Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

96. Chapter 96 Master’S Careful Plan, Senior Sister’S Secret [6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 96: Master's Scheme, Senior Sister's Secret [6k Subscriptions Requested!]

Chu Family Mansion.

After Chu Ming flew away with An Muxi on his sword, Wu Zuirao slowly emerged from the room, her expression filled with resentment and a hint of sourness in her heart.

"I just broke the taboo between master and disciple with you last night, and before I could even enjoy the morning tenderness, you went and embraced Muxi."

Indeed, he is a lustful person!

Wu Zuirao floated to the edge of the bed and sat down, a faint blush appearing on her delicate cheeks once again.

In order to prevent any accidents, she ultimately used the secret technique passed down by the Fox Monster Race.

"Hoo--! That was really close."

Even now, Wu Zuirao still felt a lingering fear.

The physical characteristics of the Fox Demon Clan indicated that if it wasn't resolved in time, it would definitely take effect.

She had hoped for more intimate moments in the future.

But she had also planted her own emotions in Ming'er's Natural Charm Body, so if anything unexpected happened, she could secretly help him, which added an extra layer of security.

Wu Zuirao smiled faintly and tidied up the messy bed neatly. However, she didn't casually dispose of the dirty sheets, but carefully folded them and put them away.

This is a witness to my relationship with Ming'er, I can't lose it.

However, just as Wu Zuirao was tidying up Chu Ming's room, Hua Xiaoying suddenly pushed open the door and walked in.

The two women's gazes met, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

Why is this girl's aura so weak?

Wu Zuirao had long known Hua Xiaoying's identity and special physique from Chu Ming, but because she posed no threat and had no ill intentions, she didn't pay much attention to her.

But now, she suddenly felt that she had underestimated the mystery of this beautiful girl in front of her.

Not only was her aura weak, her life force was like a flickering candle in the wind, and her cultivation was so low that she couldn't go any lower, not even reaching the Qi Refining Realm First Layer.

However, her spiritual sea was so profound that even Wu Zuirao couldn't sense it with her divine sense.

Why is that?

As Wu Zuirao stared at Hua Xiaoying with an examining gaze, Hua Xiaoying also shyly raised her eyelids and looked up and down at her.

What a beautiful person!

I've heard Chu Gege say that he has a master as beautiful as a Celestial Immortal, and today I can see that it's true.

And her cultivation is unfathomable...

Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, Hua Xiaoying widened her eyes and then took out a notebook and wrote and drew on it. She came to Wu Zuirao with some hesitation and held it up high.

"Big sister, can you accept me as your disciple and teach me cultivation?"

Big sister?

Wu Zuirao raised an eyebrow, and her originally serious expression instantly relaxed. She came to Hua Xiaoying, half squatting down, gently holding her hand, and said softly.

"Do you know my identity?"

Seeing Hua Xiaoying nod, Wu Zuirao continued.

"Has Ming'er told you that besides him and Muxi, I won't take any more disciples in my life?"

Hua Xiaoying's expression froze upon hearing this, then she shook her head, her expression desolate as she lowered her eyelids. It was clear that she understood the meaning behind the words.

Seeing this, Wu Zuirao couldn't help but smile, holding her hand and walking towards the door.

"Although I won't take any more disciples, I can teach you some simple cultivation methods."

"As for your status, hmm... you can be Ming'er's disciple in the future!"

Chu Gege's disciple?

Hua Xiaoying looked slightly stunned, then happily raised her notebook.

"Thank you, big sister!"

She had thought about asking Chu Ming to teach her cultivation before, but she didn't dare to disturb him whenever she saw how busy he was.

Now, Chu Gege's master actually accepted me as her disciple on his behalf?


Just as Hua Xiaoying was rejoicing in her heart, a faint laughter brought her back to reality.

"Since you are Chu Ming's disciple, don't call me big sister anymore."

Hua Xiaoying blinked, then wrote her confusion on the notebook.

"Then how should I address you? Master's master is usually called Master's Master... should I call you Master's Wife?"

"No, that title is too old."

Wu Zuirao immediately refused, then smiled and looked at her.

"Just call me Master's Wife."

Master's Wife?

Isn't that the title for a master's partner?

According to reason, I should call Muxi Sister-in-law Master's Wife, right...

Hua Xiaoying felt a bit dizzy in her brain, but under Wu Zuirao's insistence, she slowly accepted this title.

However, Chu Ming, who was hundreds of miles away, had no idea. Just as he had left the house, his master found him a disciple!

What he was thinking about in his mind was still the passionate scene with Wu Zuirao from last night.

