Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

62. Chapter 62 The Proactive Senior Sister

Chapter 62: Proactive Senior Sister


Chu Ming's consciousness gradually awakened from confusion.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I supposed to do?

Oh right, I think I just came out of that black dragon's demonic soul...

Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes.


Before he could say anything, An Muxi, who was panting heavily, spoke as soon as she saw him wake up.

"Chu Ming, aren't you at the Qi Refining Realm Sixth Layer? How did you end up drowning?"

"Uh... sorry."

Indeed, it would be quite embarrassing if news got out that a cultivator had drowned.

Chu Ming lowered his head slightly, feeling a bit awkward. Then, his pupils suddenly contracted, and after a moment of contemplation, he understood what had just happened.

No wonder I had a strange feeling...

So Senior Sister was doing that to me just now?

He quickly took out a pair of indecent pants from his spatial bag and put them on. Chu Ming reached out and gently brushed An Muxi's bangs aside, speaking softly.

"I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Hmph, always making me worry... Ah!"

An Muxi let out a soft cry as she tried to stand up, but before she could finish her sentence, she slipped and fell forward.

Chu Ming acted quickly, holding her soft body tightly in his arms. Startled, An Muxi instinctively wrapped her delicate arms around his neck and pressed her body against his.


After a brief moment of daze, An Muxi glanced at his close and handsome face, as well as the growing heat in his eyes. She glanced away, her blushing face showing a hint of pleading, and twisted her waist as if trying to escape. Her soft voice seemed to carry a hint of begging.

"Let go of me~"

"Didn't Senior Sister hold onto me?"

Chu Ming smirked, and at that moment, An Muxi suddenly realized that they were sitting face to face on the ground, tightly embracing each other. And she had even taken the initiative to hold onto his neck, with her legs...

This is too embarrassing!

An Muxi quickly released her arms and tried to stand up, but Chu Ming mischievously brushed his hand over the back strap of her swimsuit, leaning forward to give her a firm kiss on her delicate collarbone.


An Muxi let out a soft cry, her tense body instantly relaxing. She changed her posture, placing her hands on Chu Ming's chest and leaning over him, panting lightly before glaring at him with embarrassment and anger.

"You... you actually touched me there!"

"Senior Sister, you're so delicious, I want to devour you."


Chu Ming's kiss slowly descended along her collarbone, causing An Muxi to push him away decisively. However, her shy protest lacked any convincing power.

"We can't do it here... someone might see us later."

"I just want to hold you, nothing else."


Looking at Chu Ming's sincere gaze, An Muxi pursed her lips. Although this position was particularly embarrassing, she eventually agreed.

"We need to hurry and leave, no more than half an incense stick's worth of time!"


Chu Ming smiled slightly, and his warm hands began to play on An Muxi's delicate skin, especially on her well-cared-for plump thighs, causing her to complain softly.

"Why do you always touch my legs..."

"Because Senior Sister's legs are beautiful."

Chu Ming whispered mischievously in An Muxi's ear.

"Just now, Senior Sister, you used this to help me relieve the effects of the Natural Charm Body, right? How did you know?"

"Alright! The time has come!"


Chu Ming sighed in disappointment as he supported himself with his hands on the ground. This made An Muxi feel a sense of pride, and after making a face, she quickly ran out of the mixed bath.

"I knew you had ulterior motives! You pervert!"


Seeing the departing figure, Chu Ming smiled slightly, then stood up and returned to the Clear Dragon Spring. After searching for a while, he found the stuck dragon bone in the crevice of the red stone.

However, the moment he pulled it out, the deep voice of the black dragon suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Did you just mate?"


Chu Ming was so shocked that he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood. After coughing heavily a few times, he explained seriously.

"We were comforting each other, not mating."

"You humans are so boring. It's just mating, no need to come up with such elegant vocabulary."

The black dragon snorted disdainfully, leaving Chu Ming feeling helpless.

It seems that my days won't be peaceful from now on!

After leaving the Clear Dragon Spring with An Muxi and walking out of the cave, it was already approaching evening. The setting sun was gradually setting, and the dense spiritual mist began to spread and envelop the entire main peak.

The Heavenly Evolution Sect disciples who were originally responsible for guarding the Clear Dragon Spring at the entrance had long disappeared, leaving only a letter that made Chu Ming somewhat worried.

Did this guy jump off the mountain?


You can find someone better!

Chu Ming sighed with concern and wrote, "If you encounter any troubles, come to our room and find us." Then, he controlled the Dior Spirit Sword and flew back home with An Muxi.


At the entrance of the mansion, Hua Xiaoying was playing with sparrows boredly with a twig. When she saw the two Daoist figures landing, she immediately jumped up excitedly and waved her hands, looking extremely thrilled.

"Brother Chu Ming, Sister Muxi, you're back! I've prepared dinner for you, come and eat!"

Hua Xiaoying pulled the two of them towards the main house, and Chu Ming couldn't help but rub her head with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Xiaoying. I'm sorry for what happened this morning. We didn't tell you when we left, so you don't have to make breakfast for us next time."

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiaoying stopped and shook her head seriously, holding up a piece of paper.

"I can only help Brother Chu Ming in these ways, so I have to make three meals a day!"

"Xiaoying, you're so thoughtful!"

An Muxi's eyes curved as she bent down and hugged Hua Xiaoying, causing the latter's cheeks to blush slightly. After rubbing her body several times, she trembled and hugged back.

Harmony in the harem is great!

Seeing this scene, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh inwardly, feeling a faint warmth in his heart.

After dinner, he returned to the room and locked the door, carefully taking out the dragon bone.

[Do you want to simulate the "Eclipse Ancient Dragon's Dragon Bone"?]

(End of this chapter)

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