Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

94. Chapter 94 Master’S Gift (5K Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 94: Master's Gift (5k Subscriptions Requested!)

Prime Minister Cao, I have realized it!

Chu Ming clasped his hands together devoutly, then began to dig out various techniques and tricks that he had known and forgotten while appreciating movies from the depths of his memory. As he imagined the beautiful scenes, he made his way to the storage room.

At this moment, Hua Xiaoying was busy unloading everything from the carriage and lying in the carriage, enjoying the gentle breeze that blew in.

When Chu Ming arrived, she hurriedly sat up and climbed out of the carriage. However, due to her short stature, she almost stumbled because her toes touched the ground. It was only with Chu Ming's help that she managed to stand steady.

"Be careful!"

Chu Ming looked around the tidy storage room. He didn't expect Hua Xiaoying, with her slender figure, to have such high work efficiency. In the time it took to chat with Xiaohong in the room, she had organized the storage room neatly.

"Xiaoying, you don't have to work so hard."

Looking at Hua Xiaoying's tired but rosy face, Chu Ming was moved and couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her.

"How about I hire some servants to help with the work so that you can have more free time?"

Hua Xiaoying quickly shook her head and wiped the sweat from her forehead before raising her notebook with a sweet smile.

"No need, Chu gege. I feel very happy just being able to help you. I don't feel tired at all, so there's no need to spend money on hiring servants."

"Is that so."

Chu Ming affectionately touched Hua Xiaoying's head and then squatted down, smiling gently as if he had thought of something.

"Before we leave, I plan to give you a few gifts."

Saying that, he took out the golden bell he had asked for from Hua Xiaoying earlier and held her hand, placing it in her palm. This made her write something on her notebook with a puzzled expression and then raise it up.

"Chu gege, didn't you say you wanted to break it?"

"Uh... don't you want to know why I want to break it?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but ask, but Hua Xiaoying shook her head and gave an unexpected answer.

"Chu gege, you have your own considerations. I don't need to ask anything. I just need to listen to you."


Hua Xiaoying's answer left Chu Ming somewhat at a loss for words. He couldn't help but feel shocked. Did she really consider me the most important person?

I only helped her solve a problem and cured her mother's illness. Does this tiny favor really deserve such a great repayment?

Chu Ming felt incredibly shocked, and his lips moved as if he wanted to say something. However, when he saw Hua Xiaoying's sincere and innocent bright eyes, he swallowed the words back into his stomach.

Since Xiaoying had expressed herself like this, it would be too ignorant of him to ask for the reason.

"I understand. Thank you, Xiaoying."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, and his determination to help Hua Xiaoying overcome her inability to speak grew stronger.

"In fact, I wanted to recast this golden bell into a Law Weapon and add some special effects to it. But I was afraid of damaging it in the process, so I explained the worst possible outcome to you first."

Chu Ming took the golden bell from Hua Xiaoying's hand and tied it to her ankle. Excitement flashed in his eyes.

"But fortunately, I succeeded in the end. It can make your body lighter and increase your physical strength. Do you want to give it a try?"


Hua Xiaoying tilted her head and pondered for a while, then took a step back and jumped experimentally.

As a result, she jumped over a meter high, which startled her. She almost couldn't stand steady when she landed, but with Chu Ming's support, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chu gege! My body really feels lighter! And I feel much stronger!"

Seeing Hua Xiaoying's excited expression, Chu Ming's mood also became joyful. He then took out a "True Child Pill" and placed it in her hand with a light laugh.

"This is a very powerful pill. It can serve as your protector, so you must keep it safe."

"Later, I will sever the connection between your consciousness and this pill and teach you how to control it with your consciousness."

"During the time I'm away from home, if you encounter any danger, summon this pill."

"It possesses the strength of the Ninth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm, more than enough to deal with ordinary Demonic Beasts or bad people."

Hua Xiaoying widened her eyes in astonishment upon hearing this, looking at the pale yellow pill in her hand with a shocked expression. After thinking for a moment, she shook her head and handed it to Chu Ming.

"Chu gege, you need it more than I do on this trip, so I can't take this pill."

"Don't worry, I have plenty more."

Chu Ming comforted Hua Xiaoying, patting her head gently and looking at her with a tender gaze, his tone firm.

"Do you know? The person I'm most worried about leaving home this time is you, so you must protect yourself and preferably stay in the mansion and not go anywhere."

"But I know that's probably impossible, after all, you still need to contact the Xu family, so I gave you this pill for self-defense, understand?"

Hua Xiaoying obediently nodded, her bright eyes shining with admiration and gratitude.

"Alright, let me teach you how to control it with your spiritual consciousness. It's quite difficult, so try to comprehend it well."

Chu Ming smiled slightly, about to demonstrate how to control the True Child Pill, but Hua Xiaoying tilted her head in confusion and threw the pill into her mouth with her right hand!


Chu Ming gasped, his pupils shrinking. It was at this moment that he suddenly remembered something important.

