Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

99. Chapter 99 Just Care [Three-In-One Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 99: Just a Scratch [Three-in-One Subscription Request!]

Was my "Life Dragon Art" really this powerful?

Chu Ming originally thought that the "Life Dragon Art," combined with the "Wood Toughening Technique," would mainly focus on control effects, with his own strength being the primary combat power.

But unexpectedly, its attack power was so strong that it actually stabbed a snow mountain bear demon, which had just reached the Foundation Building stage, to death!

You see, the snow mountain bear demon's pride was its thick fur!

Although it had just broken through to the Foundation Building stage, in the same level of cultivation, humans had no way to deal with its strong defense unless they possessed a Law Weapon of higher rank with a penetrating effect.

"The ancients were not deceiving me. Indeed, hair can kill bears."

Chu Ming used the Wood Toughening Technique again to retract his hair and found that the tips had been stained dark red by the blood of the snow mountain bear demon.

Helpless, he had to use the Dior Spirit Sword to cut off a large portion of his hair, reluctantly giving himself an explosive high ponytail hairstyle.

"Every time I have to cut my own hair. Once I become proficient, I might as well open a beauty salon in the Immortal Cultivation World."

Muttering to himself, Chu Ming briefly held his breath with his spiritual power and searched for the demon soul of the bloodied snow mountain bear demon's corpse.

"Found it!"

Chu Ming suppressed the urge to vomit and extracted a demon soul that was still roaring angrily from the snow mountain bear demon's brain, which had turned into a mess of red and white pulp.

"Sure enough, Foundation Building is extraordinary. It actually retains such a high level of spiritual intelligence."

Chu Ming stared at the petite and exquisite demon soul of the snow mountain bear demon for a long time, then cracked a smile and directly stuffed it into his mouth, despite its terrified gaze!

The moment it entered his mouth, the demon soul of the snow mountain bear demon turned into a blue stream of light and rushed into his dantian.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect you humans to be so reckless, trying to refine and absorb me!"

After entering his dantian filled with abundant spiritual energy, the demon soul of the snow mountain bear demon smirked with a sinister look. It was just about to cause havoc when a dragon's roar filled with pressure suddenly roared in its ears.



Although the snow mountain bear demon was full of astonishment at the wolf-like dragon's roar in its ears, the fear and humility that came from the depths of its soul made it understand that this sound could not be produced by a wolf. It was a true dragon!

There was actually a dragon's aura in this human boy's dantian?

The demon soul of the snow mountain bear demon was instantly in chaos. Taking advantage of the moment when it was too frightened to notice the changes around it, the "Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons" quietly opened behind it, and one of its pages suddenly stopped.

A blood-red vortex slowly condensed from the page of the book, and in the blink of an eye, it absorbed the demon soul of the snow mountain bear demon without making a sound.


Chu Ming, who had already been sitting cross-legged and prepared, felt a loud explosion inside his body. The dense blood qi that couldn't be dissipated surged out from his dantian and instantly filled his limbs and bones!

His originally smooth skin began to blush, and his entire body instantly swelled up, with muscles bulging. However, after about half an incense stick's worth of time, it slowly shrank back as if it were "deflating."


Chu Ming slowly exhaled a breath of bloody air. In the moment his eyes opened slightly, a hint of ferocity and gloom flashed deep in his pupils, but it was quickly suppressed, returning to its profound state.

"The demon soul of this snow mountain bear demon, under the transformation of the Book of Life and Death of a Hundred Demons, actually enhanced its own strength, physical strength, ice attribute, and other attributes!"

(Note: The translation provided is a direct translation and may not capture the full meaning or nuances of the original text.)

Chu Ming stood up excitedly and stretched his sore shoulders. Then, he clenched his right fist and fiercely hammered a nearby rock.


The huge rock shattered into pieces, and the snow on top of it fell, covering half of Chu Ming's body. However, he was not displeased at all. On the contrary, he looked extremely excited.

Smashing a rock with one punch? My physical strength has increased a lot!

