Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

97. Chapter 97 In The Wild, The Senior Sister’S Family Service (6K, Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 97: Outdoors, Serving Sister's Discipline (6k, Seeking Subscriptions!)


Chu Ming calmly stared at An Muxi's slightly embarrassed face, feeling her delicate body tremble slightly against his right arm.

He had noticed when he received this map that Hanhai City was located within the borders of An Kingdom. However, he didn't feel comfortable asking in front of Sacred Pill Elder just now.

Now that they were on their journey, he had found a deserted forest and planned to "interrogate" An Muxi to find out what was going on.

"Well, it's normal for there to be one or two places with the same name among the many countries and sects in the Northern Region, right?"

Obviously, An Muxi was still unwilling to give up and continued to argue. However, her behavior, like that of a child throwing a tantrum, made Chu Ming both amused and somewhat helpless.

"Sister, are you really not going to tell me?"

"What do I have to say... Ah!"

"Chu Ming, you're bullying me again!"

She leaned over Chu Ming's ear, pleading with a soft and slightly teary voice.

"I was wrong, I'll tell you..."

"What did you do wrong?"


An Muxi obviously didn't expect Chu Ming to respond like this. For a moment, she blinked her beautiful eyes in confusion.

"I... I was wrong not to tell you about this matter."

An Muxi tried her best to control her voice, making it soft and gentle.

"Let me go first... I'll tell you."

"Then say something nice."

Seeing Chu Ming's smiling face, An Muxi knew what he was thinking. After hesitating for a moment, she leaned over his ear again and acted coquettishly.

"Husband, I was wrong, forgive me."

After saying this, An Muxi blushed from the shame in her heart.

But Chu Ming quite enjoyed seeing this side of her that was usually cold. He no longer used his divine sense to control the silk stockings and instead embraced her tightly, sitting down against the tree trunk with a gentle smile.

"If you hide such important things from me again, you'll have to accept my disciplinary measures."

"Hmph, what disciplinary measures? It's clearly just finding new ways to bully me."

An Muxi snorted, bluntly exposing Chu Ming's inner thoughts. This made him awkwardly scratch his cheek. After she gradually calmed down, he asked softly.

"Sister, did you really come all the way from such a distant place to Heavenly Evolution Sect?"


An Muxi tightly wrapped her arms around Chu Ming's waist, nestled in his embrace, and slowly began to speak.

"Because An Kingdom is one of the strongest affiliated countries of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, one side provides talented disciples while the other offers protection and shelter."

"Due to the situation with my mother, our entire family was despised by almost all the people and officials in An Kingdom. We had no choice but to flee from the territory of the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect."

"But because the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect does not accept disciples with ice attribute spiritual roots, I had to continue heading north and came to the Heavenly Evolution Sect to become a disciple and cultivate."

"Originally, I planned to enter the inner sect and then return to An Kingdom after achieving certain accomplishments. But who knew that the alchemy competition you participated in this time would be held in Hanhai City..."

An Muxi furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

"Although Hanhai City is within the boundaries of An Kingdom, it is an independent city separate from An Kingdom. It was specially built by the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect for alchemists."

"In simpler terms, it is a huge marketplace for alchemy."

"I see..."

Chu Ming pondered for a moment, then suddenly became puzzled.

"But Senior Sister, there was no need for you to hide this from me, right? Even if I didn't know, I would still have to participate in the alchemy competition, wouldn't I?"

"I was afraid that you would change your mind and not go."

An Muxi squirmed in Chu Ming's embrace, her tone soft and weak.

"I want to go back and see, but I don't dare to go back alone."


Upon hearing this, Chu Ming suddenly felt a touch of sourness and bitterness in his heart. He tightened his arms around An Muxi's delicate body and gently stroked her back, comforting her in a soft voice.

"Senior Sister, why do you think I would find it troublesome to go back with you? Didn't we agree that I would help you resolve this matter?"

"Of course, if you want to secretly return to An Kingdom while I participate in the alchemy competition, I suggest you not entertain that idea. It's too dangerous."

"Wherever you want to go, tell me. I will accompany you. So, don't hide these things from me in the future, okay?"


An Muxi obediently responded with a "Mm" and then raised her chin to lightly peck Chu Ming's face, her expression shy.

"Thank you, Chu Ming. I won't hide anything from you in the future. So, there's one more thing I need to tell you."


There's more?

Seeing Chu Ming's slightly stunned expression, An Muxi stared into his eyes and spoke softly.

"You should know that I have a younger sister named An Muqing, right?"

"When we fled from An Kingdom together, she got separated from me and her whereabouts are still unknown."

