Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

5. Chapter 5 Ming'er, Come Up And Give Me A Massage

Chapter 5: Ming'er, come and give your master a massage.

"Ming'er, didn't I tell you to rest early?"

The next day.

The faint morning light, several cranes flew through the clouds and mist.

Floating Jade Peak, the main hall at the peak of the mountain.

Looking at Chu Ming's tired and puffy eyes, Wu Zuirao floated over with some pity, as if about to hug him.

"You don't have to work so hard in your cultivation. Your master's strength can protect you for a lifetime."

"In a while, Muxi will come. I have to scold her properly. She just stole a pair of silk stockings. There's no need to make a big deal out of it."

"If you want to use them, your master has many here. You can choose any style you like."


Chu Ming's eyes suddenly brightened as he stole a glance at Wu Zuirao's sexy and slender legs, and his thoughts became more active.

Although not as stunning as An Muxi, they were enough to make people drool. It would be even more amazing if they were worn with black stockings!

If he could use his master's stockings for simulation, his cultivation level would probably improve a lot!

At the very least, he could obtain qualifications, even if it would be difficult to explain the sudden increase in his strength.

After thinking it over, Chu Ming temporarily decided not to take such a big step.

Since his master said so, there would definitely be more opportunities in the future. There was no need to rush.

Just transmigrated, he should first familiarize himself with the surroundings and avoid arousing suspicion that he had been possessed.

Chu Ming respectfully bowed.

"Thank you for your favor, Master. Your disciple is temporarily satisfied."


Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and laughed, her soft face trembling, her eyes filled with countless charms.

"Look at those dark circles under your eyes. I'm afraid you did something bad last night. Don't hurt your foundation."

"Master misunderstood. Your disciple was just too excited because I broke through to the Fourth Grade Alchemist and couldn't sleep."

Chu Ming's cheeks turned slightly red as he quickly came up with an excuse to divert the topic, looking up at Wu Zuirao.

"I see that you also have dark circles under your eyes, is there something bothering you, Master?"

"Uh... Ming'er, you breaking through to the Fourth Grade Alchemist also made your master unable to sleep peacefully."

Wu Zuirao averted her gaze guiltily, her smile slightly awkward.



Both master and disciple had their own thoughts, their minds in chaos, and the White Jade Hall fell into silence.

Fortunately, the master didn't ask any further questions.

Chu Ming breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

But he still underestimated the terrifying power of the Natural Charm Body.

Thinking back to last night, Chu Ming shivered, feeling a wave of fear in his heart.

In his youth, he had achieved great success in battles.

However, under the influence of the Natural Charm Body last night, it was like eating an aphrodisiac, he couldn't stop at all!

In the end, he fell into a deep sleep, exhausted, avoiding the fate of becoming thin and weak.

If he didn't solve the side effects of this physique, there would be endless troubles in the future!

Feeling his weak legs and the pain in his lower back, Chu Ming pondered for a moment before speaking in a deep voice.

"Master, I have a request. Can you allow me to enter the outer sect's library to browse?"

"Why, is there something you want to know?"

Wu Zuirao returned to the jade platform and lay down on her side, supporting her cheek with her hand, perfectly displaying her exquisite figure, especially the suddenly raised hips and the slender waist that followed, making people fantasize.

However, Chu Ming remained clear-minded, without a trace of desire.

"After breaking through to the Fourth Grade Alchemist, I want to find some formulas for Fourth Grade pills and learn some Divine Ability techniques for self-defense."

"You work hard in your cultivation," Wu Zuirao said with a playful smile, her eyes flickering.

"But all the spots for entering the library on Floating Jade Peak this month have been taken by Muxi."

"If you want to enter again, you can only go to the affairs hall to take on tasks and exchange contributions. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until next month."

"Is that so..."

Seeing Chu Ming's slightly disappointed expression, Wu Zuirao changed her tone, her smile teasing.

"But with your master's seniority, it's not difficult for me to get you a spot. I can even give you the privilege of an elder, allowing you to go to places in the library that disciples can't enter."


Chu Ming's expression suddenly became excited.

There is nothing more joyful than freeload, and if there is, it's freeload twice!

"But you have to do me a favor."


So it really won't work.

Chu Ming clicked his tongue and then clasped his fists with a serious expression.

"Master, please tell me, and I will do my best!"

"Then help me... with a massage~"

Listening to those words full of coquettishness, Chu Ming's mind immediately stirred.


What kind of massage technique?

Can I use the Edo 48 Hands?

"Lately, my body has been stiff. Help me massage my shoulders."

Wu Zuirao slowly lay on the jade platform, her delicate cheek resting on her right arm, her expression lazy, and her slightly narrowed beautiful eyes looking at Chu Ming, who remained unmoved.

"What's wrong, Ming'er? Don't you want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to... it's just that I don't know how to massage."

Chu Ming scratched his cheek slightly embarrassedly, secretly criticizing himself.

I'm already at the Soul Formation Realm, and I feel stiff?

Don't joke around!

There must be a trap here. I always feel like Master has some strange thoughts about me. It's better to stay away from trouble after just transmigrating. It's better to be safe.

"It's okay, I'll teach you."

"Ah, this..."

"What's wrong, still unwilling?"

Wu Zuirao pouted, her eyes filled with deep sadness.

"Back then, I saved you from the hands of thieves, raised you with hardship, passed on my alchemy skills to you, and taught you cultivation techniques."

"Now, ten years have passed, and you can't even fulfill this small wish of mine. It's pitiful! It's lamentable!"


Looking at that face, so pitiful and appealing, Chu Ming's temples throbbed.

It's obvious that Wu Zuirao is acting, just to tease and have fun with me.

But with this moral coercion, I really don't have a reason to refuse.


Looking at the graceful figure lying on the jade platform not far away, the peach-like curves made Chu Ming's fingers itch, and then he clenched his fists tightly.

It would probably feel great if I were to touch it.

Forget it, the bolder one is, the more one gains!


"Disciple obeys."

Chu Ming focused on his eyes and mind, quickly calming himself, and hurriedly approached the jade platform.

In an instant, a rich spiritual energy enveloped him like colorful light, and then his spiritual power automatically circulated within his body.

Wow, this is a good thing!

Looking at the jade platform carved with hollow phoenixes all around, Chu Ming was surprised and stunned for a while. Then he suddenly noticed that the peach under the red skirt trembled slightly, as if inviting him to savor it carefully.

"What are you waiting for? Come here quickly~"

Listening to Wu Zuirao's coquettish tone like a little girl, Chu Ming coughed a few times and tremblingly placed his hands on her exposed shoulders.


The moment they made contact, Chu Ming took a cold breath. The delicate feeling like jade spread throughout his body through his palms.

Stay calm!

She is your master after all!

She can slap you to death with just one slap!

Chu Ming shivered all over, took several deep breaths, and finally suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

He began to knead Wu Zuirao's shoulders slowly, not looking away. However, because the jade platform was too wide, he couldn't reach the other side, so he could only use his fingers to press.

"Mmm~ Ming'er, your technique is good. Press the left shoulder a bit more."

Listening to the slightly coquettish whimper, Chu Ming licked his dry lips and was about to switch to the left side when Wu Zuirao suddenly stopped him.

"It's too troublesome like this."

She turned her face to look at Chu Ming, her red lips opening and closing, her misty eyes revealing a seductive charm.

"Come up here and help me with the massage~"

(End of this chapter)

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