Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 66 Master’S Secret

Chapter 66: Master's Secret

At the peak of the mountains, clouds and mist swirled, and the dense spiritual energy transformed into dazzling colorful lights that surged continuously.

Chu Ming, who had turned into an ethereal form, floated on one side of the mountain peak, his pupils shrinking in shock as he looked at the scene above his head, his expression filled with fear.

Above the clouds, a large group of people surrounded a young girl in a red dress. Any one of them could easily crush him to death with a single hand.

The leading white-bearded old men were even more restrained in their aura, unable to detect any fluctuations of spiritual power.

They were intimidating, with the densest spiritual power surging around them, the astonishing fluctuations spreading out, as if they were about to strike at any moment.

Facing the siege of so many people, the young girl in the red dress remained calm. The nine fox tails behind her kept swaying, causing Chu Ming to unconsciously swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Although her face was young, from her enchanting expression and the mole at the corner of her mouth, she looked like someone he was familiar with... Wu Zuirao?

She is Master?

Chu Ming stared in horror, his throat rolling, finding it difficult to reconcile the beautiful face of the girl in front of him with his alluring and charming Master.

However, this thought was changed by a voice filled with darkness the next second.

"Wu Zuirao, I advise you to hand over the Qingwu Dream Essence. This way, we can spare your life and not blame the Fox Demon Clan for this matter."

"... "

Facing the warning of the white-bearded old man, Wu Zuirao just glanced at him indifferently, her red lips uttering three cold words.

"You're dreaming."


Hearing this, Chu Ming's face was full of astonishment, and he couldn't help but complain inwardly.

So, Master used to have this kind of personality?

What happened to make such a cold and arrogant girl transform into the seductive appearance she had now?

"Wu Zuirao, it seems you haven't repented."

With the sinister words, a huge formation several miles in diameter suddenly appeared under Wu Zuirao's feet, outlined by spiritual power.

The patterns within were extremely intricate, resembling golden plaques engraved with Buddhist scriptures, shining with dazzling golden light.

Wu Zuirao's previously indifferent expression became slightly solemn. The nine fox tails connected to form a flower seal, and her hands were clasped in front of her chest.

Seeing the tense scene of an imminent battle, Chu Ming unconsciously swallowed his saliva, his body tense, his pounding heart filled with both nervousness and excitement.

Is the fight finally going to start?

However, the next second, like the end of a movie, with a flash of light, Chu Ming trembled and woke up suddenly, opening his eyes to find himself back in the familiar room.


Blinking dumbfoundedly for a few seconds, Chu Ming slammed the table hard, cursing in his mouth while feeling annoyed in his heart.

You, system, you really know how to cut off at the right time. I finally understood what you were playing with!

"You're just like those online novel authors who cut off chapters every day!"

After cursing a few times in his slightly irritated heart, Chu Ming lay on the bed, emptying his mind and staring blankly at the ceiling.

Although the immersive scene just now lasted only a few minutes, the amount of information was unusually large.

The first thing that can be confirmed is that Master has the "Qingwu Dream Essence."

Even if she doesn't have it, she is at least related to the "Qingwu Dream Essence."

That Spirit Treasure-level Law Weapon, the "Dream Essence Platform," is likely to be a part of the "Qingwu Dream Essence" or made from it.

"But what is the function of this Law Weapon? It can incite such greed in so many people's hearts, to the point where Master is willing to risk getting into trouble to steal it..."

Chu Ming held his head, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Although Law Weapons are divided into levels, he only has a conceptual understanding of it. After all, he has never truly seen a Law Weapon above the Spirit Treasure level, let alone a Divine Marrow.

Apart from these, in that scene, the second confirmed information is that Master has some grudges with the Four Great Halls of Zhongzhou, to the point where they can be considered mortal enemies!


Chu Ming's expression was dazed, and his confused thoughts gradually dispersed.

In this vast Immortal Cultivation World, just flying to the border of the Northern Territory could take several years, let alone reaching Zhongzhou in the south.

