still had light red marks, and couldn't help but joke.

"You sleep next to me wearing such a dress, can I understand that... you are seducing me?"

"Who seduced you...well."

Upon hearing Chu Ming's words, the panting An Muqing widened her beautiful eyes in annoyance. After struggling to no avail, she was about to yell, but in the end, her lips were pinched, and she could only whimper and twist her lips. However, his body soon turned into mud and collapsed, enjoying Chu Ming's superb kissing skills in a daze.

So strong!

But I like it very much!

Sister, brother-in-law, he is really good!

Are these all skills I have practiced with you?

In this case, let me experience it too. Sister, you won't be angry, right?

An Muqing broke away and held Chu Ming's neck tightly with her hands, her bright eyes filled with sinking love.


"By the way, let me ask you something."

Just as An Muqing's inner fire was climbing crazily, Chu Ming suddenly stopped and gently stroked the hair that covered her face, completely exposing her beautiful and crimson face to his sight.

"Have you never learned the method of dual cultivation?"


As soon as he heard this question, An Muqing suddenly came back from his intoxication. He was stunned for a moment and then beat Chu Ming's chest angrily.

"You are sick! Who should I learn the method of dual cultivation from?"

"No, I mean have you never been exposed to this?"

Chu Ming smiled slightly, then sat up immediately, took out the "Hehuan Heart Sutra (Female)" from the space bag and placed it on the couch.

"It just so happens that I have a copy of the dual cultivation technique that your sister has learned. Why don't you try to learn it too?"

"Not learn!"

As soon as he saw the name "Hehuan Heart Sutra", An Muqing kicked it aside with his white silk jade feet with disgust on his face.

"Who would learn such crooked ways!"

"This is not a crooked way."

Chu Ming explained with a serious face.

"The way of Yin and Yang is also one of the tens of thousands of ways in the world. How can it be said to be a crooked way?"

"What's more, most of my cultivation is achieved through dual cultivation with your sister, and your sister's cultivation has already broken through the Foundation Building Sixth Layer because of this dual cultivation method."

Foundation Building environment Sixth Layer?

When An Muqing heard this, his expression suddenly became surprised.

When we met some time ago, sister, wasn't she in the Fourth Layer of Foundation Building?

How come just one month has passed and she has already reached the Sixth Layer?


Seeing An Muqing pursed her soft lips and lost in thought, Chu Ming took advantage of the victory and pursued her, using a magnetic low voice to follow the lead.

"What's more, we are already Taoist companions, so we should make full use of this and improve our cultivation through the Hehuan Heart Sutra."

"Don't you want to take your strength even further and impress your master?"

Chu Ming suddenly put his face in front of An Muqing, a flash of coldness and murderous intent flashed in his deep eyes.

"Muqing, don't forget that your mother is still imprisoned in the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect. If she is rescued too late, her situation will be even more dangerous."


Hearing the news about his mother, An Muqing was filled with anger for a moment, but he soon calmed down. After taking a few breaths, he stared into Chu Ming's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I want to save my mother!"

"now it's right!"

Chu Ming snapped her fingers excitedly, and immediately stuffed the Albizia Heart Sutra into An Muqing's arms and said softly.

"After you learn it, we can practice together."


Seeing Chu Ming's serious look, An Muqing gave him a shy look, and immediately turned his attention to the Hehuan Heart Sutra in his arms.

Sister, she has already practiced cultivation, so she has no reason to refuse, right?

After some hesitation and entanglement, An Muqing slowly opened the Hehuan Heart Sutra, and after taking a few glances at the unsightly content inside, she seemed to have opened the door to a new world. Her expression gradually evolved from shyness at the beginning to curiosity. In the end, I actually held it while lying on the bed and looked at it with gusto.

So there are so many ways to practice?

It’s really enlightening!

An Muqing's beautiful eyes widened, her crimson face became hot, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she couldn't help but open her mouth to breathe slightly.

"So interesting..."

Sure enough, women have more lustful genes ingrained in their bones than men!

Seeing An Muqing getting better and better, Chu Ming couldn't help but bring up a gentle smile. At this moment, she suddenly pointed to a certain page in the Hehuan Heart Sutra and described it doubtfully.

"Why is there no diagram for this Thousand Birds Song? And the textual explanation is also unclear."

"Maybe this cultivation method is not very mature."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and then he stared at An Muqing with stern guidance.

"How about...I teach you?"


Hearing this, An Muqing's pretty face turned crimson, she bit her soft lips shyly, and after hesitating for a moment, she finally nodded slightly and said coquettishly.

"Brother-in-law, teach me."

"come here."

Chu Ming leaned on the end of the bed and lay slumped on the couch. He immediately patted the side of his thigh. After An Muqing crawled over, he lovingly tied her hair back for her. He stroked her soft cherry lips with his thumb and chuckled. .

"I remember you pretended to be Xi'er and did such a thing that night, right?"


An Muqing opened her mouth lightly and bit Chu Ming's thumb. Such astringent behavior made Chu Ming feel hot inside.

"In that case, just do what you did last time. I will guide you this time."


An Muqing said in a greasy voice, her jade was flushed. Although her eyes were wandering, her eyes still moved down from time to time, her hazy eyes full of surprise and curiosity.

"let me try."


Chu Ming took a breath and said hurriedly.

"Retract the tiger fangs!"

"So Chu Ming will stay in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect to recuperate for the time being. He will go back when his injuries are healed."

Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, Nanming Mountain Forbidden Land.

Hu Zijin stood at the entrance of the cave with her hands behind her hands and looked out. The moonlight in the sky poured down on her exquisite body wrapped in clothes, reflecting her figure that was more charming and mature than usual.

Behind her, a spar emitting silver-gray waves was floating in the air, and the helpless old voice of Old Man Tianyan could be faintly heard from inside.

"Okay, Fairy Mengdie, Chu Ming has caused trouble for you."

"It doesn't matter."

Hu Zijin raised her jade hand slightly, and suddenly a black and white butterfly floated from the distance and landed on her index finger. It immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared between her eyebrows.

"The illusion of floating life has begun."

After digesting the news brought by Butterfly, there was a slight hint of surprise in Hu Zijin's expression, while Old Man Tianyan's originally indifferent tone also had slight fluctuations.

"Illusion of floating life? Where is the essence of the Dream God?"


Hu Zijin opened her red lips and was about to say something, but then her eyes became slightly sharp, and she put away the crystal with a wave of her jade hand and said in a contemplative voice.

"Let's talk about it when we have time."

"Fairy Mengdie, you are fine."

The moment the sound transmission with Old Man Tianyan was cut off, a thick chuckle suddenly floated between heaven and earth.

"Sheng Ling is here late at night. If there is any trouble, please let Fairy Mengdie take care of it."

(End of chapter)

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