With his previous theoretical knowledge, he thought it would be as gentle and warm as the flowing stream. However, reality was like a volcanic eruption...

"Indeed, I was too excited," Chu Ming inwardly criticized himself, sighing lightly with a hint of excitement.

But he couldn't blame himself. After all, his master was so tempting. Moreover, fox spirits were known as the best alchemists for a reason...

They each had their own characteristics!

Could it be that every fox spirit was different?

Chu Ming suddenly had the idea of ruthlessly criticizing them, but quickly shook his head to drive away such twisted thoughts.

What was happening to him? He was being influenced more and more by this abnormal system!

No, he couldn't continue to fall like this!

As a pure-hearted and upright young man, he had to be positive and optimistic.

Chu Ming focused his mind, calming his restless heart.

An Muxi, on the other hand, curled up in his arms like a well-behaved kitten, closing her eyes and breathing softly as she fell asleep. It seemed that she had forgotten her fear of heights until she woke up just before reaching the square in front of the Sacred Alchemy Hall.

"We're here?"

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, An Muxi jumped out of Chu Ming's arms, covering her mouth with her right hand and laughing softly. Her gaze gradually focused on the dark figures in front of her.


As her consciousness gradually awakened from confusion, An Muxi suddenly widened her eyes, her pupils shrinking.

Why were there so many people from the Sacred Alchemy Hall?!

Normally, at this time, the square in front of the Sacred Alchemy Hall would be as chaotic and noisy as a market.

But today, there wasn't a single stall. The entire square was occupied by the neatly arranged disciples of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, extending as far as the eye could see.

The grand scale of this scene surprised Chu Ming, and his long-dormant social anxiety began to spread throughout his body, making him feel somewhat restrained.

What was going on?

A fight?

"Deacon Chu, you finally came."

The leading Sacred Pill Elder slowly walked out of the crowd and patted Chu Ming's shoulder, his face full of kindness.

"Today, you will represent our Heavenly Evolution Sect's Sacred Alchemy Hall and participate in the alchemy competition organized by the Five Great Sects. I specially brought the disciples of the Sacred Alchemy Hall to see you off."

See me off?

Are you sure?

Chu Ming looked at the crowd behind the Sacred Pill Elder and suddenly felt a little nervous.

They were all around thirty years old, and their expressions more or less carried a hint of warmth and anger. Their eyes flickered with jealousy.

Who sends someone off with this kind of expression?

Are you sure they're here to see me off and not to beat me up?

Chu Ming couldn't help but complain inwardly, scratching his head in confusion. Then he suddenly noticed countless envious eyes looking at him from behind.


Chu Ming turned his head slightly and saw An Muxi, who was usually cold and indifferent, blushing and hiding behind him, her face full of shyness.

Ah, ah, ah!

This is too embarrassing!

I fell asleep in Chu Ming's arms in front of so many people?!


Chu Ming pondered for a moment, and then his expression suddenly became clear.


So that's why!

He finally understood why he was being targeted like this...

It turns out that I snatched away their goddess and made them anxious!

"Sister, why are you hiding behind me?"

Chu Ming's lips curled up slightly, and then, in front of everyone, he held An Muxi's hand and pulled her to his side, smiling at the Sacred Pill Elder.

"Master, my Dao companion couldn't bear the loneliness and wants to accompany me to participate in the alchemy competition. May I have your permission?"


Before the Sacred Pill Elder could say anything, a desperate wailing came from behind. It only quieted down when he pressed his hands down to signal for silence, and then he chuckled, stroking his beard.

"I have no right to interfere with whom you go with. Just make sure you arrive safely."

"Thank you."

Chu Ming bowed slightly in thanks, and the Sacred Pill Elder waved his right hand, his smile becoming even more benevolent.

"Deacon Chu, in order to make your journey smoother, I have prepared a small farewell gift for you."

A gift?

Chu Ming's mind instantly recalled Wu Zuirao's enchanting figure and the seductive moans that echoed in his ears last night, causing a slight surge of heat in his heart.

Obviously, the Lord would definitely not give this kind of gift.

Even if he did, I don't want it!

"It's a map of the Northern Region."

Sacred Pill Elder waved his sleeve, and an ancient piece of parchment floated in front of Chu Ming.

On the map, two red dots marked the location of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, as well as the position of Hanhai City.

"The five major sects of the Northern Region are located at the borders of the Northern Region, forming a pentagon."

"The Heavenly Evolution Sect where we are located is in the northernmost part, while Hanhai City is in the territory of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, which is the southwest corner of the Northern Region."

"So, on this journey, you will have to cross the territory of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect in the northwest corner before you can reach the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect."

After studying the route for a while, Chu Ming nodded slightly and silently calculated in his heart.