"I don't know if she has encountered any life-threatening situations, but if she is still alive, there's a good chance she might be within the territory of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect!"

"Blazing Fire Immortal Sect?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but look puzzled.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because she has the fire attribute spiritual root, and it's an Innate High Grade. And in her spiritual sea, there are both the wood spirit Divine Soul and the fire spirit Divine Soul!"


Upon hearing this, Chu Ming was immediately filled with shock.

You see, wood and fire are opposing attributes!

How could the wood spirit Divine Soul and the fire spirit Divine Soul coexist in one person's spiritual sea?

Won't they fight each other?

Of course, this is not the most surprising thing for Chu Ming. What surprises him the most is that both An Muxi and her sister not only have Innate Spirit Roots, but they also both have two types of Divine Souls.

Even more astonishing, these two sisters have completely opposing attributes!

A real-life version of "fire and ice"?

Chu Ming couldn't help but comment from the bottom of his heart.

Truly eye-opening. Who is their mother, to have given birth to daughters with such vast differences...

"So, I came to Hanhai City to participate in the alchemy competition with you for another reason, which is to hope to meet Muqing. Although I know it's very unlikely..."

Seeing An Muxi's disappointed expression, Chu Ming rubbed her head and comforted her with a smile.

"Don't worry, I believe your sister will be fine. Maybe when the time is right, you'll meet her."

"Besides, both of you sisters have extraordinary talents, possessing two types of Divine Souls. If you can come all the way here without any problems, she will naturally be safe too."

Looking at Chu Ming's gentle eyes, An Muxi's tense heart instantly relaxed a lot. Then, with a hint of doubt on her face, she asked.

"Chu Ming, how did you know that I also have two types of Divine Souls? I don't remember telling you about my wood spirit Divine Soul and ice spirit Divine Soul..."


Chu Ming's heart skipped a beat, realizing that he had messed up.

Oh no!

How could he have forgotten about this!

"Uh... I guessed."

Chu Ming quickly came up with a reason and tried to brush off the topic.

"Since your sister has it, I believe as her older sister, you should also have it... right?"

"That's true..."

Although An Muxi still found it strange, she didn't ask further. After all, at some point, she had unconditionally believed everything Chu Ming said.

Chu Ming must be right!

I just need to listen to him!

With this thought in her mind, An Muxi, full of affection and dependence, curled up in Chu Ming's arms and acted spoiled.

"Actually, the main purpose of my trip is to accompany you to participate in the alchemy competition. Don't think too much."


These words woke Chu Ming up, making him ponder carefully.

Could it be that Senior Sister came with me to Hanhai City not to witness my alchemy skills, but to visit home?

"Senior Sister, I didn't think about it that way before, but after hearing you say that, I suddenly feel a bit uncomfortable!"

Chu Ming lightly pinched An Muxi's tender cheek, pretending to be angry as he spoke.

"Senior Sister, you're not just using me, are you?"

"I'm not!"

For young girls deeply in love, they are often blinded by love and find it difficult to discern some very obvious things.

Even An Muxi, who is exceptionally talented and intelligent, is no exception.

She didn't notice Chu Ming's pretense at all and anxiously explained with a worried expression.

"I really just wanted to accompany you to participate in the alchemy competition, but when I heard it was Hanhai City, I had some other thoughts..."

An Muxi's voice grew weaker as she spoke, and she became more and more guilty. Finally, she resorted to her last resort - the coquettish method.

"Husband, I'm sorry."

She wrapped herself around Chu Ming like a seductive snake, sat on his lap, and twisted her waist, leaving her lip marks on his cheek, blinking her shy watery eyes frequently.

"Can you forgive me?"

"I remember saying that a child who makes mistakes must accept the punishment of the family."

"What... what punishment?"

"What do you think?"

Seeing Chu Ming's mischievous smile and looking around the empty forest, An Muxi said with a pout.

"My body has already been seen by you, what else do you want?"

Chu Ming looked around and smirked.

"I think this place is just right..."


An Muxi shook her head to express her unwillingness, but after seeing Chu Ming's disappointed expression, she bit her lip and pondered for a long time. Finally, she blushed and whispered in his ear.

"There is a flower peak within the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, with beautiful flowers covering the mountains. It's really stunning."

"I want to go to the flower city at the foot of the mountain and have fun with you..."

"We shouldn't delay, let's set off quickly!"

Before An Muxi could continue speaking, Chu Ming directly lifted her up by her raised buttocks, summoned the Dior Spirit Sword, and flew away into the distance.

Flower peak?

He seemed to have noticed it on the map before. It seemed to be located about halfway to Hanhai City, and it would take about a week of flying on the sword.

