Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 44 There Can Be Multiple Taoist Companions

Chapter 44: Can Have Multiple Dao Companions

"Why don't you go change your clothes first, and I'll see if they fit?"

At Chu Ming's gesture, Hua Xiaoying nodded and walked into the room, then slowly walked out after a few moments.

After putting on the new emerald lotus dress, she seemed completely transformed, no longer dirty and dispirited, but filled with the lively and beautiful charm unique to a young girl.

Her face was round and her bright eyes blinked playfully and deeply. Her hair was tied into twin ponytails that hung in front of her chest. Although she was slender, there was a certain charm in her delicate figure.

She looked like a complete beauty!

"Brother Chu Ming, do I look good?"

When the rice paper flashed repeatedly in front of his eyes, Chu Ming finally came back to his senses and looked at her expectant face with a gentle smile.

"It looks very good."

"Thank you!"

Being praised like this, Hua Xiaoying shyly lowered her head, holding the rice paper, and only after a while did she slowly raise it up.

"So, Brother Chu Ming, is there anything you need me to do?"

Since she was given clothes, she also planned to do something in return.

"Well... there is something."

Chu Ming pondered for a moment, then brought Hua Xiaoying to the field behind the house and placed a handful of seeds in her hand.

"These are the seeds of the Ice Crystal Flower, but they can only grow in water."

"However, when I was at your house, I saw them growing in the soil. How did you do that?"

Seeing Chu Ming's puzzled expression, Hua Xiaoying shook her head, then took out a seed and directly threw it into her mouth. After about half an incense stick's worth of time, she spat it into the ground.

In an instant, the emerald green roots broke through the soil, and the pale blue flower bud at the top slowly bloomed at a visible speed, emitting a cold wave of air that surged outward like waves.


Chu Ming slowly squatted down, rubbing the Ice Crystal Flower that grew instantly in the soil with his right hand, his face full of disbelief.

It grew just like that?

"Brother Chu Ming, do you know why this happened?"

Looking at Hua Xiaoying's puzzled and silly appearance, Chu Ming came back to his senses, propping up his chin and falling into deep thought.

After two weeks of studying by candlelight, he had some understanding of this situation.

According to the description in the ancient book "Complete Explanation of Spiritual Roots," the spiritual power of an Innate High Grade Wood Spirit Root has the function of ripening plants. However, it was nowhere near as efficient as Hua Xiaoying's. At most, it could only make precious materials grow older.

This ability to make seeds sprout instantly with just a mouthful, he had only seen a related description in the sister book of "Nine Provinces Strange Records" called "Nine Provinces Chronicles."

"The Flower God, the mother of ancient plants, was born at the beginning of the union of heaven and earth, and grew at the twilight of the union of the sun and moon. It controls all plants in the world, has an extremely close affinity with them, and has the ability to make them grow instantly."


Could it be that this girl really has some connection with the Flower God?

Chu Ming squinted his eyes, circled around Hua Xiaoying, carefully observing her from top to bottom, making the girl's cheeks blush, hiding her shy face behind the rice paper.

"Brother Chu Ming, don't look at me like that. If my sister-in-law sees, she'll get angry."


Although this girl's thinking is erratic, she seems to have a very innocent personality.

I should really impart some of my experience to her!

Chu Ming cleared his throat, placed his hands on Hua Xiaoying's shoulders, and spoke with a serious expression.

"Xiao Ying, about my senior sister... um, your sister-in-law, she won't get angry if she sees."

"Our Heavenly Evolution Sect has an unwritten rule that Dao companions are like worldly customs, not limited in number."

Hua Xiaoying tilted her head upon hearing this, quickly writing and drawing on the rice paper, then raising it up.

"Isn't it that a pair of cultivators can only have one companion? After all, if both sides cultivate, they can only mutually enhance their cultivation one-on-one."

"Who said that!" Chu Ming earnestly explained.

"It is possible to have one-to-many as well. After all, this is more efficient, and when there are more people, they can take care of each other."

"So, it is quite normal for there to be many companions. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiaoying nodded vigorously, and her face, like a ripe apple, blushed considerably.

Since Brother Chu Ming said so, does that mean...

No, no!

There is such a big difference in status between myself and Brother Chu Ming. I must not have any improper thoughts!

Hua Xiaoying slapped her cheeks to wake herself up, then followed the previous method, putting the flower seeds in her mouth and spitting them out to sow them.

Chu Ming watched by the side, inwardly amazed, and after a while, he suddenly asked.

"Xiaoying, can you tell me the reason why you can't speak? Of course, I'm just asking casually, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it."


Hua Xiaoying looked slightly stunned, and after a moment of silence, she slowly wrote on the rice paper.

"I have been like this since I was little, and I don't know why."

"In fact, I am not the biological child of my current mother, but an orphan she picked up from the mountains."

"She has been hiding this from me, but I have known for a long time. It was because of this that my father left, after all, no one would want to raise a mute child who is not their own."

"But my mother doesn't care about this. She raised me like her own daughter, and I am very grateful to her."

Seeing Hua Xiaoying's eyes suddenly dimming, Chu Ming, who wasn't very good at comforting people, could only sigh softly and stroke her head, his voice extremely gentle.

"Sorry for bringing up your sad past."

"It's okay. If my mother is my first benefactor, then Brother Chu Ming is the second!"

Feeling Hua Xiaoying's warm and pure emotions, Chu Ming didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, he tentatively asked.

"In that case, Xiaoying, can you give me something that is most intimate to you? It's best if it's something that can be destroyed."

"Um... I know this request may be a bit excessive, but I have a use for it."

Intimate item?

Hua Xiaoying tilted her head and pondered for a moment, then bent down and untied the bell from her ankle, handing it to Chu Ming.

"This is the bell my mother gave me. I've had it since I was little, so it should be very intimate."

Isn't this too intimate!

Seemingly understanding Chu Ming's inner struggle, Hua Xiaoying tightly wrapped her hands around his right hand holding the bell, lifted her leg to show the bell on her left ankle, and blinked playfully.

"Brother Chu Ming, you can take it with confidence. I still have another one!"

Chu Ming was slightly stunned, then nodded and smiled as he accepted it. After Hua Xiaoying finished sowing the seeds, the two of them set off on their way home together.

Perhaps because they had received a lot of good news today and were excited, Hua Xiaoying held onto Chu Ming's arm with a joyful smile all the way, and Chu Ming didn't want to spoil her good mood, so he let her hold on.

Like this, the two of them affectionately returned to the house.

However, just as they arrived at the door, a calm voice made Chu Ming's heart tremble.

"Chu Ming, so you're here."

Thanks to [凌修] for the reward! Thanks to [岚夸克] [0浮生若梦0_0] [为什么是句式杂糅] [书友尾号5803] [Maadey] [龘的N次方] for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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