Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

98. Chapter 98 The Beautiful Cave (6K Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 98: Enchanting Cave (6k Subscriptions Requested!)


After being stopped by Chu Ming's voice, An Muxi's right hand stiffened as she blinked her beautiful eyes near her mouth, her gaze fixed on the bat Demonic Beast flapping its wings beside him.

The originally sinister and eerie aura on its body inexplicably disappeared, replaced by a well-behaved and obedient appearance, as if it were a Spirit Beast raised from infancy.

However, this was not the most surprising point for An Muxi. What surprised her the most was that this bat Demonic Beast was filled with a sense of death from inside out, without any trace of vitality. Even its round eyes lacked any luster.

"What happened to it? Why did it suddenly come back to life?"

An Muxi couldn't help but ask, and Chu Ming pointed to the entrance of the cave. The bat Demonic Beast obediently flew out, flapping its wings and hovering within a range of tens of meters, like a loyal guard.

"It is a soulless Demonic Beast that I revived using a secret technique. It completely obeys my commands and has about 70% of its original strength, but it can only 'live' for twelve hours."

Chu Ming came to An Muxi, took her hand, and sat by the campfire, smiling lightly.

"With it, the two of us can rest here peacefully. It can guard the night for us."

"It's so amazing!"

An Muxi was full of interest in Chu Ming's miraculous method of "reviving" Demonic Beasts. She grabbed his sleeve and kept shaking it while asking questions.

"Chu Ming, what is the name of the secret technique you used? Where did you learn it? Does it have any negative effects?"

"Because it seems like a secret technique for controlling corpses, could it be a method of the demonic sect? You can't do that..."

"And also, can I learn it?"

An Muxi's questions bombarded Chu Ming like artillery shells. At the same time, her widened and blinking beautiful eyes revealed a plea that conveyed one message.

—I'm curious!

Being curious won't help!

This is not something I can teach you...

Chu Ming couldn't help but laugh helplessly.

"This secret technique was exchanged by me in the affairs hall. It shouldn't have any negative effects. The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of demonic souls."

"You're lying!"

Chu Ming's improvised lie obviously didn't fool An Muxi. She pouted, crossed her arms, rested her chin on her forearms, and stared at the flickering flames in front of her pitifully.

"I've always wanted to exchange for this secret technique in the affairs hall because it can temporarily give me many powerful Demonic Beasts as helpers. This way, I can have some confidence when I return to An Kingdom to save my mother."

"But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find it. And you can find it so easily. Are you treating me like a three-year-old child?"

"Clearly, we are Dao companions, and you said that if we hide things from each other, we will be punished by family law..."

The more An Muxi spoke, the more aggrieved she became. Her mouth pouted, and tears kept swirling in her eyes, which frightened Chu Ming.

(Note: The translation provided is a direct translation of the Chinese text. It is important to note that the context and nuances of the original text may not fully carry over to the English translation.)

My goodness, women are so fickle! In the morning, she said she wouldn't probe into my secrets, but now in the evening, she suddenly changes her tune and starts digging deep.

And also, where did you learn the ability to cry in just a few seconds...

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Chu Ming hurriedly walked behind An Muxi and sat down on the ground, embracing her upper body in his arms like holding a child, softly apologizing.

"I didn't mean to deceive you, I..."

Chu Ming originally wanted to reveal the existence of the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" and explain that it was taught by his master.

But then he thought that this statement might affect the relationship between his senior sister and his master.

You can teach Chu Ming, but you can't teach me, right!

After a serious internal struggle and careful consideration, Chu Ming sighed lightly and whispered in An Muxi's ear, lowering his head.

"Actually, I have a special talent, which is that I can obtain things from other people."


An Muxi turned her face and raised her chin slightly, staring at Chu Ming's nervous face. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as if she understood something.

"You're a thief!?"


Chu Ming didn't expect An Muxi to associate it with something like that. Unable to hold back, he burst into laughter and kissed her tender cheek.

"Senior sister, you're so cute!"

"You said it yourself, you can take things from others..."

An Muxi blushed at Chu Ming's sudden behavior, unable to resist the fiery feeling in her heart. She picked up his hand and rubbed it against her hot cheek like a little cat.

"So, did you steal this secret technique from someone else?"

"You could say that."

Chu Ming smelled the intoxicating fragrance emanating from An Muxi's dark hair and took a deep breath, then spoke softly.

"Actually, this secret technique that can 'resurrect' Demonic Beasts is something I 'stole' from my master..."


