Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 67 Old Man Shengdan

Chapter 67: Elder Shengdan

"Bang bang bang!"

"Um... who is it?"

Chu Ming turned over and rubbed his sleepy eyes, feeling annoyed.

He was already grumpy in the morning, and on top of that, he had exhausted himself with two women yesterday. Even though he had slept all night to rest, his body still felt tired.

From now on, he couldn't indulge in sensual pleasures anymore. He had to pull himself together, Chu Ming!

Starting today, it's the first day of abstaining from lust!

After giving himself some encouragement by slapping his cheeks, Chu Ming opened the door and found Hua Xiaoying holding a small notebook high above her head, shaking it.

"Brother Chu Ming, it's time for lunch!"


Chu Ming looked up at the rising sun and suddenly woke up, rubbing his sore forehead with a regretful expression.

How did he sleep until noon with just a little nap?

Last night, he was still thinking about diligently cultivating from today onwards... and most importantly, he forgot to report to his master!

"Where is your sister-in-law?"

Chu Ming hurriedly went back to his room to change and wash up, while Hua Xiaoying stood by, attentively holding his clothes and handkerchief.

"Sister-in-law said she went to Floating Jade Peak and told me not to disturb your rest. She also asked me to pass on a message, saying 'She will explain to Master, and you should rest well.'"


Chu Ming took the handkerchief and wiped his face absentmindedly, suddenly feeling a faint warmth in his heart.

His sister-in-law sometimes really knows how to consider others!

Since he didn't have to go to Floating Jade Peak today, he might as well do something else.

Returning the handkerchief, Chu Ming smiled lightly at Hua Xiaoying's little face.

"Xiaoying, did the seeds I gave you last time yield any results?"

Hua Xiaoying immediately nodded at his words, excitedly raising the small notebook as if seeking praise.

"Brother Chu Ming, all the seeds you gave me have yielded results! And I have sorted them and stored them in the warehouse."

"Is that so? Thank you."

Chu Ming gently touched Hua Xiaoying's head, suddenly feeling that keeping her by his side was an extremely correct decision.

There were at least hundreds of seeds, and even if they were given to the disciples of Five Valleys Peak to plant, it would take at least dozens of people half a month to see them bloom and bear fruit.

But in just one week, Hua Xiaoying had already harvested all of them. He had to admit that her constitution was quite strong!

"Let's go to the warehouse now!"

Excitedly holding Hua Xiaoying's soft little hand, Chu Ming noticed her face turning red in an instant, filled with shy confusion.


Brother Chu Ming is holding my hand?

It seems to be true!

Wouldn't it be bad if sister-in-law saw this... but she's not here, so it should be okay, right?

Lost in her thoughts, Hua Xiaoying was almost pulled out of the mansion before she seemed to remember something and hurriedly grabbed Chu Ming.

"Brother Chu Ming, we haven't had lunch yet!"


Chu Ming stopped and turned around, casually smiling.

"I won't eat. Although I don't practice fasting, I don't usually need to replenish my body through meals. So if there's something important to do, I usually postpone eating."

However, Hua Xiaoying seemed a bit stubborn and held onto Chu Ming's hand tightly.

"Brother Chu Ming, I made a dish with Jade Bone Chicken and Golden Yang Spirit Stems. It has the effect of dispelling physical fatigue. How about eating it before we leave?"

"This was specially instructed by sister-in-law. She said that you've been a bit tired these past few days and need to replenish your body."


Instructed by his sister-in-law?

Chu Ming's expression suddenly froze.

As an excellent alchemist, how could he not know the effects of these ingredients?

Golden Sun Spirit Stems can dispel fatigue? They are clearly used to enhance yang energy!

"I'm being looked down upon..." Chu Ming chuckled and touched his nose. His male pride had never been so inflated before.

Just you wait! One day, I'll make you beg for mercy!

"Well then, let's finish lunch before going to the warehouse."

Seeing Chu Ming agree, Hua Xiaoying eagerly ran to the kitchen and brought out a bowl of chicken soup for Chu Ming. She supervised him to finish drinking it before they went to the warehouse together.

Looking at the previously empty warehouse now filled with various plants, Chu Ming felt an indescribable sense of happiness.

"Xiaoying, you've worked hard."

After praising Hua Xiaoying, Chu Ming took out some materials from the warehouse and went to the alchemy room.

Among all the Fifth Grade pills, the advanced version of the popular "Iceheart Pill" and the advanced version of the "Qi Condensation Pill" called the "Qi Condensation Pill" were the most sought after in the market.

Of course, these two were also the most difficult to refine among the Fifth Grade pills.

Even though Chu Ming's alchemy skills had reached Rank Five, and he even had the bonus of a High Grade Wood Spirit Root and the red attribute "Soul of Brahma - Wood," there was still a risk of failure when refining them.

"Five pills..."

As he let out a long breath, Chu Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead and played with the fifth "Iceheart Pill" in his hand, while also putting away the "Universe Pill Furnace."

A total of seven sets of materials, two failures. It seemed that this thing was quite difficult to refine!

But luckily, the pills he refined were all of the quality of at least two pill patterns, so they should sell for a good price.

"Phew... I can't hold on anymore."

Chu Ming lay back on the grass bed, panting heavily. The long and uninterrupted process of refining pills not only brought physical and mental exhaustion but also put a tremendous strain on his spiritual power.

Finally, after seven consecutive times, his spiritual sea was also drained and became completely exhausted.

"Ordinary Fifth Grade alchemists can only persist two or three times, right? It's quite scary that I managed to persist seven times."

Chu Ming couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

Generally, spiritual cultivation corresponded to one's cultivation level. A cultivator at the Sixth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm would have a spiritual power of the same level of concentration.

Of course, there were exceptions, such as those with special constitutions whose spiritual cultivation far exceeded their cultivation level, even surpassing the First Layer!

"I feel like I'm one of those people..."

Chu Ming sat up and, after a brief thought, decided to test his spiritual cultivation at the Sacred Alchemy Hall and exchange the refined "Iceheart Pill" for contribution points.

After explaining his whereabouts to Hua Xiaoying, he controlled the Dior Spirit Sword and arrived at the Sacred Alchemy Hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, many officials bowed and greeted Chu Ming with extremely humble words, making him feel both uncomfortable and puzzled.

Even if I am an official, there's no need to be so humble, right?

Seeing many people casting surprised glances at him, Chu Ming quickly responded with an awkward smile.

At this moment, a hearty laughter suddenly approached.

"Chu official, you're here!"


Chu Ming followed the voice and looked to the left, only to see an old man with a white beard, dressed in the Sacred Alchemy Hall's uniform, walking towards him with a smile. He even patted Chu Ming's shoulder in a familiar manner.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Who are you?

Do I know you?

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel puzzled, while the officials around him hurriedly bowed ninety degrees and greeted with trembling voices.

"Lord Master!"

Lord Master?

Seeing Chu Ming's expression as if he had seen a ghost, the old man stroked his white beard that reached his belly and smiled.

"This is our first meeting, right? I am the Lord Master of the Sacred Alchemy Hall - Saintly Pill Elder."

(End of this chapter)

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