"Not bad, not bad. It's worth climbing this snowy mountain."

Chu Ming shook off the snow and picked up the dragon bone, continuing to climb up the mountain.

Perhaps it was because the battle just now was too terrifying, or maybe it was because the blood and killing intent on Chu Ming's body were particularly strong.

Until he reached the mountaintop, he didn't encounter a third type of Demonic Beast.

"The ecological environment here is not good. I've been walking for half a day and haven't even seen an ant."

Chu Ming's face was full of regret, then he looked up at the approaching mountaintop and couldn't help but complain.

"There are so few spiritual herbs and Demonic Beasts, only endless white snow..."

"That's because the corpse of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon is buried in this mountain range. It's difficult for any living creature to exist under the mixture of dragon's aura and deathly qi."

"Look, what you're stepping on should be its head."


Chu Ming was startled by the words and quickly jumped aside. After realizing that there was nothing under his feet, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Are you trying to scare me?"

"No, if you don't believe me, keep walking forward."

Further ahead?

Chu Ming looked at the thick snow on the mountaintop and couldn't help but wonder.

"There's no way up anymore."

"I told you, once you climb to the mountaintop, the path is beneath your feet."

Feeling the smugness in the Black Dragon's words, Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly, and he came to a conclusion in his mind.

If we were to judge based on Dragon Race's age, this Black Dragon is definitely a little brat!

But regardless of his complaints, Chu Ming obediently climbed to the mountaintop.

Feeling the sudden cold and howling wind around him, he was slightly stunned, then lowered his head to take a look, and his pupils shrank.

Not far in front of his feet, he thought it was a steep mountain range, but it turned out to be a bottomless abyss that appeared without warning.

The vertical edge was covered with glaciers, and a pale blue mist rippled within it. The terrifying power from the dark depths, which couldn't be seen, rushed towards Chu Ming, causing him to involuntarily take a step back, his Adam's apple rolling.

Is this the path you were talking about?

The path to the Western Heaven that will take me there!

"Jump down, the corpse of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon is in this abyss."

Jump down?

Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly, then he spoke in a serious tone.

"I think you want me to die."

"Brother, trust me this once, I'm not lying about it being down there!"

The Black Dragon clearly sensed Chu Ming's hesitation, so it anxiously swore in a deep voice.

"I swear on my lifelong celibacy that the corpse of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon is definitely in this abyss!"

What a poisonous oath!

Chu Ming couldn't help but be shocked.

For the Dragon Race, a lustful race, being single for a lifetime is more unbearable than being killed. This is definitely the cruelest oath!

"Alright, since you're so sincere, I'll go down and take a look."

Chu Ming sighed lightly, then felt around in the space bag at his waist and realized that he had forgotten to bring the hemp rope in the cave.

Oh no!

Without the hemp rope, how can I go down?

Chu Ming propped his chin up and pondered for a moment. Then, his clever mind had an idea, and he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together.

Life Dragon Art!

Wood Toughening Technique!

In an instant, his hair suddenly grew longer again, turning into strands that resembled dragon heads and scattered in all directions, each finding a large rock or ancient tree to tie itself to.

"Well, not bad. This climbing rope has its own retractable function, so it can control pulling oneself up when in danger."

"But it's a bit itchy on the scalp and easy to cause baldness."

After testing the toughness of his hair, Chu Ming came to the mountaintop, bent his body backward, stepped on the glacier with his feet, and looked down into the abyss, slowly walking forward.

Because his forehead was exposed due to his hair being pulled, his eyelids flipped and his eyes widened, causing the cold wind blowing from the abyss to make his eyes teary, blurring his vision of anything in front of him.


This method is wrong, my scalp hurts too much!

After wiping away his tears again, Chu Ming made up his mind and jumped down directly with a tip of his toe.

"Wu Hu!"

The surge of adrenaline made him unconsciously shout out, and the echo kept reverberating in this dark abyss, as if there were millions of himself responding.

"Wu Hu!"

"Wu Hu!"