An Muxi blinked her beautiful eyes, then glared at Chu Ming with a hint of annoyance, once again showing her senior sister's authority.

"Well, Chu Ming, you're quite audacious to dare steal something from our master!"

"Do you think this is something?"

Chu Ming's mouth slightly curled up, his face full of mystery as he whispered in An Muxi's ear.

"In fact, this is a talent that our master possesses, and I am a thief who can steal people's talents and aptitudes!"


Upon hearing this, An Muxi's brain was momentarily confused, and she stared at Chu Ming in silence for a long time.

It's not surprising that she was taken aback, after all, this kind of thing is quite outlandish and hard to imagine.

Stealing someone's aptitude and talent?

Isn't this something that belongs exclusively to each person? How is it possible?

However, if one could silently steal someone's aptitude and talent, wouldn't they be invincible?

Just thinking about it, An Muxi couldn't help but tremble all over, her face filled with fear as she looked at Chu Ming.

"Chu Ming, are you..."


Chu Ming suddenly interrupted, honestly admitting, "Senior sister, I've known for a long time that you possess the Wood Spirit Divine Soul and the Ice Spirit Divine Soul, and I stole them from you without your permission."


Looking at Chu Ming's eyes, which were filled with three parts sincerity, three parts apology, and four parts tenderness, An Muxi was momentarily stunned, then let out a sigh of relief, seemingly not blaming him. This surprised him.

"Senior sister, you're not blaming me?"

"What should I blame you for? Blame you for stealing my Divine Soul without telling me?"

Compared to Chu Ming's nervous and trembling state, An Muxi's face was calm.

"In fact, this can't really be considered stealing, it's more like copying. The Wood Spirit Divine Soul and the Ice Spirit Divine Soul are still safely inside me."

"It seems so."

Chu Ming let out a sigh of relief, gradually relaxing his tense heart.

It's not that he didn't want to remain calm, but telling someone about the system and Goldfinger was already very dangerous.

What if the person you told had ill intentions?

What if they thought these were your unique abilities and planned to take them by abnormal means?

That would be extremely dangerous.

So after careful consideration, Chu Ming decided to reveal a small part of the secret to An Muxi.

After all, their relationship could be described as intimate, and even if it wasn't said now, it would eventually be revealed one day.

"No wonder you always take my personal clothing, and you even know that I have the Natural Charm Body..."

An Muxi blinked her beautiful eyes coquettishly, staring at Chu Ming's contracted pupils, as if she had thought of something fun, a mischievous curve appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"It seems like my guess was right."

"Senior sister, you're so clever, no one will want to play with you in the future."

Chu Ming helplessly laughed, his words slightly bitter.

"Don't you blame me? After all, I used this secret to bully you every day at the beginning..."

"Realized your mistake?"

An Muxi suddenly turned around, pounced into Chu Ming's arms, and tightly hugged his waist, acting spoiled.

"Now that you've realized your mistake, you have to compensate me by treating me better, you know!?"


"Just saying 'mm' won't work. Since you've kept something from me, you have to follow your own words and serve your punishment!"

An Muxi suddenly raised her face, speaking fiercely, which made Chu Ming unable to help but smile.

"Alright, alright, how do you plan to punish me, senior sister?"


This stumped An Muxi, as she murmured and contemplated in her mind. Then, her eyes suddenly brightened, and her cheeks flushed with a hint of shyness. She bit her lip, blinked her watery eyes filled with shyness, and stared at Chu Ming's eyes.

"Do you have a rope?"

"A rope?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but be confused, then took out a bundle of hemp rope from his spatial bag, which he had prepared for emergencies in the outdoors.

"What do you need the rope for?"

"You'll find out later."

An Muxi smiled mysteriously, then came behind Chu Ming with a hemp rope, gesturing for him to give his hands to her.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Ming seemed to realize something, his expression suddenly enlightened, and a helpless smile appeared on his face. He obediently placed his hands behind his back as An Muxi instructed.

I wonder where this girl learned about this kind of thing. She even knows how to do this?


After about half an incense stick's worth of time, An Muxi clapped her hands and stood up, seemingly very satisfied with her work.

"You can't use your spiritual power to break free. This is your punishment!"

An Muxi warned in a coquettish voice, then came to face Chu Ming, her right hand caressing his firm and muscular chest, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes.

Whenever Chu Ming held her in his arms, there was always a warm and heavy feeling. Now, taking a closer look, it turns out he has such a good figure?!

