Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

90. Chapter 90 The Thought Of Crossing The Line

Chapter 90: Crossing the Line

An Muxi lay limp on the bed, her numb body lacking any strength, but still stubbornly waving her small fists to hit Chu Ming's arm.

Unfortunately, it didn't hurt or itch.

Her cheeks were flushed, her brows filled with laziness and charm, but her expression was particularly indignant. Then she gritted her teeth and said, "I've been saying this all along."

Chu Ming quickly dodged, raising his hands innocently, then picked up the blanket to cover An Muxi's revealing figure. He licked his lips and smirked, saying, "Thank you, Senior Sister, for your hospitality tonight."

"Ugh! You pervert!"

After a light snort, An Muxi suddenly pulled up the edge of the blanket, covering her blushing face, her heart filled with intense shyness and annoyance.

Ah, how could Chu Ming dare to do such a thing to me?

He's really bad!

Although he deceived me at first, he did explain later... Why did I agree to him so easily?

It must be the fault of the Natural Charm Body!

It's definitely because the side effects of the Natural Charm Body affected my judgment, and combined with the fact that Chu Ming kissed me until I felt a bit dizzy, I fell for his trick in a daze!

An Muxi twisted her delicate body, replaying the romantic scene in her mind, and her cheeks instantly became exceptionally hot.

At this moment, Chu Ming patted her belly and softly laughed, saying, "Senior Sister, rest well. I'll leave first. I'll take your cheongsam and black silk stockings with me."

Back in his room, Chu Ming silently savored the romance of the night in his mind. Then he held the cheongsam in front of him and sniffed it, enjoying the delicate fragrance like orchids lingering on his nose, making him feel refreshed.

Senior Sister's scent really smells good!

I almost couldn't control myself.

Fortunately, I was sober for a moment and stopped in time. Otherwise, I would definitely get beaten up tonight, and maybe even receive Senior Sister's "lifelong hatred card."

"Let's hurry up and participate in the sect's grand competition. If this continues, I won't be able to hold back..."

Chu Ming sighed lightly, flipped over and sat up like a carp, and softly said to the pale blue light screen in front of him, "Simulation."

[You were born in a peasant family and, according to Chu Ming's request, were made into a cheongsam by the silk cloth shop, which he then gave to An Muxi as a gift.]

[Seeing An Muxi wearing it, Chu Ming's heart burned with desire. That night, he had a deep discussion with her about the true meaning of life, and finally came to a conclusion - why is this cheongsam so much harder to tear than black silk?!]

[During a period when everything felt tasteless, Chu Ming suddenly thought of a good way to make money while lying on the bed. He decided to use you as a template to expand your family's influence.]

[So he cooperated with the silk cloth shop and sold your brothers and sisters to various wealthy households, and even more outrageously, sold your sons and grandsons to the Miao Nu Fang!]

[You watched helplessly as your grandson was torn apart by the guests in the Miao Nu Fang, feeling that the whole world was dark and angry, but powerless.]

[After more than a year of business operations, Chu Ming became the biggest boss in the four major markets of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, while your cheongsam family was torn apart by him and eventually died of depression. The simulation ends.]

[Current simulated item "Silk Dress (Heavily Damaged)", intimacy with An Muxi 50, you can choose the following rewards:]

"I choose number three."

As Chu Ming softly hummed, he closed his eyes slightly, and the originally calm Qi Sea in his dantian began to boil and surge again.

[Cultivation improvement: Qi Refining Sixth Layer (Early Stage 30%) - Qi Refining Sixth Layer (Early Stage 35%)]

[Attribute improvement: Ice +3]

"Ice? What kind of attribute is this?"

Chu Ming looked puzzled, then used his divine sense to scan his Qi Sea in his dantian, and suddenly discovered that the originally emerald green spiritual power had a faint layer of ice blue on its surface.

Could it be that his spiritual power now contained the ice attribute?

Chu Ming was slightly stunned for a moment, then his heart filled with joy, and a excited smile appeared on his face.

He actually had dual-attribute spiritual power!

Wow! This is... Wait a minute!

Suddenly realizing something, Chu Ming's smile froze on his face, and his expression suddenly became serious. He propped up his chin and fell into a brief contemplation.

Having spiritual power with an additional attribute might not necessarily be a good thing, right?!

This means that what he possesses is impure spiritual roots, not pure wood spiritual roots!

