Chapter 51: Flower Bell


Chu Ming touched his face with a dazed expression. In the blink of an eye, An Muxi pushed the door and left, leaving him dumbfounded.

It seems Sister is also shy...


Chu Ming let out a long breath and threw himself onto the bed. He turned to the side and stared blankly at the flickering candlelight on the table.

Although he didn't know what Sister was thinking, their actions tonight had indeed brought their relationship to a new level.

Both of them tacitly avoided exposing the truth, but silently regarded each other as the most important person in their lives.

"So this is the bittersweet feeling of love?"

Chu Ming felt a bit confused, but deep in his heart, besides entering the inner sect and healing Hua Xiaoying so she could speak, he now had another goal.

To clear away all the troubles around Sister!

To become Sister's reliance!

"After all, I've taken advantage of her so much. Without the protection of the wool, I can only be her wool."

Chu Ming propped himself up and did a backflip, then took out the True Child Pill and carefully studied it.

He discovered that as his cultivation level improved, the strength of the figure condensed by the True Child Pill had reached an astonishing Ninth Layer of Qi Refining!

Its surface even had a slowly condensing fifth dan pattern, emitting a stunning aura of dark golden lines.

"It's really strange."

Chu Ming marveled in his heart. During this period, he had consulted many alchemy books and ancient texts, but found no relevant information.

Except for the information about the four dan patterns.

According to the records in the 10,086th issue of the "Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect Monthly News," their sect's elders had refined a pill with four dan patterns and made it their patent. They had written tens of thousands of words about the pill's formula.

He explained that originally, a pill could only have three dan patterns. However, when it absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and gave birth to its own consciousness, it would autonomously condense a fourth dan pattern—the Consciousness Pattern.

"So, the True Child Pill has developed its own consciousness under my simulation?"

Chu Ming took out another True Child Pill from his spatial bag and played with it.

Because he found the True Child Pill to be too useful and powerful, he separated a part of his divine sense and refined another one.

Unfortunately, this method of production put a great burden on his divine sense. After all, it was like dividing one's attention into three parts to observe the whole world. If not properly controlled, one would go crazy sooner or later.

So Chu Ming decided not to refine any more after making two.

"Maybe I can give one to Hua Xiaoying? After all, she doesn't have any means of self-defense."

Suddenly, the delicate face of the girl flashed through Chu Ming's mind, so he put away the True Child Pill and took out the golden bell.

[Do you want to simulate "Flower Bell"?]


The surface of the golden bell was smooth and flawless, showing no signs of aging. The sound it made was like a clear spring, bringing a sense of relief to Chu Ming's whole body, as if he were in an ancient village house, feeling relaxed and happy.

This golden bell must be an extraordinary item!

"Perhaps I should use something else to explore Hua Xiaoying's identity. I'll add a keyword to this golden bell for now."

After murmuring to himself, the familiar light blue screen appeared in front of him once again.

[After being made by the Flower God with the Silent Fruit Core, you have been bound to her ankle, accompanying her through the ages.]

[Suddenly, one day, she fell to the mortal world and fell in love at first sight with the alchemy apprentice Chu Ming.]


Chu Ming interrupted the system simulation loudly and couldn't help but complain.

"Why do all the girls in your simulation like me?"

[According to the host's wishes, the simulation system has changed from a "pure love" inclination to an "NTR" inclination...]

"Wait! I was wrong, don't change it, continue."

Chu Ming hurriedly said, and immediately, the words on the light screen turned pale blue, slowly disappearing as if they were being deleted in Word, and the simulation continued.

[After a few days of getting along, the Flower God gradually fell in love with the cultivation life of "you refining pills while I farm", so she often strolled among the mountains and rivers, letting your voice echo throughout the world.]

[Simulation ends.]


Chu Ming didn't know how to comment on the abnormality of this system, so he could only sigh lightly and choose the first reward.

[The item obtained from this simulation is "Flower Bell", with an intimacy level of 99 with Hua Xiaoying, currently available to add entries:]

["Thousand Miles a Day (Blue)": Increases the agility and physique of the carrier, making the body light, and this bonus is doubled in the mountains and forests.]

["Enchanting Melody (White)": When the bell rings, it can increase the attack speed of males during the harmony of yin and yang.]

"Even without you, this golden bell worn on the ankle can still increase the attack speed of males!"

After criticizing the uselessness of the white entry, Chu Ming decisively chose to add the blue entry, and his heart briefly fell into contemplation.

Why is the highest intimacy level of these items always 99?

Senior Sister's intimate pants are the same, and this golden bell that Hua Xiaoying has been wearing since childhood is also the same. Why can't they reach an intimacy level of 100?

Could there be some hidden conditions?

Although Chu Ming had doubts in his mind, he didn't think too much about it. After putting away the golden bell, he sat cross-legged on the bed and started to operate the Tian Yan Nei Jing to consolidate his breakthrough in the Qi Refining Sixth Layer.

Compared to the diligent cultivation on this side, the other side was relatively lazy.

After rushing into the room, An Muxi immediately locked the door and then weakly squatted on the ground, burying her flushed cheeks in her knees.

Ah, ah, ah!

Not only did I let Chu Ming bully me, but I didn't even resist?

"Wu wu..."

An Muxi shamefully murmured a few times, her brain in chaos.

It's all his fault!

Who asked him to be so clueless about my feelings and make me take the initiative?

"But it can be considered a success, right?"

Thinking of Chu Ming's gentle and beautiful smile, An Muxi instantly fell into infatuation, smiling sweetly like a little girl in love.

Then, she threw herself onto the bed, tightly hugging the bedding, rubbing her reddened cheeks against it like a kitten, murmuring to herself.

"Chu Ming, I really like you..."

I like him, and he should like me too, right?

After all, I've helped him...

Suddenly, a scene of Chu Ming squinting his eyes in pleasure flashed through her mind. An Muxi lightly bit her lower lip, her coquettish eyes becoming misty.

He seems to really like it when I do that, right?

After all, he showed such a comfortable expression.

"But there was a moment when he frowned..."

An Muxi sat up on the bed, blushing shyly, biting her thumb, curling her tongue, and a thought suddenly came to her mind.

There might be some flaws in the first time, maybe I should practice with something?

Thank you to [白翼羽墨], [忘津], [剑在匣中做凰歌] for the support!

Thank you to [陌烧], [书友尾号0835], [书友尾号8908], [杂粮饼], [凝、墨], [书友尾号8360], [风之恒殇], [风兮然], [天堂*血镰], [驱妖火], [撒嘎嘎就], [倾城醉歌], [起丶新用户], [悲伤小熊], [春卷配花菜], [英俊潇洒无敌帅气大美男], [鱼汤1101], [小猪爱读书zzz], [家境缺盐的薯条] for the monthly tickets!

Thank you again to all the readers!

(End of this chapter)

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