Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 63: Master’S First Kiss (Second Update, Please Follow Up!)

Chapter 63: Master's First Kiss (Two More Updates Requested!)

"Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon?"

Chu Ming caressed the dragon bone on his leg, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

The Dragon Race, a terrifying world-destroying Demonic Beast.

No, perhaps it's not quite appropriate to describe them as Demonic Beasts, as they are not as malicious as Demonic Beasts. However, their cultivation method is similar to that of Demonic Beasts, as they condense demonic spirits. Therefore, humans temporarily classify them as a type of Demonic Beast.

Due to their vast spiritual sea, the Dragon Race is able to control their volatile emotions and live in harmony with humans.

However, the Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon is an exception.

As a branch of the Dragon Race, they are usually smaller in size and not good at physical collisions. However, their spiritual power is extremely strong, and they are skilled in using various Divine Abilities to aid themselves in battle. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call them the "shamans" of the Dragon Race.

Therefore, being self-proclaimed intelligent and resourceful, they often become irritable and cause trouble.

For example, they sneaked into their headquarters during the Northern Domain's cultivation conference and dug up the sect's spiritual veins...

"They are indeed clever, no wonder they were jointly suppressed."

Chu Ming laughed and shook his head, then chose to simulate.

[You were born... no, you are one with the Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon, witnessing it being jointly defeated by the Heavenly Evolution Sect's sect master and elders, and ultimately being imprisoned in the Dragon Prison Gorge in the southwest corner of the Northern Domain.]

[There, it never sees the light of day, no matter how it roars and fiercely collides with the cliffs, you cannot escape from here.]

[In the end, it had no choice but to squeeze out its potential and use its innate Divine Ability, the Sun-Eating Nine Dragon Chant, and finally collide with the cliffs, rushing towards its own freedom!]

[In the end, you were severed, its freedom was lost, simulation over.]


Chu Ming's cheeks couldn't help but twitch.

What kind of O. Henry-style ending is this?

I thought it could escape!

[This simulation item, "Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon's Dragon Bone," has an intimacy of 100 with the Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon. Currently, you can add the following attributes:]

[1. "Elastic Stretch (Green)": Allows the "Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon's Dragon Bone" to have extremely tough flexibility.]

[2. "Dragon Birth Decision (Orange)": By holding the "Sun-Eating Ancient Dragon's Dragon Bone," you can grow nine heads of Sun-Eating Ancient Dragons to help you in battle.]


Faced with these two attributes, Chu Ming couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

If we were to compare, the orange attribute "Dragon Birth Decision" is definitely more attractive.

After all, it can be considered a built-in Divine Ability, which is much better in actual combat than the "Elastic Stretch" that can turn the dragon bone into a spring.


"What does 'growing nine heads of Sun-Eating Ancient Dragons' mean? Shouldn't it be 'transforming'?"

Chu Ming couldn't be blamed for nitpicking. After all, having been deceived by the "Longhorn Technique," it has become extremely cautious of these strange terms.

Could it be that nine heads of Sun-Eating Ancient Dragons will grow out of its body? Or perhaps its hand will transform into a dragon head?

Chu Ming was puzzled, but in the end, he chose to add the attribute "Dragon Birth Decision."

After a flash of orange light, he tried waving the dragon bone and found that it was lightweight and very easy to handle, causing a smile to appear on his face.

He now had another powerful trump card!

"Just don't know what kind of Divine Ability 'Dragon Birth Decision' is."

Chu Ming silently stroked the dragon bone with his left hand, and a series of black-golden characters suddenly appeared on its surface. Then, like stickers, they slowly floated away and turned into black light with golden tails, rushing into Chu Ming's brow.

After a while, his originally closed eyes suddenly opened wide, and he shouted loudly.

"Dragon Birth Decision!"


A deathly silence lasted for about the time it takes to burn an incense stick, and Chu Ming only felt the spiritual power in his dantian surging madly, rushing to the top of his head. He didn't even see any so-called "dragon shadows" around him.


Isn't it said that a nine-headed ancient dragon will grow and eclipse the sun?

Where is the dragon?

Where is my dragon?

Chu Ming scratched his head in confusion, then felt his scalp itch.

With a puzzled look, he looked up and his pupils suddenly contracted.

At some point, his hair slowly grew longer and floated in the air, splitting into nine strands, each of which condensed into the shape of a dragon's head at the end!


"Is this considered the birth of a dragon?... It seems like it is!"

Medusa's hair turned into snakes, and mine turns into a dragon, right?

Chu Ming took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, pulled a strand of his hair, and played with it. Then he tried to control the dragon head with his spiritual power and rushed forward.


A strange roar broke the silence in the room, and the dragon head formed by the hair rushed forward like a fierce tiger descending from a mountain.


The lengthening hair pulled Chu Ming's scalp, causing him pain. He quickly used his spiritual power to control the trend of the dragon head's pounce, so as not to make a hole in the wall.

"I don't know how powerful this thing is, but from the howling-like sound, it doesn't seem very strong."

After sighing, Chu Ming used his spiritual power to disperse the dragon head and tried to retract it. He suddenly discovered that these long hairs couldn't be shortened!


Looking at the scattered black hair on the ground, Chu Ming grinned and suddenly felt a sense of despair and self-abandonment in his heart.

Do I have to carry a pair of scissors with me afterwards and cut my hair every time I use the Dragon Birth Technique?

Why do I have such a weird skill?

Rubbing his sore eyebrows, at this moment, a slightly playful voice suddenly sounded behind Chu Ming.

"Ming'er, what troubles you so much?"


Chu Ming trembled suddenly, then turned around and saw Wu Zuirao lying on the innermost bed, her right hand caressing her raised hip with a charming smile.

"You look much more feminine with long hair like this."

"Master, please don't tease me."

Chu Ming smiled bitterly and used his palm as a knife to start cutting his long hair. At this moment, Wu Zuirao suddenly grabbed his wrist and smiled lightly.

"Shall I help you with that, my disciple?"

"Master, you can do this?"

Surprised, Chu Ming saw that Wu Zuirao had somehow produced a pair of scissors in her hand, and in no time, she shaved off his long hair and styled it into a half-tied ponytail with a strong ancient charm.

"How is it?"

Wu Zuirao brought a mirror, and Chu Ming was extremely surprised to see his drastically changed appearance.

In his understanding, men with long hair were too effeminate and flamboyant. A real man should have short hair!

But this half-tied ponytail actually looked quite handsome!


"Thank you, Master."

Excited, Chu Ming turned his head and smiled. However, he was suddenly caressed on the cheek by Wu Zuirao. In her originally indifferent and charming eyes, there was suddenly a strong infatuation and love. Peach-colored hearts seemed to be constantly beating deep in her pupils, and her words were filled with uncontrollable joy.

"Ming'er, you look so handsome like this."

"Uh... Thank you for the compliment, Master... Mmm!"

Before Chu Ming could finish speaking, he saw Wu Zuirao's flushed face suddenly enlarge in front of him, and the next second, he felt the softness and madness of those moist red lips!

(End of this chapter)

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