Finally, when Chu Ming felt that he was almost at the bottom, he used his hand to slow down his descent by grabbing onto the glacier. When his feet touched the soft ground and stood firmly, he let out a sigh of relief.

However, he did not retract his hair, but used his hand to smooth it out, and walked forward along the edge of the abyss, keeping a vigilant look around.

So quiet!

"Black Dragon, didn't you say that this is the head of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon's corpse? Where is the head?"

"It's right under your feet."

Hearing the unusually excited voice of the Black Dragon, Chu Ming felt as if his heart skipped a beat. His right hand, which was supporting the ice wall, trembled slightly, and a chill ran up his spine.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he slowly lowered his head, revealing his pupils shrinking in fear.

He had been looking ahead and hadn't noticed what was under his feet. At this moment, he realized that the ground he felt was hard and slippery, and it turned out to be a huge lake!

However, this lake was frozen, and one could vaguely see floating plants and the corpses of Demonic Beasts in it.

And a gray-black giant dragon corpse stretched out in front of Chu Ming's eyes, from near to far, until the end.

So... so big!

Chu Ming couldn't help but swallow his saliva, feeling a bit scared.

This giant dragon corpse was thousands of feet long, with its tail occupying one-third of the length. Its sharp claws were on both sides of its huge head, as if it had died in a prone position and was frozen in the lake.

"Is this the corpse of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon?"

Seeing such a ridiculous posture, Chu Ming's fear subsided a bit, and he couldn't help but look puzzled.

"Why is there a dead lake here? Did the Holy Moon Ice Dragon die in the lake and then freeze?"

"I don't know."

The Black Dragon's voice sounded somewhat confused.

"All I know is that it's calling for me, wanting me to save it."


Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, then couldn't help but shudder.

Although there was a trace of ice attribute in his spiritual power, it was obvious that he couldn't resist the cold in this abyss with just that.

This place is not suitable for staying for long, otherwise, he would freeze to death here sooner or later.

Chu Ming crossed his arms and rubbed them, then asked urgently.

"Black Dragon, what should I do?"

"Stab the dragon bone I gave you into the ice lake where its head is."

Upon hearing this, Chu Ming quickly came to the top of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon's corpse's head and forcefully stabbed the dragon bone down!


In an instant, the ice surface cracked outward in a ring-like pattern, and a terrifying pressure instantly filled the bottom of this abyss. It was mixed with a long dragon chant that seemed to come from ancient times.



Are your Dragon Race ancestors really wolves?

Even though Chu Ming was pressed down on the ice surface by the dragon's might, he couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment.

However, at this moment, tiny black spots suddenly appeared on the originally crystal-clear surface of the dragon bones. A friendly aura enveloped Chu Ming, making him feel light all over, and the coldness and dragon's might around his body disappeared at the same time.

This black dragon really did something dragon-like!

After Chu Ming got up, he sat on the ground leaning against the wall. The sound of the dragon chant, like a wolf howl, kept echoing in his ears, as if communicating something.

After about half an hour like this, the two dragon chants seemed to reach some kind of agreement and slowly dissipated after responding to each other.


With a strange sound, the dragon bones suddenly jumped up and fell onto the ice surface by themselves, which made Chu Ming quite puzzled.

Could it be that it's so easy to deal with?

According to reason, in such a moment of great opportunity, there should be all kinds of natural phenomena and sudden changes in the environment, right?

If there really isn't any, then some terrifying aura or a troublesome villain would do!

Whoever obtains a great opportunity would be so calm!

Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly, then he stood up and picked up the dragon bones. After shaking them, he found that they had become lighter, and the originally pale surface was now shimmering with a layer of icy blue.

"Is it done?"


The black dragon's tone was low, mixed with a hint of sadness.

"I took the soul of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon from its corpse. It has been trapped in this sunless abyss for thousands of years, so it can be considered liberated..."

"Do you know why it died here?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but wonder. Seeing that things were settled, he didn't plan to stay here any longer. He controlled his hair to pull himself up, his eyes widened.