He forgot to tell Hua Xiaoying not to eat the True Child Pill!

"Xiao Ying, spit it out quickly!"

Chu Ming anxiously reached out, as if he was about to pry open Hua Xiaoying's mouth, but she took a step back and voluntarily spat out the True Child Pill.

As the pill rolled on the ground, the familiar pale yellow figure slowly condensed in mid-air, causing Chu Ming to tremble and his pupils to shrink.

He clearly sensed that the spiritual consciousness he had separated and infused into the True Child Pill during its refinement had returned to his own spiritual sea, completely losing control over it.

How did this happen?

Chu Ming carefully examined the illusory figure before him, feeling extremely shocked.

Obviously, the figure formed by the True Child Pill condensed with spiritual energy was even more substantial, and there seemed to be a trend surpassing the pill he initially refined!

Could it... have broken through to the Foundation Building stage?

Chu Ming's Adam's apple rolled, asking somewhat incredulously, "Xiao Ying, did you control it with your spiritual consciousness?"

Hua Xiaoying nodded, writing and drawing on a small notebook before raising it again.

"When you gave me this pill just now, I felt its goodwill, so I tried to put it in my mouth and control it with my spiritual consciousness. Unexpectedly, it actually worked!"

"... "

Chu Ming looked at the True Child Pill guarding Hua Xiaoying, like a loyal knight, causing his cheek to twitch slightly.

This rebellion happened too quickly!

Can't you give me a little face?

"Alright, has its cultivation also improved?"

"Um... I don't know why, but I just treated it like I usually do with those seeds, and as a result, it broke through the Qi Refining Realm. It's currently at the First Layer of the Foundation Building stage."

That's how it is!

Chu Ming couldn't help but click his tongue a few times, becoming even more curious about Hua Xiaoying's identity.

Who exactly is this girl? How does she have such a strong affinity for pills and plants?

Perhaps I need to go to the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect to find information about her...

While Chu Ming was lost in thought, the relationship between Hua Xiaoying and the True Child Pill seemed to have become more familiar.

Seeing the two communicating with each other through their spiritual consciousness, Chu Ming's expression froze, and a faint sense of warmth filled his heart. He tactfully didn't disturb them and casually opened a few wooden boxes nearby, curiously looking inside.

"Fiery Pill formula?"

At this moment, an old and tattered pill formula caught Chu Ming's attention, causing him to be slightly stunned.

Isn't this something that the Heavenly Evolution Sect prohibits refining?

I didn't expect the Xu family to have the formula for this pill.

Chu Ming casually picked up the pill formula, intending to read it carefully, when a faint blue light curtain suddenly appeared.

"Should we simulate the 'Explosive Pill Formula'?"

"Indeed..." Chu Ming's lips curled slightly, and he murmured softly.


"After you were created by Sacred Pill Elder, you have been a capable assistant in mining veins as a disciple of the casting department."

"But you, who have a strong nature, are not satisfied with just being a tool for digging mountains. After all, you possess great power, and ordinary pills dare not provoke you."

"So, under your intentional guidance, you were brought back to the home of Chu Ming, the disciple with the greatest talent in alchemy in the Sacred Alchemy Hall, hoping that he could help you improve your body."

"However, every day, Chu Ming either refines the 'Rising Sun Pill' or the 'Rising Sun Pill', and he is always getting close to his senior sister, An Muxi, even refining pills while..."

"You don't intend to continue enduring Chu Ming's obsession with women, so you decide to delve into his memories."

There, you see the brilliant firelight on the desert, suddenly understanding the true meaning of your life.

Amidst the cheers of many people, you gradually disappear, and the simulation ends.

"This simulation item, 'Explosive Pill Formula,' has an intimacy level of 20 with Xu Wanshu. You can currently choose from the following rewards:"

"I choose reward one."

As Chu Ming murmured, a brilliant golden light suddenly burst forth in front of him.

You can currently add the following entry:

"'Embrace the Core (Gold)': Divine punishment, let the world feel pain!"

"You're either a pervert or a chuunibyou!"

Chu Ming couldn't help but comment, but the golden entry did alleviate some of his inner frustration, and he happily added it.

Congratulations, host! The 'Explosive Pill Formula' has successfully evolved into the 'Core Pill Formula'!

"..." After seeing the entry 'Embrace the Core,' Chu Ming immediately thought of such a situation.

And it turned out to be true?

He widened his eyes in astonishment and quickly scanned the 'Core Pill Formula' with his divine sense, feeling even more shocked.

"'Core Pill': Envelops everything within a certain range and explodes instantly!"

"Hmm... It sounds very powerful, but unfortunately, it is a Sixth Grade pill, and I still can't refine it myself. Otherwise, it could really be a trump card."

Chu Ming sighed lightly and put away the 'Core Pill Formula'.

Not far away, Hua Xiaoying was sitting on the ground with a smile on her face, her hands clasped around her knees, seemingly communicating with the 'True Child Pill' using her divine sense.

