Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

54. Chapter 54 Above The Spiritual Sword

Chapter 54: Above the Spirit Sword

Did Master get jealous of Senior Sister?

Chu Ming pondered for a moment and realized that this seemed to be a natural thing.

After all, he had been carefully nurtured by Master since childhood to become his future Dao companion.

But before he could make a move, he was preempted by another woman, and it happened to be his favorite disciple!

Anyone in this situation would feel some resentment.

"But Master said for me to deal with Senior Sister first before finding her, so I shouldn't be blamed, right?"

Chu Ming felt a bit uneasy and carefully controlled the Dior Spirit Sword as it carried him and An Muxi to the Moon Elder Hall.

During the journey, the girl kept stealing glances at the handsome young man beside her. Sometimes she would smile, and other times she would pout in anger. Her hands would occasionally stiffen in mid-air. In the end, she mustered up the courage to hold his arm and complained with a touch of grievance.

"Chu Ming, did you forget something important?"


Chu Ming's thoughts returned, and he looked at An Muxi's expectant eyes with some confusion. Then he saw her shyly close her eyes and tilt her face up, as if waiting to be taken.


When did Senior Sister become so delicate?

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

I remember that Senior Sister used to have a cold and proud look on her face!

Could it be that my recent training methods have worked?

After thinking for a moment, Chu Ming's lips curled up slightly, but instead of fulfilling An Muxi's "little wish," he embraced her waist and bent her legs, holding her in a princess carry position, looking extremely helpless.

"Senior Sister, we can't kiss casually in the future. You know that my Natural Charm Body will erupt after kissing you, and it will cause big problems!"


An Muxi listened to this and realized that it made sense. However, her face instantly drooped, and her beautiful eyes were filled with resentment. She struggled to escape from Chu Ming's embrace.

"Then why are you still holding me? Let go! I can fly on my own!"


Chu Ming raised an eyebrow, loosened his grip, and An Muxi suddenly felt a sense of falling. Instinctively, she closed her eyes tightly.

Although she was at the Foundation Building Stage, there was still a gap in cultivation when it came to flying without the help of a spirit sword. At least she had to reach the Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, the howling wind and the feeling of weightlessness made An Muxi panic. Just as she thought that Chu Ming had the motive to hold her and then kill her to cover up his tracks, she was suddenly enveloped in a familiar warm embrace.

"Are you still being willful?"

Chu Ming chuckled lightly, feeling proud inside.

When I was young, I was quite experienced in dealing with proud and willful people. I knew how to smooth out their arrogance.

First, you have to overpower them with your momentum.

Second, you have to appropriately go against their wishes, so they know they have to give something to get something in return.

Lastly, you have to know when to give them some benefits when they are angry. Giving a stick and a date is the best way to deal with a proud person.

Seeing Chu Ming's mischievous face, An Muxi knew he was teasing her again. So she clenched her right hand into a fist and fiercely hammered his chest, angrily saying,

"Alright, Chu Ming! You dare to throw your Senior Sister down from the sky? I see that you're getting bold!"

"I am indeed bold."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, as if he was about to let go of his arms. This instantly transformed An Muxi's anger into fear. She tightly closed her eyes and held onto his neck, pressing her body against his.


"Still being willful?"

"Not being willful anymore..."

An Muxi, with a soft and tender voice, immediately buried her blushing cheeks in Chu Ming's arms, her heart filled with deep grievances.

"You're so heartless! We just became Dao companions yesterday, and today you're doing such outrageous things to me!"

"I'm sorry, I just thought you were too cute and wanted to tease you."

Chu Ming's gentle voice was full of apology as he leaned down and lightly kissed An Muxi's forehead, then slowly moved down along her eyelids, cheeks, and delicate nose, finally indulging in nibbling on those tempting cherry-like lips.

An Muxi tightened her fair and tender arms and obediently closed her intoxicated eyes, instantly dissolving her inner grievances with sweetness. A subtle state of mind began to take root and sprout.

From now on, I have to listen to Chu Ming's words, so he will reward me!


An Muxi's face was as beautiful as peach blossoms as she took deep breaths of fresh air through her moistened red lips.

"Can you let me catch my breath... mmm!"


After a long time, Chu Ming finally stopped teasing An Muxi and allowed her to shyly rub her hot cheeks against his chest like a little cat.

"You said that kissing would trigger the Natural Charm Body, so why did you still kiss me?"

"Because I thought you would help me."

Chu Ming stood An Muxi on another Dior Spirit Sword, took her soft little hand, causing her to widen her eyes in fear.



Hearing Chu Ming's firm response, An Muxi blurted out without thinking.

"But this is in the sky! What if we're seen by other cultivators flying on their swords?"

"Don't worry about that, Senior Sister. This Dior Spirit Sword has a built-in invisibility function."

"But that's still not good! Can't we land and find a hidden place?"


Chu Ming stubbornly insisted.


Although An Muxi didn't quite understand the meaning behind Chu Ming's words, his determined gaze made her bite her red lips in inner conflict for a long time.

In the end, she, who was stubborn on the outside but soft-hearted on the inside, compromised once again. Her face turned rosy, and she gave Chu Ming a coquettish glance.

"I really lose to you. You're full of tricks!"

"It's all because of you, Senior Sister."

Chu Ming chuckled lightly, then suddenly reminded her.

"It's better not to throw things around."



It's indeed not appropriate to throw this kind of thing around.

An Muxi suddenly became worried, but Chu Ming seemed to have already figured out the answer. He once again used his thumb to caress her lips, his eyes filled with intense heat.

"Senior Sister, can you change it?"


An Muxi was first stunned, then her face instantly turned red.

Thanks to [Reader with the last four digits 3218] and [Acetylsalicylic Acid Youth] for the reward!

Thanks to [Pure-hearted Reader] and [Reader with the last four digits 1629] for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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