If nothing unexpected happens on the way, flying with the White Heavenly Sovereign Sword during the day and resting on the ground at night, it would take about half a month to arrive.

Of course, that's assuming nothing unexpected happens...

Chu Ming looked at the big "danger" character marked in the territory of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect and couldn't help but feel puzzled. He pointed to this place and asked Sacred Pill Elder.

"Lord, what does this mean?"

"Well, it means exactly what it says."

For some reason, Sacred Pill Elder showed an awkward expression and kept stroking his beard as he explained.

"As the largest sect in the five major sects of the Northern Region, the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect is known for its vast territory and balanced development of various cultivation industries."

"There are countless affiliated sects, not to mention the countries affiliated with those sects. You will have to pass through at least twenty of them on your way."

"Being able to manage so many complex forces shows the strength and means of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect."

"Well... to put it simply, the people in their territory have a more unrestrained character. Do you understand my explanation?"


Seeing Chu Ming's somewhat confused expression, Sacred Pill Elder seemed to hesitate for a moment with a thoughtful look, and finally coughed lightly before helplessly saying,

"You should know that there are many paths to immortality in the world, and each path can lead to becoming an immortal."

"And most of the people in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect's territory either have fire attribute spiritual roots or no attribute spiritual roots, while other types of spiritual roots are very rare."

"Disciples with fire attribute spiritual roots naturally receive the cultivation of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, while those with no attribute spiritual roots can only cultivate the 'Path of Seven Emotions' on their own."

"And among the 'Path of Seven Emotions,' the most cultivated is the Path of Anger..."


Chu Ming's expression froze, and in his mind, Xu Shuai's "pitifully adorable" face suddenly flashed, causing him to shudder and quickly shake his head.

Get out of my mind!

Don't let this guy in!

That kid cultivates the "Path of Sorrow," but he's always sighing and complaining like a wife who has run away with someone else.

If he cultivates the "Path of Anger," wouldn't he just start fighting as soon as he meets someone?

Chu Ming's pupils dilated slightly, and then suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his gaze turned to the group of disciples behind Sacred Pill Elder, who had fearful expressions. His expression became clear.

So that's why they sent me!

No wonder I was chosen!

This old man must have secretly investigated my background and saw that I go to the Affairs Hall every day to handle demon-slaying matters. He probably thought I was the most powerful and capable disciple of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, so he let me cross the boundaries of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect and participate in the Pill Refining Grand Competition in Hanhai City.

"Well, I always thought you were the strongest among the disciples of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, and now that you have gained the recognition of most of the people in the Affairs Hall and the Martial Hall, I am even more convinced of this guess."

Sacred Pill Elder took a step forward and lightly patted Chu Ming's shoulder, not sparing his words of praise.

"Top one hundred in the Martial Hall, top ten in the Affairs Hall's demon-slaying list, I never expected your alchemy skills to be so strong!"

"Thank you for your praise."

Chu Ming scratched the back of his head shyly, then looked at Sacred Pill Elder and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Master, I have something to do, so I won't go to the Pill Refining Grand Competition!"

"Hold on!"

Seeing Chu Ming about to run away, Sacred Pill Elder, as if he had anticipated this, floated directly in front of him, stroking his white beard with a worried expression, sighing.

"Chu Ming, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart."

"You also know that Pill Dao cultivation is not valued in the Heavenly Evolution Sect, and even in terms of overall strength, it is not as good as some affiliated sects of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect."

"But the elders in the Heavenly Evolution Sect have given strict orders not to embarrass the sect in this Pill Refining Grand Competition."

"Although they say that, they refuse to send elders to escort you under the pretext of 'letting disciples gain experience,' and I can't spare the time..."

As he spoke, Sacred Pill Elder pretended to wipe his eyes, which seemed to soften An Muxi, who was watching the scene. She tugged at Chu Ming's sleeve and whispered.

"Chu Ming, let's go."

"Although the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect's territory is chaotic, it's not a hellish abyss, and the people inside are not unreasonable ruffians."

"I know all this."

Chu Ming sighed lightly and calmly met Sacred Pill Elder's pleading gaze for a long time, then whispered.

"Master, I don't have sufficient reasons to participate in this Pill Refining Grand Competition."

"Deacon Chu, what do you mean by that?"

"Master, you also heard what my senior sister said just now. The Blazing Fire Immortal Sect's territory is so chaotic, and this journey will undoubtedly have great risks..."

After snapping his fingers with his right hand, Chu Ming's voice condensed.

(Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the Chinese text. It may not flow as smoothly in English, but it accurately conveys the meaning and nuances of the original text.)

