Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 21 Keep An Eye On Chu Ming, Don’T Let Him Mess With Others

Chapter 21: Keep an Eye on Chu Ming, Don't Let Him Get Involved with Other Women

"Mu Xi, make sure you rest well."

The next day, in the main hall of Floating Cloud Peak.

Wu Zuirao floated slowly in front of An Mu Xi, who looked exhausted, with a concerned expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"


An Mu Xi's face slightly reddened, and she averted her gaze, feeling guilty.

"I just finished my meditation, and staying up all night made me a little tired."


Wu Zuirao sighed softly.

"Your strength has already surpassed that of the outer disciples, and your qualification for the inner sect has long been confirmed. Why push yourself so hard?"

"Thank you for your praise, Master. But the strength of the Foundation Building First Layer is far from enough for me."

Seeing An Mu Xi's serious expression, Wu Zuirao's eyes flickered, knowing that she had something on her mind, but he didn't ask further.

"Alright, but remember to rest properly and balance work and rest."


An Mu Xi answered in a deep voice, then looked around with a puzzled expression.

"Master, is Chu Junior Brother not here today?"

"He's here."

As soon as he heard Chu Ming's name, Wu Zuirao immediately revealed a smile of joy. This happy expression made An Mu Xi inexplicably feel a hint of sourness in her heart.

Her master still liked Chu Junior Brother so much.

Could it be...

No, it's impossible! They are master and disciple, I must be overthinking.

"He came before you, but after saying hello, he went to the Sacred Alchemy Hall to participate in the promotion assessment for Fourth Grade Alchemists."

Wu Zuirao looked at An Mu Xi, and the pride and satisfaction in his eyes couldn't be restrained.

"A Fourth Grade Alchemist at the age of 17, and Foundation Building First Layer at the age of 18. Both you and Ming'er are my pride as a master."

"It's all thanks to your guidance, Master."

An Mu Xi expressed her gratitude with a calm expression.

"Then, Master, if you have nothing else to do, I will go to the affairs hall to handle the tasks."


Wu Zuirao suddenly stopped An Mu Xi, then slowly approached her and whispered in her ear with a serious expression.

"Don't handle the tasks. I have a mission for you. Go to the Sacred Alchemy Hall and keep an eye on Ming'er, don't let him get into any trouble."


An Mu Xi was slightly stunned, her expression showing confusion.

"Chu Junior Brother has always been low-key and humble, rarely initiating conflicts with others. There shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"You don't understand."

Wu Zuirao narrowed his eyes slightly, pouting slightly with a hint of jealousy. This resentful appearance actually made An Mu Xi have a "how cute" illusion.

"Spring water and peach blossoms can also be considered as trouble, you know."

"Don't forget, Ming'er has a handsome appearance and is an extremely talented Fourth Grade Alchemist. I'm afraid that after the assessment, there will be a lot of seductive people coming after him with ulterior motives."

"As an elder, I can't intervene, but I can't let my disciples be charmed by them! So I have to rely on you, Mu Xi."


An Mu Xi blinked her eyes lightly, stunned for a moment before she chuckled.

"Chu Junior Brother has also reached the age to seek a partner. Master, why worry so much? Besides, I believe he can see through the true intentions of those people."

"Is that so?"

Wu Zuirao came to An Mu Xi's side and gently pinched her soft waist, looking at her startled and evasive appearance, he covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Don't forget, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man is at the age of curiosity about women's bodies. If those women throw themselves at him, do you think Ming'er can resist?"


After pondering for a moment, An Muxi's mind was filled with flashes of Chu Ming's various abnormal behaviors, and an inexplicable anger rose within her.

"Master, what you said makes a lot of sense!"


Wu Zuirao smiled and gently touched An Muxi's cheek. In the depths of her originally charming eyes, a hint of coldness suddenly flickered.

"Anyone who approaches Ming'er with ill intentions will not be spared by me!"



"...Qingzhi, does anyone want Qingzhi?"

"Fasting Pills on clearance sale! Various flavors to choose from!"

"Iceheart Flower, freshly unearthed Iceheart Flower."

Sacred Alchemy Hall is located at the peak of Elixir Peak, majestic and grand. The golden glazed tiles are dazzling under the sunlight, and several jade pillars with dragon reliefs support the entire hall, exuding an aura of nobility.

"The alchemy profession is indeed the wealthiest. The main hall is so magnificent."

Chu Ming couldn't help but exclaim, then shifted his gaze to the giant square at the entrance of the hall.

It could be described as a square, but perhaps it would be more appropriate to compare it to a market.

Countless disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect dressed in white were setting up stalls here, selling pills and materials. The shouts and calls were continuous. This lively scene reminded Chu Ming of the spectacular sight of stalls lining the streets when he used to play the game "Tianlong Babu".

"There is still half an hour before the test. Let's take a stroll here."

With four Iceheart Pills as a foundation, Chu Ming had some capital, so he confidently picked up an Iceheart Flower and asked, "Boss, how much is this flower?"

"300 Low Grade Spirit Stones."

Looking at the middle-aged man lying on a long bench, fanning himself with a folding fan, Chu Ming was somewhat surprised.

"Is this flower made of spirit marrow or is the stem made of spirit marrow? The market price for the materials to make Iceheart Pills is only 300 Low Grade Spirit Stones in total. Does this one Iceheart Flower take up all of it?"

"This is a hundred-year-old Iceheart Flower."

Seeing Chu Ming's appearance as if he wanted to bargain, the man stood up unhappily.

"Young man, look at the square outside the hall. Besides me, where else can you find someone selling Iceheart Flowers? As the core material for Iceheart Pills, if you think it's expensive, I think it's expensive too."


Indeed, Iceheart Pills and Qi Condensation Powder, as the most popular types of Fourth Grade pills, had seen a rise in prices, causing the materials to follow suit, even reaching a state of being in high demand but scarce supply.

It was indeed not easy to encounter them here.

After pondering for a moment, Chu Ming took out his spatial bag and was about to pay when a slightly sorrowful voice suddenly sounded.

"Young friend, could you give this Iceheart Flower to me?"

Turning his head, Chu Ming looked closely at the source of the voice.

The person who came was a young boy who didn't look very old. His features were delicate, and his figure was small, giving him the appearance of a weak scholar.

However, what surprised Chu Ming was that scholars usually carried folding fans or held ancient books.

But this person in front of him was different. He was holding a roll of toilet paper?!

"Young friend, you don't know. I went astray while breaking through the Foundation Building stage and now urgently need an Iceheart Pill to resolve the resentment in my heart, so..."

Before the young boy could finish speaking, he wiped away his tears with the tissue. This "fragile" appearance, coupled with his delicate face, gave Chu Ming goosebumps all over his body.

My goodness, is this a male version of Lin Meimei?

Crying is one thing, but crying so beautifully, isn't that a bit too much?

"Cough cough."

Chu Ming coughed lightly a few times, seeing that everyone around was watching the show, he quickly pulled the boy to a secluded corner and asked in a low voice, "Do you need an Iceheart Pill?"


The young boy wiped his nose with the tissue, raised his teary eyes, and was about to say something when Chu Ming suddenly interrupted him.

"I have an Iceheart Pill. Do you want to buy it?"

As he spoke, he slowly opened his palm, and a two-lined Iceheart Pill lay quietly there, surrounded by a cold mist.

Thanks to [玉KS] for the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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