Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 45 Senior Sister’S Taoist Companion Application Form

Chapter 45: Senior Sister's Partner Application Form


At this moment, An Muxi was leaning against the door frame of the courtyard, her hands crossed in front of her chest, her lips pursed, and her bright eyes fixed on Chu Ming without saying a word.

Today, she was wearing a plain white dress, with blue satin and her long black hair cascading down her shoulders. The slightly lifted hem of her skirt revealed delicate and exquisite legs, and her fair jade feet were enveloped in a layer of blue mist, making people unable to resist the desire to play with them.

Her whole being exuded a tranquil and elegant temperament, but there was a hint of resentment in her eyes.

Obviously, the source of her resentment was the act of Hua Xiaoying holding Chu Ming's right arm.


Seeing this, Hua Xiaoying quickly let go of her hands and stepped back, looking around in panic, as if she couldn't meet An Muxi's gaze, as if she had been caught in bed with someone.

On the other hand, Chu Ming patted her head soothingly, greeted her with a calm smile on his face.

"Senior... Uh, Xier, why are you here?"


After saying that, Chu Ming suddenly felt a chill all over his body, feeling uneasy in his heart.

But in order to pretend to be in a partner relationship with Hua Xiaoying in front of An Muxi, he had to use such an intimate form of address.

However, Chu Ming thought that An Muxi would be angry at his sudden offense, but unexpectedly, she looked stunned, and two blushes flew up on her cheeks for no reason. Her eyes, which were originally full of resentment, became shy and angry as she stared at him.

Why are you blushing like a teapot?

Chu Ming quickly signaled Hua Xiaoying to run away with his eyes, and he himself walked towards An Muxi with a flattering smile on his face.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"Can't I come?"

An Muxi snorted, pouted her mouth, and put her hands on her waist, looking annoyed.

"Okay, Chu Ming, you moved without telling me! If I hadn't come to find you, I wouldn't have known about this!"

"I didn't have time to tell you yet."

Chu Ming scratched his cheek, feeling a little embarrassed. He carefully looked at An Muxi and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although they saw each other every day, An Muxi felt different today.

Not only did she seem to have dressed up, with less of her usual elegance and more of a girlish charm, but she even had light makeup on her face?

Did the sun rise from the west?

Senior sister actually put on makeup!?

Chu Ming couldn't help but ask subconsciously.

"Sister, do you have something to tell me?"

"Can't I come to see you for no reason?"

An Muxi blurted out, then suddenly realized that this sentence might be misunderstood, so she blushed and explained.

"Weren't we supposed to go to the Affairs Hall in the afternoon? Since you didn't come to find me, I came to find you."


Is it already afternoon?

Chu Ming looked at the warm sun in the east and didn't know what to say for a while.

It's not even noon yet!

Moreover, she dressed up so beautifully to go to the Affairs Hall, I thought we were going on a mountain trip...

Chu Ming had no intention of exposing An Muxi's little thoughts, but she asked with some reluctance and resentment.

"So, you really plan to move here and let Hua Xiaoying live with you?"

"Is there a problem?"

Chu Ming slowly explained Hua Xiaoying's background and her peculiar physique, which made An Muxi's eyes flash with sympathy and concern.

"Poor child..."


Chu Ming sighed lightly, his tone indifferent.

"So I let her help me with farming, which not only allows her to make use of her physique, but also saves me money on buying alchemy materials from the market. It's killing two birds with one stone!"


Chu Ming seemed to have no improper thoughts about Hua Xiaoying, and An Muxi inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief, but still felt a bit awkward.

A man and a woman living together in such a big house, even if there is nothing to do, there will eventually be something to do.


I can't just let it go like this!

An Muxi bit her lip and hesitated for a long time, as if she had made a big decision, she grabbed Chu Ming's wrist and walked towards the house.

"Where is your room? Take me there."

"Sister, didn't you say you were going to attend to some matters..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"


Helpless, Chu Ming had no choice but to bring An Muxi to his room.

As soon as they entered, she immediately put down the sword at her waist, took out a red paper from the waistband, and commanded Chu Ming as she pulled him to sit down.

"Fill it out!"


Chu Ming opened the red paper in confusion, and his pupils suddenly contracted. He subconsciously read it out.

"Application form for Daoist companions?"


An Muxi glanced at her blushing cheeks and mumbled to herself, trying to find a suitable reason for her bizarre behavior.

"Don't misunderstand, I just want to gain the resources after becoming Daoist companions."

"You should know that Heavenly Evolution Sect rewards its disciples for becoming Daoist companions in order to prevent them from having overly intimate relationships with outsiders and exposing the sect's secrets."

"Once you form a good relationship, not only can you enjoy various treasures and discounted prices for spiritual weapons, but you may also have the opportunity to soak in the 'Clear Dragon Spring' every month."


Chu Ming's expression froze for a moment. He was aware of some of these circumstances.

The "Clear Dragon Spring" was a sacred place for cultivation in the Heavenly Evolution Sect, and only inner disciples were qualified to soak in it. It could not only nourish the meridians and help breakthroughs in cultivation, but also lead to enlightenment.

"So, Sister, are you planning to use the Clear Dragon Spring to break through to the Foundation Building Second Layer?"


Seeing An Muxi nod, Chu Ming pondered for a moment and suddenly realized.

In these two weeks, he had made rapid progress in his cultivation, reaching the peak of the Qi Refining Fifth Layer with the help of various undergarments provided by An Muxi, and was only one step away from the Qi Refining Sixth Layer.

Because of the undergarments given by Wu Zuirao, the breakthrough was not difficult... However, Chu Ming didn't want to waste them like that!

Of course, it wasn't because the soft and smooth undergarments were very comfortable to wear, but because this method of breakthrough was too domineering and could easily lead to an unstable foundation and a drop in cultivation level.

Therefore, Chu Ming was very interested in the Clear Dragon Spring, which could gently assist in breakthroughs.

"Alright, I'll fill it out."

He picked up the pen and carefully filled in the information on the red paper. This made An Muxi feel a little nervous in her heart, clenching her fists tightly. She only breathed a sigh of relief when he finished, blushing as she took the red paper away and warned him.

"Now that you've filled it out, don't provoke other girls, understand?"


Chu Ming nodded earnestly, but didn't take it to heart.

Just because I don't provoke other girls doesn't mean they won't provoke me!


It's just that my personal charm is too great, there's nothing I can do about it.

Chu Ming sighed helplessly and called out to An Muxi as she was about to leave.

"Sister, there's one more thing that hasn't been completed!"


An Muxi turned around, blinked her confused eyes, and then, at Chu Ming's indication, picked up the red paper and looked at the small characters at the bottom.

——To prevent fake Daoist companions from deceiving the qualification to soak in the 'Clear Dragon Spring,' both Daoist companions must submit evidence of their cultivation impurities.

Thanks to [Reader with the last four digits 8882], [Ju's Book House], [Black Ink Dyeing Peacefully], [Reader with the last four digits 4896] for their support! Thanks to [Ghost Step fvu], [Walking in the Rain] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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