Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

95. Chapter 95 Master’S Help [6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 95: Master's Help [6k Subscriptions Requested!]


Chu Ming subconsciously opened his mouth slightly, completely unaware of Wu Zuirao's unprecedented shy and blushing face. His gaze was completely captivated by her delicate and smooth snow-white skin under the moonlight.

Although the two had been intimate before, they had always been separated by clothing.

Comparing the perfect body of the woman in front of him to An Muxi, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel the difference.

Both of their skins were fair and flawless, but An Muxi's was more delicate and radiant, with a touch of alluring crimson on the surface, as if it could release water with a gentle squeeze.

On the other hand, Wu Zuirao's skin was even more delicate and firm, like warm jade that was irresistible to touch.

Of course, the biggest difference between the two was their exquisite body curves. An Muxi's slender and beautiful legs were the envy of many, and even a casual stretch seemed to make hearts tremble.

Wu Zuirao, on the other hand, attracted attention with her magnificent proportions and exaggerated waist-to-hip curve that never failed to astonish Chu Ming.

The contours extended along her plump thighs, suddenly bulging out at the waist, and then shrinking inward to her slender waist, creating a perfect creation that seemed naturally formed.

The sexy vest line on her lower abdomen matched her petite belly button, making Chu Ming's mouth dry as he licked his dry lips.

"What's wrong? Don't you think your master looks good?"

At this moment, Wu Zuirao slowly approached Chu Ming with bare legs and bare feet. The shining radiance made his heart seem to skip a beat, and a surge of heat instantly rushed through his body.


Chu Ming subconsciously praised, but Wu Zuirao's mouth twitched unhappily, and her watery eyes were filled with resentment.

"If your master looks so good, why don't you take action?"


What action?

Could it be that she wants me to "betray my master and ancestors"?

This is... too wonderful!

But before that, Chu Ming, who was confused in his mind, had a question in his heart. He couldn't help but blurt it out.

"Master, why did you ask me to do this today? Are you... planning to leave me for a long time?"


Wu Zuirao didn't expect Chu Ming to ask such a question at this critical moment. She was first stunned, and then burst into laughter, covering her mouth and trembling with joy.

"You're really cute!"

After laughing enough, she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at Chu Ming with extremely gentle eyes.

"Don't worry, your master will never leave you."

"Master..." Chu Ming didn't know why his restless heart suddenly calmed down and was filled with a faint warmth.

"So, Ming'er, you can be bolder tonight."

The brief warmth flashed by, and the atmosphere in the dim room became enchanting once again.

Wu Zuirao slowly straddled Chu Ming's lap, her smooth and tender arms like white lotus wrapping around his neck, their gazes meeting.

On one side were deep eyes filled with heat and anticipation, on the other side were captivating peach blossom eyes.

However, at this moment, both were filled with the restless desire to break the taboo.

"Master remembers, Ming'er, you wanted to eat mangoes first and then pineapples, right?"

Wu Zuirao straightened up, blocking Chu Ming's line of sight, her words full of seduction.

"Now that the pineapple is right in front of you, which one do you plan to eat first?"

Is there even a need to ask?

Of course, he would eat the one that was right in front of him!

Chu Ming no longer pretended to be reserved, his hands brushing over Wu Zuirao's sexy and tender waist and hips from both sides, teasingly saying,

"Didn't you, Master, tell me to eat the mango first back then? Why are you changing your mind now?"


Wu Zuirao blushed like a peach, her voice coquettish.

"Because Master likes you!"

The night passed without a word, until dawn.

Chu Ming lay exhausted on the bed, unable to resist the temptation, he couldn't help but want to say something.

However, just as Chu Ming was enjoying himself, An Muxi's cold voice suddenly sounded from the doorway.

"Chu Ming, are you awake? I remember we still need to report to the Sacred Alchemy Hall before we leave, right?"

Senior sister?

Chu Ming's heart skipped a beat, and then he anxiously met Wu Zuirao's watery and sparkling eyes.

But she just smiled coquettishly.


Chu Ming bit his lip tightly, not daring to make a sound, cursing the enchantress in his heart.

Meanwhile, An Muxi outside the door seemed impatient with his silence and pushed the door open with a loud bang.

"Chu Ming! How can you still be sleeping when there are so many important things today!"

An Muxi came to the bedside with her hands on her waist, her slightly angry expression gradually turning into confusion when she saw the figure sitting up in the canopy.

