Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 3 Senior Sister, I Want The Socks On Your Legs

Chapter 3: Senior Sister, I Want the Silk Stockings on Your Legs


An Muxi blinked her innocent eyes, stunned for a couple of seconds before her face suddenly turned red. She gritted her teeth in embarrassment and anger.

"Chu Ming! Are you a pervert?!"

"Well... I think I am."

Chu Ming nodded seriously.

Since he had decided to use the simulation system for cultivation, being considered a pervert was inevitable. In that case, it was better to be seen as a pervert by one person than by a group of people! Besides, he still held her handle, so she wouldn't dare spread rumors about him. If worse came to worst, they would both be exposed!

"No way!"

An Muxi took a deep breath to calm her restless heart, then coldly reprimanded him.

"I can teach you martial arts and transmit my skills to you during your free time, but giving you silk stockings is absolutely out of the question! Give up on that idea!"

"Is that so?"

Chu Ming pretended to look regretful and sighed.

"In that case, I'll have to ask Master how to suppress the Natural Charm Body. Senior Sister, I hope you don't mind."

"No way!"

An Muxi immediately became anxious, clenched her fists, and her eyes seemed to burn with endless anger.

Obviously, Chu Ming was using the Natural Charm Body as a threat, but she didn't have any solution to it.

The thought of her hidden secret being discovered made An Muxi feel aggrieved.

"You said you wanted to cultivate, isn't it enough that I teach you martial arts?"


Chu Ming stubbornly shook his head.

"I want you to wear the silk stockings."


Why is this person so perverted!

An Muxi was so angry that she clenched her fists. Under the influence of the Natural Charm Body, her thoughts became unusually chaotic.

Could it be...

Looking at Chu Ming's somewhat charming and youthful face, An Muxi's heart skipped a beat.

Finally, after careful consideration, she slightly opened her red lips and averted her slightly shy gaze as she whispered.

"Then you can't tell anyone about my Natural Charm Body."

"Of course."

Chu Ming's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled brightly.

"Senior Sister, do you still doubt my character?"



You think I don't know what you want to do with the stockings I've worn?

With such a handsome and charming appearance, I thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be a pervert in private!

After muttering a few words under her breath, An Muxi glared at Chu Ming and sternly warned.

"Turn around! No peeking! Otherwise, I'll report it to Master!"


Chu Ming obediently turned around. When he heard the rustling sound of clothes being taken off, his heart couldn't help but race.

An Muxi cautiously looked around, then reached into her skirt and slowly pulled down the edge of the silk stockings that tightly wrapped around her thigh, revealing her fair and slender bare legs with a hint of blush.


She neatly folded the stockings and handed them over, unable to meet Chu Ming's eyes, her cheeks burning.

Taking off the stockings in front of her junior brother and even giving them to him...

An Muxi, you really have no shame!

Feeling the slight warmth of the white silk in his hands, a hint of restlessness surged in Chu Ming's heart.

"You can go back to your own room tonight."

Feeling uncomfortable with the sudden exposure, An Muxi hurriedly left the alchemy room, but before leaving, she sternly warned him once again.

"Chu Ming, if you dare to speak about tonight's incident, I will never let you off in this lifetime!"

"This lifetime?"

"That's quite a commitment!"

Watching the fleeing figure of Qianying, Chu Ming smiled playfully. Then, he rubbed his right hand, carefully feeling the delicate texture of the white silk.

Instantly, the pale blue light screen appeared again.

[Simulate "Snow Cicada Stockings"?]


Chu Ming murmured softly, and his inner thoughts suddenly became lively.

He wondered what story would unfold in this simulation.

[You were born in confusion and were bought by Chu Ming in the market, who then gave you to his partner, An Muxi, as a gift. You watched their sweet appearance and suddenly felt a sense of desolation, thinking, "I'm just an outsider."]

[Perhaps understanding your mood, that night, your master shyly put you on and played games with Chu Ming.]

[You felt happy and had a strong sense of participation for a while.]

[But then, your master took you off and threw you into the laundry basket.]

[You have no father, so it's hard for you to empathize, but you know that your master must be very sad at this moment.]

[You wanted to comfort your master, but you were just a pair of silk stockings. Besides, she was already being comforted by Chu Ming in his embrace.]

[That night, your companion was replaced by a bedsheet, but the next day, your master blushed and discarded you, ending the simulation.]


Chu Ming was dumbfounded, and his inner thoughts were suddenly stirred up by the information in front of him, coming from the "Natural Charm Body."

Did this system learn from somewhere?

It's too stimulating!

But these strange perspectives always feel a bit awkward. Although the male protagonist is me...

Chu Ming quickly put his hands in his pockets and pondered for a moment before choosing attribute and cultivation rewards.

[This simulation item, "Snow Cicada Stockings," has an intimacy of 85 with An Muxi. The third reward is...]

[Cultivation improvement: Qi Refining Third Layer (Perfection, 99%) - Qi Refining Fourth Layer (Initial, 0%)]

[Attribute improvement: Divine Soul +5]

In an instant, a warm and vibrant energy filled Chu Ming's body, making him moan in comfort. Suddenly, he felt a trance in the depths of his Divine Soul, and the world in front of him seemed much clearer.

"Cultivation directly improved to the First Layer?!"

Clenching his fists, feeling the surge of spiritual power within him, Chu Ming's expression became unusually excited.

Not only did his cultivation increase, but even his alchemy technique broke through to Rank Four because of the improvement in his Divine Soul, officially entering the realm of a Fourth Grade alchemist.

"If only there was a panel to summarize everything for me."

After murmuring quietly, the pale blue light screen in front of him suddenly turned deep red.

[Name: Chu Ming]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining Fourth Layer]

[Cultivation Technique: None]

[Spell: Alchemy (Rank Four)]

[Spirit Root: Middle Grade Wood Spirit Root]

[Entries: "Wood Spirit Divine Soul (Blue)," "Natural Charm Body (Blue)"]

[Attribute: Divine Soul +5]

"So there really is a personal panel?"

Chu Ming was amazed in his heart.

Just a pair of stockings could elevate his cultivation to the First Layer, and even with the enhancement of the Wood Spirit Divine Soul, his spirit root had also been upgraded to Middle Grade.

Since that's the case, why bother working hard to cultivate in the future? Just go directly to take advantage of Senior Sister!

"This is too overpowered. There must be limitations."

Perhaps the cultivation rewards he received were equivalent to the strength of the item's owner?

Chu Ming supported his chin and fell into deep thought.

It's very likely that the greater the gap in strength between him and the owner, the better the rewards; if the gap narrows, the rewards might become worse.

"In that case..."

At this moment, the enchanting face of his master suddenly flashed in Chu Ming's mind, as well as the towering chest that seemed ready to burst out...

(End of this chapter)

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