Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

91. Chapter 91 A Small Game Between Taoist Couples

Chapter 91: A Little Game Between Dao Companions

"Ming'er? Are you asleep?"

Wu Zuirao quietly approached the bed, looking at Chu Ming's twisted sleeping posture. A hint of helplessness curved her lips, and her gentle eyes were filled with a strong maternal radiance.

"It seems like your cultivation has been tough recently..."

She sat down by the bed, reaching out to gently stroke Chu Ming's face as she murmured to herself.

"I made a promise with the Heavenly Evolution Sect that I cannot leave the Opening Heaven Mountain Range under any circumstances, so I couldn't protect you when you participated in the Alchemy Grand Competition."

"But with your current strength, you gradually don't need my protection anymore, and I'm glad."

"Moreover, you also need this opportunity to gain experience, consolidate what you've learned, and broaden your horizons. After all, you said you wanted to be the eagle that protects me..."

Although she said she wasn't worried, Wu Zuirao still furrowed her eyebrows slightly, her narrowed beautiful eyes filled with concern.

She lightly bit her soft lips with her white teeth, staring at Chu Ming's sleeping face as if she had been struggling for a long time. Finally, she let out a sigh, and a blush appeared on her face, revealing a hint of shyness and charm that had never been seen before.

"Ming'er, since I can't protect you, I'll give myself as a gift before you leave."

"I originally planned to wait until you turn eighteen, and we would kneel and pay respects to the heavens and the earth, making a solemn vow."

"But I'm sorry, disciple..."

In Wu Zuirao's misty and charming eyes, tears glistened. Behind her, nine fox tails faintly appeared.

The night passed without a word, until dawn.


Chu Ming slowly opened his sleepy eyes, let out a soft hum, and stretched lazily. The slight curve of his lips indicated that he had had a good dream last night.

"This mirror is pretty good, but my hand feels a bit sore."


After straightening his fingers, Chu Ming looked puzzled.

When people sleep, it's either their legs or feet that cramp, but my fingers?

And what is this smell?

Chu Ming put his right hand in front of his nose and sniffed lightly. Then his eyebrows raised, showing a surprised expression.

"This is really strange."

Chu Ming scratched his head in confusion, but didn't think too much about it. After casually washing up, he opened the door of the room and saw An Muxi practicing swordplay in the empty courtyard.

Her light blue figure was as agile as a butterfly, her graceful movements flowing up and down. She stepped lightly, occasionally shattering ice fragments with the tip of her foot. The strong spiritual energy fluctuations kept spreading.

So... cool!

Chu Ming subconsciously held his breath, unable to help but exclaim in his heart.

An Muxi's wrist turned, and her ice-blue long sword turned into several ice lotuses in the air. After a flash of blue light, an extremely cold aura instantly spread, covering the surrounding flowers and plants with a layer of frost.


Chu Ming clapped his hands and cheered. His excited appearance made An Muxi stop her movements and glance at him, panting lightly. She stood still with her sword, a playful smile appearing on her lips.

"Wanna practice?"


Chu Ming was momentarily stunned, then hurriedly waved his hand, helplessly smiling.

"Sister, you've already reached the Foundation Building Realm Third Layer. What's the point of practicing with me, who is only at the Qi Refining Realm Sixth Layer?"

"Weren't you arrogant yesterday?"

After blushing, An Muxi pouted and glared at Chu Ming with anger and embarrassment.

"Let me ask again, do you want to practice or not?"

"I do! I do!"

Chu Ming licked his dry lips, feeling bitter in his heart.

His senior sister is determined to get back at him today!

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have teased her so much last night...

"Don't worry, I won't use my cultivation level to suppress you."

Seeing Chu Ming reluctantly agreeing, An Muxi's eyebrows curved into a crescent moon shape. With a flick of her wrist, she played with her ice sword and created another sword flower. Then she sweetly smiled.

"I'll suppress my cultivation to the same level as yours, and we'll just compare martial arts."


Upon hearing this, Chu Ming's originally bitter heart suddenly became lively.

Just comparing martial arts?

That sounds great!

I'm definitely not going to lose!

Did you really think that my diligent practice of stick techniques and studying the "True Child Pill" Wing Chun was for nothing?

"Sister, are you serious?"

Chu Ming picked up a wooden stick casually and smiled proudly.

"Now that you've made concessions, I won't use that bone to bully you."

"If I used that bone, I'm afraid your sword would shatter with one strike."

