Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 46 The Dirt Of Taoist Cultivation

Chapter 46: The Impurity of Dao Companions' Cultivation


To be honest, Chu Ming felt that after being immersed in the system's simulations for the past half month, he had witnessed many bizarre things and had become immune to them.

But he never expected that there would be such a strange term as the "impurity of dao companions' cultivation"!

Who on earth came up with this? How could they be so perverted?!

"What is this impurity of dao companions' cultivation?"

However, for the innocent An Muxi, this title was truly confusing for her.

"Well... I can only make a guess, which may not be correct."

Even Chu Ming, who constantly asked others for explicit clothing, couldn't help but blush and cough lightly before leaning in to whisper to An Muxi's face.


Before he could finish explaining, An Muxi slammed the table, her face instantly turning as red as a cooked shrimp, with even steam faintly rising from her head.

"The people from the Moon God Temple are truly a bunch of perverts! What's the use of having such a thing? Aren't they disgusted by it?"


Chu Ming nodded in agreement, helplessly looking at An Muxi's ever-changing flushed face.

"Perhaps they are afraid that too many people will covet the Clear Dragon Spring... But Senior Sister, what should we do now? Should we not become dao companions?"


An Muxi coldly refused, sitting at the edge of the table with a clenched right fist, her ample chest rising and falling.

After about half a moment, when she had calmed down a bit, she raised her eyelids and stole a few glances at Chu Ming, her cheeks blushing as she hesitantly asked,

"Are you... sure that what you just said was the impurity of dao companions' cultivation?"

"I can't think of anything else."

Chu Ming spread his hands, looking somewhat helpless.

"Of course, there are various explanations for the absence of fallen petals, but they also require the submission of other things as proof, such as the things you helped me cleanse with spiritual power during the yin-yang harmonization."

"Moreover, it says it's between dao companions, so it not only requires mine, but probably also requires yours to be mixed together..."

Even before Chu Ming finished speaking, An Muxi could understand the underlying meaning, and her delicate body trembled slightly. The shyness in her lowered eyelids seemed as if it could drip with water.

They actually needed that kind of thing?!

But without it, they really couldn't prove that they were dao companions.

But how could she possibly do that?!

Blushing slightly, An Muxi buried her head in her arms, leaning on the table and squirming uncomfortably. Every cell in her body rejected it due to her modesty.

However, after a few moments, a faint anticipation and heat emerged in her conflicted heart, turning into a warm current that surged into her lower abdomen, causing her Natural Charm Body to become restless once again...

Since they were going to become dao companions, they would eventually have to do these things, right?

Moreover, after spending such a long time together, it seemed that she had somewhat understood her feelings for Chu Ming.

Just as An Muxi lightly bit her red lips and her chaotic mind kept replaying the passionate scenes of hugging and kissing Chu Ming, the person in question suddenly proposed,

"Senior Sister, I've come up with a good solution!"

"You see, it says it's the impurity of dao companions' cultivation, but it doesn't say how it forms! So, after we finish the yin-yang harmonization, we can mix them together and create the scene of dao companions' cultivation. That way, we won't have to do that kind of thing... Hey! Senior Sister, why did you leave!?"

"Leave me alone! Let me be alone!"

An Muxi picked up her sword, took small steps, and disappeared without a trace, leaving Chu Ming completely bewildered.

Why did she seem so impatient?

Could it be that he said something wrong again?

At this moment, Hua Xiaoying happened to pass by the door and raised a piece of rice paper, looking at An Muxi's departing figure.

"Sister-in-law, why did she leave?"


Chu Ming pretended to be an old man, sitting at the table, pouring tea for himself, and sighing continuously.

"Women, they have those days when they're not in a good mood. I've long been used to it."


Seeing Chu Ming feeling so lonely, Hua Xiaoying, who was clever and smart, immediately ran behind him and massaged his shoulders and back while writing a comforting note and placing it on the table.

"Although I don't know what happened, Sister-in-law must have her own considerations. When she left, her face was as red as if she had a fever. Maybe she was just shy and couldn't express her true feelings directly."

"What you said seems reasonable."

Chu Ming squinted his eyes and let out a comfortable moan.

"Xiaoying, you have some good skills. Who did you learn them from?"

"My mother has a weak body, so I learned some massage techniques for health and fitness when I had free time."

Hua Xiaoying blushed and handed over a prepared note.

"Chu Ming, do you want to eat? It's almost noon, so I made some dishes."


Chu Ming touched his empty stomach, and unexpectedly, a hint of hunger arose in his heart. He patted Hua Xiaoying's hand and chuckled.


He thought he would just casually enjoy the aroma of the food, but when he saw Hua Xiaoying bringing various exquisite dishes to the table, his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

"Xiaoying, did you make all of this?"

He casually picked up a piece of stir-fried meat and put it in his mouth. The wildness of the buffalo meat combined with the fragrance of the hay created a unique taste.

"Mmm~ It's delicious! You should eat too!"

Hua Xiaoying hurriedly waved her hand, holding the plate somewhat awkwardly.

"In fact, I already ate with my mother. Chu Ming, you don't mind, do you?"

"I don't mind."

Chu Ming smiled and, holding his bowl, enjoyed a hearty meal that he hadn't experienced in a long time. After burping contentedly, he went to the cultivation room.

He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the grass mat, forming seals with his hands at his dantian. Breathing calmly at the same frequency, the circulation of spiritual energy within his body continued between inhalation and exhalation.

In an instant, a faint green glow appeared on his skin, contrasting with the bright red blood as they circulated throughout his body.

After about the time it takes for several incense sticks to burn, Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes. It seemed as if countless rays of light flashed by, then faded into the depths.


He brought up his personal panel, his excitement growing.

"I didn't expect that in just two weeks, I would already reach Rank Four in the Tianyan Internal Path. Even the Long Bull Technique has broken through to Rank Three."

"According to reason, it shouldn't be this fast... Could it be because the 'Wood Spirit Divine Soul' attribute has been upgraded to red quality?"

Chu Ming carefully recalled everything that had happened in the past two weeks.

The sacrilegious clothes he obtained from An Muxi were not only used to improve his cultivation and attributes, but the last few pieces were also used to obtain aptitude and talents.

As a result, he not only gained +20 strength and +10 agility, but also upgraded both the "Wood Spirit Divine Soul" and "Natural Charm Body" to red attributes, evolving them into "Brahma Soul - Wood (Red)" and "Yin Yang Chaos Body (Red)" respectively!

Only then did Chu Ming realize that after the attributes were promoted to blue and red, they would evolve into completely new attributes! And the effects would have additional enhancements!

Thanks to the support from readers with the last digits of their phone numbers being 8308, the pen names Baiyi Moyu and Xinghai Ye Shi, and the monthly ticket from Dangui Bu Jiang Li!

PS: Tomorrow is Tuesday, the day for weekly recommendations, so according to tradition, it will be updated in the early morning. I hope all readers will continue to follow and support this book! Thank you, dear readers! (PS: If there's anything you want to see, hehe)

(End of this chapter)

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