Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 37 Simulating The Sunrise Pill

Chapter 37: Simulated Ascending Sun Pill

Seeing the two of them staring at him intently, Chu Ming's inner anxiety grew.

He was so immersed in the excitement of advancing his cultivation and obtaining his senior sister's first kiss that he had forgotten to conceal his true strength!

But even if he had concealed it, his master would probably have seen through it.

Chu Ming awkwardly scratched his head, not wanting to explain too much. After all, talking too much would easily give himself away, so it was better to remain silent.

"Muxi, you go cultivate first. I have something to discuss with Ming'er."

An Muxi nodded in response and then floated down onto the "Dream Essence Platform," assuming a cross-legged position and starting to circulate the Heavenly Evolution Inner Path.

Wu Zuirao lightly stepped towards Chu Ming, her right hand caressing his cheek with a sly smile.

"Ming'er, did my clothes feel good last night?"


Chu Ming's expression froze. This sudden and inexplicable question caught him off guard.

What clothes?

Could it be that his cheat was discovered?

Impossible! His master must be referring to something else.

But he didn't use her clothes last night?

Chu Ming restrained his bewildered expression and clasped his fists in a salute.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master. Disciple... found them very comfortable."

"Is that so?"

Wu Zuirao's eyebrows curved slightly, her lips curling up. Between her thin, pink lips, the words she spoke were like a seductive melody.

"In that case, Ming'er, would you be willing to help your master with something?"

"Please tell me, Master. I will do my best!"

Seeing Chu Ming's determined expression, Wu Zuirao relaxed her brows and pondered for a while before taking out a translucent crystal bead, holding it in the palm of her hand.

"There is a matter in the Affairs Hall that involves dealing with a rat demon. You go and take care of it, and then use this bead to collect something for me."

"What is it?"

"Its life essence."


Upon hearing this, Chu Ming's heart trembled.

Just like cultivators, demonic beasts also have a place where spiritual energy circulates, equivalent to a human's dantian. This place is usually called the demonic source.

The difference between the two is that when a demonic beast dies, its demonic source will turn into a solid crystal stone, a rare treasure from heaven and earth that can be used for alchemy or cultivation of strange techniques.

The so-called life essence is the demonic source of a demonic beast that has not yet died. It can be said to contain all of its cultivation and the essence of its origin.

Master actually wants me to retrieve it?

Chu Ming couldn't help but furrow his brows.

Putting aside how difficult it is to extract the essence from a living being, he had never even seen this rat demon before. What if he couldn't defeat it?

"Don't worry, would your master harm you? That demonic beast is only at the Qi Refining Fourth Layer. Consider this task as a way to consolidate your cultivation."


Upon hearing this, Chu Ming immediately felt relieved. He took the crystal bead and was about to run off, but the next moment, Wu Zuirao grabbed his sleeve, helplessly smiling.

"Ming'er, do you know how to use this thing?"


Chu Ming awkwardly scratched his head and carefully listened to Wu Zuirao's explanation before hurriedly leaving.

What does Master want with the life essence?

On the way, Chu Ming pondered over the crystal bead in his hand for a long time but couldn't come up with any clues.

After all, elders of the Heavenly Evolution Sect were beyond his reach, making it difficult to guess what they did besides teaching disciples.

Could they be saving the world?

"Forget it, I should take care of myself first."

Chu Ming focused his mind and first came to the Holy Elixir Peak, intending to complete the alchemy tasks of the Ascending Sun Pill and the Six-Flavor Rehmannia Pill.

After showing his steward badge to Chen, he was led to his dedicated alchemy room.

"I didn't expect you to rise in rank and wealth so quickly."

Chen looked Chu Ming up and down, envy filling his eyes, and he felt a slight unease in his heart.

After all, last time he had scolded Chu Ming for damaging the alchemy room. Who would have thought that their positions would completely reverse when they met again!

Who should he reason with about this?

But because they had a deep friendship, Chu Ming didn't hold a grudge and patted Chen's shoulder with a smirk.

"It's just good luck."


Chen rolled his eyes and felt speechless.

To achieve a perfect score in the Fourth Grade alchemist assessment by successfully refining three-striped Fourth Grade pills, was that just good luck?

"Assistant Chu, you're too modest."

After all, their positions were there, and Chen still bowed and respectfully handed Chu Ming a land deed and a set of room keys.

"At the foot of the left mountain of the Holy Elixir Peak, the land deed has the route on it. The environment is good, with water and a lake. You can move in anytime."

"Thank you."

Chu Ming lightly laughed as he put them away in his spatial ring, feeling extremely excited.

Finally, he had a piece of land in this Immortal Cultivation World that belonged to him.

What a cause for celebration!

"Well, I won't disturb you in your alchemy."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Chen bid farewell and left.

Chu Ming looked around the brand new alchemy room, took out his "Universe Pill Furnace" from his spatial bag, and began to process the materials.

After about half an hour, a furnace of perfect Ascending Sun Pills and Six-Flavor Rehmannia Pills were successfully refined, two of each kind, and all of them were perfectly three-striped.

"My success rate is quite high!"

Looking at the four pills steaming on the table, Chu Ming wiped the sweat off his forehead and couldn't help but feel surprised.

Although the quality of pills also had an element of luck, it mostly depended on the strength of the alchemist's Divine Soul.

Could it be that his Divine Soul had become so strong? Each pill was perfectly three-striped!

"It seems like I should go to the Sacred Alchemy Hall for a test when I have time."

Chu Ming stood up and dusted off his clothes. Just as he was about to put away the pills, the pale blue light screen in front of him suddenly appeared again.

[Do you want to simulate the "Ascending Sun Pill"?]


I want to see what kind of tricks you can come up with for this pill that enhances male origin!

Without hesitation, Chu Ming chose yes.

[You were born in a certain mobile phone and were given as a reward to a male high school student who had been bullied by others.]

["Golden Eyes" is the ability you bestowed upon him, allowing him to instantly see the weak points of a woman's body.]

[The male student became extremely excited, with a burning fire of revenge in his heart, vowing to retaliate against the main culprit who had bullied him!]

[So, he targeted the plump and lonely mother of the deceased husband, who had been bullied for a long time...]

[In three months, with your help, the male student embraced her in his arms, in the car, by the seaside, on the phone with light panting, in various positions... countless ways that captured her heart.]

[However, one late night, the main culprit witnessed the mother, dressed in a wedding dress, and the male student playing a game in the master bedroom, which had wedding photos of the deceased husband hanging on the wall.]

[Your mission is complete. Satisfied, you leave. Simulation ends.]

[As the "Ascending Sun Pill" is your personal item, only reward one can be chosen.]

[Current available entries:]

["Golden Fire Eyes (White)": When harmonizing with the opposite sex, your eyes will burn with flames, and * will turn golden.]

[Storm Gathering (Blue): The longer you persist in harmonizing with the opposite sex, the more profound your origin becomes, and the higher the damage you inflict on the opposite sex.]

Thanks to [Reader with the last four digits 6344], [Reader with the last four digits 9744], [Reader with the last four digits 5626], [WENJIE] for their support! Thanks to [Sour and Spicy White Cabbage from the previous round], [Supreme Grade... Low-key], [Don't Remember You], [The Sound of the Flute, the Green Case, the Road, and the Dream], [Yuan Qi Sings a Song], [Beloved Queen Qiyana], [Reader with the last four digits 4900] for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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