Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

82. Chapter 82 The Blessing Of All People

Chapter 82: The Blessing of the Qi People


Hua Xiaoying's sudden attack startled Chu Ming, completely dispelling his drowsiness. He immediately jumped out of the wooden tub, his eyes filled with suspicion.

That scared me!

If I had woken up any later, I would have become a criminal for eternity.

Xiaoying is only sixteen years old!

She's underage!

Chu Ming, Chu Ming, you can't do anything beastly... Oh wait, didn't she jump into the tub on her own?

Seeing Chu Ming's perplexed expression, Hua Xiaoying also quickly jumped out of the tub, pulling her bathrobe around her while showing him the notebook in her hand.

"Brother Chu, after I finished massaging your back, I saw that you fell asleep, so I thought of massaging your front."

"There's no need for that."

Chu Ming coughed lightly, quickly throwing a large towel over Hua Xiaoying's head. While she was busy trying to remove it, he quickly put on his clothes, his tone filled with helplessness.

"Xiaoying, you don't have to... sigh! Dry yourself and put on your clothes. I'll go practice first."

Before Hua Xiaoying could say anything, Chu Ming sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and restrained his breath.

Why doesn't Brother Chu let me massage his front?

Could it be because he's considering my feelings?

Or is it because I'm not as attractive as his sister-in-law...

Hua Xiaoying lowered her eyelids, feeling dejected. After drying herself with the towel and putting on her dress, she quietly left with the dirty clothes Chu Ming had changed out of.


As soon as Chu Ming saw the door closed, he finally let out a sigh of relief, his mind filled with countless thoughts.

This girl... I treat you like a sister, and yet you want to... me?

It seems that my Yin-Yang Chaos Body unintentionally affected her...

What should I do?

"Having too much peach blossom luck doesn't seem like a good thing."

Chu Ming sighed lightly, then took out a provocative undergarment from his spatial bag. Its enticing fragrance filled the air.

This was the "compensation" Wu Zuirao gave him after teasing him in the Floating Jade Peak hall that morning.

A trace of heat flashed in Chu Ming's eyes as he licked his dry lips.

[After being bought back by Wu Zuirao, this is the first provocative undergarment she has given you. It can be said that the task is heavy and the pressure is great.]

[...Simulation ended.]

"Intimacy level 95?"

Seeing such a high intimacy level, Chu Ming's originally silent heart suddenly filled with a touch of emotion.

Master, she actually started wearing provocative undergarments every day for me?!

She really... I'm so touched!

[1. Obtained item entry]

[2. Obtained Wu Zuirao's aptitude and talent]

[3. Obtained Wu Zuirao's attributes and cultivation]

[4. Partial knowledge of Wu Zuirao's life experience]


Regarding these four frequently appearing options, Chu Ming first ruled out options one and four, and then hesitated between options two and three.

From the previous knowledge of her life experience, he learned that his master is a powerful and unfathomable fox demon.

Since that's the case, why not try to obtain her talent?

If he did that, it was highly likely that he would also obtain side effects, just like the Natural Charm Body...

"Never mind! I don't care anymore! What's the use of being indecisive? The bold will survive while the timid will starve. The path of cultivating immortality is all about excitement!"

"Besides, even if I experience the side effects of obtaining the Master's physique, she will definitely help me resolve them. The only problem is finding a good excuse to cover it up."

After careful consideration, Chu Ming closed his eyes and made a firm decision to choose the second option.

[The second reward is:]

["Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons (Red)": After integrating this book into your body, you can illuminate the true name of the corresponding Demonic Beast by absorbing their souls, and obtain the "Life Command" and "Death Command".]

[Life Command: By absorbing the souls of Demonic Beasts, you can restore your cultivation and heal your injuries, as well as gain various attributes of the Demonic Beast.]

[Death Command: By absorbing the souls of Demonic Beasts, you can summon the Demonic Beast in a state of "no spiritual intelligence", greatly enhancing its strength and making it unconditionally obedient to you.]


Chu Ming widened his eyes, shocked by the effects of this red entry.

This "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" seems incredibly powerful!

It can actually use various Demonic Beast souls to enhance one's own strength.

"Now I understand the reason why the Master collects Demonic Beast souls."

Chu Ming rested his chin on his hand and fell into deep thought.

It seems that the Master is injured and plans to use the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" to recover.

Even when injured, she is still at the Soul Formation Realm. If she fully recovers her strength, could she possibly return to the Void Returning Realm?

Chu Ming couldn't help but shudder, but then he immediately felt relieved.

With a Master who has reached the Void Returning Realm as a backing, can't I just do whatever I want?

"So this is what it feels like to have a background. It's so cool!"

Chu Ming lay on the bed, a slight smile forming at the corner of his mouth, feeling a thousand emotions in his heart.

If this "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" is used well, it can be considered a way to enhance one's own strength.

"Starting from tomorrow, I'll take on more tasks related to dealing with Demonic Beasts. Today, I'll rest!"

Chu Ming closed his eyes, feeling content, and soon sleep overcame him.

And with this sleep, a day passed...

In the middle of the night, he suddenly woke up, feeling something strange in his heart.

Wait, I didn't used to be this sleepy.

Could it be the side effect of a certain entry?

Chu Ming got up with a puzzled expression, and at that moment, a charming voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Ming'er, are you awake?"


Chu Ming was startled, although he was used to Wu Zuirao's sudden appearances, he couldn't help but be surprised every time, showing a somewhat helpless expression.

"Master, can you not scare me like this every time?"


Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and chuckled, a mischievous glint in her beautiful eyes.

"Ming'er, your reaction is so amusing!"

"I've applied a technique to this black ribbon, so when you cover Muxi's eyes with it, she won't be able to see anything."

"And as for me, I'll quietly accompany her..."

As Wu Zuirao spoke, her words were like a bewitching melody, captivating the heart and soul.

"Let you, Ming'er, experience the joy of a sect party tonight."


To be continued. Tomorrow, there will be a thank-you letter at noon. I hope all the readers will come and take a look!

Good night, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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