Chapter 71: Lady's Fall


It could be seen that when Xu Wanshu heard the words "Youth-Retaining Pill" and "Elixir of Immortality," her beautiful eyes brightened visibly.

She looked at Chu Ming's smiling face in astonishment, and her heart seemed to be enveloped in a peach-colored mist, then suddenly plunged into the sweet abyss.

So there really is a Youth-Retaining Pill and Elixir of Immortality?

As the steward of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, Chu Ming shouldn't need to deceive an ordinary woman like me, right?

Xu Wanshu licked her lips, her eyes filled with intense love and desire.

Although she had taken the initiative to get close to Chu Ming before, she also had her own principles in her heart, thinking that all of this was done in order to lure him to her side and revitalize the Xu family through his identity as a genius alchemist.

But ever since Xu Sheng returned from that fox seductress, Xu Wanshu felt that her days were getting worse day by day.

Not only did she have to help him pay off his gambling debts, but she also had to endure his accusations and insults.

But due to her good upbringing and loyalty to marriage, she had been doing her best to hold on.

However, now, when she heard Chu Ming's promise, the last bit of her reserve in her heart instantly shattered, and the dormant seed of love slowly took root and sprouted.

Why can Xu Sheng go out and find other women, but I can't find other men?

He is unfaithful to me, so why should I be loyal to him?

Moreover, Chu Ming is elegant, refined, and talented, and his status is noble... Isn't this the kind of person my lonely heart has been waiting for?

Xu Wanshu suddenly felt that the whole world was quietly fading away, with only Chu Ming's tall figure reflected in her eyes. This made the love in the depths of her pupils throb even more, and she only snapped back to reality when Xu Sheng waved his hand in front of her.

"Lady? What's wrong with you? Why are you always daydreaming?"

"Huh? It's nothing, it's nothing..."

Xu Wanshu's eyelids drooped slightly, her cheeks flushed, and she shyly stole several glances at Chu Ming. However, all of these small actions were seen by the parties involved, and a helpless bitter smile appeared on Chu Ming's face.

It seems that women really can't resist my chaotic Yin-Yang physique. They fell without me saying anything...

"Steward Chu, please come this way."

Xu Sheng's invitation brought Chu Ming back to his senses. He nodded with a smile, got on the carriage prepared by the other party, and was about to close the door when Xu Wanshu's voice suddenly sounded.

"Steward Chu, we haven't finalized the business we discussed just now."


Xu Sheng and Chu Ming looked at Xu Wanshu in confusion at the same time, but she just smiled lightly and softly said while holding the carriage door.

"Steward Chu, may I be allowed to share a carriage with you to discuss the follow-up of the business as soon as possible?"

"Uh... alright."

Chu Ming saw through Xu Wanshu's little thoughts at a glance, made a gesture of invitation with a smile, but Xu Sheng beside him frowned, as if he had smelled something unpleasant, and grabbed his wife's hand with a displeased expression.

"Lady, is it appropriate for you to share a carriage with Steward Chu?"

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Xu Wanshu shook off Xu Sheng's right hand, turned around, and said coldly.

"Husband, stop imposing your own philandering nature on others. Steward Chu is a righteous person, unlike you who indulges in pleasure-seeking and extravagance every day."

"If you hadn't interrupted and offended Steward Chu just now, our business would have been concluded long ago."

"That doesn't need to be discussed on the road, right? After we get home, we can talk about it however we want..."

Seemingly filled with guilt, Xu Sheng scratched his cheek and muttered nervously. However, Xu Wanshu snorted lightly, seemingly unappreciative.

"Do you know what business we're going to discuss? Chu Zhi's willing to entrust us with the sale of the pills he's refined!"

"Even including the 'Qi Condensation Pill' and other Fifth Grade pills that are priceless, he can provide them to us first! The sooner we finalize this important business, the more time we'll have to develop a sales plan."


Upon hearing this, Xu Sheng widened his eyes and was rendered speechless. He could only smile reluctantly as he watched his wife board Chu Ming's carriage.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and go drive!"

As the door closed, Xu Sheng angrily kicked a servant nearby and climbed onto a carriage in front, seething with anger.

And so, the convoy left amidst the gaze of the surrounding crowd. However, beneath the calm surface of the lake, it seemed that a small ripple had been stirred...

"Chu Young Master~"

Inside the carriage, before Chu Ming could ask anything, Xu Wanshu suddenly threw herself at his side and grabbed his arm, tearfully complaining.

"Wuwuwu... Ever since Xu Sheng came back, I haven't had a single good day."

"Originally, I managed the Xu family's affairs smoothly, but a few days ago, news came that several important properties were mortgaged to the Wang family."

"I inquired around and found out that it was all because of my gambling-addicted husband, who was seduced by a vixen. He lost everything at the gambling house!"

"The Wang family used to be our Xu family's competitor in the northern market. We used to be able to suppress them, but after giving away those properties, they've come back to life and even have a tendency to suppress us."

"Most importantly, when I earnestly advised Xu Sheng, not only did he not appreciate it, he even hit and scolded me!"

Xu Wanshu pulled up her sleeve, revealing large patches of purple bruises. This greatly startled Chu Ming, and anger surged within him.

Although he had a slight doubt about what Xu Wanshu was saying, these bruises were undeniably real!

If this was all an act, the price would be too high.

"Madam Xu, you've suffered during this time."

Chu Ming lifted Xu Wanshu's right arm and gently touched the bruises with his right hand.

In an instant, a strong spiritual power gradually covered and spread throughout her entire arm. After a surge of warmth, Xu Wanshu was astonished to find that the bruises on her right arm had miraculously disappeared!

Even the original soreness was gone!

Xu Young Master can actually heal injuries?

Xu Wanshu stared blankly at Chu Ming, her slightly open cherry lips suddenly covered by his large hand. A warm pill was sent into her mouth and flowed into her abdomen.

The next second, a cold sensation spread throughout her body, causing her to moan softly with relief. Her tired body instantly came alive.

"This is..."

"The Solidifying Essence Pill, a Third Grade pill."

Chu Ming introduced with a smile.

"I made it casually, but it seems to work quite well. It looks like I can start refining its advanced version, the Longevity Pill, a Fifth Grade pill."


Xu Wanshu blinked her beautiful eyes and remained stunned for a while. Then tears slid down her delicate face, but a coquettish smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The next second, she threw herself into Chu Ming's embrace and without a word, fiercely hugged his head and kissed him passionately.

(End of this chapter)

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