Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

93. Chapter 93 The Beauty Lies In One Word [5K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 93: The Marvel of a Single Word [5k Subscriptions Requested!]

Good news?

Your wife will probably be heartbroken for a long time after hearing this...

But for her, being able to stay away from that gambling dog is also considered good news.

Chu Ming sighed lightly, feeling a trace of inexplicable sadness in his heart. He then led Xiaohong and the carriage team into the mansion, letting her rest in the side room while he went to the alchemy room to get the pills that needed to be sold for her.

"Here, these are the pills."

But within the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Chu Ming walked in, waved his right hand, and a large number of jade bottles covered the entire table, startling Xiaohong who quickly stood up with the tea, her face full of astonishment.

"So many? Chu Gongzi, didn't you say there were only twenty Qi Condensation Pills and Ice Heart Pills?"


Chu Ming casually picked up a jade bottle and played with it in his hand, a playful smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

"But I didn't say I was only giving you those two types of pills."

"Besides the Qi Condensation Pills and Ice Heart Pills, I also prepared the Youth-Retaining Pill and the Life-Stabilizing Pill for your wife."


Upon hearing this, Xiaohong's expression instantly became excited at a visible speed. She was about to express her gratitude, but then a puzzled expression appeared on her face.

"But Chu Gongzi, my wife only needs one Youth-Retaining Pill and one Life-Stabilizing Pill. Isn't what you prepared a bit too much?"

"The rest is for you to sell."

Chu Ming smiled faintly, poured out the Youth-Retaining Pill from the jade bottle, pinched it into powder in his hands, and then sprinkled it on his face.

In an instant, his originally delicate face instantly became radiant, his fair skin resembling that of a young girl, as if water could drip from a pinch.


Seeing Xiaohong's astonished expression with her mouth wide open, Chu Ming lightly pinched his own cheek.

"Not only can the Youth-Retaining Pill be effective when taken orally, but it can also be applied on the face."

"So you can grind it into powder and add it to lipstick or face powder. This way, it won't be easily noticed, and it will make your family's products more competitive."

"Chu Gongzi, thank you so much!"

Xiaohong was not someone who didn't understand anything. Having followed Madam Xu for so many years, she naturally understood that Chu Ming's brief words would bring great benefits to the Xu family!

It might even extend the industry to other markets, not just the northern district, through the miraculous effects of the Youth-Retaining Pill!

"Chu Gongzi, I..."

Xiaohong was momentarily moved and couldn't say anything. She was about to kneel down, but Chu Ming lightly laughed and helped her up.

"Don't kneel all the time. Let me introduce you to another pill. You can kneel after hearing its effects."


In Xiaohong's puzzled gaze, Chu Ming picked up another jade bottle from the table and poured out a dark red pill.

Unlike the smooth and round surface of other pills, this pill was covered with ferocious blood vessels and countless tiny branches. Its slightly swollen appearance seemed to be alive, and the three pill patterns flickered with a blood-red light that seemed to devour people.

As soon as it was poured into Chu Ming's palm, a strong and unremovable bloody smell rushed over, causing Xiaohong to cover her mouth and nose, frowning and quickly stepping back, her eyes full of suspicion.

"Chu Gongzi, what kind of pill is this?"

"Life-Devouring Pill."

Chu Ming smiled faintly, introducing its effects leisurely.

"You just saw the Life-Stabilizing Pill I gave you, right? Don't you think it looks similar to this Life-Devouring Pill?"

"The principle of the Life-Stabilizing Pill is simple. It solidifies the spiritual power in the dantian and permanently converts it into lifespan."

"Doesn't that sound good? But the side effect it brings is that your cultivation will never break through to the next First Layer, and there is even a risk of dantian atrophy!"

"So I thought, what if I reverse the principle of the Life-Stabilizing Pill? And add some blood essence from Demonic Beasts to increase its success rate, turning it into the Life-Devouring Pill."

Chu Ming placed the Life-Devouring Pill in front of his eyes and carefully observed it. A hint of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

"The Life-Devouring Pill can increase your cultivation by reducing your lifespan."

"With this three-patterned Life-Devouring Pill, it can probably directly elevate someone below the Qi Refining Realm Fifth Layer to the Qi Refining Realm Fifth Layer, but the price to be paid is not living past fifty."

Chu Ming put the Life-Devouring Pill back into the jade bottle, and with a gentle pull, he held Xiaohong's trembling right hand and placed it in her palm with a slight smile.

"I believe that with the intelligence of your wife, she naturally knows how to use these 'Life-Devouring Pills' to maximize benefits."

"This way, even if I have to go on a long journey, your Xu family won't have to worry about the Wang family using violent means to harass you."

"Chu Gongzi, this..."

Xiao Hong suddenly snapped back to reality, anxiously collecting the jade bottle and quietly approaching Chu Ming's side to speak softly.

