Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 65: Confessing With The Master

Chapter 65: Confiding in Each Other with the Master

"Master, why don't you move in with me and Muxi?"

Upon hearing Chu Ming's words, Wu Zuirao's delicate body trembled slightly, a fleeting hesitation in her eyes, followed by a charming smile.

"Ming'er, you should know that the head of each peak in the Heavenly Evolution Sect cannot leave the peak for too long, right?"

"... "

Chu Ming frowned slightly. He had heard of this rule, after all, as an elder of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, it was indeed inappropriate to be away for too long.

However, in his impression, Wu Zuirao seemed to often disregard the rules of the Heavenly Evolution Sect.

For example, the Heavenly Evolution Sect stipulated that the head of each peak must recruit and teach a certain number of disciples every year, at least a hundred.

But in the past few years, the master had only taken me and my senior sister as disciples, and the higher-ups of the Heavenly Evolution Sect did not pay attention to it.

It seemed that there must be some undisclosed transactions and secrets between the master and the higher-ups of the Heavenly Evolution Sect...

Just as Chu Ming was lost in thought, Wu Zuirao somehow slipped into his arms and sat on his lap, her fair and tender arms wrapped around his neck, her smile unusually cunning.

"If you want to be my disciple, I can come to you every night."

As she spoke, Wu Zuirao's right hand drew circles on Chu Ming's chest, her breath tickling his ear, her words filled with coquettishness.

"That way, every night, you can have different ways to have fun with me~"

"... "

What provocative words!

She really was a seductive little demon!

Chu Ming secretly cursed in his heart, quickly grabbing Wu Zuirao's mischievous hands, forcibly suppressing the heat in his heart, and smiling helplessly.

"Master, if you do this, it will be difficult for your disciple to make progress in cultivation!"

Chu Ming's meaning was already clear, that indulging in revelry every night would easily hinder cultivation.

However, Wu Zuirao seemed unconcerned about this, her right hand caressing Chu Ming's cheek, her eyes extremely gentle.

"Ming'er, as long as you don't cause any major trouble, I can protect you for the rest of your life."

"... "

Seeing Chu Ming's surprised expression, Wu Zuirao pouted unhappily.

"What? Don't tell me, Ming'er, you don't believe in my strength?"

"I believe! Of course, I believe!"

Chu Ming held Wu Zuirao's soft hand, his expression also becoming extremely gentle, his tone firm.

"But in this dangerous world, even if you, Master, have unparalleled strength, there will eventually be things that cannot be solved."

"And my goal in striving to cultivate is to transform from a fledgling under your wings into an eagle that can protect you from wind and rain!"

"... "

Chu Ming's words seemed to hit Wu Zuirao's heart like a heavy hammer, causing her wide eyes to remain speechless for a long time, and her face, which had been wearing a coquettish smile, became extremely shocked.

After a while, she lightly laughed with a half-concealed face, but Chu Ming keenly noticed a layer of mist gradually appearing in her blinking seductive eyes, which quickly dissipated.

"Ming'er, do you really think that way?"

Suddenly, Wu Zuirao stared at Chu Ming, her eyes filled with a strong sense of emotion, mixed with a hint of seriousness and worry.

But Chu Ming seemed to not see these emotions at all, and nodded firmly again.

"Master, you have helped me so much, I will strive to cultivate and protect you."

"Even if the other party is extremely powerful?"

In response to Wu Zuirao's sudden inquiry, Chu Ming's expression froze for a moment before he reacted.

The opponent is powerful?

What does this mean?

Who is the opponent?


Seeing Chu Ming's stunned appearance, Wu Zuirao's narrowed eyes, filled with seriousness, suddenly widened. It was only then that he realized he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have, so he quickly pinched his thigh and hugged Chu Ming tightly, laughing softly.

"Master was just joking. Ming'er, I am touched by your sincerity."

"This is what a disciple should do."

Chu Ming tactfully avoided mentioning the topic just now, but her mind was in turmoil.

Her waist was so slender, and her figure was very well-proportioned. This didn't seem to conform to the structure of a human body!

But it was indeed inappropriate to seek science in the Immortal Cultivation World...


Seeing Chu Ming resting against him as if falling asleep, Wu Zuirao felt a faint sense of warmth in his heart. He gently patted Chu Ming's back and whispered seductively in his ear.

"You have broken through to the Qi Refining Sixth Layer. I plan to reward you with the Lace Panties. What do you think?"


Before Chu Ming could say anything, he suddenly felt his body lighten, and everything went black in front of him. A garment emitting a sweet fragrance was suddenly placed over his face.


Chu Ming quickly removed the garment and looked around, only to find that Wu Zuirao had disappeared without a trace.

Master, she left?

Looking at the soft black panties in his hand, Chu Ming suddenly realized something after some contemplation.

No wonder Master left without saying goodbye. It turns out she was shy!

"It's hard to imagine what kind of person my master, who teases me every day, would be like when she's shy."

Chu Ming smiled bitterly, shook his head, and looked at the pale blue panel in front of him. He murmured.


[You were born in a silk cloth shop and were bought by Wu Zuirao. You have been wearing it on her ever since.]

[One day, during the grand occasion of the Inner Sect Competition in the Heavenly Evolution Sect, Wu Zuirao brought his disciple Chu Ming to the high platform and sat down. When there was no one around, he held his hand and constantly caressed your soft body.]

[In the end, after the Inner Sect Competition, in order to reward Chu Ming, who won first place, Wu Zuirao left him here and took you off when night fell and the crowd dispersed... Simulation ends.]

"Public display of affection in front of others and in the wilderness? Not bad, not bad. It's quite fancy, which fits my perception of you as a pervert."

Chu Ming was already used to such perverted behavior. After a slight contemplation among the four rewards given, he chose a reward he had never chosen before.

"I choose to explore a part of the owner's life experience."

As Chu Ming solemnly chanted these words, the pale blue screen in front of him suddenly enlarged and enveloped him. Then, the surrounding light disappeared as if being absorbed by a black hole, and the whole world plunged into endless darkness.


Chu Ming looked around anxiously, and at this moment, a dot suddenly appeared in front of him and instantly expanded. The darkness around him also disappeared.

[This simulation item, "Lace Panties," has an intimacy of 90 with Wu Zuirao. The fourth reward is:]

[Travel back in time to a hundred years ago, when the Fox Saint and the four main hall masters of the Central Plains were in a standoff.]

"Fox demon, hand over the Qingwu Dream Essence!"

(End of this chapter)

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