Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 40 Master’S Plan To Cultivate Taoist Companions

Chapter 40: Master's Plan to Cultivate Daoist Companions


Looking at the terrifying phenomenon in front of him, Chu Ming felt a wave of astonishment in his heart.

You see, there are very few methods that can extract the soul of a Demonic Beast while it is still alive, and he has never even heard of such a thing.

And now, such a small crystal bead can achieve such a level, and it doesn't even require the owner to control it on-site?

"This is truly eye-opening..."

Picking up the crystal bead filled with black mist, Chu Ming carefully observed it. The eerie and cold aura emanating from it pierced his palm, causing him to feel not only respect and gratitude towards Wu Zuirao, but also some caution and vigilance.

This comes from the inherent fear of the unknown in humans.

After all, this method is very similar to the techniques used by the demonic sects, and is not something that a righteous cultivator would possess.

"I hope it's not what I think it is."

Chu Ming chuckled and shook his head, kicking the rat demon's corpse aside before leaving the alley.

At this moment in the village, the mad cows summoned by Chang Niu's technique had already disappeared, and the so-called rat demon group had either died or been injured, with the rest having long since disappeared. It was unlikely that they would dare to appear again.


Seeing the rat demon corpses scattered all over the ground, the old man who had hurriedly run over from a distance first had a face full of fear, then excitedly bowed and saluted, tears streaming down his face. He even pretended to kneel down, but was stopped by Chu Ming.

Why do you always like to kneel down!

"There's no need for you to do this, old man. It's what I should do."

"Elder, I am ashamed that I have no way to repay your kindness in exterminating the demons..."

"Isn't this a form of repayment?"

Chu Ming showed a gentle smile, then pinched his nose and searched for the demon crystals from the rat demon corpses.

Although these were only demon crystals dropped by Demonic Beasts with the strength of the fourth or fifth layer of Qi Refining, there were just so many of them!

"Thirty-one, thirty-two... If we calculate it based on one hundred contribution points per crystal, that's a total of three thousand two hundred. Quite a fruitful harvest!"

Chu Ming patted his spatial bag with satisfaction, declined the old man's invitation to lunch, and hurriedly returned to the affairs hall to hand over the tasks.

"So many?"

Looking at the table full of demon crystals, even the experienced affairs hall manager couldn't help but feel a strong sense of surprise. He carefully observed Chu Ming, who had a calm expression.

You see, to be able to deal with so many rat demons at once, one's strength must be at least at the third layer of Qi Refining.

Could it be that this delicate and young boy in front of him actually has the strength of the seventh layer or higher in Qi Refining?


The manager's Adam's apple rolled, and he quickly restrained his lazy state, warmly handling the handover procedures for Chu Ming.

"Thank you."

Looking at the extra four thousand contribution points he had gained, Chu Ming felt a genuine sense of joy from the bottom of his heart.

Aside from the sudden windfall, the power of the Long Bull Technique alone surprised him.

Although it consumed almost all of his spiritual energy in the dantian, and even showed signs of depletion in his vast mental sea, the benefits it brought were definitely proportional!

"With the strength of True Child Pill Qi Refining Seventh Layer, I should be able to fight against cultivators of the eighth layer of Qi Refining."

Chu Ming walked out, silently calculating how big of a trouble he could cause with these trump cards.

However, he did not immediately choose to exchange the newly acquired contribution points for rare treasures on the item list. Instead, he hummed a tune and left the affairs hall, returning to Floating Cloud Peak.

As he had expected, Wu Zuirao had been waiting in the side room for a long time.

But the way she had been waiting seemed a bit different...

"Ming'er, you're back?"

Seeing someone push open the door and enter, Wu Zuirao withdrew her hand, hastily sat up from the bed, straightened her skirt, and quickly put away the brown clothing that was placed near her nose. There was a hint of embarrassment in her charming smile.

"Shu Yao, have you finished dealing with it?"


Chu Ming suddenly woke up from his daze and quickly panicked, bowing and saluting as if his heart was in turmoil.

As an alchemy cultivator, his spiritual awareness was much higher than that of cultivators of the same level. So even though he had only glanced at it briefly, he could clearly see what the brown clothing was.

I shouldn't be mistaken... That's my undergarment?

Wait a minute!

Master is holding my undergarment, on my bed...

Suddenly, as if he had realized something, Chu Ming connected the incident of his missing undergarment and Master's inexplicable appearance on the back mountain of Floating Cloud Peak on the night he transmigrated. His mind suddenly became clear.

So that's how it is!

"Uh... Master, this is a crystal bead that contains the soul of the rat demon."

Taking the crystal bead handed to him, Wu Zuirao looked at Chu Ming's embarrassed and respectful expression, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"You saw it?"

"What did you see?"

Chu Ming pretended to look confused, but he couldn't hide it from Wu Zuirao's perception.

She first covered her mouth and giggled, then waved her jade hand, causing a sudden red mist to fill the room.

Chu Ming looked at the changes around him, holding the True Child Pill in his hand with vigilance, but in the next second, he felt a sudden dizziness.

In an instant, he felt himself being pressed down on the bed by a fragrant and soft body, and before him was Wu Zuirao's slightly resentful and charming expression.

"Ming'er, do you dislike your master?"

She pouted as if she had suffered a great grievance.

Chu Ming couldn't help but burst into laughter, his gentle words filled with gratitude.

"How could I dislike my master?"

"Not only did you take care of me, an orphan, but you also taught me alchemy, which led to my achievements today."

"If I have to say, you are not only my master, but also my benefactor. I will stand by your side no matter what happens."

Listening to Chu Ming's sincere words, Wu Zuirao widened her eyes in astonishment, her face full of surprise. After a while, she softened her voice and gently touched his cheek.

"Actually, your master had her own purpose at first... But now, Ming'er, your words have deeply moved me."

"I know you may have doubts about my identity, but Chu Ming, can you trust me? I will never harm you, no matter what."

Wu Zuirao suddenly changed the way she addressed herself, which surprised Chu Ming.

He felt that his relationship with Wu Zuirao had suddenly become subtle, and his courage grew. He asked in a low voice, testing the waters.

"So, Master, what was your purpose in adopting me?"


Wu Zuirao blinked her eyes, and her originally heavy heart suddenly became lively. Her face once again showed her signature charming smile.

"Do you want to know?"


Chu Ming nodded solemnly, feeling extremely nervous.

Could it be that Master initially planned to use me as a human medicine cauldron for alchemy, attempting to achieve the Three Flowers Gathering at the Apex and Immortal Transformation?

Or was she cultivating me just to become the furnace for her powerful demonic cultivation in the future?

Chu Ming's heart was extremely uneasy, and various terrifying speculations flashed through his mind.

However, to his surprise, at this moment, Wu Zuirao shyly averted her gaze like a little girl, her body twisting and turning. She slowly leaned down, supporting her hands on his chest, and whispered softly in his ear.

"Actually, when I adopted you, I wanted you to be my future Dao companion~"

Thank you [Baiyun Must Become a Great Talent] and [Reader with the Last Four Digits 4321] for the support! Thank you [Reader with the Last Four Digits 1238] and [Orange Cat Who Loves Eating Watermelon] for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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