"So, you have to pay more!"

"Pay more?"

The Sacred Pill Elder was very shrewd. When he saw that Chu Ming had a compromising intention, he immediately felt relieved and put on a kind smile.

"Don't worry, how many spirit stones do you need, our Sacred Alchemy Hall can provide enough!"

"I don't want spirit stones."

"Then do you want cultivation techniques? After you enter the inner sect, I can use my contribution points to cover the cost of purchasing the Heavenly Evolution Ice Soul Technique for you!"

"I have already saved enough."

When Chu Ming said this so calmly, the Sacred Pill Elder was taken aback.

What? You've saved enough?

Is it true or not?

You should know that the Heavenly Evolution Ice Soul Technique requires twenty thousand contribution points to exchange!

Where did you get so many?

Before the Sacred Pill Elder could recover from his surprise, Chu Ming came to his side with a mischievous smile on his face. He disregarded the etiquette between seniors and juniors and put his arm around the elder's shoulder, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"Master, I remember that there is a vacant position for an elder in our Sacred Alchemy Hall, right?"


The Sacred Pill Elder turned his head and stared at Chu Ming's smiling face in astonishment. He instantly understood what he meant.

What a clever kid!

As long as he obtains the position of an elder, the resources of the Sacred Alchemy Hall will tilt towards him unconditionally in secret.

Isn't this much better than rewards of spirit stones and cultivation techniques?

"You really... really have considered our Sacred Alchemy Hall!" The Sacred Pill Elder's slightly angry tone instantly changed. He stroked his beard and chuckled.

"As long as you can successfully complete the mission this time, not to mention the position of an elder, I can even give up my position as the Lord of the Sacred Alchemy Hall for you!"

"I don't want to be tied to a position."

Chu Ming shrugged and pouted. Then, he walked to An Muxi's side, took her hand, and lightly tapped the ground with his toe. The Dio Spirit Sword instantly appeared under his feet, carrying the two of them into the air.

"Please rest assured, Master."

Chu Ming slowly turned around, his gaze sweeping over the expectant faces of the disciples of the Sacred Alchemy Hall, and then fixed on the Sacred Pill Elder. He bowed with his hands clasped together, his tone unusually firm.

"I will not let the Heavenly Evolution Sect be disgraced."

"Chu Ming, the competition is secondary. You must pay attention to your own safety."

The Sacred Pill Elder stroked his beard and watched Chu Ming fly away with a face full of joy and admiration in his cloudy eyes.

At this moment, a bald, round-faced old man next to him leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Master, is Chu Ming reliable?"

"Although our Sacred Alchemy Hall lacks talent, there are still people under the age of thirty who have higher alchemy skills and cultivation than him. Why do you insist on sending him?" the bald old man asked.

"A fledgling bird must experience hardships before it can spread its wings as an eagle."

The Sacred Pill Elder smiled relaxedly.

"Besides, don't you see whose disciple he is? Since that person has secretly agreed to our actions, she will definitely not let Chu Ming get into trouble."

After speaking, the Sacred Pill Elder elegantly floated away with his hands behind his back.


"Chu Ming, where are we going next?"

In mid-air, An Muxi looked at the constantly passing spiritual mist below and asked in confusion. Suddenly, she realized that they seemed to be falling rapidly.

When the two of them landed on solid ground, Chu Ming waved his hand and put away the Dio Spirit Sword. He pulled An Muxi to a deserted forest and pressed her against the trunk of a towering ancient tree. His expression indifferent, he said,

"Sister, are you hiding something from me?"


An Muxi blinked her beautiful eyes cutely, seemingly avoiding eye contact with a guilty conscience.

She tried to escape to the left, but was blocked by Chu Ming's right arm. When she tried to escape to the right, she was blocked by his left arm.

In the end, with no way to escape, she took a small step forward and voluntarily wrapped her delicate arms around Chu Ming's neck, leaning against him with a cute and innocent expression, tilting her head.

"What did you say? I don't understand."

"You don't understand?" Chu Ming let An Muxi act spoiled in his arms, unaffected, and took out a map calmly.

"Sister, don't you know where Hanhai City is?"

"Isn't it within the territory of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect?"

Seeing An Muxi continue to play dumb, Chu Ming held her waist and firmly patted her, causing her to cry out in protest before pouting.

"Why did you hit me?"

"A child who doesn't tell the truth must face the punishment of the family."

Chu Ming lightly pinched her again. After An Muxi twisted her waist to avoid it, she helplessly sighed and stared into his shy eyes, speaking word by word.

"Sister, Hanhai City is a city of your An Kingdom. Why didn't you tell me about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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