Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 52 The Wonderful Uses Of Vine Melon

Chapter 52: The Wonderful Uses of Stem Squash

The next morning, at the break of dawn, several gray geese and cranes spread their wings and flew high in the moist clouds.

Because the spiritual energy at Elixir Peak is denser and more abundant than other mountain peaks, the Sacred Alchemy Hall was established here when the Heavenly Evolution Sect was founded, providing alchemists with a good environment for pill refinement.

At this moment, in a kitchen of an ancient house halfway up the mountain, Hua Xiaoying was busy lighting a fire and cooking.

Although cultivators can enter seclusion and focus on cultivation once they reach a certain level, Chu Ming did not intend to do so.

After all, the path of cultivation is already dull and tasteless. If one cannot satisfy their appetite, what meaning is there in this life?

Moreover, some dishes made from heavenly treasures and earthly treasures are more helpful for cultivation.

Therefore, Hua Xiaoying took the initiative to prepare three meals a day for Chu Ming.

Chu Ming should like it, right?

After taking a sip of the porridge in the pot, the lingering fragrance on her tongue made Hua Xiaoying's heart leap with joy.

It's delicious!

I just don't know if Chu Ming has any dietary restrictions.

I might as well ask him when I have the chance.

Just as Hua Xiaoying was about to continue preparing other dishes, An Muxi suddenly sneaked in, looking around as if searching for something.


Seeing this, Hua Xiaoying wiped her hands on her apron and picked up a pen and paper, her face full of confusion.

"Sister-in-law, do you need something?"


An Muxi remained silent for a moment, seeming hesitant to speak, but finally asked tentatively.

"Xiaoying, do you... have any long, cylindrical fruits or vegetables here?"


Hua Xiaoying looked puzzled, seeing An Muxi's cheeks slightly flushed, and then explained in a flustered manner.

"I need this shape of fruit or vegetable for a pill recipe, but Chu Ming doesn't have it, so I thought I'd try my luck in the kitchen."

Pill refinement?

Didn't Chu Ming say that sister-in-law is solely focused on sword cultivation?

Why does she also want to refine pills?

Isn't Chu Ming enough for pill refinement?

Besides, do the materials for pill refinement require a specific shape?

Although Hua Xiaoying had many doubts in her mind, she still led An Muxi to the vegetable garden and pointed at the stem squash on the trellis.

"Indeed, we have it..."

An Muxi looked up and looked around, then widened her eyes and shyly picked one.

"This one should do. I'll go now, Xiaoying, you can continue with your work."


Watching An Muxi's figure running away, Hua Xiaoying tilted her head, her small eyes filled with great confusion.

What does sister-in-law want to do?


Back in her room, An Muxi locked the door and closed the windows nervously. She scanned the surroundings with her spiritual sense and, finding no one around, let out a sigh of relief. She stared at the stem squash in her hand, and her cheeks flushed with a tinge of redness.

"This size seems just right..."

Saying that, she used her spiritual energy to shave off the rough exterior of the stem squash, making it smooth. Then, she sat on the bed in a squatting position, blinking her eyes frequently, a layer of shy mist appearing in her beautiful eyes.

The next moment, a small, rosy mouth slowly opened...

At this moment, a gentle knocking sound suddenly came from the door.

"Sister, are you there?"


Chu Ming?

An Muxi's pupils contracted, instantly panicking. She quickly hid the stem squash under the pillow, slapped her cheeks hard with both hands to calm herself down.


After taking several deep breaths, she finally regained her usual composure. After tidying up her clothes, she opened the door.

"Chu Ming? Why did you wake up so early? It's not time to go to Master's place yet, is it?"

"Because I miss Senior Sister too much."

Hearing Chu Ming's sweet words, An Muxi, although immune to them, couldn't help but feel a hint of joy in her heart. But on the surface, she pretended to be disgusted and coquettishly said, "Always saying sweet words, let's talk about something serious!"

"There's nothing more serious than wanting to see Senior Sister!"

Chu Ming said seriously, but when he saw An Muxi waving her fist, he stopped fooling around and took out the bedsheet from last night, laughing lightly.

"I plan to hand in the impurities of our cultivation as Dao companions. How about you, Senior Sister, bring the application form together?"


Upon hearing this, An Muxi's expression became slightly dazed.

It seems like I really became Dao companions with Chu Ming...


Perhaps understanding the deeper meaning of this relationship, An Muxi played with the ends of her hair shyly, then returned to her room.

"Wait a moment, I'll freshen up and come out soon."


Just handing in an application form as Dao companions, not taking wedding photos, why bother freshening up?

Chu Ming couldn't understand this behavior, as he only washed his hair and went out.

But out of respect for An Muxi, he waited at the door.

However, this wait lasted for half an hour.


Chu Ming, sitting cross-legged on the steps, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the still closed door. The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

I've already circulated my Tianyan Internal Path for several weeks, why hasn't Senior Sister come out yet?

Is it so troublesome for a girl to go out?

After sighing heavily, Chu Ming was about to knock on the door to ask about the situation when the door suddenly creaked open. An Muxi walked out gracefully, with lowered eyebrows and a gentle demeanor.

She was wearing a red and white long-sleeved robe, with a skirt that almost touched the ground embroidered with golden dragons and phoenixes. The cuffs seemed to depict ancient landscape paintings with ink, and a large red silk belt was tied around her slim waist. Her black hair was adorned with a red peony hairpin.

Unlike her usual serene appearance in a white dress, at this moment, every move she made exuded a noble and elegant temperament, making people feel the urge to kneel and worship, as if she were a princess of a country...

Wait, isn't Senior Sister actually a princess?

Chu Ming's Adam's apple rolled subconsciously, his expression blank, his eyes staring straight ahead. It was only when An Muxi reminded him slightly shyly that he finally snapped out of it.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and let's go!"

"Um... Senior Sister looks so beautiful."

Chu Ming lowered his head and glanced at his plain white clothes, feeling a bit embarrassed.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a fragrant breeze in front of him, and the next second, An Muxi took his arm and smiled lightly.

"Don't think too much, let's go find Master first, and then go to the Moon God Temple."


Chu Ming responded with a smile, waved his right hand to summon the Dior Spirit Sword. This surprised An Muxi, who saw it for the first time, and curiosity and astonishment flashed in her eyes.

"A spirit sword? When did you get it?"

"I thought it would be troublesome to travel every day, so I exchanged it with contribution points at the Affairs Hall."

Chu Ming raised his chin slightly, controlling the spirit sword with his divine sense to split into three. This acrobatic ability made An Muxi's eyes once again filled with surprise and curiosity.

"It can split into three?"

"It's amazing, right?"

Chu Ming proudly raised his chin, then lowered his right arm to hold An Muxi's slender waist, pulling her into his embrace with a smirk.

"Senior Sister, how about I carry you on this and we go to Floating Jade Peak? It'll be faster this way."


Feeling the warmth of the big hand on her lower back, An Muxi's face turned slightly red. After a soft hum, she reluctantly agreed to his audacity.

"Always taking advantage of me! Let's go."

"As you wish!"

Thank you to [Reader with the last four digits 5581] [Waiting for You in the Wind, Flowers, Snow, and Moon] for the reward! Thank you to [Everyone's Cartier Fat Cat] [Time, Lonely Wind] [Thousands of Soldiers, White Robe] [Reader with the last four digits 5362] [Off Work Today] [Reader with the last four digits 4728] for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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