But if they were to exhaust their spiritual power and rush, they could probably arrive in five or six days.

Chu Ming silently calculated in his heart, feeling a desire he had never experienced before. This made An Muxi blush and complain in a coquettish voice.

"I think you're just lusting after my body."

"That's right, I've been longing for it for a long time."

Chu Ming placed An Muxi on the golden sword separated from the Dior Spirit Sword, not hiding his bad intentions towards her. He held her tender face with both hands and kissed her deeply in the air until they suddenly encountered a cold current and separated.


Chu Ming quickly held the panicked An Muxi and waved his right hand to summon the invisible protective shield of the Dior Spirit Sword, stabilizing their shaking figures.

It's a bit cold!

Chu Ming looked at the setting sun in the distance and saw that it was getting late. He leaned down and asked An Muxi in her ear.

"Sister, shall we go down?"


After getting permission, Chu Ming controlled the Dior Spirit Sword to descend slowly. After passing through the spiritual mist, a silver-clad snowy mountain appeared before them.

The perennial snow contrasted with the deep orange glow of the setting sun, and countless ice rulers hung on the cliffs, giving off a cold and pure beauty.

"What a beautiful snow mountain!"

Before Chu Ming could exclaim, An Muxi's eyes lit up, and she suddenly became excited. She jumped off the Dior Spirit Sword and ran up the mountain along a winding path, occasionally squatting down to pick the ice lotus from the cracks in the rocks. She excitedly raised them and shook them, like a child showing off her spoils.

Seeing this, Chu Ming couldn't help but smile, his gaze becoming trance-like. It was only then that he suddenly realized that his senior sister was only eighteen years old, the most charming and lively age for a girl.

"Sister, don't run up the mountain! We can't stay here overnight. We need to find a village or town."

Chu Ming called out indulgently, then opened the map. After careful examination, the smile on his face slowly stiffened.

Where is the village?

Where is the town?

He was surprised to find that this mountain range called the Extreme Cold Ice Peak was located in the southwest corner of the Heavenly Evolution Sect's territory, covering an area of hundreds of miles. The nearest village would take several hours of flying on a sword to reach.

Do we have to fly?

Chu Ming looked at the gradually darkening surroundings and couldn't help but sigh. Flying on a sword at night was too dangerous. Besides the poor visibility and the risk of colliding with other cultivators, the most feared thing was encountering terrifying Demonic Beasts.

Let's find a cave to rest for the night.

Chu Ming put away the map and was about to call An Muxi's name when the familiar voice that had been silent for a long time suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Chu Ming, buried in this mountain range is the remains of a Holy Moon Ice Dragon."

"It is because of its existence that this snowy mountain has remained frozen for thousands of years, and the cold stream you encountered earlier is also related to it."

"I sense its residual spirit, and it also senses me."


Listening to the muffled voice of the Black Dragon, a playful smile appeared on Chu Ming's lips as he teased in his mind.

"You finally acknowledge me?"

Since obtaining the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" from Wu Zuirao through simulation, the Black Dragon had been at odds with him.

"Chu Ming! I trusted you so much in the beginning, and even lent you my dragon bones. But you turned out to have some connection with the Holy Fox Lord!"

Faced with such accusations, Chu Ming looked confused. After some conversation, he finally understood why the Black Dragon held animosity towards Wu Zuirao.

The Dragon Race was lustful, and the Fox Demons were known for their beautiful appearance.

So, a few hundred years ago, a certain branch leader of the Dragon Race gave the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" to Wu Zuirao's mother in pursuit of her.

As a result, she married a Fox Monster Race fox the next day, which infuriated the Dragon Race leader at that time.

Yes, that licking dragon was the father of the Black Dragon inside Chu Ming's body.

"Tsk tsk, you're still defending your dad?"

After learning the whole story, Chu Ming's words were full of sarcasm.

"Haven't you heard a saying? A licking dragon must die!"

"She didn't like you, but you insisted on sticking your face up to her. You even unconditionally gave her the precious "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons." Whose fault is that?"

"Besides, let me say something unpleasant. If your dad hadn't failed in his pursuit, maybe you wouldn't even exist."

Faced with Chu Ming's mockery, although the Black Dragon felt unhappy, he couldn't find a reason to refute. In the end, he let his consciousness fall silent and ignored him for a long time, until now.

"Hmph, this dragon doesn't want to argue with a brat like you."

The Black Dragon snorted disdainfully, then became somewhat excited.

"I can sense the exact location of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon's remains. There must still be some of its residual spirit inside."

"As long as I absorb it, the success rate of reshaping my physical body will greatly increase!"