"You're awake? Then why aren't you saying anything!"

"I... I have something to do."

Chu Ming's voice trembled slightly, and he was still covered with a thick blanket, which made An Muxi somewhat worried.

"Are you feeling unwell? Or is something wrong? How about we postpone and you rest first?"

"No... uh, no, I'll be fine in a while. I tend to feel dizzy when I just wake up, it's an old problem."

Chu Ming trembled and hurriedly said.

"Sister, why don't you wait outside for a while? I'll come find you later."


An Muxi frowned slightly, looking slightly puzzled, and then twitched her delicate nose, suddenly smelling a strange but familiar scent.

She was first stunned, then her face suddenly turned red, and she dodged her feet and scolded Chu Ming in embarrassment.

"Chu Ming! What are you doing at this hour!"


Chu Ming hadn't had a chance to explain anything yet, and An Muxi fled from the room as if escaping, leaving behind a sentence of shy reproach.


I'm innocent!

Chu Ming cried out in his heart, but his attention shifted to another matter the next second.

After a while, Wu Zuirao slowly emerged from the blanket, half of her head peeking out, and she smiled coquettishly.

Chu Ming quickly got out of bed, changed his clothes and washed up, then smiled wryly as if discussing something.

"Master, how about we not be so mischievous next time?"

"If Sister finds out, I'm afraid it will affect the relationship between you and your disciple."

"What's the big deal? Let her get used to it."

Wu Zuirao lay on the bed, watching Chu Ming hurriedly tidy himself up, a playful curve appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Your master is very magnanimous."

Is this a matter of being magnanimous or not?

Chu Ming sighed softly.

At this moment, Wu Zuirao, who had changed back into a bright red wedding dress, suddenly floated in front of him, reaching out to carefully tidy up his messy collar, her eyes filled with endless tenderness and loneliness.

"Ming'er, be careful on the way."


Chu Ming was deeply moved in his heart, then reached out his right hand to embrace Wu Zuirao's slender waist and pulled her into his arms, leaning down to gently kiss her forehead.

"Master, thank you. I'm leaving."


Wu Zuirao obediently responded, watching Chu Ming's tall figure as he left, and muttered to herself.

"Come back soon."


"Are you done?"

An Muxi, dressed in a black outfit, stood in the courtyard with her arms crossed, blushing when she saw Chu Ming rushing over, and couldn't help but complain.

"Do you know the importance of the matter? Early in the morning, you... you were doing that!"

"I can't help it."

Chu Ming helplessly shrugged, looking up and down at An Muxi, his eyes suddenly showing a hint of surprise.

Perhaps it was because they were going on a long journey today, she had changed into a black outfit suitable for long-distance travel, and the tight-fitting clothes perfectly showcased her graceful figure.

And her originally loose hair was tied into a single ponytail behind her head, adding a touch of elegance to her originally cold temperament, making Chu Ming unable to help but sigh inwardly.


No matter what she wears, a woman with a good figure looks good.

Sister is simply a clothes hanger!

"What? Why are you staring at me?"

An Muxi glared at Chu Ming, not in a good mood, but her expression suddenly froze, and her previously indifferent eyes instantly became full of brilliance.

Today, Chu Ming was also dressed in a black outfit, and the dark red waistband made his figure appear particularly tall and slender. His long hair was half tied into a ponytail, making him look noble and imposing.

So... handsome!

An Muxi couldn't help but praise in her heart, her shy face turning red, and her expression particularly infatuated.


No matter what he wears, a handsome guy looks good.

Junior brother is simply too handsome!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing An Muxi's unprecedented fangirl-like gaze, her hands crossed in front of her chest, staring at him with shining eyes, Chu Ming couldn't help but shiver. After understanding what was happening, a slight smile unconsciously appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

It seems that it was quite effective to spend so much time cultivating oneself!

Even the usually cold-tempered senior sister couldn't hold back anymore.

Chu Ming pretended to cough heavily a few times, then waved his hand in front of An Muxi and chuckled.

"Senior sister, what's wrong today? Do you think I'm particularly handsome and got stunned?"


An Muxi, who had been caught with her little secret, glanced at Chu Ming's blushing cheeks, and shyly glared at him before walking away without looking back, angrily saying without confidence.

"Who got stunned! It's just because you came out so late, and I wanted to see what you were doing in the room. It took so long, so hurry up!"