Upon hearing this, the black dragon sighed heavily, hesitated for a while, and finally didn't say anything. He just gave a slight reminder.

"This matter is related to those old immortals from the Heavenly Evolution Sect. I'm afraid that saying too much will affect our friendship."

"Big brother, you've already cursed the Heavenly Evolution Sect in front of me, so why do you care about these things?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel speechless.

"Besides, we're not friends, just mutually dependent on each other for our own interests."

"Don't be shy!"

Seemingly relieved of his melancholy by Chu Ming's words, the black dragon returned to his usual liveliness and spoke with a slightly playful tone.

"If you are willing to venture into such a deep abyss to find the soul of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon, I have already recognized you as my friend in my heart!"

"You should know that we, the Dragon Race, are solitary and proud by nature. It is generally difficult for us to have friends from other races, let alone the weak human race."



Why don't you take a look in the mirror and see which one applies to you?

Chu Ming couldn't help but sarcastically comment in his heart. Then, with the help of his shrinking hair, he was pulled back to the mountaintop, gathered his hair into a high ponytail on top of his head, and returned down the mountain the same way.

"Now that we are friends, you have to tell me what benefits you get from obtaining the spirit of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon."

"Benefits? Plenty!"

The voice of the Black Dragon sounded proudly in his ear, and then Chu Ming felt that the dragon bone in his hand suddenly became unusually cold.

He looked down and found that the dragon bone, which was originally translucent white, had turned into transparent ice blue at some point. The originally round ends had also been sharpened, emitting a chilling sharpness.

["Ice Spear Technique"]

[Introduction: Condense Spirit Gathering power into the dragon bone and throw it out, locking onto the enemy 100%. Its power is proportional to the charging time.]


Feeling the sudden appearance of an inexplicable spell information in his mind, Chu Ming couldn't help but look stunned, and was then awakened by the proud voice of the Black Dragon.

"How is it? Impressive, right?"

"Based on the cultivation levels of you humans, this Ice Spear Technique is perfect for those in the Foundation Building stage."

"Is this a spell that the dragon bone comprehended on its own after absorbing the spirit of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon?"

Surprised, Chu Ming suddenly asked a crucial question.

"Although your Ice Spear Technique sounds good and powerful, and even has auto-targeting... how do I retrieve it after throwing it?"

"Don't tell me I have to throw away my weapon when fighting for life and death! Isn't that seeking death?"

"Don't you have the Life Dragon Art?"

The Black Dragon said indifferently.

"You can use your lengthened hair to tie it up, isn't that enough?"


You fucking genius!

Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly, but after all, he had cultivated a new spell, and the excitement in his heart overwhelmed the desire to complain.

At this moment, the tone of the Black Dragon changed, and he said with a hint of mysterious excitement.

"Do you really think that the only benefit I can bring you after absorbing the spirit of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon is this?"

"Try infusing your spiritual power into the dragon bone and see what happens."

Infuse spiritual power into the dragon bone?

Chu Ming couldn't help but pause for a moment, staring at the dragon bone in deep thought. Then, obediently, he mobilized some of his spiritual power and injected it into the bone.

In an instant, a brilliant blue light suddenly flickered, causing him to quickly cover his eyes with one hand. Then, he felt a piercing coldness in the palm of his hand holding the dragon bone.


Immediately after, an extremely intense coldness flowed back into Chu Ming's body through the dragon bone, causing his skin to instantly frost over. The bone-chilling coldness penetrated deep into his bones, making him groan in pain. The depths of his originally profound pupils gradually became covered with sharp and distinct ice crystals.

So cold!

So painful!

So uncomfortable!

Chu Ming bit his lip, his body trembling uncontrollably. In his heart, he cursed the Black Dragon repeatedly, using it as a way to vent his inner anguish.

After about half an incense stick's worth of time, another unfamiliar piece of information entered his brain.

["Dragon Transformation Seven Transformations" - Ice Dragon Transformation]

[Introduction: Within a certain period of time, by activating the "Dragon Marrow" in the dragon bone using the spirit of the "Holy Moon Ice Dragon," one can obtain some of its abilities and physical qualities, and transform into a dragon.]


