Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

61. Chapter 61 Senior Sister’S Artificial Respiration

Chapter 61: Senior Sister's Artificial Respiration

"I, Long, have once fought fiercely with several powerful humans."

It seemed like it had been a long time since he had talked to anyone here. After learning that Chu Ming was willing to communicate, Black Dragon became talkative and slowly began to narrate his dragon life experiences.


"If it weren't for those humans who lacked integrity, violated the ceasefire agreement, and launched a sneak attack while I was healing, I wouldn't have perished!"

Black Dragon angrily swung his tail, causing rocks to continuously fall from the surrounding cliffs.

However, Chu Ming did not dodge and let them hit him, then passed through them like a phantom.

This is the Yao Po, equivalent to the human Dantian.

In other words, his soul had penetrated into the Black Dragon's Yao Po under specific conditions, so everything around him was illusory and couldn't harm him at all.

Since that's the case, then it's easy to handle!

Chu Ming's mouth slightly curved upwards, and he lightly laughed, extending his right hand.

"Brother Dragon, how about we make a deal?"

"A deal?"

Black Dragon was initially stunned, then sneered.

"You humans are the most untrustworthy creatures. I was deceived by you once before, and now you expect me to fall for it a second time?"

"Even if I'm trapped here for a thousand years, forever losing my freedom, I won't cooperate with humans again!"

"The condition I propose is that I can rescue you. How about that?"

"How do we cooperate? Tell me quickly!"

Seeing the Black Dragon's rapidly changing expression, Chu Ming's mouth slightly curved upwards.

"You said that after you perished, your Yao Po was suppressed in the Prison Dragon Gorge by their secret technique, and your dragon bones were divided into five parts, each guarded by the five major sects in the Northern Region."

"I can try to release your Yao Po, help you find your dragon bones, and condense your dragon body. How about that?"


Upon hearing that there was a chance to escape, the two fierce vertical pupils of the Black Dragon instantly emitted a gleam, and its tail excitedly wagged from side to side.

However, after a brief moment of consideration, it immediately frowned, its eyes filled with caution and suspicion.

"You should be a disciple of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, right? Your sect has some minor grievances with me. Why are you helping me like this?"

"I've already said it. It's just a trade. Besides, I 'don't know' about the grievances between you. I can't meddle in things that happened a thousand years ago."

Chu Ming stood up, patted the dirt off his body, and blinked as he lightly laughed.

"Your dragon bones... should be very useful, right?"


Black Dragon proudly laughed, placing its dragon claws on its waist.

"Let me tell you, I, as a member of the Dragon Race's Sun-Eating branch, am the strongest ancient dragon in the past thousand years!"

"The dragon bones are not only as hard as rocks, but they also contain rich dragon marrow. After combining with spiritual power, they can greatly enhance all aspects of oneself and even eventually transform into a dragon body!"

At this moment, as if it had thought of something, Black Dragon stared at Chu Ming uncertainly.

"You're not coveting my dragon bones, are you?"

"Hehe, well..."

Chu Ming scratched his head awkwardly and smiled, his intentions obvious.

After all, just soaking in the Clear Dragon Spring, which had only been in contact with the dragon bones, allowed him to easily break through to the Sixth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm. If he obtained the actual dragon bones, wouldn't his cultivation soar?

Moreover, besides the decorative Dior Spirit Sword, he didn't have any decent weapons at the moment.

And this dragon bone, in terms of hardness and sharpness, was an extremely rare divine weapon!

"You humans are quite audacious, wanting to covet the body of this deity in front of me? It's truly laughable!"

"In any case, I have to take your dragon bone to find your demonic soul," Chu Ming said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Since I have to take it anyway, why not lend it to me to increase my chances of helping you escape?"


Upon hearing this, the black dragon fell into hesitation, and after pondering for a long time, he sighed deeply.

"Fine, it's just sitting here anyway. If you take it, it might increase my chances of escaping."

No one had touched its demonic soul through the dragon bone for thousands of years, so the black dragon had to place its only hope on Chu Ming.

Even though both of them had their own ulterior motives, neither trusted the other.


As soon as the black dragon finished speaking, a sound suddenly rang out, accompanied by a loud bang. In the midst of the flying dust, a pitch-black rib bone was inserted in front of Chu Ming, surprising him greatly.

Is this the dragon bone?

"I'm only giving you one rib bone. If you take all of my dragon bones, the Clear Dragon Spring will lose its effectiveness, and you will be held accountable by the Heavenly Evolution Sect," the black dragon warned.

This is exactly what I wanted!

Chu Ming's excitement showed on his face as he gently touched the dragon bone in front of him.

Its surface was smooth without any indentations, and the cold sensation spread from his fingertips to his whole body, causing a faint boiling sensation in his dantian.

Most importantly, at the moment of contact, he saw the familiar pale blue light screen in front of him.


Can the dragon bone even simulate this?

Isn't this supposed to be a part of the human body?

Chu Ming couldn't help but look puzzled, and at this moment, the black dragon spoke again in a deep voice.

"Since this is a transaction, don't forget our agreement. I will attach a trace of my divine sense to the dragon bone. If you dare to do anything strange with my dragon bone, I will never spare you!"

"Don't worry, I am a person who keeps my promises," Chu Ming assured, patting his chest. He then stepped forward and exerted force with both hands to pull out the dragon bone.

In an instant, his surroundings spun, and his divine sense separated from the black dragon's demonic soul, causing his consciousness to slowly awaken.



As the ice on the surface of the Clear Dragon Spring completely shattered, An Muxi slowly opened her pale blue eyes. She then took a deep breath, exhaling a turbid breath, and a hint of excitement appeared on her face.

"This Clear Dragon Spring really can help break through realms!"

An Muxi stood up excitedly, looking around to find Chu Ming to share this joy. However, when she saw the figure floating on the water's surface like a corpse, her pupils suddenly trembled.

"Chu Ming!?"

An Muxi quickly swam over and hugged Chu Ming tightly, dragging him ashore and laying him flat on the ground. She panicked as she looked at his closed eyes.

No external or internal injuries, abundant spiritual power in his body... Could it be drowning?

Is it real or fake?

A Qi Refining Fifth Layer cultivator actually drowned?

Without thinking about it, An Muxi knelt beside him, opened Chu Ming's mouth, took a deep breath, and blew into it quickly.


An Muxi widened her eyes, and suddenly, she seemed to remember something, her cheeks instantly turning red.

How could she forget about this!

Tomorrow is Tuesday, the day of life and death decision for the recommendation rankings, so the third update will be posted in the early morning, the third update! I hope all the readers will continue to support and read. Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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