Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

20.Chapter 20 Shyness And Compromise

Chapter 20: Coyness and Compromise

[Since you were brought home by An Muxi after birth, you have been pondering the true meaning of being a pair of pants.]

[Is it for the purpose of achieving immortality and living between heaven and earth? Impossible, you are just a pair of ordinary pants, who knows when you will be abandoned by your owner.]


[Simulation over, please select a reward option.]

"You sure know how to have fun."

After a brief moment of surprise, Chu Ming couldn't help but comment, and his thoughts began to wander.

You see, part of this simulation could actually happen in a certain timeline.

And the fact that Senior Sister agreed to wear the Thunder Shocking Jade I gave her, does that mean she doesn't dislike this kind of behavior?

Just like earlier, when I was clearly controlling the mischievous actions of the silk stockings on her legs, she seemed to be enduring it while also showing a hint of enjoyment?

"It seems like I can explore this further in the future..."

A wicked smile appeared on Chu Ming's lips, and after some contemplation, he chose the second reward option.

Talents and aptitude represent the future, while attributes and cultivation represent the present. Since he didn't urgently need to improve his strength at the moment, he naturally chose the path for long-term development.

[For this simulation, the item "Ordinary Pants" has an intimacy level of 99 with An Muxi. The second reward is:]

[Obtained Entry: Ethereal Heart (Red): A phantom-like object, like the vast ocean, it is all emptiness. Greatly enhances the resilience of the divine soul.]

[Entry Upgrade: "Wood Spirit Divine Soul (Blue-Orange)"]

["Natural Charm Body (Blue-Orange)"]

"Ethereal Heart?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the newly appeared red entry on his personal panel.

Senior Sister actually has the constitution to see through illusions and resist soul-controlling techniques?

This is a great thing!

Not only will my divine soul no longer be exhausted during alchemy, but it will also greatly enhance the efficiency of practicing spiritual cultivation in the future.

"Not bad, not bad. And I also figured out how to upgrade the quality of the entries."

Chu Ming sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and sank his consciousness into the sea of his mind. He found that the small puddle that was originally filled with liquid similar to mercury had gradually expanded into a lake!

"My spiritual sea is now comparable to a cultivator at the seventh or eighth layer of Qi Refining? Upgrading the quality of the Wood Spirit Divine Soul actually brought such a significant change."

Chu Ming couldn't help but exclaim, then walked to the mirror and carefully examined his handsome face. Suddenly, his heart became restless.

So handsome!

"It seems like I can't resist the charm brought by the upgrade of the Natural Charm Body."

Excitedly striking a few poses, Chu Ming laughed and lay back on the bed, watching the ordinary pants in his hand slowly dissipate. Suddenly, he felt a pang of heartache.

I should have used it before simulating.

This is such a waste!

"But if things continue like this, Senior Sister will eventually be driven crazy by me. I might as well buy her some clothes tomorrow."

"I wonder what she's doing now."

As her thoughts wandered, Chu Ming gradually sank into a dream.


Late at night, on the left side of Floating Jade Peak, a room was brightly lit.

An Muxi returned to her room, and the first thing she did was take off the silk stockings that Chu Ming had given her. After changing into a new pair of undergarments, she sat on the edge of the bed, took a deep breath, and seemed to be savoring something with pursed lips.

Why did she end up like this?

Looking at the silk stockings that were deeply marked under the candlelight, An Muxi's face turned crimson. She quickly threw them into the laundry basket and covered her face with her hands, rolling on the bed in shame.

After a while, she stopped and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Forget it, I'll take a bath and go to sleep."

An Muxi dragged a wooden basin filled with hot water into the room, undressed, and revealed her delicate and beautiful skin and graceful curves, which were tinged with a seductive crimson.


She tied up her hair, lifted her enticing bare feet, and stepped into the wooden basin. In the misty air, An Muxi, with flushed cheeks, sat down slowly.

She leaned against the edge of the bathtub and took a deep breath, then began to recall what had happened today.

Putting aside the fact that it was late and she was alone in a room with her junior brother, why did she agree to consider doing that with him?

"But my junior brother is quite handsome, and his nature is kind and considerate. Besides being lustful, he doesn't seem to have any other flaws..."

Recalling the silk stockings and Iceheart Pill that Chu Ming had given her, An Muxi's lips curled up slightly inexplicably. In her misty and watery eyes, her previous coldness gradually melted into tenderness and charm.

Actually, being lustful is not really a flaw for a young and inexperienced boy like Chu Ming... After all, I have the Natural Charm Body that attracts him.

Thinking like this, it seems that doing that with him is not something I can't accept?

An Muxi's fingertips slid lightly along her delicate skin from her arm, and her face became even more rosy as if she had thought of something.

With a wave of her right arm, as her spiritual energy surged, the "Joyous Union Heart Sutra" floated into her hand from her dress.

I just want to confirm whether what Chu Ming said is true or not, it's not out of curiosity.

After a bit of self-deception, An Muxi slowly opened the booklet and raised her shy eyes to scan its contents.

Although she understood the meaning of yin and yang harmony, she was still a sheltered young lady and only had a superficial understanding of such behavior, without delving deeper into it.

Now that she had obtained a book that explained related content, An Muxi felt as if she had opened the door to a new world. With widened eyes, she found it surprisingly fascinating.

So, it's done like this?!

It's not that difficult! It doesn't seem to be challenging at all!

"The Song of a Thousand Birds? The name sounds quite elegant... Huh? Why is this page..."


An Muxi trembled all over, and her jade-like skin turned as red as a burning cloud. Her shy eyes were filled with astonishment and curiosity.

So, it can be done like this?

Truly eye-opening!

In just one night, An Muxi felt as if she had suddenly comprehended the truth of the heavens...

(End of this chapter)

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