Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

64. Chapter 64 Rebellious Disciple

Chapter 64: Rebel


Chu Ming was completely unprepared for Wu Zuirao's sudden attack, allowing her to hold onto his head and continuously demand.

No, it would be more appropriate to describe it as "biting".

If kissing An Muxi was guided by Chu Ming as the active party, then kissing Wu Zuirao had completely turned into a passive puppet.


After their lips tightly intertwined, Chu Ming couldn't help but compare it to kissing An Muxi in his mind.

Senior Sister's kiss highlighted the sweetness and youthfulness of a young girl, mixed with a hint of coldness, giving a refreshing feeling like a lotus in the high mountains covered in ice and snow.

On the other hand, the kiss from Master was endlessly passionate, as if wanting to burn everything in sight, desperately seeking to touch everything within reach. This was truly overwhelming for Chu Ming.

After all, although Wu Zuirao was enthusiastic, it was obvious that her kissing skills were very inexperienced, or even nonexistent.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"A rhetorical question."

Wu Zuirao crossed her arms around Chu Ming's neck, hummed softly, pouted, and her eyes were filled with resentment.

"What? You can kiss Muxi, but not me?"

"It's not that I can't, it's just too sudden... Mmm!"

Before Chu Ming could finish speaking, Wu Zuirao raised her chin again and kissed him, while slowly moving his right hand that was placed on her lower back...


"Ming'er, I am your master, and yet you dare to have such rebellious thoughts towards me."

It's all because of you, Master, that this fire has been ignited!

Chu Ming felt helpless and wronged in his heart, but then he saw Wu Zuirao slowly squatting down and kneeling on the ground, gathering her long hair and tying it into a single ponytail. She looked up at him coquettishly and licked her tender lips.

"In that case, I can only take good care of my Ming'er."


Upon hearing these words, the fiery passion in Chu Ming's heart was instantly ignited like a barrel of explosives.

However, at this moment, a cold call with a knocking sound seemed to pour a bucket of cold water on him, instantly awakening his sinking consciousness.

"Chu Ming! What are you doing in there?"

Senior Sister?

Why is she here?

Chu Ming quickly came to his senses, lowered his head, and looked at Wu Zuirao with an anxious expression, whispering softly.

"Master, Senior Sister is here, you should leave quickly!"

However, Wu Zuirao just smiled seductively, seemingly not intending to leave. Even her actions did not stop, as she pulled Chu Ming to sit behind the table and herself crawled under the wooden table.

With a wave of red mist, her figure disappeared, but the warmth that came with it made Chu Ming one hundred percent sure that his master had not left!


No way! Is she really playing this game?

Chu Ming's heart raced to the extreme, and at this moment, the knocking sound gradually turned into banging on the door, and An Muxi's calm tone gradually became anxious.

"Chu Ming! Are you okay in there? I know you're inside, open the door quickly! If you don't, I'll break in."

Big sister, how can I open the door in this state?

Chu Ming was at a loss, feeling more troubled than ever before. After thinking for a while, he could only sigh and forcibly endure as he replied.

"Senior Sister, I'm fine."


An Muxi couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Just now, I heard a wolf howl coming from your room. What were you doing?"

"Nothing... um! Just because I broke through to the Qi Refining Sixth Layer, I was a little excited."


Listening to Chu Ming's slightly suppressed and low voice, An Muxi furrowed her eyebrows with concern.

"Chu Ming, your voice doesn't sound right. Did you get injured at Clear Dragon Spring today?"

"No... I didn't."

Chu Ming took a deep breath, looking at the empty space under the table, his mouth twitching involuntarily.

His master was really mischievous!

"Just now, I broke through to the Qi Refining Realm Sixth Layer and consolidated the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture, so I might be a little tired."

"Is that so..."

An Muxi's hands, which were about to push open the door, stiffened in mid-air. After some thought, she gently put them down and spoke softly.

"Rest well. I'll be next door. If you need anything, remember to come find me."


Listening to the gradually fading footsteps, Chu Ming could no longer suppress the heat inside him.


After a brief silence, Wu Zuirao looked at Chu Ming, who had tidied himself up, and touched her own hot cheeks. After cleaning them with spiritual power, she pouted and said coquettishly.

"Ming'er, you're such a naughty disciple. How dare you do that to your master's face."

Can you blame me for that?

Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh lightly, and his tense nerves gradually relaxed.

Luckily, Senior Sister didn't come in.

If she had...

Thinking of that embarrassing scene, Chu Ming couldn't help but shudder and quickly shook his head to drive the image out of his mind.

But it had to be admitted that Master's ability to learn the "Journey to the West" technique was really fast!

There even seemed to be a trend of surpassing Senior Sister, who was well-versed in the Joyous Union Heart Sutra.

Could this be what they call innate talent?

"Ming'er, are you still uncomfortable?"

Just as Chu Ming was lost in thought, Wu Zuirao suddenly embraced him from behind and lightly kissed his earlobe, smiling seductively.

"If you feel uncomfortable again in the future, remember to come to Floating Jade Peak to find me."

"Since you moved out with Muxi, I've felt very lonely and lonely."


Chu Ming's expression froze slightly, keenly sensing the desolation in Wu Zuirao's tone.

It was only now that he suddenly understood why his master had been so proactive today, even risking being discovered by Senior Sister.

It was indeed inappropriate to leave his master alone on Floating Jade Peak...

Since that's the case, why not let her move in too?

Thanks to [小小零零陌] [天命懒洋洋] [大爱 Immortal Venerable星奴儿] [花轻似梦] [于世长情] [关灰绿豆子] [落雨惊年] [我想的名字都是别人打的] [犹老朽] [六六污] [书友尾号4837] for the support!

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(End of this chapter)

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