"You really absorb the souls of your kind."

Chu Ming said calmly, immediately pouring cold water on Black Dragon.

"This mountain is mysterious and full of Demonic Beasts. I'm so bored that I went to find the so-called Holy Moon Ice Dragon corpse."

"My senior sister and I plan to find a cave to rest for the night and set off tomorrow morning."

Chu Ming laughed and walked forward, but Black Dragon's deep voice sounded in his ear again.

"In fact, absorbing the soul of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon is also beneficial to you."

"It can stimulate the dragon marrow in my dragon bones, giving you almost the same strength as 'Dragon Transformation'."


Chu Ming paused, squinted his eyes, and pondered for a long time. In the end, he opened his mouth and said something.

At this moment, An Muxi, who was tired of playing, quietly approached Chu Ming from behind, tiptoed and covered his eyes, and whispered in a low voice.

"Guess who I am?"

"Well... a mountain ghost?"

"No, keep guessing!"

Chu Ming couldn't help but smile, happily guessing many kinds of mountain gods and monsters he remembered, until An Muxi pouted and looked unhappy.

"I'm not playing anymore. You can't even guess who I am!"

"I thought my senior sister couldn't be this cute."

Chu Ming turned around, hugged An Muxi from behind, and gently rested his chin on her head.

"Senior sister, let's stay here in the mountains for the night and set off tomorrow morning, okay?"


An Muxi looked around the dim mountain scenery, then raised her eyelids, her expression suddenly filled with worry.

"In general, in this kind of thousand-year snow mountain, the dense spiritual mist often erupts at night, and various Demonic Beasts may appear. Do we really want to stay here overnight?"

"Then wouldn't it be more dangerous for us to leave in the dark?"

Chu Ming pointed to a direction not far from the mountainside and smiled lightly.

"I found a cave over there, maybe we can take shelter."


So the two held hands and slowly walked forward on the thick snow, making a creaking sound.

At this moment, An Muxi suddenly brightened up, took a step back and came behind Chu Ming, stepping on the footprints he left, her face full of excitement.

"This is so much fun!"

"Have you not grown up?"

Although Chu Ming was complaining, he slightly slowed down his pace while walking, allowing An Muxi to step on his footprints without taking big strides.

After walking for a while, a deep cave appeared in front of them.

Chu Ming took out a fire starter and lit it, then closed his eyes slightly and quickly scanned the cave with his divine sense. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his pupils contracted.

"Be careful!"

Before he could finish speaking, a giant bat with a wingspan of over one meter flew out of the cave. Its crimson eyes flickered with a sinister and menacing light, and its sharp fangs emitted a chilling coldness.

Chu Ming quickly protected An Muxi behind him and was about to take out the dragon bone to confront it, but suddenly, a pale blue snow lotus bloomed above the bat's head in the dim cave.


As An Muxi murmured, she formed a seal with one hand near her mouth, and a coldness flashed through her narrowed eyes.

In an instant, the bat demonic beast was frozen into a huge block of ice, and the next second, its body turned into ice particles and dissipated, while its demonic soul fell to the ground and bounced twice.

Amazing... so powerful!

Chu Ming looked at An Muxi's exquisite profile in astonishment and couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

That bat demonic beast just now was at least at the Qi Refining Realm Ninth Layer. It would have taken him a few seconds to deal with it due to its high speed. However, Senior Sister easily killed it with a wave of her hand?

"Ice Lotus Seal, it's my best spell."

An Muxi smiled at Chu Ming, who was full of astonishment.

"I used my divine sense to detect it. There was only this one bat demonic beast in the cave."

"Is that so."

Chu Ming chuckled and nodded. He took out firewood from his spatial bag, piled it on the ground, and lit it with the fire starter. He then approached the place where the bat demonic beast died with the help of the firelight and bent down to pick up the dark black demonic soul.

I remember its true name is recorded in the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons."

Chu Ming closed his eyes slightly and sank his divine sense into his dantian. The "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" suddenly appeared silently and flipped through its pages until a blood-red page faintly flickered with fluorescence, absorbing the bat's demonic soul.

However, this time he didn't plan to use the "Life Command," but used the "Death Command" to summon the bat demonic beast in a state without consciousness.

Seeing the suddenly "resurrected" bat demonic beast, An Muxi was shocked and was about to crush it with a gesture, but Chu Ming hurriedly stopped her.

"Senior Sister, don't!"

Thank you to all the readers who have voted and rewarded this book during this period of time. Because writing takes up a lot of energy, I can't list and thank each of your names, but every time I see your familiar names in the background, I always smile.

Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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