"Hasn't the Heavenly Evolution Sect explicitly prohibited the refining of this kind of pill?"

"Explicitly prohibited?"

Chu Ming's smile was gentle, but in Xiao Hong's eyes, it revealed a hint of disdain.

"Don't worry, I've already informed the higher-ups about this matter. They will turn a blind eye to it."


Xiao Hong stood dumbfounded, looking at Chu Ming's handsome face for a long time without speaking, her heart pounding wildly.

What does Chu Gongzi mean by this?

Isn't he just an attendant of the Sacred Alchemy Hall? Why does his words make it seem like his position in the Sacred Alchemy Hall is exceptionally high?

"Of course, when using these 'Life-Devouring Pills,' you also need to be careful."

Chu Ming patted Xiao Hong's shoulder, his gentle words turning cold, revealing a hint of threat and warning.

"Remember not to use them too often, and never reveal these matters."

"I believe that Mrs. Xu and you are both intelligent people, naturally aware of the pros and cons."


Xiao Hong hurriedly bowed her head in fear and trembling, not daring to say another word.

Seeing this, Chu Ming patted her shoulder again before waving his hand and leaving the side room.

"You can leave with these jade bottles and the convoy, I won't see you off."


Xiao Hong watched his departing figure, her originally confused eyes suddenly becoming exceptionally determined.

First, she put the jade bottles into the carriage and let the people below leave first. Then, she quietly came to the door of Chu Ming's compartment and knocked.

"Chu Gongzi, this servant has one more request."

"Come in, the door is not closed."

As if Chu Ming had already anticipated that Xiao Hong would come to him, he sat at the table and stared at her as she entered, speaking in a low voice.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?"

"This servant has another question to ask Chu Gongzi."

Xiao Hong's face was tangled for a long time, and finally, with a hesitant and uneasy heart, she asked softly.

"Chu Gongzi, how do you view my wife?"

"Well... she is a reasonable, courteous, understanding, and intelligent woman."

"Then don't you have any thoughts?"

Xiao Hong didn't make her words clear, biting her lip and tightly gripping her skirt, her face filled with dilemma as she fell into silence, but her meaning was already self-evident.

Seeing this, Chu Ming sighed lightly after taking a sip from his teacup, unable to help himself.


Xu Wanshu sending her personal maid to him was not for giving gifts or discussing business and cooperation.

Her most fundamental purpose was me!

To put it simply, she wanted me to take her in!

"What kind of situation is this... the first time I've seen someone actively coming to my door. Is this the benefit of being handsome?"

After murmuring to himself in a low voice, Chu Ming stared at Xiao Hong's eyes, which were filled with a strong pleading, and spoke softly.

"I'll tell you the truth, your wife does have a stunning appearance, still full of charm, with a gentle and understanding personality. She is an exceptional intellectual beauty, I won't deny that."

"But you also know that I, Chu Ming, have always been upright and honest in my actions. I would never do something like taking someone else's wife."

"If Chu Gongzi is willing, my wife will immediately divorce the family head!"

"In that case, your wife will become a divorced woman..."

Chu Ming shook his head and sighed lightly, tapping his fingers on the table.

"Do you think that as a young man who has never had an engagement, I would accept a divorced woman?"


Upon hearing these words, Xiaohong was immediately speechless. Her tense body collapsed like a deflated balloon.


Not to mention a young man without an engagement, even a married man would not accept a divorced woman as a concubine!


Just as Xiaohong was about to leave like a walking corpse, Chu Ming's words pulled her soul back, and she blinked in confusion.

"I have a solution that may not be a solution."

Chu Ming cleared his throat, rubbing his sore brow with a pained expression, his words filled with conflict and hesitation.

"Well... the solution is actually quite simple. Your wife doesn't have to divorce, just maintain the current situation."

"And as for me, we can maintain a subtle relationship in private... Do you understand what I mean?"

"Ah! I know that this would be a great shock to Lady Xu, and I am also conflicted about it. But there's no other way, the only thing I can accept is this..."


Before Chu Ming could recover from his pretentious sighs, Xiaohong immediately and decisively agreed, leaving him slightly stunned. After taking a sip of tea, he asked in confusion.

"Do you understand what I mean?"

"It means being intimate! I understand, I understand!"


Chu Ming sprayed his tea far away, coughing violently a few times before his cheeks twitched slightly. He stared at Xiaohong, who was excitedly smiling, for a long time.

Did this girl really understand what "being intimate" meant when she laughed like that?

She's not very old, but she seems to know a lot. And not only is she not angry, she even seems excited?

If your wife knew that you insulted her like this, I'm afraid...

"My wife actually has this intention."


Now it was Chu Ming's turn to be dumbfounded. He stared wide-eyed for a while before regaining his senses, his tone becoming sharper.