Chu Ming supported himself with one hand on the dragon bone, panting heavily. His mouth continuously exhaled a mist of ice shards that instantly formed.

When the pain in his body gradually receded like the tide, he curiously clenched his left fist, which was filled with power, and then inexplicably pounded the ground.


A violent explosion accompanied by a heavy impact resounded throughout the extremely cold ice peak. On the nearby mountains, an avalanche poured down instantly, but in the moment that was about to cover Chu Ming, a strange ice-blue light shield surrounding his body blocked it.

So powerful!

After the avalanche ended, Chu Ming stood up with a surprised expression on his face. He clenched his fists and gently touched a small piece of ice-blue dragon scale on his cheek. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly curl up due to his inner excitement.

His physical strength must be at least at the level of a Foundation Building Third Layer body cultivator, or even higher!

"Hehe, now you know the wonderful use of Dragon Marrow!" The triumphant voice of the Black Dragon suddenly sounded in his ear, but this time Chu Ming didn't feel annoyed at all. It sounded pleasing to his ears no matter how he listened to it.

"Your Dragon Marrow is indeed amazing! But since it's called Dragon Transformation Seven Transformations, are there six other transformations?" Chu Ming asked.

"You're thinking too much. With your current cultivation level, even if there are, you can't perform them," the Black Dragon poured cold water on Chu Ming's excitement, temporarily calming him down.

"This Ice Dragon Transformation is only taught to you because your physical qualities far surpass those of cultivators at the same level, and there is also a trace of ice attribute mixed in your spiritual power. Otherwise, you would have long turned into a corpse frozen in ice!"

"Is that so?" Chu Ming scratched his head awkwardly, his face sincere.

"But still, thank you, Black Dragon."

"You're welcome."

Black Dragon accepted Chu Ming's kindness honestly and yawned lazily.

"I need to absorb the essence of the Holy Moon Ice Dragon during this time. I may have to sleep for a while. Don't you die, and don't show off the Dragon Transformation Seven Changes everywhere."

"Don't worry, I cherish my own life more than you do."

Chu Ming smirked and put away the dragon bones after the effect of Dragon Transformation Seven Changes disappeared. He returned to the cave where he and An Muxi were before, his face full of excitement.

This trip to the extremely cold Ice Peak was amazing. It actually greatly improved his strength!

Chu Ming leisurely walked with his hands behind his head. When he returned to the familiar cave entrance, he suddenly discovered that it had been buried by a falling avalanche.

Damn it!

Something bad happened!

Chu Ming's heart sank suddenly. He quickly summoned the Dior Spirit Sword and split it into three swords, swiftly clearing away the accumulated snow at the entrance of the cave.

Once there was a passage for people to enter, he quickly crawled inside.

Inside the cave, the burning bonfire made a crackling sound. An Muxi, who was sitting on a grass mat with her arms around her knees and her face buried in them, seemed to have already woken up.

Upon hearing the movement, she slowly lifted her head. Her desolate expression instantly became joyful when she saw Chu Ming's apologetic face, but in an instant, she became aggrieved as if she was about to cry, complaining.

"Chu Ming, you left me..."

"Sister, I didn't leave you. I just went out to drive away some Demonic Beasts."

Chu Ming quickly came to An Muxi's side and hugged her tightly, gently stroking her back to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't want to disturb you when I saw you sleeping so soundly."

"I thought that after you had me, you would abandon me..."


After hearing these words, Chu Ming couldn't help but feel confused. He slightly pulled away from An Muxi's shoulder, holding her in his arms, and looked at her blush face in the flames, softly saying,

"Sister, we haven't done that kind of thing yet, have we?"

"Haven't done it? You clearly..."

An Muxi stopped halfway through her words due to the shame in her heart. She shyly covered her bare legs with her skirt, constantly fidgeting.

"You took away my stockings and underwear, and you're still trying to argue!"


Chu Ming was first stunned, then complained in his heart.

I didn't!

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