"Senior sister, don't be shy."

"Chu Ming! If you keep talking nonsense, I won't talk to you anymore!"

"Don't go, senior sister, wait for me!"

Chu Ming took out the Dior Spirit Sword from his spatial bag and quickly caught up with her, holding the sword in his right hand.

However, what surprised both of them was that a faint green light appeared under his feet. Before he could use the Dior Spirit Sword to fly, he seemed to teleport and appeared in front of An Muxi in the next second, which startled her.

"Chu Ming, you...!"

An Muxi was about to scold him when she saw the faint green light under Chu Ming's feet. She widened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw.

"When did you reach the Foundation Building stage!?"


What does it mean that I reached the Foundation Building stage?

Chu Ming scratched the back of his head, looking confused. Seeing his bewildered expression, An Muxi took a deep breath to calm her shocked emotions and stared into his eyes, speaking word by word.

"The biggest characteristic of the Foundation Building stage is that it allows your dantian to automatically release spiritual energy and condense it into qi to assist various actions of your body."

"For example, condensing it at the elbow to make it easier to lift your arm, or condensing it at the eyes to improve your vision."

"And the faint green light that appeared under your feet just now is qi. It was unconsciously condensed by you to help you speed up when you were chasing after me."

"Uh... So, senior sister, are you saying that I have already broken through the Foundation Building stage?"

Chu Ming lightly laughed, spread his hands, and half-jokingly teased after sinking his consciousness into his dantian.

"Senior sister, are you playing with me because you think I haven't woken up yet? You should know that I was only at the Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer yesterday. How could I possibly..."

Before he could finish his words, Chu Ming's smile gradually froze on his face, and his indifferent expression gradually turned into a horrified look.

Wait a minute!

Where is my Qi Sea?

Why did Qi Sea disappear?

Chu Ming just used his divine sense to scan his dantian and discovered that the seven Qi Seas he had condensed after breaking through to the Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer had disappeared without a trace!

In their place was a pale green cloud tower constructed of spiritual energy.

The tower emitted a light blue light screen, and Qi continuously spread out from within the tower, creating astonishing fluctuations that rippled through the dantian.

"What is this..."

Chu Ming widened his eyes, and his previously clear consciousness instantly became chaotic. His mind went blank, and then a new term involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Foundation Building?!

It should be noted that for cultivators in the Qi Refining Realm to break through to the Foundation Building stage, they usually only need to take a simple step, which is to condense the nine Qi Seas in their dantian into a cloud tower, also known as the Foundation Building.

The construction of the Foundation Building represents the formation of the Foundation Building stage, which is the so-called breakthrough.

Judging from the appearance of this strange tower, it is definitely the Foundation Building.

Since it is real, does that mean I have really reached the Foundation Building stage?

Seeing Chu Ming's completely dumbfounded expression, An Muxi stepped forward, grabbed his shoulders, and shook him back and forth. After shaking his divine sense out of his dantian, she slapped his cheek hard and asked with a serious tone.

"Chu Ming, are you clear-headed?"

"Sister, I am very clear-headed!"

Chu Ming felt somewhat helpless and had a feeling as if he were in a dream, becoming ethereal.

Originally, he still held the thought that he might have misperceived, but when he brought up his personal panel and saw the line of blood-red text indicating his cultivation level as [Foundation Building First Layer], everything finally fell into place, and he suddenly understood.

He had truly broken through to the Foundation Building stage!

"How did you do it?"

An Muxi urgently asked with a worried expression, but then suddenly realized that her tone seemed inappropriate, so she quickly changed her questioning approach and asked softly.

"Chu Ming, do you know about your breakthrough to the Foundation Building stage?"

"Well, I have a general idea of what happened..."

Chu Ming forced a calm smile and his mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

Of course, I know what happened!

After all, from last night until this morning, all I did was cross the line of taboo with my master.

Obviously, the sudden increase in my strength must be related to her!

Of course, this can be seen from the personal panel.

Because the "Hundred Demons Life and Death Book" and "Yin-Yang Chaos Body," which originally belonged to the red entries, have somehow been promoted to gold entries!

["Hundred Demons Life and Death Book (Gold)"]

[Feature: Added the "Marrow Beast" page, which can extract the demon souls of Marrow Beasts and incorporate their divine marrow into oneself.]