"She has this intention? What does that mean?"

"It means being intimate."

Xiaohong let out a sigh of relief, then smiled and explained.

"In fact, my wife has also considered your difficulties. She told me before I came here that if you are willing, she is willing to maintain this 'cooperative' relationship. You don't need to give her any status, just remember her as a person in your spare time, and she will be satisfied."


Chu Ming slapped his head, feeling that his values had been greatly challenged for the first time.

So in this conservative and traditional Immortal Cultivation World, there are still people with such open-minded thoughts?

They are actually willing to maintain an intimate relationship?

Then her husband must be so pitiful... No, why should I feel sorry for a gambling addict?

I'm not doing something bad, I'm actually saving someone!

"Since your wife has such thoughts, I can only reluctantly accept it."

Chu Ming cleared his throat a few times to cover up his embarrassment, then said calmly.

"You should go back and tell your wife about this matter. I won't keep you any longer. If there's anything else, we can discuss it when I come back."


Xiaohong twisted her body, her pretty face slightly red, and stood still as if she had no intention of leaving. This confused Chu Ming.

"What? Is there something else?"

"Well... Lady Xu specifically instructed me that if you are willing to continue this relationship, she has a small request."

After saying that, Xiaohong came to Chu Ming's side and leaned down to whisper in his ear, somewhat shyly.

"Lady Xu said that she has been tormented by the clan leader recently, and her injured heart has been lonely for a long time. She wants to invite you for a meeting tonight to alleviate her longing for love."

"She also emphasized that the clan leader will still go to the gambling house tonight, so you don't have to worry. And she specially brought something from the Miao Nu Pavilion to arouse your interest..."


Something to arouse interest?

In the puzzled and confused gaze of Chu Ming, he saw Xiaohong slowly take out an extraordinary object from her pocket.

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as a rod...


Chu Ming suddenly stood up and looked around, only to find that the door was tightly closed and there was no one around. He then breathed a sigh of relief and stared at Xiaohong's embarrassed face.

"Um... is this the thing your wife mentioned to arouse interest?"

"Yes, because my wife thinks that you, Master Chu, are young and innocent, and probably don't understand what she means by 'thing to arouse interest.' So she asked me to show it to you..."


Chu Ming touched his nose and chuckled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed by these hypocritical words.

I have no idea what this thing is.

I understand it very well, okay!

It's better to say that I'm wondering why such a thing would appear in the Immortal Cultivation World!

I have often heard that ancient couples had many ways to arouse interest, even some that have long been lost.

It seems that this statement is quite true!

"So, Master Chu, can you come tonight..."

While Xiaohong was speaking, she put away the object. However, the next moment, Chu Ming interrupted her.

"Wait! Can you show me that thing?"


Xiaohong was first stunned, then blushed and handed the object to Chu Ming.

Indeed, as Madam said, although Master Chu looks handsome and charming, he is actually very innocent, and he is curious about this thing!

However, Xiaohong did not realize that what filled Chu Ming's eyes was not curiosity, but astonishment.

[Do you want to simulate "*"?]


He can even simulate this kind of thing?

I want to see what kind of tricks you can come up with!

With a curious mindset, Chu Ming murmured softly, and a pale blue light screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

[After you were made by the Miao Nu Fang, you were immediately taken back home by Xu Wanshu.]

[But in the end, Chu Ming replaced you, and you became unemployed. The simulation is over.]

[Current simulated item "*," intimacy with Xu Wanshu 99, you can choose the following rewards:]

"I choose reward one."

As Chu Ming silently thought in his heart, a dazzling green light suddenly appeared on the pale blue light screen.

[Current available entry: ]

["Thousand Transformations Thunder (Green)": Allows the item to change according to the host's will and gain a slight paralyzing power of thunder.]


It's really like this!

Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly, but Xiaohong, who was unaware, saw his rich expressions as if a naive boy suddenly opened the door to a new world, making her feel ashamed and lowering her eyelids with an unusually hot cheek.

Master Chu actually stared at this thing for such a long time!

It's all because of Madam's bad idea that has corrupted him!

No matter how desperate she is, she shouldn't use this kind of private item to seduce him!

"Cough, um... sorry, I was just curious and looked at it for too long."

After coming back to his senses, Chu Ming coughed a few times and quickly returned the object to Xiaohong. He scratched his cheek and tried to find some topics to break the awkward atmosphere between them.

But just as he was about to say something, Xiaohong covered her cheeks and hurriedly ran away, leaving him standing dumbfounded in the same spot.

"It feels like things have become complicated..."

Chu Ming touched his nose and smiled helplessly, feeling a strange surge of heat in his heart.

So, can a villain still do this?

I've really learned something new!

It seems that for married women, the most attractive thing is not their voluptuous figure and skilled techniques, but their identity as a "wife"!

(End of this chapter)

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