Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 81 I’Ll Give You A Massage

Chapter 81: I'll Give You a Massage

After chatting with Hua Xiaoying for a while, Chu Ming returned to the room intending to take a hot bath. However, as soon as he stepped in, before he could even stretch lazily, Hua Xiaoying sneaked in through the crack of the door.

"Xiaoying, do you need something?" Chu Ming asked in confusion, while Hua Xiaoying hesitated and shyly covered her face with a small notebook in her hand.

"Brother Chu, can I give you a massage while you bathe?"


Chu Ming was dumbfounded for a moment, then smiled helplessly and politely declined.

"Xiaoying, thank you for your kindness, but it's not necessary. It wouldn't be good if your clothes get wet."


Based on Hua Xiaoying's obedient personality, she would probably bow and leave. However, today she surprisingly stood still, pursed her lips, clasped her hands in front of her, and looked at Chu Ming with a stubborn determination to achieve her goal.


What's wrong with her today?

Why did she suddenly think of giving me a massage?

Chu Ming scratched the back of his head and couldn't help but worry. Facing such a cute girl, he couldn't bring himself to say anything harsh to drive her away. In fact, deep down, he was somewhat looking forward to Hua Xiaoying helping him relax with a massage.

After a moment of silent struggle, Chu Ming sighed lightly and surrendered. He walked to the edge of the bed, slowly took off his sweaty shirt, and reluctantly said to Hua Xiaoying, "Then I'll trouble you."

Hua Xiaoying was initially stunned, but then her face lit up with excitement. She nodded eagerly and took a few small steps to receive the shirt, which made Chu Ming even more puzzled and confused.

Why does it feel like she's excited?

Shouldn't she be shy about giving a massage to a guy?

If you're not shy, then I'm feeling shy...

While Chu Ming muttered to himself and searched for his clean clothes in the wardrobe, Hua Xiaoying stared at his bare, glistening back, which was damp with sweat. Her eyes sparkled with an astonishing brilliance.

Such... such well-developed muscles!

She had noticed it when she secretly watched Chu Ming practicing martial arts in the morning. His physique was really good!

Graceful lines, firm and well-proportioned muscles. If she were to be held tightly in his arms...

With a random fantasy in her mind, Hua Xiaoying blushed and looked shy. Although she was filled with the typical reserve of a young girl, she couldn't help but stare at Chu Ming's naked upper body, afraid of missing any details. It wasn't until he called her a few times that she snapped out of her daze.

"Um, Xiaoying... Can you turn around first? I need to cover myself."

Hua Xiaoying blinked, and then her face turned visibly red at an alarming speed. She almost had steam coming out of her head.

She quickly turned around, clasping her hands tightly in front of her chest, her heart pounding nervously.

Chu Ming is changing clothes behind me?

Is this for real?

Can I sneak a peek?

It seems like I can't. Chu Ming would get angry if I did...

After a mental battle, there was a "plop" sound. Chu Ming jumped into the bathwater, leaned his body against the edge of the wooden tub, and looked up at the ceiling, humming in contentment.

"It feels so good to soak in the bath after exercising..."

Of course, while bathing, he didn't forget to sprinkle the "Hundred Flowers Concentration Powder" into the water, cherishing every moment to cultivate.

As a burst of fragrance spread, the originally clear bathwater instantly became turbid. The rich spiritual energy permeated Chu Ming's limbs and body through his slightly opened pores, merging with the spiritual energy in his dantian and autonomously activating the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture.

Finally, I understand why those protagonists have to take medicine every day to improve their cultivation... It feels so amazing to be able to cultivate autonomously without distractions!

Unlike me, who has to be a pervert and ask my master and senior sister for their intimate clothing every day.


Just as Chu Ming was immersed in the bliss of cultivating while AFK, Hua Xiaoying slowly approached him from behind, rolled up her sleeves, and tiptoed to massage his shoulders.

As that soft and cool little hand kneaded his muscles, Chu Ming let out a comfortable hum and couldn't help but sigh.

"I've been wanting to say this for a long time, Xiaoying, your technique is really good!"

In the face of praise, Hua Xiaoying just lowered her eyelids slightly, blushing with a hint of shyness, and the strength in her hands became even gentler...

Afterwards, several inexplicable life forces emanated from her hands and slowly enveloped Chu Ming's body, causing a faint green glow to appear on his skin.


Chu Ming snorted, feeling the fatigue in his body instantly dissipate, and his strength was replenished once again.

At this moment, a voice of inappropriate curiosity suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Huh? Such a strong life force?"


Hearing the voice of the Black Dragon, Chu Ming couldn't help but be slightly stunned. It was only then that he noticed the change in his body and immediately asked in his mind.

"Do you know the source of this aura?"

"Such a strong life force... The last time I sensed it was during the last..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Chu Ming rolled his eyes, and the Black Dragon pondered for a moment before speaking softly.

"Not long after I was born, I had the privilege of witnessing the anomaly of the Sun and Moon Egg with my mother."

"In the half-dark and half-bright sky, a strong life force continuously surged out from that huge white egg and enveloped the entire world, giving birth to the Flower Goddess..."

"And then?"

"Don't always leave your words unfinished!"

Faced with the Black Dragon's pause, Chu Ming anxiously asked, and its tone suddenly became more solemn.

"And then she fell..."


She fell right after being born?

Are you kidding me?

Seemingly sensing Chu Ming's inner doubts, the Black Dragon let out a sigh.

You should know that because of the Flower Goddess's uniqueness, various factions and realms coveted it. Coupled with the fact that it posed almost no threat, it naturally caused a fierce competition among many Golden Immortal ancestors."

"In the end, in that dark and chaotic battle, it was taken away by a mysterious force, and eventually fell."


Turning his head to look at Hua Xiaoying's serious profile, Chu Ming pondered for a moment before asking.

"Do you think there's a possibility that the Flower Goddess could be reincarnated?"

"Do you think this little girl is the reincarnation of the Flower Goddess?"

The Black Dragon chuckled, its indifferent tone filled with a hint of disdain.

"Impossible! Every time the Flower Goddess appears, it causes anomalies in the heavens and the earth and shocks all parties. Do you think she could still stay peacefully in the Heavenly Evolution Sect if she were? "

"That's true..."

Chu Ming's thoughts gradually drifted away, and soon his consciousness became a little drowsy.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, a faint rustling sound suddenly rang out, followed by a "thump," and a petite figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes in confusion, and his pupils immediately contracted.

At some point, Hua Xiaoying had taken off her green dress, and her petite figure was only covered by a bathrobe.

Her face was flushed, her eyes were shy, and she slowly approached, causing ripples in the bathwater...

(End of this chapter)

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