Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

89. Chapter 89 Senior Sister, I

Chapter 89: Senior Sister, I...

In the drawer, Chu Ming was astonished by the various colors and styles of silk stockings.

Aside from the common colors like black, white, flesh-colored, and gray, there were even light blue and light pink ones?!

Would a normal silk fabric shop sell this kind of stockings?

And that stocking at the very bottom, if I'm not mistaken, it should be a variation of fishnet stockings.

What's with all the butterfly patterns embroidered on it?

Seeing Chu Ming's shocked expression, An Muxi blushed and nervously pulled out a black silk stocking with a red border.

"You often ask me for stockings, so I thought of buying some more to keep."

"But if I bought only one style, I was afraid you would get tired of it, so I picked various styles and colors of stockings. I didn't know which one you would like..."

"... "

Chu Ming widened his eyes and for a moment didn't know what to say. He felt both amused and enveloped by a strong sense of warmth from An Muxi's unexpectedly "considerate" behavior.

Senior Sister is so adorable!

She bought all these stockings because she didn't know which style I liked?

Is she really this innocent?

"Senior Sister, you're too..."

Chu Ming couldn't help but laugh and cry. After a moment of silence, he took a step forward and tightly embraced An Muxi, expressing his inner gratitude through actions.

"Senior Sister, thank you. I like whatever you wear."

"Hmph, just now you clearly said you liked me wearing this outfit in private. You changed your mind so quickly?"

An Muxi glared at Chu Ming with a hint of annoyance, then she saw his face, full of tenderness, slowly magnify before her eyes.

She was momentarily stunned, then slowly closed her beautiful eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly. She raised her chin and her fair arms, as tender as lotus roots, actively embraced Chu Ming's neck...

In the quiet night, the sound of insects rose and fell, and a gentle breeze floated through the room, causing the shadows to sway.

Chu Ming and An Muxi held each other tightly, each harboring a gradually intensifying passion in their hearts.

In the end, they separated from each other.

An Muxi, with her lips slightly parted and breathing slightly faster, glanced at Chu Ming's right hand. In her misty eyes, there was a hint of shyness. Then, as if possessed, she asked a question.

"Do you like it?"


Chu Ming was stunned for a moment before he realized that An Muxi actually had such a charming side.

"Of course I like it. My favorite place is right here with you, Senior Sister."

Chu Ming's lips curled up slightly, causing An Muxi to let out a soft moan before teasingly saying,

"But I've noticed something. Senior Sister, have you gained weight recently?"

"You're the one who gained weight!"

An Muxi angrily opened Chu Ming's right hand and pouted unhappily.

"Where did I gain weight? I practice in the morning and train with the sword in the afternoon. How could I possibly gain weight?"

"Then what about here?"

Chu Ming pretended not to understand and asked, then suddenly had a realization on his face.

"Could it be because I've been taking care of you? I would be so honored!"

"You pervert! Scoundrel!"

An Muxi broke free from Chu Ming's embrace and crossed her arms, glaring at him with a mix of embarrassment and anger, then muttered softly.

"Who knows what's going on, recently when I wear dresses, my chest feels a bit stuffy..."

"That's exactly what I said, Senior Sister."

Chu Ming chuckled lightly, then saw An Muxi raise her eyebrows and wave her fist, causing him to quickly clasp his hands together in a pleading gesture, changing the topic.

"Senior Sister, didn't you say you wanted to show me the silk stockings?"

"Hmph, I knew you wouldn't forget about this."

An Muxi pouted coquettishly, then walked to the side of the bed and suddenly pulled the bed curtain closed, warning.

"No peeking!"


Chu Ming touched his nose and smiled without saying a word, found a chair to sit on, and leisurely began to admire the graceful figure hidden behind the thin curtain.

An Muxi first bent her knees to take off the silk stockings, then stretched out her legs to put on a new pair of silk stockings. Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh at her slender and beautiful legs.

So enticing...

These legs are longer than my life!

After about half an incense stick's worth of time, An Muxi finally opened the bed curtain and slowly approached Chu Ming with her legs wrapped in black silk garter stockings.

She twisted her hands in front of her, blushing and shyly asked.

" does it look?"

"It looks great! It looks amazing!"

Chu Ming couldn't help but exclaim.

This wasn't an exaggeration, because the red edges of the black silk stockings, bound by the garters on An Muxi's fair and delicate thighs, complemented her bright red cheongsam, adding a touch of charm and allure to her originally pure temperament.

It's like an immortal from the Heavenly World descending to the mortal realm, tainted with a bit of worldly allure.


Seeing Chu Ming's excited gaze that seemed like it could spew flames, An Muxi's heart was filled with intense joy, and a mischievous attitude gradually emerged.

So Chu Ming really likes my legs...

Then I must make good use of this to make him listen to me!

"Do you want to touch and feel?"

An Muxi slowly lifted her right foot and placed it on Chu Ming's knee, her eyes seductive, her expression teasing. This instantly made him feel dry in the mouth, and he nodded vigorously.

"Then I'll reward you by letting you give me a massage."

An Muxi smiled sweetly, then found a wooden chair and sat next to Chu Ming, placing her slender legs on his lap, looking lazy.

"I'm tired~ Remember to serve me well."

"Uh...yes, Miss, please watch closely!"

After a moment of slight confusion, Chu Ming couldn't help but smirk, then used his exquisite massage technique to relieve An Muxi's leg fatigue, pretending to be obsequious.

"Miss An, how is my massage technique?"

"Not bad."

An Muxi narrowed her eyes slightly, her face filled with enjoyment.

"Keep massaging, if you do it well, this Miss will reward you generously."

"Can the servant ask for some rewards now?"

Seeing Chu Ming's mischievous smile gradually fade in front of her, An Muxi suddenly realized.

"Chu Ming, you! Mmm..."

(End of this chapter)

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