"Hmph! Watch my sword!"

Before Chu Ming could even get into position, An Muxi, who was provoked and filled with resentment, swiftly floated towards him on the ice lotus. Her previously calm demeanor instantly turned cold, and her slightly narrowed eyes were full of arrogance.

"As your senior sister, I must teach you a lesson today, you pervert!"

"Please enlighten me, senior sister!"

The two figures intertwined, and their astonishing power instantly spread.

Chu Ming originally thought that with their similar cultivation levels, he would definitely have the advantage and at least maintain a balance.

But imagination is often beautiful, while reality is cruel.

"You were quite good at bullying me last night, huh? Huh? Will you dare to throw me on the bed again in the future?!"

"Sister, please let me explain!"

"Do you dare to kiss me recklessly again?!"

"Sister, it's a misunderstanding! At that time, you were enjoying stroking my hair and even held me down... Don't hit me!"

"Chu Ming! It's one thing to touch, but why did you pinch me randomly?! I'll cut off your claws!"


Watching the two figures, one running and the other chasing madly, Hua Xiaoying stood in the distance, holding a wooden basin, feeling a bit at a loss.

If the scene in front of her could be explained by conflicts between dao companions, she would have approached to mediate.

But obviously, it wasn't like that. Rather, from their questions and answers, it seemed more like... flirting?

What was all this about pressing on the bed and kissing and touching... What were Chu Ming and his sister-in-law doing last night?

Hua Xiaoying's mind wandered for a moment, and her face blushed slightly. Suddenly, a strange thought arose in her heart.

Could it be that Chu Ming enjoys the feeling of being chased and attacked?

It must be so!

It seems like I also need to move towards this direction!

Hua Xiaoying secretly made up her mind to practice martial arts after finishing her daily household chores, aiming to become someone like An Muxi.

Since that day, Chu Ming's life suddenly became more fulfilling.

In the early morning, after reporting to Wu Zuirao, Chu Ming took advantage of the time when An Muxi was practicing on the "Dream Essence Platform" to comfort her in a corner of the main hall and casually took her provocative clothes or pants to increase his cultivation through simulation when he returned.

As a result, in just two weeks, Chu Ming's cultivation went from the mid-stage of the Qi Refining Realm Sixth Layer to the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer, just one step away from a breakthrough.

Even though An Muxi and Wu Zuirao were already aware of his talent, they couldn't help but be surprised and accept the fact that he was a pervert.

Not only was his behavior perverted, but his cultivation talent was also extraordinary!

After the morning passed, no matter what happened, Chu Ming would take a short nap at noon and then go to the affairs hall in the afternoon to handle matters related to Demonic Beasts.

After frequent appearances in the affairs hall during this period, many people came to know his name - a pill cultivator with a deep grudge against Demonic Beasts, whose strength was unfathomable.

Of course, after being gently advised by An Muxi, Chu Ming no longer cautiously hid his true strength.

With his sharp edge revealed, it only took two weeks for his reputation to spread among many outer disciples.

Some said he was a pill master, some said he was a Spirit Beast master, and some even believed he was a spy sent by the demonic sect.

Because on a quiet evening, someone saw Chu Ming using his own hair to strangle a mad bull to death and raised it high in the air with an evil smirk on his face...

In the end, this incident had a significant impact on his young heart, and even now he dared not look up at Chu Ming.

However, the person involved seemed indifferent to the rumors from the outside world. He happily absorbed the souls of demons using the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Monsters" to strengthen himself, while silently accumulating his contribution points, planning to spend them after entering the inner sect.

After returning from the affairs hall in the evening, Chu Ming would be pulled by An Muxi every day to spar, and then she would beat him up, claiming that it was to help him train his martial skills.

Train martial skills, huh?


Senior sister, you help me train my martial skills, and I'll help you train other skills!

Chu Ming said fiercely, and then, when it was late at night and quiet, he would either sneak into An Muxi's room or bring her to his own room to retaliate and tease her.

Finally, under Chu Ming's persistent persuasion, the soft-hearted An Muxi shyly agreed to consider it during the time they would participate in the alchemy competition together.

"Really, senior sister? I love you so much!"

That night, Chu Ming excitedly spun An Muxi around several times. This matter had excited him for a long time, thinking that the days of being stuck in the left-hand path were just around the corner.

Of course, it was indeed just around the corner, and it even came a few days earlier, but the target was not An Muxi,

but Wu Zuirao.

(End of this chapter)

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