Senpensekai no Madoushoshi

Section IX Choice of Life

"Oh yeah...... I'm... How do you know I'm coming home?

That's what Toslin said when he got out of the carriage. Viscount Illiburg giggled at me as I went on down and had a meeting with Pecori.

(Wow, I thought you seemed a little scared, but maybe a good guy)

"The Count contacted me. I heard you were on your way. I waited for you."

The Viscount holds silver armor and weaves a blue cape. My hair is grey and flushing back, and on its side is a shadow of toslin...... no the other way around. Toslin looks like your father.

"Oh yeah...... Well, then..."

When that toslin spoke and seemed spicy clouding the words, the Viscount put her hand on her shoulder. Toslin is also a taller woman, but he is also a man and his father is higher after all.

"Let's just say we go back from there. Are those beautiful women over there your people?

Whoa, whoa, did you hear that? Because it's beautiful. Well, I guess the majority of those words are directed at Saluena and Rizzelaich, but I'm a little happy.

Oh, my God, it's not like it's floating right now.

"Oh, yeah. As you can see, it's not an elf, but can I get permission to enter the city?

"Of course you can. A friend of my daughter is also a friend of ours. Welcome to my territory of Illiburg."

That being said, when the Viscount raised his hands, the sound of the trumpet sounded mighty. And the soldiers and the knights broke to the side, welcoming the return of Toslin and our visit.

Oh, whoa! I kind of miss this sight.

When we were invited to the castle, we were invited to dinner after a long rest. Sometimes the original was a fort, not very beautiful, but that's how I was guided to a large dining room that felt like a nobleman, and I renewed the thought that Toslin was a lady.

"Well, you're on a journey... it's been over five years? Let's say it again. You're back a lot."

The Viscount saw them all take their seats and cut them out so. Oh, you were wearing armor earlier, but now you're dressed in a loose robe. Come on. Sometimes it's the house that produces talented knights from generation to generation, and it's Saluena next door who told me that she's probably dressed in armor.

"Well, that's not sarcasm, is it? Which side down, like?

Here again, the maids seem to be all warwolves. The dish you served with your ears and tails shaking piccolorly was once again a voluminous, meaty one that betrayed my imagination. So delicious!!

"Do I look like I can do such a clever thing about my daughter I haven't seen in years? I still choose words carefully. Guess what."

The Viscount keeps his mouth full of wine, with little hands on his meal. Come. Apparently, you're right, you're really nervous.

"Mm-hmm... sorry. Oh, this is delicious."

On the other hand, Zakuk, Zuba, Mogmog and a style of toslin that satisfies your appetite with just the right amount of manners.

"You're no different. Thought I'd settle down a little more when I got back from my journey..."

"We've been through a lot, and we've grown a lot, haven't we? Oh, excuse me. Can I get a replacement for this?

The maid who tried to lower the plate was suddenly desirable for a replacement and solidifies with no expression. Until then, Mr. Noelia just got so freaked out that he felt like Kaya, it just stops strangely in my eyes. If you look even closer, the tail is so bloated. Maybe you're so surprised, you're confused. Around not putting that on your face, I think you're a pro.

"I'm sorry, but bring it to me"

"Yes, sir."

The Viscount seems sorry. That said, the maid leaves the room quietly. While inflating the tail even bigger.


With that in mind, as I followed the maid with my gaze, I heard the Viscount cough.

"Hmm, if I could, I'd like to hear all that stuff slowly out of your mouth, but there are circumstances where I wouldn't go either."

"It's about the Count and Carol, isn't it?

With that said, it is naturally Saluena who is more relaxed and wine than the Viscount, the Lord of this occasion. She is magnificent and mypaced anytime, anywhere. I can't believe when this guy isn't, like when he's alone with me or when he's eating a sermon to his sister.

"I don't know. After the news of my daughter came from the Countess, I got another one in the name of the lady. There was an admission (made) that Carol had murdered the Count. It's Toslin. Is this true?

"Huh? It can't be true. Why would he have to do that? You know very well Carol's character, even her dad, don't you?

"That's well, yes..."

Then don't ask me that.

"No, but..."

"What, you're just gonna tell him he's got a motive?

Toslin stabbed a fork in the meat as he stared at the Viscount. Then the Viscount who received it closes his eyes and puts down the wine glass after a gentle sigh.

"... it's Toslin. I did welcome Carol into this house as a squire, but I don't know her as well as you do."


"I love you, and I want you to believe that Carol thing you believe in. But I have a people to protect and a Lord to serve. And if the Lord is murdered, we must question every possibility."

"So how do I get you to believe me? How can I get my dad's help?

"... I'm sorry, but there's very little I can do about this."

The Viscount, though seemingly spicy to say, so unequivocally affirmed.

"Huh? What's that? So my dad says that even if Carol's about to get killed, he's just watching? Carol's a resident here, isn't she? If the inhabitants are dressed in wet clothes, isn't it Dad's duty to help?

"True, but this time it's the Count's house. I shouldn't be taking this out of my mouth, but I'm telling you, my daughter. The Iriburg family is currently under suspicion of treachery. So you can't move so badly right now."

"I see... Well, if the suspicion arose that the Iriburg inhabitants had killed the Count, would that naturally be the story?"

"Toslin. It's a mistake to resent your father in this matter. Carol's life and the lives of the inhabitants. Even if I chose the latter as a lord, that would never be a mistake. Rather, it can be taken for granted."

"Above all, Lord Swordsman. It's Toslin. That's what I'm talking about, so let's see what you can do."

"Oh, I already know..."

Toslin wipes his mouth with a napkin and then stands up all the way up.

"Hey, wait, Toslin. Where are we going?

"Nothing, I'm not going anywhere. I just wanted to tell you a little bit because my dad listened to me."

"Wow!? Hey, Toslin? What? What?

Toslin put his hands on his shoulders from behind as he came to me mogging the meat.


"Hey, what?

(Uh, what? What is Toslin doing now?

"You know what happened in Auschnell a few months ago?

"In Auschnell? Oh, I'm sure Sands Wands is back, huh?

"Good. Looks like La Folia's gonna have that much information on the boulder. So?"

"... so, what?

"Who knocked you down, that kind of information hasn't come in?

That much I heard gave me an idea of what Toslin was trying to do. I thought I couldn't keep eating like this on a boulder. I had a knife and a fork, unfortunately.

"Of course you do. Master Calvafon, apostle of the goddess, and more than fifty knights of the goddess. Besides, I'm guessing Auschnell's valiant hall and the Knights of the White Lily did a wonderful job, didn't they?

"Hmm. If that's what you're telling me, you're doing great."

"... what do you want?

The Viscount wrinkles between her brows and waits for her daughter's words. Then Toslin punched me in the shoulder again after putting on enough body.

And I said this.

"Look, it's Iris Calvafon, the goddess's messenger, who's here."

… and.

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