Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

36. Chapter 36 Senior Sister’S Reaction

Chapter 36: Senior Sister's Reaction

"How could this happen?"

An Muxi was flustered and at a loss.

When it comes to kissing, shouldn't both parties be able to alleviate the effects of the Natural Charm Body?

Why is Chu Ming's condition not only not improving, but getting worse, to the point of nearing an imminent outbreak?

Watching Chu Ming's painful groans, An Muxi anxiously clenched her skirt, her mind racing for a solution.

She was well aware of the danger of the Natural Charm Body erupting.

If this continues, he will eventually explode and die!

"Is there no other way..."

Images from the illustrations in the Joyous Union Heart Sutra flashed through her mind. An Muxi bit her lip, her gaze shifting away from Chu Ming, and her already flushed cheeks turned even redder.

"This is all because of me, so I have to take responsibility and find a solution."

"Anyway, he's in a state of confusion right now, so he definitely won't know what I did."

The next day, Chu Ming opened his blurry eyes and looked at the familiar yet still unfamiliar ceiling, feeling lost in his heart.

He had a dream, a dream where An Muxi treated him as a gift on the night of the Inner Sect Grand Competition!

And so, the two of them were deeply in love, indulging in pleasure, and then... he woke up!

"Damn it!"

Chu Ming couldn't help but curse.

He had planned to continue where they left off, but you had to pull this stunt on me?

But his body felt so comfortable, as if it had really happened... Could it be true?

Chu Ming quickly sat up and looked down, relieved to find nothing out of the ordinary.

If I were to have such an embarrassing reaction just because of a dream, wouldn't I be laughed at if it got out?

"But what exactly happened last night?"

Rubbing his sore and unbearable forehead, Chu Ming struggled to recall the events of last night.

When his strength surged after kissing Senior Sister, he suddenly felt like his body was instantly exploding, with heat sweeping through, and his consciousness becoming hazy...

"Could it be that the Natural Charm Body erupted?"

Chu Ming propped his chin, lost in thought.

That shouldn't be the case. After all, I kissed Senior Sister.

It can't be that her Natural Charm Body was alleviated while mine worsened, right?

"It's really suspicious."

Chu Ming shook his head and chuckled lightly. He got out of bed, intending to report to his Master first, and then come back to consolidate his cultivation at the Qi Refining Fifth Layer.

However, on his way to the main hall at the peak of Floating Jade Peak, he unexpectedly encountered a familiar figure.

"Senior Sister? Good morning!"

Chu Ming greeted excitedly, not feeling flustered at all about their intimate actions from last night.

After all, as long as I'm not embarrassed, others will be.

Sure enough, An Muxi's gaze avoided his, her face flushed, and she responded somewhat hesitantly.

"Go... good morning."

Chu Ming had long understood An Muxi's reaction. After all, he had taken her first kiss!

It was normal for a girl to feel shy.

But... why do you keep stealing glances at other parts of me?

Chu Ming lowered his head in confusion and, upon finding nothing unusual, became even more puzzled.

Could it be that Senior Sister noticed my reaction last night because of the kiss?

"Senior Sister, how do you feel?"

Entering the main hall and seeing their Master hadn't arrived yet, Chu Ming quickly asked to prevent an awkward atmosphere.

Upon hearing this, An Muxi pursed her lips and, with a hint of shyness, replied softly.

"Hmm... it was alright, kissing felt comfortable, but next time, don't stick your tongue out randomly!"

"It's not, Shijie, I wanted to ask how you're feeling physically."

Chu Ming paused for a moment and chuckled softly.

"The side effects from Natural Charm Body should have disappeared, right?"


An Muxi widened her eyes, realizing her mistake. Immediately, her face turned red, and she covered her face with both arms, stomping her right foot in frustration. After a while, she calmed down and took a few deep breaths, her expression returning to its usual calmness.

"They haven't disappeared completely, but they have eased."

"That's good."

Chu Ming looked at An Muxi, and a hint of excitement flickered in her gentle eyes.

"So, Shijie, what do you mean by 'next time'?"


An Muxi's body trembled, and her previously tense spirit instantly collapsed. Her cheeks flushed, and she spoke softly with a coquettish tone.

"Well, after all, the side effects haven't completely disappeared..."

"Then I'll wait for you to come find me, since it can also increase our cultivation speed."

Seeing Chu Ming's cheerful expression, An Muxi played with her hair and looked away, then casually asked in a low voice.

"How do you feel? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"I'm fine!"

Chu Ming chuckled lightly, then changed the subject.

"But I felt extremely hot in my body last night, and it was gone the next day. I don't know what happened."

"Um... it might be due to your constitution."

An Muxi subconsciously clenched her right hand, and her tense nerves instantly relaxed. She let out a sigh of relief.

Luckily, she wasn't discovered, otherwise she wouldn't be able to face anyone!

"Ming'er, Muxi, you're here."

At this moment, with a gust of fragrant wind, Wu Zuirao suddenly appeared in front of the two, like a ghost. Her smile was as charming as usual.

Although Chu Ming had long witnessed her master's sudden appearances, this silent one still made her envious.

If only she could reach that level someday.

"I'm late because of something."

Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and giggled. With a wave of her jade hand, the "Dream Essence Platform" landed heavily in the center of the hall.

"Muxi, you can use it first."

Wu Zuirao gestured, then looked up and down at Chu Ming, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes.

"Qi Refining Fifth Layer?"

Oh no!

Chu Ming's heart skipped a beat, her brain spinning rapidly as she hurriedly searched for reasons to explain her sudden increase in strength.

"Thanks to the Hundred Flowers Concentration Powder bestowed by Master, coupled with the recent enlightenment of the disciple, my strength has made a rapid breakthrough."

Wu Zuirao smiled and remained silent, but An Muxi, who was beside them, turned her head and looked shocked.

"You've reached the Qi Refining Realm Fifth Layer?"

Wait a minute!

Didn't Chu Ming just break through to the Qi Refining Realm Fourth Layer recently?

A rapid breakthrough refers to breaking through the First Layer again within three days, right?


An Muxi carefully examined Chu Ming from top to bottom, unable to find any words to express her astonishment.

Even if the Hundred Flowers Concentration Powder is powerful, it shouldn't allow someone to cultivate at such a rapid pace!

How did she do it?

(End of this chapter)

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