Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 70 Madam, You Don’T Want The Xu Family To Decline, Right?

Chapter 70: Madam, don't you want the Xu family to decline?


Facing Xu Wanshu's introduction, the fat man didn't even glance at Chu Ming, but instead scolded her with a resentful expression.

"Madam, Hundred Treasures Pavilion has been losing money recently... I hope you manage it well. I don't want to see the same kind of bill next month."

"Yes, husband."

Xu Wanshu bowed and saluted, her eyes flashing with indifference and coldness that only Chu Ming noticed.

At this moment, the fat man's tone suddenly changed, and he directly turned his anger towards Chu Ming, his words filled with disgust.

"And you, boy, how dare you chat with my wife in broad daylight? Are you looking for death?"


Not even allowed to chat?

Chu Ming was first stunned, then smiled calmly.

"Madam, with your beautiful appearance and charm, any man would want to have a taste, right?"


As soon as these disrespectful words came out, Xu Wanshu blushed, while the fat man became furious.

Before he could curse at Chu Ming, the servants behind him rushed forward and surrounded him, glaring angrily, as if they were about to roll up their sleeves and fight.

At this moment, Xu Wanshu finally reacted, her hands clenched tightly, her knuckles turning white, her eyes filled with anxiety.

The guests in Hundred Treasures Pavilion quickly fled when they saw the situation, and a crowd of onlookers gathered outside.

"Hey, isn't that the heroic young man? Why is he confronting the head of the Xu family?"

"I guess that fat guy is bullying people again, relying on his power."


Listening to the noisy discussions outside, Chu Ming looked around at the dozens of servants in the Qi Refining Realm, all of them only at the Second or Third Layer. He couldn't help but sigh.

I really don't want to fight!

They are just a group of helpless workers...

After thinking for a while, Chu Ming seemed to give in and wanted to bow and apologize. At this moment, the Fifth Grade Alchemist token and the steward waist token given to him by the Saint Pill Elder suddenly fell to the ground "accidentally."

"Dang dang..."

The fat man casually glanced at the two shiny gold tokens on the ground, and the anger in his eyes instantly receded like a tide. He retreated a few steps in shock, pointing at Chu Ming tremblingly.

"You... You are a steward of the Sacred Alchemy Hall? And also a Fifth Grade Alchemist?"

"Oh dear, did I expose myself?"

Chu Ming slapped his forehead in annoyance, picked up the tokens, and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Ah! I originally wanted to interact with you as an ordinary person."


A Fifth Grade Alchemist at such a young age?

Is this for real!?

The fat man subconsciously swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, his face full of disbelief.

A Fifth Grade Alchemist at this age is a rare existence even within the Heavenly Evolution Sect!

And he is also a steward of the Sacred Alchemy Hall?

Having such a prestigious position at such a young age?

After the fat man's shock, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat, and his attitude made a 180-degree turn.

He quickly kicked away the servants surrounding Chu Ming, rubbing his hands with a flattering smile, bowing and apologizing.

"It turns out you are Chu Zhi Shi! I, Xu Sheng, have eyes but failed to recognize your identity. Please forgive me, sir. A gentleman does not hold grudges against a small person..."

"Don't worry."

Chu Ming helped Xu Sheng up and looked at Xu Wanshu, who was relieved behind him, with a barely noticeable smile.

"I will not hold these mistakes against you."

Originally, he had no intention of getting involved with these two people in front of him. After all, it was too troublesome, and it also violated his moral bottom line.

But obviously, based on this series of events, Xu Sheng was a person with an even lower moral bottom line.

Chu Ming considered himself not someone who seeks revenge for minor offenses, but he was not a coward who would swallow his grievances.

Since you have provoked me, don't blame me for carrying on the legacy of Prime Minister Cao...

Chu Ming smiled slightly at the nervous Xu Sheng and suddenly changed his tone.

"The Xu family is prominent in this northern market. I have long admired the name of the Xu family's master. It is truly a pity that we only meet now."

"No, no..."

Xu Sheng's eyes darted around, then quickly became excited.

"In that case, if you, Chu Zhi Shi, don't mind, could you please come to my humble abode? I have recently acquired a batch of Baihua wine, which has a mellow taste..."


Before Xu Sheng could finish, Chu Ming readily agreed, causing Xu Sheng to be stunned for a moment before becoming ecstatic.

You see, being able to establish a relationship with a Fifth Grade alchemist was like winning the lottery!

The high-quality pills he refined not only accelerated cultivation speed but also extended lifespan, allowing people to live forever!

Even if he didn't consume them himself, he could resell the pills at a high price after purchasing them from Chu Ming, using the profits to redeem his mortgaged properties!

Xu Sheng was overjoyed, and his fat face piled up, making Chu Ming feel a bit nauseous. He almost couldn't resist slapping him.

Fortunately, Xu Wanshu arrived at the right moment, her cheeks slightly flushed as she bowed.

"Thank you, Chu Zhi Shi, for your generosity."

"You're welcome."

Chu Ming smiled faintly. While Xu Sheng was shouting for servants to prepare the sedan chair to go home, Chu Ming lightly patted the plumpness behind Xu Wanshu, causing her to exclaim and quickly cover her mouth. She only breathed a sigh of relief when she realized her husband hadn't noticed, then gave Chu Ming a coquettish glance.

"You're so naughty, Chu Gongzi~"

"I have even naughtier tricks up my sleeve."

Chu Ming lightly kneaded the plumpness at Xu Wanshu's waist, leaning close to her ear with a wicked smile.

"Madam Xu, your husband was so rude to me just now. Do you think I will let it go?"

"You know, I am the youngest Fifth Grade alchemist in the Sacred Alchemy Hall in nearly a hundred years. With a few connections, I can make your Xu family disappear from this northern market!"

"Madam, you wouldn't want the Xu family to decline like this, would you?"


Xu Wanshu moaned softly, her peachy cheeks flushed, her seductive eyes hazy. Instead of avoiding Chu Ming's "teasing," she twisted her waist and hips, pretending not to understand, and gasped.

"Chu... Chu Gongzi, what do you want me to do?"

"I will make a list for you, and you will help me prepare everything on it."

Chu Ming withdrew his mischievous right hand with a serious expression, which made Xu Wanshu, who enjoyed the sensation, dissatisfied. She once again pressed her delicate body against him, but he evaded her mercilessly. In the end, she could only look at him resentfully.

"Our Xu family has recently suffered some business losses. As long as your demands are not too excessive, I can help you."

"Don't worry, I, Chu Ming, never take advantage of others."

After a slight smile, Chu Ming whispered.

"I can let your Xu family help me sell the 'Ice Heart Pill,' and even refine the Youth-Retaining Pill that keeps women forever young, as well as the Longevity Pill that extends lifespan..."

(End of this chapter)

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