An Muxi snapped back to her senses, then lightly licked her lips, her previously indifferent words suddenly filled with flirtatious intent.

"You used to bully me all the time, so today I'll bully you a little!"

Half an hour later...

"I already said this is a punishment! You can't make that kind of sound! Shut up!"

An Muxi pouted slightly in anger, and seeing this, Chu Ming quickly restrained the smile at the corners of his mouth, pretending to be in pain, and begged softly for mercy.

"Sister, please spare me, I was wrong."

"No, I won't spare you! You deserve it!"

An Muxi lowered her head as if she had discovered something, her pretty face turning red, but a hint of playfulness and excitement flashed in her eyes.

"Hmph, is your Natural Charm Body acting up? I told you this is a punishment!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Ming pretended to be anxious and uncomfortable on the surface, but in his heart, he found An Muxi's self-righteous and cute behavior somewhat amusing.

Since the term "Natural Charm Body" had turned into the golden "Yin-Yang Chaos Body," it no longer had any side effects.

But Sister still thinks I need her help, huh?

In that case, I should take advantage of this and tease her a little.

After having this idea, Chu Ming fell to the ground in apparent pain, continuously writhing his body and intermittently murmuring.

"Sister, help me..."


Seeing Chu Ming in this state, An Muxi's heart trembled, instantly throwing the idea of punishment out the window. She quickly came to his side and helped him sit up.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

An Muxi asked about the situation with concern while hurriedly freeing Chu Ming's hands. However, the next second, she found herself in a warm embrace.

"Sister, can you help me?" Chu Ming's trembling voice carried a hint of pleading, and the warm breath he exhaled kept brushing against An Muxi's ear, making her cheeks start to feel unusually hot and flushed.

Oh no!

It seemed like she had gone too far with her prank!

Chu Ming's Natural Charm Body had truly erupted!

What should she do? Could it be that they were really going to...

This is a cave in the wilderness! How could she help him do such a thing?!

Although there seemed to be no one around, she still couldn't...

As An Muxi thought more and more anxiously, she finally seemed to compromise with herself. She lightly bit her red lips and shyly whispered in Chu Ming's ear.

"Alright... fine."

Chu Ming revealed a triumphant smile and immediately directed An Muxi to turn around, leaning against his chest and sitting in his embrace.

"This time, let's do it like this..."


Faced with such an embarrassing act, An Muxi protested in a coquettish voice, struggling to get up. Her face flushed with shyness as she shook her head, but the next second, Chu Ming lowered his head and captured her cherry-like lips.

In the end, she could only collapse in Chu Ming's embrace like a puppet...

After more than an hour, An Muxi, exhausted, fell into a deep sleep in his arms. Her long eyelashes trembled lightly, and her rosy cheeks still had a lingering blush, as if the afterglow had not yet faded.

Seeing this, Chu Ming lifted her up in a princess carry and placed her on a soft cushion that had been prepared in advance. He considerately took out a thick blanket and covered her with it.

"She's finally asleep."

Chu Ming gently brushed aside An Muxi's bangs and looked at her beautiful face, sleeping soundly. A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

In this dangerous wilderness cave, he actually didn't want to engage in such intimate behavior with An Muxi. After all, if he wanted to, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. Why bother with it now?

But based on An Muxi's usual behavior, if he didn't do this, she would definitely spend the whole night practicing her cultivation techniques instead of resting.

In order to make her fall asleep, Chu Ming used all his skills to exhaust her mentally, making her go from excitement to exhaustion, and finally fall into a deep sleep.

"Rest well, I'll be back soon."

Chu Ming bent down and kissed An Muxi's forehead before slowly standing up. He took out the "True Child Pill" and placed it next to her as a second insurance, then left the cave with peace of mind.

"Where is the corpse of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon you mentioned? Can you give me the direction?"

"Follow this small path and climb up, let's reach the mountaintop first."

Listening to the slightly excited and deep voice of Heilong beside his ear, Chu Ming narrowed his eyes and spoke again, not feeling reassured.

"If you deceive me, you should know the consequences."

"Oh, big brother, why would I deceive you at a time like this!"

Heilong seemed somewhat speechless and quickly explained,

"What benefit would I gain if you died? I'm still counting on you to help me find the remaining dragon bones and release my demon soul from the Prison Dragon Gorge!"

"We can say that our interests are now intertwined, we live and die together. If I become stronger, you become stronger!"

"I don't want to live and die together with a dead dragon."

"Hey hey hey, why do you speak like that? I'm not completely dead yet, you know!"

