Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

53. Chapter 53 Senior Sister’S Knee Pillow

Chapter 53: Senior Sister's Knee Pillow

"So, why do we have to use this position?"

An Muxi lowered her head, looking at Chu Ming's relaxed expression as he closed his eyes and nurtured his spirit, leaving her momentarily speechless.

Amidst the mist, she knelt on the golden spiritual sword, using her knee as a pillow for Chu Ming's thigh.

Meanwhile, Chu Ming's buttocks and heels were supported by two other spiritual swords, turning their sword flying into a "lying sword flying"!

Why did it turn out like this when we agreed to fly with me carrying you on the sword?

Shouldn't it be the princess carry position?

If that's not possible, at least hugging from behind would work!

An Muxi pouted unhappily, but seeing Chu Ming's expression of enjoyment, her resentment dissipated, and she even found it somewhat amusing.

"Do you really find this position comfortable?"

"Of course!"

Chu Ming nodded seriously, opened his eyes, and looked past the prominent mountain peaks, focusing on An Muxi's bright eyes as he chuckled.

"Because Senior Sister's thigh makes a comfortable pillow."

That was the truth.

After all, in Chu Ming's perception, An Muxi was a treasure all over.

Not only could her clothes and undergarments enhance cultivation, but her figure was also exquisite, with smooth and delicate skin, neither too fat nor too thin, just right to touch.

And the most tempting part for him was the pair of warm and firm long legs that he had been longing for since the beginning.

Chu Ming fantasized about whether An Muxi could use her plump thighs to give him a knee pillow someday.

And now, his dream had finally come true!

This made his lips curl up uncontrollably, as he reached out and touched the thigh wrapped in black stockings, his fingertips sinking into the soft flesh...

"Don't touch randomly!"

An Muxi opened Chu Ming's mischievous hand, her face turning red. She pinched his face coquettishly, somewhat sulking.

"You always take advantage whenever you can. It seems like you really like my legs."

"That's true."

Chu Ming smirked and suddenly thought of something. He used his spiritual sense to control the stockings, causing them to vibrate slightly, which made An Muxi exclaim in surprise. Blushing, she gave him a firm tap.

"What are you doing!"

"Just relieving my stiff neck."

Chu Ming looked at An Muxi's misty and intoxicated eyes, his smile becoming even more mischievous.

"Senior Sister, you don't mind, do you?"


An Muxi bit her soft lips with her teeth, her face slightly blushing as she turned away from his reddened cheeks.


She always felt that ever since their relationship became clear last night, Chu Ming's behavior had become more and more audacious.

Although I said I liked the feeling of you controlling the stockings, this is in the sky. You can't be so unruly!

Clearly, Chu Ming was such a person.

Throughout the journey, he adjusted the frequency, enjoying the comfortable feeling brought by the knee pillow massage. However, this was quite difficult for An Muxi, who had to forcibly endure with her trembling body, her breathing gradually becoming heavier.

"Chu Ming..."

Finally, she blinked her watery eyes, leaned forward, and was about to ask for a kiss when Chu Ming suddenly sat up and stood on the Dior spiritual sword, smiling lightly.

"Senior Sister, we've arrived."


Why did it turn out like this?

An Muxi clenched her fists and, disregarding everything, lunged towards Chu Ming at the entrance of the main hall.

And at this moment, a slightly playful voice suddenly sounded from the front.

"Muxi, what are you doing?"


An Muxi raised her eyes, filled with a sense of spring, and instantly regained her composure after seeing Wu Zuirao's charming smile. She quickly got up from Chu Ming and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Master... Master!"

"This is the solemn main hall. It's better not to do such things here."

Wu Zuirao's teasing words made An Muxi's face instantly turn red. She stuttered for a long time but couldn't find a suitable reason to refute. She felt extremely embarrassed.

An Muxi, what are you doing!!

Back then, when Chu Ming was massaging Master's body in the main hall, you warned him seriously not to do such things.

But now, you're hugging him and nibbling on him right in front of Master?!

How embarrassing!!


Chu Ming seemed to have already understood the ultimate secret of shamelessness. After tidying up his clothes, he respectfully saluted as if nothing had happened.

"Master, I have something to tell you. Muxi and I have mutual admiration for each other. Over time, we have developed feelings and have decided to become Dao companions for life."

"I already knew about this."

Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and chuckled. Then she took Chu Ming and An Muxi's hands and placed a peach-colored pill in each of their palms.

"I don't have any precious gifts to give you, so I'll give you these 'Childless Pills'."

"Childless Pills?"

An Muxi looked puzzled. After all, she had been immersed in sword cultivation and knew very little about pills.

But for Chu Ming, a genius alchemist, although the Childless Pills were not commonly seen, he had some knowledge about them.

Well, just by hearing the name, one could imagine what it was for. After all, its nickname was "Infant Ascending Pill".

Seeing An Muxi's confused expression, Wu Zuirao's eyes flickered. She leaned down and explained it to her in detail, causing An Muxi's face to turn red with embarrassment and anger as she glared at Chu Ming.

What does it have to do with me?!

Chu Ming looked innocent, sighed lightly, and put away the Childless Pills, thanking Wu Zuirao.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Then go to the Matchmaker Hall quickly."

Wu Zuirao smiled and said. Then, when An Muxi left, she suddenly pulled Chu Ming, who was behind her, in front of her and whispered in his ear.

"I'll come find you tonight. Remember to clean yourself."


Chu Ming widened his eyes in surprise. Just as he was about to ask, Wu Zuirao lightly tapped his chest, and in an instant, he flew out accompanied by the tearing of the surrounding space.

"Chu Ming?"

Seeing Chu Ming, who had appeared beside her without her noticing, An Muxi's eyes flashed with surprise.

"How did you catch up? Where did you go?"

"Ah? Nothing, just took care of something."

Chu Ming casually made up a reason and subconsciously touched his chest. In addition to feeling a little dazed, he also felt somewhat incredulous.

Master, she can actually tear through space?

This Soul Formation Realm is really powerful!

But what does she mean by telling me to clean myself?

First, let's rule out the option of her eating me, after all, I'm not some Tang Monk's flesh.

The only possibility is...

Chu Ming's Adam's apple rolled, and a hint of heat suddenly surged in his heart.

From Wu Zuirao's charming eyes just now, he clearly sensed a strong sense of jealousy!

Thank you to [Book Friend with the last four digits 8397], [Three Cups Refrigerator], [Book Friend with the last four digits 9517], [汣翎], [Lord Meow Has Arrived] for the rewards!

Thank you to [Falling Leaves with the Wind], [Book Friend with the last four digits 7303], [Cardia the Homeless Fat Cat], [Anonymous Thief], [Blackened Dumb Fluff K], [汣翎], [Nickname98], [I Once Prayed to the Gods], [Hai Qu], [Mozi Yao Yun], [Dai Ju], [Acetylsalicylic Acid Boy] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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