Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

4. Chapter 4 Out Of Control

Chapter 4: Unstoppable

"Rebellion against the natural order!"

After a moment, Chu Ming snapped back to reality and quickly shook his head to drive away the audacious idea.

Am I going crazy?

Thinking about using Master's personal clothing for cultivation?

Don't you know how seductive that woman is?

If we're talking about the Natural Charm Body appearing on someone in the Heavenly Evolution Sect, it's definitely her!

"As the saying goes, cultivating immortality requires a solid foundation, so it's enough to have Senior Sister as my support for now."

"As for the other sheep, we'll talk about them when this one is sheared."

Chu Ming stretched lazily, finished organizing his alchemy tools, and was about to leave when he suddenly felt a pang of hunger. His stomach growled.

Immediately, his gaze shifted and froze on the delicious hot dishes on the table.

Perhaps afraid that they would turn cold, An Muxi had used a stone plate infused with fire spiritual energy.

"Could it be that she did this out of guilt?"

Chu Ming clicked his tongue a few times, and his impression of An Muxi warmed up a bit. He then picked up his chopsticks and enjoyed a hearty meal before leaving the alchemy room.

In the misty mountains, as he walked along a path through the woods, intending to return to his own quarters to rest, a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

No, perhaps "floating" would be more appropriate.

In the eerie silence of the deep mountains and old forests, this terrifying sight startled Chu Ming.

The person was wearing a bright red robe with butterflies, exuding an immortal aura, but seemed completely unrelated to grace and elegance.

However, she was the only elder from the outer sect of the Heavenly Evolution Sect who had reached the Soul Formation Realm, the head of Floating Jade Peak - Wu Zuirao.

Similarly, she was also the master of An Muxi and Chu Ming.

"Master? What are you doing here?"

When Chu Ming saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help but feel nervous. His smile stiffened, and he felt the same restraint as when he saw a teacher from his student days.

I'm the only one living in the back mountains of Floating Jade Peak, so why would Master appear here?

Could it be that she...

Just as Chu Ming was lost in his thoughts, Wu Zuirao floated over, her eyes shimmering, and her smile particularly enchanting.

"Ming'er, why have you come back? Did Muxi spare you?"

"Master, I helped Senior Sister refine the Iceheart Pill, and our misunderstanding has been resolved."


A hint of surprise flashed in Wu Zuirao's eyes.

"You've reached the Fourth Grade alchemist?"


Chu Ming respectfully bowed.

"I've had some insights recently, so..."

However, before he could finish speaking, he felt a burst of fragrance and the next second found himself embraced in a warm hug.

"Ming'er, you're amazing!"

Wu Zuirao held Chu Ming tightly, constantly stroking his soft black hair with her jade-like hands, her smile filled with satisfaction.

"You truly live up to being my disciple, Wu Zuirao!"


Chu Ming, who was suddenly attacked, was at a loss, waving his arms in the air in a panic. However, due to the vast difference in strength between the two, struggling was futile.

Chu Ming gasped for breath, greedily inhaling the fragrance in the air.

Although happiness came too suddenly, if this continued, he would suffocate!

Just as Chu Ming was starting to feel a bit intoxicated, Wu Zuirao let go of him, blinked her beautiful eyes, and covered her mouth as she chuckled.

"Go back and rest well. Remember to come find me tomorrow morning."

In an instant, a red mist filled the air, and Wu Zuirao disappeared, leaving Chu Ming standing there dumbfounded.

"My master's personality is really strange."

Chu Ming couldn't help but smile helplessly. After going through all this, he had forgotten about his confusion regarding his master's arrival. He covered his mouth and yawned.

"So tired."


"That was close."

Watching Chu Ming's departing figure, Wu Zuirao, who had disappeared earlier, suddenly reappeared in the same spot, with a smirk on her face.

"I hope I wasn't discovered?"


"Has my room been robbed?"

Returning to his room and seeing his messy bed, Chu Ming was dumbfounded.

"Did it rain inside the room while I was away?"

He looked up at the intact wooden beams, full of question marks in his mind. But under the invasion of sleepiness, he didn't think too much about it. After changing into a new set of sheets, he turned over and went to bed.

Even for someone who was carefree, even after transmigrating into a dangerous world of immortals, they could still sleep soundly.

And Chu Ming was such a person.

He did want to be more vigilant, but the problem was that his newly transmigrated body had been staying up all night for several days, refining pills, and he was exhausted.

In addition, a large amount of unfamiliar memories rushing in caused his brain to ache. If he didn't sleep, he might die suddenly for the second time!

However, just as Chu Ming was in a half-dream and half-awake state, a hot flow surged up in his body like molten lava.

"So hot!"

Instinctively tearing at his clothes, Chu Ming groaned softly, the restlessness in his heart stirring his whole body like a raging fire.


Chu Ming looked down and suddenly seemed to understand something, his pupils shrinking.

Could it be that the Natural Charm Body was acting up?

Damn it!

He thought he could avoid it, but it turned out that this system actually passed on the side effects of his aptitude as well!

"This system is causing me trouble!"

Curling up in the corner of the bed, Chu Ming gritted his teeth and endured the torment of body and mind. In the end, he sighed helplessly and found some discarded rice paper on the nearby desk.

Because cultivators purged impurities from their bodies through meditation and circulating their energy, they didn't need to use the restroom, so there was no such thing as toilet paper.

"I never thought that the first night after transmigrating would be spent like this."

Chu Ming looked at the starry sky outside the window in the darkness of the night, feeling extremely complicated.

This night, things suddenly became uncontrollable.

(End of this chapter)

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