As for the Four Great Halls, Chu Ming had never heard of them.

"I feel like they should be powerful sects in the region, just like the Five Great Sects in the Northern Territory."

Chu Ming nodded, expressing agreement with his own viewpoint.

It was not easy for his master to escape this far.

"As for the last point..."

Chu Ming slapped his forehead, his expression conflicted, his heart filled with mixed emotions.

I should have thought of it earlier!

Although his senior sister thought she had concealed the secret of her Natural Charm Body flawlessly, how could she escape the discerning eyes of their master, with whom she had spent so much time?

"So, our master knows about my senior sister's Natural Charm Body, but she didn't report it to the Heavenly Evolution Sect..."

The reason for this was simply because their master was a genuine, pure-blooded fox demon who didn't involve herself in any tricks!

And she was the kind with nine tails!

"I knew it, our master's every expression and movement exudes a seductive charm, how could it not be related to fox demons?"

Chu Ming chuckled lightly, and the blockage in his heart instantly cleared.

In this case, it was very likely that when his senior sister entered the Heavenly Evolution Sect, their master secretly helped her bypass the spiritual power inspection of the other elders.

But then again, why didn't their master tell his senior sister about the solution to the side effects of the Natural Charm Body?

She should know how much his senior sister was suffering, right?

"Should I ask her another day?"

As soon as this thought arose, Chu Ming firmly pressed it deep into his mind.

No, I can't go to our master.

She definitely knows that I also have the Natural Charm Body, but I don't have a good reason to deceive her.

If I go to her at this time, won't I be walking into a trap?


Chu Ming let out a long breath, unable to help but complain in his heart.

In this small Floating Jade Peak, there were actually three people with the Natural Charm Body... It might as well be called Fox Seduction Peak!

"This is really outrageous."

Chu Ming turned to look at the flickering candle on the table, and a new question suddenly arose in his mind.

If he had also kissed their master, why didn't his Natural Charm Body erupt?

Could it be related to the term "Natural Charm Body" upgrading to a red-quality attribute and becoming "Yin-Yang Chaos Body"?

"I just don't understand..."

Chu Ming felt his thoughts becoming chaotic, and he irritably scratched his hair before emptying his mind and refusing to think about these things.

The most important thing now was to improve his cultivation, so that he could easily deal with any troubles that came his way.

"So, tomorrow morning, I'll diligently cultivate!"

Chu Ming's eyes were particularly determined as he turned over and went to sleep.

The next day, at noon, when the sun was high in the sky, he was awakened by a series of urgent knocks on the door.

Thanks to [白翼墨羽], [ac57], [奈良倾素], [书友尾号8720], [575575], [暮色QAQ], [是胡], [社会我晞哥], [书友尾号9946], [书友尾号2113], [面朝大海的房子], [犹老朽], [书友尾号1588], [书友尾号9785], [cse233], [Myriad Manifestations历然], [风求], [玉醉殇], [夏叶雪道] for the support!

Thanks to [010W], [噎死魔神], [火影半袖], [遗孤], [书友尾号9188], [居 Cloud Mountain由], [我曾祈祷神明], [书友尾号2802], [烟火抚心], [书友尾号1246], [LinHydra], [书友尾号2486], [笑~哥], [陌烧], [不配杰], [Fellow Daoist我先走了], [终の彼方], [ffx], [书友尾号0695], [昵称98], [唯我一念永恒], [书友尾号5784], [会羽], [桃李清芬], [倾城醉歌], [kpio], [自在i], [我也是一名网络小说作家], [书友尾号1293], [书友尾号8838], [书友尾号9862], [书友尾号9880], [绥言], [书友尾号1766], [塔罗牌好麻烦啊], [书友尾号0958], [请把快给我一份], [书友尾号3583], [胖虎的蜡笔小新], [sayi] for the monthly votes!

Thank you to all the readers!

(End of this chapter)

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