Chu Ming no longer listened to Heilong's complaints, but instead looked into the distance at the dim mountains. He took a deep breath, immersed his consciousness in his dantian, and mobilized the spiritual energy within his body, condensing it in his eyes.

In an instant, a faint green fluorescence rippled in his deep pupils, and the previously dim world gradually became clear and bright.

This Foundation Building stage ability is really useful compared to the Qi Refining Realm!

After gradually adapting, Chu Ming took out the dragon bones and climbed towards the mountaintop along the winding path.

However, to his surprise, in the snow-covered mountains that he thought were full of danger, he didn't even see a single Demonic Beast in the middle of the night, but he did encounter various precious spiritual herbs.

"So many Ice Xuan Flowers?"

Chu Ming stood on a giant rock, looking at the flower garden formed by countless Ice Xuan Flowers beneath his feet. The ice-blue fluorescence rippled slightly with the movement of the petals, resembling an ice sea.

"Could they be artificially cultivated?"

Chu Ming was somewhat surprised. If it were the him from before, he would have already jumped down and put these Ice Xuan Flowers into his pocket.

However, because he had a mission, he only glanced at them a few times before intending to leave.

But at this moment, a piercing buzzing sound suddenly approached from afar. Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Like a dark cloud, a swarm of bees suddenly flew towards him from deep within the Ice Xuan Flower bushes, their pitch-black sharp stingers shimmering with astonishing cold light.

Black-tailed Bee Demons?

Chu Ming instantly realized what they were and immediately ran towards the mountaintop.

It's not that he was afraid and didn't dare to fight. After all, a Black-tailed Bee Demon is only at the Qi Refining Realm's seventh or eighth layer of strength, and he could easily slap it to death.

But obviously, it wasn't just one, but a group!

If he were to consume a large amount of spiritual energy here, it would be bad if he encountered a powerful Demonic Beast later on.

Therefore, following the principle of "run if you can, fight if you can't," Chu Ming tried to save every strand of spiritual energy in his dantian as much as possible.

"Hello, you're such a coward!"

Black Dragon couldn't help but mock Chu Ming as he fled in a panic.

"Why don't you just fight back against those Black-tailed Bee Demons? You can easily wipe them all out with the 'Long Bull Technique.' You're not incapable of defeating them."

"Why should I fight when I can run? Their demonic souls are not of much use to me," Chu Ming explained calmly as he flew towards the mountaintop, glancing back to see that the group of Black-tailed Bee Demons had all turned back. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"They have a sense of territory. I just intruded into their territory earlier, so as long as I leave their territory, they won't chase me."

"They may not chase you anymore, but what will you do when you encounter a dead end ahead?"

A dead end? Chu Ming looked puzzled, but then he felt the ground suddenly tremble, and snowballs kept falling around him.

Not far away, a snow-white giant bear slowly emerged from behind the rocks. Its heavy paws kept pounding on its chest, and its round eyes were filled with intense anger.

Obviously, for some reason, it was very angry.

Could it be because it was disturbed while sleeping?

"A Snow Mountain Bear Demon, about seventeen or eighteen feet tall, probably at the Foundation Building First Layer strength," Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath while holding the dragon bone, and then used his leg strength to meet the charging Snow Mountain Bear Demon head-on.

There was only one path up the mountain, so running was definitely not an option.

A coldness flashed in Chu Ming's eyes as he agilely dodged the sudden attack of the bear's paw, and the dragon bone in his hand stabbed fiercely into the soft belly of the Snow Mountain Bear Demon.

Its fur was as hard as steel, and only this uncovered area was its weak point.

However, what Chu Ming didn't expect was that the belly of the Snow Mountain Bear Demon was extremely soft, and the dragon bone didn't pierce through it at all. Instead, it got stuck inside.

Not good!

Feeling the bear's paw roaring towards his head, Chu Ming directly used the "Dragon's Vitality Decision" in his moment of desperation.

In an instant, his hair extended, and the tips of his hair condensed into a dragon head, attacking the Snow Mountain Bear Demon from all directions.


Accompanied by a painful roar, the once tough fur of the Snow Mountain Bear Demon instantly tore apart, and countless hair needles pierced through it, leaving it feeling cold to the core.

Seeing the "red flowers" suddenly blooming above his head, Chu Ming quickly threw away the dragon bone and dodged the splattering blood.

" strong!"

Chu Ming looked at the miserable state of the Snow Mountain Bear Demon in front of him, and his heart was filled with shock.

(End of this chapter)

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