["Yin-Yang Chaos Body (Gold)"]

[Feature: Immune to mental control spells and Divine Abilities (immunity decreases as the difference in cultivation level between both parties increases), can freely control one's "charming" physique.]

[New affiliated entry "Vine Eagle's Hand (Blue)": Can explore the opponent's physical and mental weaknesses with the right hand.]

"Hmm... It's really this system when it comes to being abnormal. These newly added affiliated entries are truly showing off in my face."

Chu Ming couldn't help but complain inwardly, then shifted his attention to [Martial Arts].

Originally, there was only a Rank Seven "Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture" in that row. But after one night, it unexpectedly gained a Rank Three "Joyous Union Heart Sutra" behind it?

Isn't this martial art only possessed by me and Senior Sister?

When did I cultivate this thing?

Could it be when Senior Sister broke through her bottom line?

After a moment of contemplation, Chu Ming couldn't help but widen his eyes, his expression suddenly enlightened.

No wonder I always felt something was off when I found this martial art in the library. Which proper sect would put this thing in the library?

It turns out that everything was arranged by Senior Sister a long time ago!

Senior Sister must also have this "Joyous Union Heart Sutra," waiting for me to learn it and cultivate together!

In this way, the promotion of "Hundred Demons Life and Death Book" and "Yin-Yang Chaos Body" from red entries to gold entries can also be explained.

Because my "Hundred Demons Life and Death Book" originally came from Senior Sister, naturally, I obtained the opportunity to promote it to a gold entry after cultivating with her.

The same goes for the "Yin-Yang Chaos Body."

Senior Sister is a pure-blooded fox demon, and I can obtain the "Natural Charm Body" from Senior Sister, so naturally, I can also promote the "Yin-Yang Chaos Body" to a gold entry from Senior Sister.

Could it be that the condition for promoting a red entry to a gold entry is dual cultivation?

Chu Ming raised an eyebrow, his expression becoming extremely interesting.

If that's the case, in the future, if I want to promote the simulated items obtained from the prodigies to the ultimate gold level, I must cultivate with them?

"Goodness... What kind of harem cultivation system is this!"

Chu Ming couldn't help but complain inwardly. His excited and solemn expression was completely seen by An Muxi, who finally coughed lightly to interrupt his contemplation.

"Have you figured it out?"

An Muxi approached Chu Ming and gestured for him to control the Dior Spirit Sword for flight. His expression was calm as he spoke.

"If you've figured it out, let's go."

"Sister, don't you have anything you want to ask me?" Chu Ming turned his head, leaned over, and stared at An Muxi's long eyelashes, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Normally, if someone sees another person breaking through from the Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer to the Foundation Building Realm overnight, anyone would be curious and ask relentlessly, right?"

"It does seem that way..." An Muxi pondered for a moment, then raised her eyelids and smiled charmingly.

"Instead of asking you, I'd rather have you tell me voluntarily."

"Because I know that everyone has their own secrets, and since you're not saying anything, you must have your own considerations or you're not ready to tell me yet."

"If I were to forcefully interrogate you, it would seem immature. Besides, I know that this matter is within your control, so there's no need to worry and ask too much!"

Looking at An Muxi's bright smile, Chu Ming was momentarily stunned.

He didn't expect that his senior sister, who always bickered with him, would be so understanding in this regard!

This kind and virtuous personality is perfect for bringing home as a wife!

"Sister, you're so good!" Chu Ming suddenly embraced An Muxi's slender waist and spun around in place. This surprised her, and she instinctively hugged his neck, blushing and waving her fist in a coquettish manner.

"I told you not to suddenly hug me!"

"It's just excitement."

Chu Ming changed his posture and carried An Muxi in a princess carry, controlling the Dior Spirit Sword to fly into the distance. He couldn't help but tease her.

"Sister, you shouldn't be afraid when I'm carrying you on the sword, right?"


In mid-air, An Muxi looked down and glanced at the ground. Even though it was covered by clouds and mist, she couldn't help but shiver, shrinking her neck like an ostrich and tightly hugging Chu Ming's neck with her arms, trembling with closed eyes.

"I'm still scared..."

"Sister, you should really get over your fear of heights."

Chu Ming laughed helplessly.

Since he had asked An Muxi to help him alleviate the Natural Charm Body during sword flight before, he had discovered that she was actually afraid of heights!

In this Immortal Cultivation World where flying sword immortals were everywhere, this was quite peculiar...

(End of this chapter)

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