Chu Ming smiled knowingly, then quietly left the storage room.

Perhaps the two of them could become good friends.


Late at night, after checking the piled-up luggage on the bed, Chu Ming waved his hand and stored them in his spatial bag, unable to help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This was his first time going on a long journey after transmigrating, and he couldn't help but feel excited and nervous.

"I might as well go and see what Senior Sister is doing."

With a change of mind, Chu Ming arrived at the door of An Muxi's room and pushed the door open confidently.

At this moment, An Muxi, wearing a thin white silk nightgown, was sitting on the edge of the bed, checking the luggage she would bring tomorrow. The gentle movements of folding and stacking clothes, coupled with her long hair draped in front of her, gave her a unique charm.

"What are you doing, Senior Sister?"

Chu Ming came to the bedside with a smile, reached out and embraced An Muxi's soft waist, bringing her into his arms.

"In fact, Senior Sister, you don't need to bring any luggage. We can eat and drink along the way."

"Do you really think we're going on a vacation?"

An Muxi leaned against Chu Ming's chest, giving him a disdainful look, then stopped her movements and hugged his waist, acting spoiled.

"This is my first time going out with you, so we should be fully prepared."

"In fact, Senior Sister, you just need to bring yourself."

Chu Ming teased with a slight smile, but surprisingly, An Muxi did not retort. Instead, she looked at him with misty eyes, her hot cheeks showing a blush.

"I brought myself, what do you plan to do to me?"

"Senior Sister, what do you think?"

Chu Ming's mouth curled into a mischievous smile as his hands skillfully lingered on An Muxi's delicate skin.

After only half an incense stick's worth of time, her rosy lips slightly parted, and with a shy face, she forcefully nudged Chu Ming's chin with her head.

"You're still bullying me tonight when we have to leave tomorrow!"

"I'm just helping you relax."

Chu Ming smirked, his hands relentless in their exploration, and he also leaned down to lightly bite An Muxi's blushing earlobe, causing her body to tremble and whisper in her ear like a seductive demon.

"Sister, shall we indulge tonight?"

"How... mmm!"

An Muxi raised her watery and enchanting eyes, but before she could ask anything, Chu Ming silenced her with a kiss, and their bodies fell together...

Before Chu Ming could make any excessive demands, An Muxi voluntarily raised her blushing face to look at him, her misty eyes filled with intense heat and desire.

"I want..."

"What do you want?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel confused, but then he saw An Muxi trying her best to open her mouth wide, pointing to her throat, and pouting with a pleading tone that seemed to carry a hint of crying.



Chu Ming widened his eyes. Although his body was already filled with surging heat, he still retained a trace of clarity in his heart, which made him feel extremely astonished.

Since when did Senior Sister like it when I do this to her?

Could it be that the last time we went too far and it backfired, resulting in some extraordinary changes?

Chu Ming touched his nose, and out of curiosity, he didn't immediately fulfill An Muxi's small wish. Instead, he chuckled and asked.

"Senior Sister, why do you suddenly like this?"

"I don't know."

An Muxi squirmed in Chu Ming's embrace, then licked her enticing red lips in a cute manner, and after a few pouts, she blushed and said shyly.

"I don't know why I like it... ah!"

Chu Ming returned to the room with a satisfied face, lying on the bed with his hands behind his head, staring blankly at the bright moon outside the window.

It seems like I haven't said goodbye to Master yet!

I haven't been able to find her during this time, and I don't know where she went...

Chu Ming frowned, and a little worry suddenly crept into his heart, but it quickly dissipated, and he convinced himself.

Although Master is injured, her strength is still unfathomable, and ordinary people shouldn't pose any threat to her.


Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, then suddenly sat up, tightly grasping the collar of his robe over his left chest, quietly feeling his rapidly beating heart.

It's better to be safe than sorry!


Chu Ming muttered subconsciously with his thoughts, and unexpectedly received a response.

"Ming'er, what's the matter?"


Chu Ming turned his head abruptly, only to see the familiar figure standing by the bed. His tense nerves instantly relaxed, and he anxiously asked after taking a deep breath.

"Master, I couldn't find you during this time. Where have you been?"

"Preparing a farewell gift for you."

Wu Zuirao smiled coquettishly, then slowly walked out of the darkness.

With the help of the bright moonlight outside the window, Chu Ming finally noticed that Wu Zuirao had changed out of the crimson robe she had always worn before and put on an extremely luxurious and dignified red dress.

And judging from the heaviness of the dress and the intricate golden embroidery on it, it looked like... a wedding dress?

"Do I look good, Master?"

A shy voice filled with coquetry brought Chu Ming back from his surprise. He stared at Wu Zuirao, first in a daze, then widened his eyes and his pupils contracted.

"Master intends to give herself as a gift and present it to me tonight~"

After saying that, Wu Zuirao wiped her waist with her right hand, and the heavy red dress fell off, fully revealing her delicate and jade-like body in front of Chu Ming's astonished eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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