Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 39 Shushu, I Really Sent It!

Chapter 39: Rat Rat, I really sent it!


Chu Ming tried to struggle to sit up, but with the support of the three spiritual swords, this sitting position was particularly comfortable.

Especially when a gentle breeze blew through the mist, he couldn't help but squint his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

It feels pretty good like this!

Just that there's no cool feeling of flying on a sword... Anyway, no one can see it, so what's the use of being cool?

Like this, following the route given in the mission, Chu Ming flew to the Western District Market while sitting down, as if he was sleeping.

The owner of the Western District Market, an old man with a white beard and a bald head, had been waiting for a long time.

After learning from the disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect that the task of clearing the rat demons had been taken over, he had been waiting here with a respectful expression, afraid of neglecting the approaching Daoist.

However, when he saw Chu Ming slowly flying over while lying down, even though he had rehearsed in his mind the scene of their meeting many times, he couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

So the Daoist is such a unique person, even the way he appears is so different!

"Daoist! You finally came!"

Hearing the old man's slightly excited voice, Chu Ming laughed and rubbed his sleepy eyes, and the spiritual swords slowly descended.

The two looked at each other in silence, and the atmosphere became extremely awkward.



After a while, Chu Ming finally woke up from his half-dream and half-awake state, and quickly put away the spiritual swords. After landing, he coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

"Um... I'm sorry, the journey was long and I'm a bit tired. I apologize for any inconvenience caused."

"Daoist, you shouldn't say that. How about we find a place to rest first?"

The old man quickly bowed and smiled warmly.

"I'll arrange a lunch for you to wash away the dust."

That's so kind?

Chu Ming was slightly stunned but quickly refused, speaking firmly.

"No need, the situation is urgent. I came here this time just to deal with the rat demons. Lead the way, don't delay any more time."


Seeing Chu Ming's sense of responsibility, the old man immediately smiled and led the way, while also trying to establish a closer relationship.


In this way, the two arrived at the entrance of the village. Chu Ming looked at the deserted appearance of the village, with the wind blowing the fallen leaves into the air, and there was not a single person in the streets and alleys.


Seeing this strange scene, Chu Ming frowned, suddenly feeling alert.

"Where are the people in the village?"

"They have taken refuge."


Seeing Chu Ming's puzzled expression, the old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed helplessly.

"The village has been plagued by a severe rat disaster recently, and it's impossible for people to live here anymore!"

"But didn't your mission say that there were no signs of the rat demons? How did the rat disaster become severe again?"

"At first, there were indeed no signs..."

A strong sense of fear appeared in the old man's cloudy eyes.

"But later on, I don't know why, the rat demons gathered more and more. Not only did they steal food, but they also attacked people. Many children lost their lives to them."

"Helpless, I had to evacuate the villagers first and wait for you, Daoist, to handle it."


This situation has become somewhat tricky!

Chu Ming propped his chin and fell into deep thought.

According to the information given by his master and the mission, these rat demons all have the strength of the fourth or fifth layer of Qi Refining.

If it was just one, I would have confidence in dealing with it, but so many of them? It's impossible to defeat them all!

"I understand."

Chu Ming took a deep breath and nodded slightly to signal the old man to step back. Then he threw the True Child Pill out, intending to first check the situation in the village.

However, before the pill had rolled far, a group of creatures gathered on the main road of the village, dark and dense like a swarm of black clouds, causing his hair to stand on end.

These creatures were about the size of twelve or thirteen-year-old children, with dark and furry skin. Their prominent large incisors and agile rolling eyeballs were particularly eye-catching.

All these features indicated that they were rat demons.

And there were a group of them!

They even held pitchforks and axes like humans!

"Little rat, who are you?"

Seeing Chu Ming's surprised expression, the rat demon holding a rolling pin suddenly walked out of the group and pointed at him with a head covered in flour, shouting sharply.

"Little rat warns you, if you know what's good for you, leave quickly!"


Chu Ming glanced at the old man, gesturing for him to stay away, while he himself slowly walked towards the group of rat demons, his eyes sharp.

"You have illegally occupied the human village. If I didn't bother you, would you dare to threaten me?"

"The human village?"

The leader of the rat demons looked around and shouted loudly.

"The little rats have been persecuted by humans. Today is the day of our heroic uprising. From now on, this village will be named Rat Village!"

"Long live the little rats!"

"Long live the little rats!"


In an instant, deafening cheers resounded through the sky, and various farming tools were raised high in the air by the rat demons, constantly waving.

Seeing this, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a bit heavy in his heart, constantly pondering a solution in his mind.

Obviously, a head-on confrontation wouldn't work, as the enemy had the numerical advantage.

Since that's the case...

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, Chu Ming closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and spiritual energy surged out from his dantian.

He rubbed his hands together, then suddenly opened his eyes and pointed forward with his right finger, murmuring.

"Longhorn Technique!"

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, Chu Ming felt a void in his dantian, and from far to near, there came a violent rumbling sound like the stomping of a bull's hooves, raising a cloud of dust.

Seeing this strange phenomenon, the rat demons immediately became chaotic, panicking and retreating, shouting in their mouths.

"Little rats, run!"


Chu Ming also turned his head and looked at the herd of cows rushing towards him, his pupils shrinking.

Damn it, the Longhorn Technique turned out to be Stampede of Ten Thousand Beasts?

Does that mean I'll be trampled too?

Chu Ming instinctively ran forward as well, because anyone who saw a group of crazy cows coming from behind would do the same involuntarily.

As a result, what could be seen was a herd of cows made of spiritual energy passing through the village, crazily chasing after a fleeing rat demon and Chu Ming.

"What have you done! Quickly bring them back!"

The leader of the rat demons looked at Chu Ming, who was running for his life beside him, with a furious face, suddenly realizing what had happened.

Damn it, I'm not on your side!

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes and quickly summoned the True Child Pill to beat the half-dead rat demon leader next to him, then stood still and waited for the herd of cows to charge towards him, feeling extremely nervous.

However, these cows passed through him as if they were passing through houses, rushing towards the group of rat demons. Amidst the trampling of giant hooves, painful groans echoed through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the village was filled with flying flesh and blood, like a purgatory for rats.

Chu Ming frowned, quickly dragged the unconscious rat demon leader to a corner of an alley, squatted down, and took out a crystal bead from his pocket, placing it on the rat demon's forehead.

Suddenly, with a flickering black light, a thick black mist gushed out of the crystal bead.

These black mists, like living creatures, drilled into the rat demon's forehead, and after a few breaths, they slowly extracted a palm-sized rat demon spirit body.

Is this a demon soul?

"Let go of the little rat! The little rat doesn't want to die!"

Listening to the desperate call of the rat demon's demon soul, Chu Ming looked at it in astonishment as it was sucked into the crystal bead and melted into a part of the black mist.

(End of this chapter)

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