"Ah, this..."

Chu Ming furrowed his brows, but soon relaxed them.

Although it's an unspoken fact in this Immortal Cultivation World that impure spiritual roots are weaker than pure attribute spiritual roots.

But if we really want to compare, it still depends on the individual.

As long as all attributes are trained to the extreme, who cares about these?

"In the end, it still varies from person to person, but I don't mind."

"Anyway, I have cheats, which can absorb the talents of those geniuses and have enough space to control multi-attribute spiritual power."

Chu Ming smiled confidently and continued to simulate the black silk suspender stockings that An Muxi had worn after the cheongsam in his hand slowly dissipated.

[You were born in a peasant family and were woven into black silk suspender stockings according to Chu Ming's request. Then, he gave them to An Muxi as a gift.]

[An Muxi accepted you with joy and shyness, and introduced you to many friendly companions, among whom only "white silk suspender stockings" looked down on you.]

[After a long time of persuasion, she was moved by your sincerity and explained the reason why she disliked you, just because she thought you would take away the love of the master from her.]

[You smiled helplessly, and then made a promise with her, each abandoning their own partners, and then together protecting the master's slender legs.]

[That night, An Muxi blushed and wore you and her, playing the game of black and white duo ghost hunting with Chu Ming.]

[Looking at the sweat on the face of the white silk suspender stockings, the originally throbbing heart suddenly felt a sharp pain.]

[Suddenly, you died suddenly, and the simulation ended.]

[Current simulated item "black silk suspender stockings (torn)", intimacy with An Muxi 70, the third reward is:]

[Cultivation improvement: Qi Refining Sixth Layer (early stage 35%) - Qi Refining Sixth Layer (middle stage 45%)]

[Attribute improvement: Ice +7]

"It's really an improvement in ice attribute."

Feeling the gradually calming Qi Sea in the dantian, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

The cultivation is too slow!

If I had known this earlier, I should have suppressed the impulse in my heart and not torn it so hard.

Chu Ming raised his right hand slightly and let the stockings float, then stretched lazily and continued to lie on the bed, his thoughts gradually diverging in his mind.

There is less than half a month left before the alchemy competition. I originally wanted to improve my cultivation to the Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer during this time.

In this way, relying on other means, I should be invincible within the Qi Refining Realm, if not challenging the Foundation Building Realm.

But unfortunately, as the gap between me and Senior Sister gets closer, the cultivation gained from the simulation is getting less and less.

"In that case, I can only go to Master..."

Thinking of Wu Zuirao's charming and beautiful face, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel a little hot in his heart, and his mind wandered.

Since Senior Sister is not ready to cross the line for the time being, can I cross the line with Master first?

Master has been tempting me during this time, so it shouldn't be too much to make such a request, right?

But before that, there is a question that needs careful consideration, that is, Master is a pure fox demon, not a human...

After a little thought, Chu Ming quickly figured it out.

What's the problem?

Shouldn't love be hindered by different species?

As long as there is love in the heart, does it matter what species it is?

Moreover, there may be reproductive isolation between different species, so there should be no worries about offspring.

And, I have the Natural Charm Body, which is also half a fox demon.

If I cross the line with Master, I can also use the Joyous Union Heart Sutra to cultivate together, fully exerting the advantages of the Natural Charm Body.

In this way, my cultivation is likely to skyrocket!

Chu Ming nodded to himself in self-approval, silently pondering in his heart. Suddenly, he realized that there are so many benefits to crossing the line with Master!

"I should have thought of this shortcut earlier!"

Chu Ming regretfully slapped his forehead, sat up, and rubbed his sore eyebrows.

"But I don't know how to explain my request to Master... What if she refuses, or accidentally touches her sore spot, I don't even know how I will die."

"And doing this feels like betraying Senior Sister as a scumbag..."

After thinking about it again, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh, directly lay back down, closed his eyes, and nurtured his spirit.

Forget it, I won't think about it.

There are many ways to Rome, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridgehead.

After a while, when Master comes to find me, I will gather the courage to explain it to her clearly.

She shouldn't slap me to death, right?

As his thoughts and mood gradually relaxed, sleepiness swept over Chu Ming's body, letting him fall into a deep sleep.

However, in the middle of the night, just when he was in a deep sleep, a red figure floated in unnoticed...

(End of this chapter)

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